September - Red River Basin Commission

Red River Basin Commission
Board of Directors
Jack Adams, SD; Donald Alexander, MB; Earl Anderson, MN; Richard Andring, MN; Jim Azure, ND; Joe Belford, ND;
Garry Brown, MB; Mike Brown, ND; Jerry Dahl, MN; Carolyn Engebretson, MN; Jon Evert, MN; Quentin Fairbanks, First
Nations; Dennis Fewless, ND: Tom Fischer, ND; Dale Frink, ND; Bruce Furness, ND; Dave Gera, MB; Jake Gust, ND; Al
Grasser-Dir. Rep., ND; Ron Harnack, MN; Bryon Heinrichs, MB; Todd Johnson, SD; Lee Klapprodt, Dir. Rep., ND; Michael
Kotchman, ND; Jeff Lewis, MN; Kent Lokkesmoe,
MN; Dave Loss-Alternate USACE; MN; Ken Madison, SD; Diane
Malley, MB; Rick Martel, MB; Herm Martens, MB;
Eugene “Jeep” Mattson, MN; Doug McNeil, MB; Lawrence Morris,
MB; Glenn Murray, MB; Richard Nelson, MN; Donald Ogaard, MN; R.S.”Bud” Oliver, MB; John Oxton, ND; Randall
Pappel, MB; Michael Polovitz, ND; Tom Raster, Alternate USACE; Jon Roeschlein, SD; Riley Rogers, ND; Valerie
Rutherford, MB; Sam Schellenberg, MB; Don Schirrick, MN; Muriel Smith, MB; Chuck Spitzack, USACE; Lynn Stauss, MN;
Barrie Stevenson, MB; Bruce Third, MB; Genevieve Thompson, Environment; Gary Thompson, ND; Steven Topping, MB;
Henry Van Offelen, MN; Ben Varnson, ND; Alain Vermette, Ex-Officio, PFRA, MB; Hetty Walker, ND; Linda Weispfenning,
ND; MB; Daniel Wilkens, MN; Lauri Winterfeldt-shanks, MN
City Council Chambers
255 4th St N
Grand Forks, North Dakota
September 5, 2002
11:00 a.m.
Bruce Furness, Chairman of the Red River Basin Commission, called the meeting to order. Furness welcomed the board
members and visitors.
Directors present: Jim Azure, Joe Belford, Dennis Fewless, Tom Fischer, Bruce Furness, Allen Grasser, Jake
Gust, Lee Klapprodt, Jeff Lewis, Rick Martel, Eugene Mattson, Doug McNeil, Richard Nelson, Don Ogaard,
R.S. “Bud” Oliver, Jon Roeschlein, Riley Rogers, Sam Schellenberg, Muriel Smith, Chuck Spitzack, Bruce
Third, Genevieve Thompson, Henry Van Offelen, Daniel Wilkens, Lauri Winterfeldt-Shanks
Directors absent: Jack Adams, Don Alexander, Earl Anderson, Richard Andring, Garry Brown, Mike Brown,
Jerry Dahl, Carolyn Engebretson, Jon Evert, Quentin Fairbanks, Dale Frink, Dave Gera, Ron Harnack, Bryon
Heinrichs, Todd Johnson, Mike Kotchman, Kent Lokkesmoe, Dave Loss, Ken Madison, Diane Malley, Herm
Martens, Lawrence Morris, John Oxton, Randall Pappel, Mike Polovitz, Tom Raster, Valerie Rutherford, Don
Schirrick, Lynn Stauss, Barrie Stevenson, Gary Thompson, Steve Topping, Ben Varnson, Alain Vermette,
Hetty Walker, Linda Weispfenning
RRBB Staff Members: Lance Yohe, Executive Director; Julie Goehring, Communications Coordinator; Janeen
Stenso, Executive Administrator; Chuck Fritz, Program Manager; Harold Taylor, Winnipeg Office Deputy
Director, Kevin Scheidecker, Basin Coordinator
Approval of Agenda: Agenda approved with addition of discussion on Consensus and Board Structure.
Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve the minutes of the August 1, 2002 RRBC meeting by Schellenberg. Second by
Rogers. Carried.
Executive Director Report: Report filed with minutes. Yohe introduced new staff member, Kevin Scheidecker, RRBC Basin
Internal Committee Reports
Executive Committee – Bruce Furness Report filed with minutes.
Furness reported on the August 22nd Executive Committee teleconference. The 319 Contract, the RRIW RM
contracts, and Base funding were some of the agenda items discussed. The committee also discussed sections of
the by laws concerning, the new board structure, consensus, and board member replacement procedure. Furness,
Oliver, and Yohe presented a suggestion for the new board structure.
