2002-2012 10 YEARS OF LIFE Dr. Joan Lluis Vives-Corrons Head of ENERCA project Head of the Red Cell Pathology Unit Hospital Clínic - IDIBAPS of Barcelona “Rare Diseases a model of EU Solidarity” ¿Why ENERCA ? Visit your doctor… You feel ill… The doctor prescribes iron pills… The doctor does some tests… …and says: you have anaemia! ENERCA 2012 2012 ENERCA With the RIGHT DIAGNOSIS you feel better How ENERCA reduces Health Inequalities? Recommendations Clinical Patient care Training courses European Symposium on Rare Anaemias THE FUTURE: Networking Moving forward to the creation of a European Reference Network (ERN) of Expert Centres on Rare Anaemias ENERCA WHITE BOOK THEMedical FUTURE:Advice Telemedicine and Telediagnosis ENERCA has tools and experts for a better diagnosis… Why not sharing knowledge and expertise ? MEDICAL ADVICE Second opinion / Interprofessional support Case manager Experts Diagnostic orientation Experts information Diagnosis MEDICAL ADVICE THE FUTURE: Research Collaboration with NEW TRENDS Why CIBERER? The Biomedical Network Research Centre on Rare Diseases (CIBERER) is one of the 9 public consortiums set up at the initiative of the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII)-Ministry of Science and Innovation, to act as a reference to coordinate and foster research into Rare Diseases in Spain. Mission The knowledge generated is translated from the laboratory to clinical practice Translational Research Network Structure • 60 Research Groups 29 Consorted Institutions • Universities, Hospitals, Research Centers thanks to CIBERER have created an innovative network structure: offers opportunities of research actions and public-private collaboration • The centre encloses clinical and basic researchers promoting Cooperative Research in RD ¡THANK YOU! Enerca Coordination Team Head of Project - J.L. Vives Corrons (jl.vives@enerca.org) Project Manager - María del Mar Mañú Pereira (maria.manu@enerca.org) Project Assistant - Laura Olaya Costa (laura.olaya@enerca.org) Red Cell Pathology Unit Hospital Clinic i Provincial University of Barcelona c/ Villarroel 170 080036-Barcelona Phone: +34 934515950 www.enerca.org