IETF 79 Clouds BoF Proposal (Sept. 2010) Area: Applications Clouds - (Apps and Service over) Clouds BOF Proponents: Bhumip Khasnabish, Sam Johnston, T. Sridhar, Carl Williams, Monique Morrow, Gene Golovinsky, Ning So, Meng Yu, Hidetoshi Yokota, Hideki Okita, Xiaogang Wei, Paul Unbehagen, and others (as of Monday, 13-Sept.-2010, has 213 subscribers) BOF Chairs: Bhumip Khasnabish, and Sam Johnston Number of people: 100 Length of session: 2 1/2 hours Conflicts to avoid: APP/decade, IRTF/vnrg, TSV/nfsv4, and OPS/netconf Does it require WebEX? Maybe Responsible AD: Alexey Melnikov Goal: charter a WG Agenda and drafts: Draft Charter: Mailing list: Mailing list archive: Status: Requested Proposed Agenda: Opening – 5 minutes Agenda Review – 5 minutes Cloud Issues/Usecases Review, and Proposed Solution Overview (six speakers) – Around 30 minutes Discussion – Approximately 20 minutes Review of Description (Charter) of the Proposed Working Group –Around 30 minutes Discussion of the BoF Questions – Approximately 30 minutes Timetable: IETF-77: 25 March 2010 – 1st Clouds bar BoF [Mtg minutes are available at ] IETF-78: 28 July 2010 & 29 July 2010 – 2nd Clouds bar BoF Mtg. minutes are available at ] IETF-79: 7-12 Nov. 2010 – Clouds BoF Proposed ( Contact: Bhumip Khasnabish (, Monday-13Sept.2010 Page 1 of 4 IETF 79 Clouds BoF Proposal (Sept. 2010) Description of the proposed Clouds Working Group (Charter) Cloud-based systems are conveniently connected modular blocks of abstracted resources. The resources include — but not limited to — computing (CPU), communications (bandwidth), memory (storage), management, database, software, applications, services, security, interconnectivity, etc. Other definitions of Cloud-based systems are available at Clouds Discussion Archive ( Services over Cloud allow utilization of the abstracted resources to provision, create, securely and trustfully deliver, and maintain an end-to-end (ETE) service for the duration of its use without any sort of long-term contracts or commitment to pay for or use the resources. This type of loose coupling of resources (and services) with physical infrastructure allows rapid repositioning of computing and communication resources and their growth in a costeffective fashion. Unfortunately currently there is no one unified mechanism to support the abstraction of the resources and their secure and trustful provisioning for developing, managing, and maintaining Cloud-based services. The purpose of the IETF Cloud working group (once formed) is to standardize on the Protocols, resource and service (software/platform/infrastructure as service) provisioning, trust, security, and interoperability methods, Application Programming Interface (API) profiles for exposing services, mechanisms for logging and auditing for end-to-end service monitoring, and service management including change management as these apply to within (e.g., intra- and inter-layer of a Cloud reference framework) the Cloud and between Clouds. Overlapping work and efforts will be contributed to and synchronized with other relevant groups (e.g., APP/decade, IRTF/vnrg, TSV/nfsv4, and OPS/netconf). There is no Standard Cloud Reference Framework in IETF now, so first we may need to agree on a Reference Framework based on the currently available and widely recognized Cloud Reference Frameworks. End-to-end monitoring is essential for assuring the service quality of the applications. This group will identify/develop Protocols, API profiles, data formats to satisfy accessibility, interoperability, trustworthiness, security and data portability between different implementations of the cloud. These will include the development of mechanisms for resources abstraction admission control, provisioning for services, scheduling, monitoring, and logging. The following is a high-level list of work items: Logging and Auditing of Cloud services - CloudLog, and CloudAudit Client and Cloud/Server-side API Profile(s) for Service (including enhancement of existing IETF protocols) - Public, Private, and Hybrid (toolkit approach) Virtualization and Hosting (including graceful multi-tenancy support) - Virtualization of Applications, Services, and Databases Cloud Reference Framework - Review/Overview of a Cloud Ref. Framework Distributed Intra- and Inter-Domain File Systems / Database - Software/platform/infrastructure as a service - Distributed Scheduling of resources Address resolution and extension - Virtual private network extension to Cloud Protocols and Interoperability - Adaptive Protocols for Generic Cloud Services - Inter-Domain Service-Specific Adaptive Protocols Security and Trust mechanism as applicable to Cloud Software and Hardware - Methods, Mechanisms, Process, and Best Practices Resource and Service Provisioning and Management - Intra- and