Finance Committee Report – Jeff Lewis, Treasurer
RRBC Treasurer, Lewis, reviewed the one-page Combined Balance Sheet for August. The current fund balance
as of August 31, 2002, and after bills are paid, is $59,801.96. Motion by Oliver to approve the Treasurer’s Report
and the bills as presented. Second by Gust. Carried. Lewis reported on the August 26th Finance report. Report
filed with minutes. The Committee will meet September 23rd to develop the 2003 RRBC budget to be presented at
the October RRBC meeting.
Human Resource Committee Report – Jeff Lewis
Lewis reported on the August 16th Human Resource Committee teleconference. Job descriptions and changes to
the RRBC Personnel Manual were discussed.
Nominating Committee – Bruce Furness
The committee will be meeting soon to work on the slate of officers for the annual meeting.
External Committee Reports:
Leadership Center – Sam Schellenberg - report filed with minutes
Plan Management Committee: Schellenberg reported on the September 4th Plan Management
meeting and recommendations. The Committee will have language for the consensus / voting
section of the by laws out for review before the next board meeting. The Guiding Principles
Review team will be meeting in the near future.
CREP Report – Chuck Fritz – report filed with minutes
Partnership Center – Harold Taylor - report filed with minutes.
Outreach Activities: Taylor reported on outreach activities, including the WIN “Sate of the Basin
Report” and the TMDL effort.
International Red River Board:
Communications Center - Julie Goehring - report filed with minutes.
Annual Conference - Goehring reported on the Conference Planning Committee progress.
Communications Committee - Goehring reported on the activities of the committee including
press releases, the RRBC display and the website.
Technical Resource Center – Chuck Fritz
Other Committee Reports: Special Task Forces
Pembina River Advisory Board – Harold Taylor
Devils Lake – Board member Belford reported on the changes and activities in the Devils Lake Basin.
Roseau River International Watershed – Taylor reported on the activities of the RRIW.
Unfinished Business:
New Business: Action Items
Executive Committee: Motion by Wilkens to recommend adopting the Board appointment/election process and adding
it to the by laws. Second by Martel. Carried.
Human Resource Committee: Motion by Belford to recommend adopting the personnel manual as adjusted for the
new organization -- RRBC. (There will be additions in the future as we gather more Canadian information). Second by
Schellenberg. Carried.
Plan Management Committee: Motion by Wilkens to recommend adopting the Inventory Reports produced by RRBB
and face to face forums. Second by Schellenberg. Carried.
Motion by Winterfeldt – Shanks to recommend adopting the Guiding Principles developed by RRBB and face to face
forum. Second by Roeschlein. Carried.
Partnership Committee: Recommend having a press conference in Canada on the Dredging project that TIC initiated,
that reports on the final project outcomes and explains the transition of TIC into RRBC. (Bud, Harold, Lance, other
Board members who can attend).
FEMA CTP Agreement: The Board, at the April 4, 2002 Board meeting, approved further exploration of a
CTP agreement (Cooperating Technical Partner) with FEMA. This is what a CTP would encompass. The
agreement allows us to work with FEMA and receive funds from and/ or work with FEMA in the Hazard
Identification and Risk Assessment Branch. This is where the modeling effort, if funded, would link to FEMA.
The nice thing about this CTP agreement is that it allows both Region V & VIII of FEMA to connect with RRBC
and the Red River Basin through the lead FEMA staff that has been assigned to work with us through DC
headquarters and the Director’s office. There are no binding obligations by any of the parties who sign the CTP
at this time. That would all be spelled out if a project or activity would evolve that would include financial and/or
staff commitments by any of the parties. Each party could then decide if they wanted to participate.
Recommend: Moving forward with the CTP agreement and continue to work on the modeling & FDR projects. Motion
by Nelson to continue with this effort and to bring a full report back to the board. Second by Rogers. Carried.
Motion by Wilkens to recommend entering into contractual agreement with the 4 RM’s to develop a plan for the
Canadian Roseau to parallel the US Roseau planning effort. (This would then become part of Plan Management
Committee. If funded at the full level by the RM’s---Provincial, and Federal support will also be sought-- a staff person
in Canada would be hired for this project, the budget adjusted, and a detailed project cost—fund balance will be
started. This project has to cash flow for the 18 months it will entail, or we will be unable to accommodate it). Second
by Third. Carried.
Presentation – "Making the Most of Conservation Opportunities"
A project of the University of Minnesota Northwest Regional Sustainable Development Partnership
Presenters: Ken Pazdernik, Daryn McBeth, Linda Kingery
Next Meeting Date: November 7, 2002 – Grand Forks, ND
Adjournment: 3:30 p.m.