`Capital punishment`, LXIX (Jan

JFS contributions to Fraser’s Magazine
‘Capital punishments’, LXIX (Jan.-June 1864), 753.
‘Report of the Capital Punishment Commission’ (signed), LXXIII (Jan.-June 1866), 232.
‘Women and scepticism’, LXVIII (July-Dec. 1863), 679.
‘Japan’, LXIX (Jan.-June 1864), 101.
‘Mr. Thackeray’, LXIX (Jan.-June 1864), 401.
‘The Privy Council and the Church of England’, LXIX (Jan.-June 1864), 521.
‘Dr. Newman’s Apologia’, LXX (July-Dec. 1864), 265.
‘Dr. Pusey and the Court of Appeal’, LXX (July-Dec. 1864), 644.
‘What is the law of the Church of England?’ (signed), LXXI (Jan.-June 1865), 225.
‘English Ultramontanism’, LXXI (Jan.-June 1865), 671; LXXII (July-Dec. 1865), 1.
‘Mr. Lecky on rationalism’, LXXII (July-Dec. 1865), 537.
‘Ecce Homo’, LXXIII (Jan.-June 1866), 746; LXXIV (July-Dec. 1866), 29.
[‘The present state of religious controversy’, LXXX (July-Dec. 1869), 547.]
[‘On certitude in religious assent. A letter to the author of an article in the Dublin Review
for April 1871’, V (n.s.) (Jan.-June 1872), 23.]
‘Alison’s History of Europe’, LIII (Jan.-June 1856), 597.
‘Sir Archibald Alison’, LIV (July-Dec. 1856), 154.
‘England and America’, LXVIII (July-Dec. 1863), 419.
‘Life and writings of Theodore Parker’, LXIX (Jan.-June 1864), 229.
‘Kaye’s History of the Indian Mutiny’, LXX (July-Dec. 1864), 757
‘Merivale’s sermons on the conversion of the Roman Empire’, LXXI (Jan.-June 1865),
‘Mr. Carlyle’, LXXII (July-Dec. 1865), 778.
‘Voltaire as a theologian, moralist, and metaphysician’, LXXVI (July-Dec. 1867), 541.
‘The Village on the Cliff’ [Anne Thackeray], LXXVI (July-Dec. 1867), 491.
[‘Froissart’s Chronicles’, VIII (n.s.) (July-Dec. 1873), 37.]