Letters and Sounds: Phase Five Best Bet Best Bet - This activity is developed from a resource originally included in Distance Learning Materials, National Literacy Strategy, DfEE 1998. It extends the activity in Letters and Sounds, Page 147. Purpose To develop children’s knowledge of spelling choices for long vowel phonemes: Resources Whiteboards and pens, one per child Selection of words generated from word lists under grapheme headers. Procedure 1. Display the lists of words. 2. Discuss which columns have the most words in them and which the least. Point out that in English some spelling patterns are very rare but that some very common words (e.g. they) have rare spellings. 3. Ask the children if they can spot a pattern (e.g. the ay grapheme occurs at the end of words; the commonest spelling for the phoneme followed by t is ate; the commonest spelling for the phoneme followed by k is ake). 4. Ask the children to write a word not on display containing the same phoneme as some of the words listed (e.g. hay). 5. Where there are potentially two possible spellings ask the children to write which grapheme they think might be in a particular word and decide whether they think it is correct when they have looked at it written down. 6. The children then learn the correct spelling. /ai/ ai laid maid paid raid fail mail nail pail sail rail tail aim claim brain chain drain gain grain main pain rain Spain stain train bait wait trait ay day play may say stray slay spray tray crayon delay a-e glade jade made shade age cage page rage stage wage bake brake cake drake fake flake lake came game same shame tame blame dame fame frame flame lame name cane Jane lane mane pane plane case chase ace face grace lace pace race space brave cave Dave gave grave rave save shave slave wave eigh eight freight weight sleigh ea great break steak ate crate date gate hate Kate late mate 1 make rake sake snake stake take wake e-e fete Rare ey they aigh straight plate rate skate slate spate state dale gale male pale sale tale whale /ee/ bleed breed creed deed feed greed need seed speed weed creep deep keep peep sheep sleep steep sweep weep ee cheek greek leek meek seek sleek week feel heel kneel peel reel steel wheel been green keen queen seen screen beet feet fleet meet sheet sleet sweet i-e lead read bead beak freak leak peak speak squeak streak weak bean clean Jean lean mean team steam beam gleam ream ea deal heal meal peal real seal steal squeal veal cheap heap leap reap sea tea plea eat beat bleat cheat heat meat neat peat seat teat treat wheat repeat e-e these Pete Eve Steve even theme gene scene complete extreme east beast feast least yeast 2 /igh/ ie pie lie tie die cried died dried fried lied tied tried spied replied denied bribe scribe tribe dice lice mice nice price rice slice spice twice vice i-e file mile pile smile stile tile while bride guide hide ride side slide tide wide inside chime crime grime lime mime slime time knife life strife wife bike like spike strike Rare y-e type dine fine line mine nine pine shine spine vine wine pipe ripe stripe swipe wipe rise wise bite kite mite quite site spite white write invite i child mild wild climb chive dive drive five hive jive strive thrive igh bright fight flight fright height knight light might night plight right sight slight tight /oa/ oa coal foal goal oak cloak croak soak o boast coast roast toast load road toad old bold cold fold gold hold sold told poll roll toll scroll stroll troll ghost host most post oe toe hoe doe foe Joe goes tomatoes potatoes heroes code rode strode bloke broke choke joke poke stoke smoke spoke stroke woke o–e dole hole mole pole sole stole vole whole dome chrome home gnome bone cone lone phone throne tone stone zone 3 /oo/ ue argue cue clue due blue flue glue glued hue issue pursue queue queued rescue rue statute sue sued Sue tissue true value venue ou group oo cruel duel fuel gruel brood food cool drool fool pool spool stool tool boom bloom broom doom gloom groom room zoom boon moon noon soon spoon Rare u truth Ruth u–e coop droop hoop loop scoop stoop troop spook goose loose moose noose choose loot root scoot toot tooth mule rule Yule fume plume cube tube June prune tune crude dude Jude fuse muse use rude puce truce ew chewed stewed chews grew flew viewed ui juice sluice bruise cruise fruit suit newt huge fluke Luke brute cute flute lute mute o tomb womb /oo/ modify according to regional pronunciation 4 /ar/ /oi/ ar card guard hard lard yard ark bark dark hark lark mark shark spark charm farm harm a calm palm psalm cart dart part smart start blast fast last mast past oi oil boil coil foil soil spoil toil coin join oy boy toy joy oyster Roy destroy Floyd enjoy royal annoy joint point noise /ar/ modify according to regional pronunciation /ow/ /oo/ ow cow how now bow row pow brown clown crown down drown frown town ou owl fowl howl growl prowl scowl towel crowd loud cloud proud bound found hound mound pound sound wound out scout shout spout mouth south house louse mouse 5 oo good hood stood wood u pull full bull playful book cook crook hook look rook shook took put ou could would should /oo/ modify according to regional pronunciation /or/ or for cord ford Lord cork fork pork stork aw dawn drawn fawn lawn pawn prawn yawn born corn horn morn scorn torn thorn worn cornet a ball call fall hall stall tall wall wool ough bought foot brought fought nought sought bush push cushion pudding augh caught taught talk stalk walk fort port short sort Rare ar wart /or/ modify according to regional pronunciation /ur/ ur fur curd ir urn turn turnip bird third shirk surf turf curl hurl er first thirsty birth thirteen burp curse nurse purse girl whirl dirt shirt skirt squirt herb kerb verb jerk perk germ perm term therm fern stern verse ear earn learn or work word worm heard pearl worse worst 6 burn churn hurt spurt sir /ea/ bread dead dread head lead read stead spread tread thread Rare ai said /ear/ ea deaf breast breadth dealt breath death meant ear beard ear dear fear hear gear near rear tear year leapt health stealth wealth ere adhere here interfere mere severe eer beer deer jeer cheer peer sneer sheer veer career steering /air/ air air cairn chair fair hair lair pair ere there where everywhere nowhere somewhere ear bear pear swear tear wear are bare care dare fare hare mare scare share square stare 7