Language Arts Teaching Strategies Partner reading Re-read Small groups Sustained silent reading Checklists Summarize Popcorn reading Generate questions KWL Graphic organizers Pneumonic devices Flashcards Use vocabulary Use students experts Cues Ask questions Illustrations ACE Provide 1 to help 1 Redo work Study models Modeling Reader’s theatre Pre-teach vocabulary Chunking words Breaking words Teach vocabulary in Spanish Tactile objects Manipulative Word knowledge grid Skill books Real life examples Personal examples Clarifying Use highlighters Guided reading Games Paraphrase Peer learning groups Personal word list Retell story Peer buddies Event maps Predictable schedule Personal pictures Word wall Beach balls Reading for meaning Cloze exercises Skimming Plot diagram Reports Green-red strategy (capitals & punctuation) P*I*E strategy Red-hots, macaroni & peas (red-hots for periods, elbow macaroni and split peas for question marks) Pocket folder research Do the 2’s (cooperative learning strategy) Word families Decoding Use word in a sentence Multi-cultural activities Strategies for Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners Surveys Demonstrations Dance/plays Make a video Field trips Dress up as characters Role play Interviews Charades Projects Walking and reading Musical performances Charades Projects Walking and reading Musical performances Science labs Scrapbooks Artistic creations Dioramas Posters Games Calculators Puzzles Mobiles Collages Computers Sculptures Strategies for Visual Learners Diagrams Games Recipes Cartoons Displays Posters Writing Reading Power point or slide show Flashcards Bulletin boards Illustrations Photographs Collages Newspapers Magazines Books Movies Crossword or word puzzles Maps Strategies for Auditory Learners Oral report Oral presentation Students “teach” Panel discussion Debate Tape recordings Songs/raps Poems TV or radio show Verbal games Show and tell Share current events Peer tutoring Demonstrations Strategies for Math Fact games using 12 sided dice Dominoes Manipulatives Color tiles Protrators to measure angles Math vocabulary bingo Word and vocabulary wall Fraction bars Math war with cards Math graphic organizers Create tables, charts, graphs Use calculator Use reverse operation to check answer Show and tell how you solved the problem Relective writing about math Virtual manipulatives Use real money Computer activities-specific one (s) Flashcards Peer learning groups Math games-specific one (s) Musical math Small steps/break it down Raps/songs about skills Timers Math relays Use student experts Personal scenarios for word problems Draw pictures for word problems Ask questions Measure real life objects Solve algebraic problems vertically Other Teaching Strategies Model how to work out problems for students. Model strategies for students to assist in solving various math problems. Create a chart which shows students the key words to look for in word problems and their meanings. Give the class time to work in small groups with assistance from teacher. Play the game “Beat the Teacher” to practice problems. Review the strategies learned during math at the end of each day. Conference with each student to ensure understanding of skill. Give “over the shoulder” feedback each day during math Count to 100 with class each day. Create focused problems for the class to practice each day. Give students time to work in groups or independently. Create a “step sheet” to demonstrate how problems are worked out. Use skill specific activities with the SMART board. Create “hands on” activities to help with understanding. Give the class time to play math games aligned to the focused skill. Teach the class the “TIPS” strategy for word problems (ask Ms. Goodwin). Create a reference wall – allowing children to make the visuals for the reference wall. Use mnemonic devices – allow children to generate the ideas. Have math competitions with other grade-level classes for acquiring math facts. Use individual white boards to practice – create teams using them. Have students make a comic strip or cartoon. Use highlighters. Partner read or echo read. Have students do oral reports. Construct a model or diorama. Student Learning Strategies Underline key words in word problems. Practice problems daily with a partner. Use tally marks to assist with understanding of addition. Use manipulatives (base ten blocks, clocks, cubes, etc) to assist in solving problems or to help with understanding. Write your own math problems. Work with a peer tutor who can show you how to work out the problem. Work on practice problems at home. Draw pictures to help solve problems. Create “cheat sheet” for reminders of strategies. Practice using flashcards. Use white boards to demonstrate understanding of concepts. Check each others homework and help those who need it. Create posters with math strategies. Create quiz questions for classmates. Get help from a math “expert” when you have a question. Use reference wall/folder. Reading Specific Cognition: Vocabulary write word: def. in own words-picture, vocabulary cartoons. Context clues-cloze activities, underlining word in text to support Plot – flow map, oral retelling, story cards Main idea- detail graphic organizer, highlighting Author’s purpose-PIE charts, sorting books, reading from a variety of books, tree map Character-drawing a picture, character maps, acting out the character-role playing, poetry, bubble map Setting-video clips, drawing pictures, dioramas Details-underlining in text Graphic sources-making representations, integrating with math/science, using multiple examples Reading to comprehend-journals, response notebooks Interpretation: Figurative language-drawing a picture to show what it means/representation Generalizing highlighting text to support, generalization-supporting text graphic organizers Comparing/contrasting/analyzing characters across selections Double Bubble Map, Venn Diagram, character analysis activity, role playing Conduct research-research projects Critical stance: Summarizing-highlighting, summarizing graphic organizers, journals, using clue words Considering the author’s point of view RAFT’s Analyze characters, events, and plot character map Compare-contrast within the text Double Bubble Map, Venn Diagram, character analysis activity T chart, sorting Connections: Text to self-journals, writing, Venn Diagram, background building, KWL charts Text to text-Venn Diagrams, double bubble maps, using a variety of texts Text to world-video clips, writing, field trips, internet Differences in genres-tree map