Informatics training Excel TNA Excel Training Needs Analysis Informatics Training Trimley Ward St Clements Hospital Foxhall Road Ipswich IP3 8LS 116104471 About this Training Needs Analysis: Training needs analysis or TNA’s are designed for us as trainers to guide you as a learner into the appropriate course. By looking at your completed exercise we can assess which areas you are proficient in and those that you need a little help with. We like to ensure that if you are attending a course, you can follow what is being covered in that course without getting lost. For some courses that means having prior knowledge. Below are a series of short questions where you either check a box or type your answer in the indicated box this is to ascertain what knowledge you already have. The sections do progress in difficulty but do not panic, this is not a test, if you do not know how to do something that is fine you would not need to come on training if you knew it all. The TNA is designed for you to help us to help you as best we can so give it a go and see how far you get. You never know, you might surprise yourself! When you have finished save this document and email it back to TNA for Marking Informatics Training © Suffolk Support Services 2009 Page 2 116104471 1. What is the “Active” Cell? a. Last used toolbar button b. Area of the spreadsheet denoted by a flashing border c. Cell whereby the contents are editable d. Area of the spreadsheet denoted by a thick featureless border 2. Which of the below is NOT a way to adjust column widths? a. Click and drag borders in the column headers b. Click and drag the column borders underneath the headers c. Right click the column header and select “Column Widths” d. Double click on the column header borders 3. How do you calculate the coordinates of the Active Cell? a. Column letter then row number b. Column number then row letter c. Row number then column letter d. Row letter then column number 4. What will Autofill automatically fill out for you? a. Contact details b. Formulae c. Calendar appointments d. Patterns of values 5. Which of these is NOT a way to move the active cell on a spreadsheet? a. Mouse b. Arrow keys on the keyboard c. Home, End, Page Up and Page Down keys on the keyboard d. WASD keys on the keyboard 6. Describe how you can centre the contents of a cell across several columns 7. How would you link the contents of a cell in another worksheet? 8. What must a formula start with to denote that a calculation must be made? a. = b. ( c. ! d. SUM © Suffolk Support Services 2009 Page 3 116104471 9. What symbol(s) would you use to force Excel to perform specific calculation first within a formula before calculating the rest? a. “&“ b. (&) c. %&% d. ! 10. How can you tell which sheet is the active one? 11. What does the “=NOW()” formula display in the cell contents? a. Current date & time b. Current time & date c. Number of calculations performed up to the present time d. Number of cells in the present workbook used 12. If A1=2, A2= 5, B1=3 and B2=6, which forumla below would display the value “1” a. =A1*A2-B1+B2 b. =(A1+A2)-(B1+B2) c. =(A1xA2)-(B1+B2) d. =(A1*A2)-(B1+B2) 13. How would you define a conditional format on a range of cells that coloured the background red if the result was more than ten? 14. Which of the following references a cell in the worksheet “Data” in an absolute manner? a. =”Data”A1 b. =Data!A1 c. =”Data”$A$1 d. =Data!$A$1 © Suffolk Support Services 2009 Page 4