Inter-Domain including Change Management Risk-tolerance, Resiliency, and SLA (RRS) - Mean time to failure and recovery (MMTF and MMTR) for Cloud resources Contact: Bhumip Khasnabish (, Monday-13Sept.2010 Page 2 of 4 IETF 79 Clouds BoF Proposal (Sept. 2010) - End-to-End assurance of quality for Apps and Services The resulting specifications will be clear and concise, standards based on that can be easily implemented and interoperated. Note: All of the Clouds bar BoF presentations and relevant documents are available at the following Website ( The participants are encouraged to review the SDO/WG survey, Standards gap, reference framework, issues, use cases, and solution requirements documents before the meeting. The deliverables of the working group are as follows: A survey of activities of the Cloud Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) and Working Groups (WGs) will be conducted and the results will be analyzed for publication as an informational Internet draft. This will be based on the draft-khasnabish-cloud-survey-00.txt (available at Tentative publication date is March 2011. A Cloud reference framework will be developed using the currently available and widely recognized Cloud Reference Frameworks. This will be based on the information that that are being collected in Khasnabish-et-alIETF-78-Cloud-Reference-Framework-v3b-5Aug2010.ppt (available at Tentative publication date is July 2011. A survey of industry gaps in terms of work items related to exposing Cloud resources, and provisioning and managing cloud-based services will be conducted. This will not only help us identify the area where open, hybrid, and proprietary mechanism are utilized, it will also enable us prioritize the work items. This will be published as an Informational Internet draft (draft-Khasnabish-et-al-cloud-Industry-gap-00) in July 2011 using the materials that are already available in Khasnabish-et-al-cloud-Industry-gap-v3-Sept10.pdf (available at A draft on cloud-based video streaming service will be prepared using the mechanism that is presented during IETF78 Clouds bar BoF (draft-wei-dewar-cloud-video-sreaming-00 based on Wei-Dewar-IETF-78-Clouds-bar-BoFCloud-Video-Streaming-29July10.pdf, available at This will be published in July 2011. A draft related to HTTP enhancement will be developed for use in client and platform side APIs. That draft will be based on the proposal that has been presented during IETF-78 Clouds bar BoF (Johnston-IETF-78-Clouds-bar-BoFStd-Gap-28July10.pdf) and is available at Tentative publication date for this draft is July 2011. A draft on maintaining Logs of Cloud services will be prepared using the proposal presented in draft-golovinskycloudlog-00 (Golovinsky-IETF-78-Clouds-bar-BoF-Cloud-Logging-28July10.pptx, available at and the tentative publication date for this draft is July 2011. A draft on Cloud service auditing will be prepared by Hoff, Johnston, Sapiro, and Reese using the existing drafthoff-cloudaudit-00. Publication date for this draft is November 2011. Two drafts are being proposed for address resolution and VPN extension to private clouds. These are draft-dunbararp-for-large-dc-* (Dunbar-et-al-IETF-78-Clouds-bar-BoF-Cloud-Address-Resolution-28July10.pdf, available at, and draft-ning-vepc-requirements-* (So-et-al-IETF-78-Cloudsbar-BoF-VEPC-Req-28July2010.ppt, available at These are tentatively scheduled for publication in March 2012. Contact: Bhumip Khasnabish (, Monday-13Sept.2010 Page 3 of 4 IETF 79 Clouds BoF Proposal (Sept. 2010) A draft specifying protocols for supporting and maintaining intra- and inter-domain mobility of resources will be prepared using the concepts presented in Morrow-IETF-78-Clouds-bar-BoF-Resource-Mobility-28July10.pdf (available at This draft draft-morrow-cloud-resource-mobility00 will be published in July 2012. The group will also prepare (i) a draft specifying the management information model for virtual networks in Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that are using server virtualization using Okita-Clouds-VNM-model-for-PaaSSept10.pdf (available at with publication date of Sept. 2012, and (ii) a draft on Virtualization and mobility of core IMS (IP multimedia sub-system) resources using Yokota-CloudsTelecom-Net-Virtualization-Sept10.pdf (available at with publication date TBD. A few additional proposals are currently being socialized through discussions in and the weekly conference calls. These include the following: (1) Development of Virtual desktop for mobile clients, and (2) Cloud security and service trustworthiness. These will be presented during subsequent Clouds meeting, and the related drafts will be published in future. …………………………………………………………………… End of the BoF proposal…………………………………………………………… Contact: Bhumip Khasnabish (, Monday-13Sept.2010 Page 4 of 4