March 2011 For best viewing results save this file to your PC, then Ctrl+Click on the hyperlinks. This monthly current awareness service, produced by the NFER Library, highlights recent reports, publications and useful documents from prominent educational research-related websites. Details of publishers’ websites can be downloaded from the NFER website. Items are arranged by keyword and some items may appear more than once if more than one keyword has been used. Clicking on a hyperlinked index term will redirect you to the document(s) indexed with that term; clicking on [index] at any point in the list will return you to this page. Copyright of items listed in ontheweb remains with the copyright owners of the websites listed. It is not meant to be exhaustive and inclusion is not an endorsement of an organisation's website. If you find this service useful, have any comments or are aware of useful websites, please contact who will add them to our list for review. 14-19 16-19 Alcohol Apprenticeships Asylum seekers Career choice Child abuse Child poverty Child support Childhood Children's rights Children's services Citizenship Community cohesion Cultural activities Curricula reform Data collection Decision making Design and technology education Disabilities Early intervention Early years education Education systems Employer attitudes Employment Extended schools Family separation Foundation degrees Foundation Stage Gang culture Green Paper Higher education (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (4) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (2) (2) (3) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (4) Higher education institutions (3) Higher education students (1) History education (1) ICT initiatives (1) Initial teacher training (1) International education (3) Internet (1) Key Stage 1 (2) Key Stage 2 (1) Key Stage 3 (1) Leadership (1) Learning networks (1) Lifelong learning (1) Local authority role (1) Looked after children (2) Mathematics education (2) Media (2) Mental health (1) Mentors (1) Multi-agency working (1) Music education (1) Neglect (1) Outcomes (2) Parenting (1) Part-time students (1) Play (1) Public policy (1) Pupil experience (1) School buildings (1) School networks (1) School readiness (2) Secondary education (1) Service children (1) Service delivery (1) Siblings (1) Social care (1) Social trends (1) Special educational needs (2) Statistics (1) Student debt (1) Student experience (2) Student fees (2) Student mobility (1) Student participation (1) Student support (1) Transition (1) Value for money (2) Vocational education and training (2) Vulnerable children (1) Welfare (1) Wellbeing (1) Widening participation (HE) (4) Work based learning (2) Young carers (1) Young parents (1) Young people (1) Young people's views (3) Youth activities (2) Youth experience (1) Youth participation (2) 14-19 Haynes, G. and Richardson, W. (2011). Evaluation of the Implementation and Impact of Diplomas: Findings from the 2009/10 Survey of Higher Education Institutions. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) Wolf, A. (2011). Review of Vocational Education (The Wolf Review). London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) [index] 16-19 Comptroller and Auditor General (2011). Getting Value for Money from the Education of 16- to 18-year-olds. London: NAO [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: National Audit Office (NAO) [index] Alcohol Percy, A., Wilson, J., McCartan, C. and McCrystal, P. (2011). Teenage Drinking Cultures. York: JRF [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) [index] Apprenticeships Kewin, J., Hughes, T., Fletcher, T. and Sheen, J. (2011). The Road Less Travelled: Experiences of Employers that Support the Progression of Advanced Apprentices to Higher Education. Leicester: CFE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: CFE [index] Asylum seekers Matthews, A. (2011). Landing in Kent: The Experiences of Unaccompanied Children Arriving in the UK. London: OCC [online]. Available: ublication%2F465%2FLanding_in_Kent__The_experience_of_unaccompanied_children_arriving_in_the_UK.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Office of the Children's Commissioner England (OCC) [index] Career choice Callender, C., Wilkinson, D. and Hopkin, R. (2010). Career Decision-making and Career Development of Part-time Foundation Degree Students. Lichfield: FDF [online]. Available: t.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Foundation Degree Forward (FDF) [index] Child abuse Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth (2010). Working Together to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect: a Common Approach for Identifying and Responding Early to Indicators of Need. Woden, ACT: ARACY [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth (ARACY) [index] Child poverty Evans, M. and Gardiner, K. (2011). CPU Child Poverty Pilots: Interim Synthesis Report. London: DWP [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Hirsch, D. and Beckhelling, J. (2011). Child Poverty Map of the UK. Part 1: England. London: CPAG [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: End Child Poverty Martin, K. and Hart, R. (2011). 'Trying to Get By': Consulting with Children and Young People on Child Poverty. London: OCC [online]. Available: ublication%2F480%2FTrying_to_get_by_-_full_report.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Office of the Children's Commissioner England (OCC) Welsh Assembly Government (2011). Child Poverty Strategy for Wales. Cardiff: WAG [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) [index] Child support Department for Work and Pensions (2011). Strengthening Families, Promoting Parental Responsibility: the Future of Child Maintenance. London: DWP [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) [index] Childhood Theisens, H., Roberts, K. and Istance, D. (2010). Trends Shaping Education 2010. Paris: OECD [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) [index] Children's rights Matthews, A. (2011). Landing in Kent: The Experiences of Unaccompanied Children Arriving in the UK. London: OCC [online]. Available: ublication%2F465%2FLanding_in_Kent__The_experience_of_unaccompanied_children_arriving_in_the_UK.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Office of the Children's Commissioner England (OCC) [index] Children's services Commissioning Support Programme (2011). The Commissioning of Children's Services in England: Learning From the Sector, Providing For the Sector. London: CSP [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Commissioning Support Programme (CSP) [index] Citizenship Ipsos Mori (2011). Citizenship Survey Young Person Module: Technical Report for Pilot Study. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) [index] Community cohesion Ipsos Mori (2011). Citizenship Survey Young Person Module: Technical Report for Pilot Study. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) Kerr, D., Keating, A., Poet, H., Spielhofer, T., Lopes, J. and Mundy, E. (2011). Evaluation of the Schools Linking Network: Final Report. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) [index] Cultural activities GEN (2011). Evaluation of Big Noise, Sistema Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Government [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Scottish Government SQW Consulting (2011). Evaluation of Find Your Talent: Overview Report. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) [index] Curricula reform Hipkins, R. (2010). Reshaping the Secondary School Curriculum: Building the Plane While Flying It? Findings from NZCER National Survey of Secondary Schools 2009. Wellington: NZCER [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) [index] Data collection Eastman, C., Newton, B.J., Rajkovic, M. and valentine, k. (2011). Linking Schools and Early Years Project Evaluation: Data Collection Round 2. Sydney, NSW: SPRC [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC) – Australia [index] Decision making Annie E. Casey Foundation and Casey Family Services (2010). Amplifying Youth Voices to Advance Child Welfare System Reform. New Haven, CT: Casey Family Services [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Casey Family Services – USA Callender, C., Wilkinson, D. and Hopkin, R. (2010). Career Decision-making and Career Development of Part-time Foundation Degree Students. Lichfield: FDF [online]. Available: t.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Foundation Degree Forward (FDF) [index] Design and technology education Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (2011). Meeting Technological Challenges? Design and Technology in Schools 2007–10. London: Ofsted [online]. Available: enges.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) [index] Disabilities Department for Education (2011). Support and Aspiration: a New Approach to Special Educational Needs and Disability. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) Murray, P. (2010). A Fair Start: a Personalised Pathway for Disabled Children and their Families. Birmingham: HSMC [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: University of Birmingham. Health Services Management Centre (HSMC) [index] Early intervention Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth (2010). Working Together to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect: a Common Approach for Identifying and Responding Early to Indicators of Need. Woden, ACT: ARACY [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth (ARACY) Hosking, G. and Walsh, I. with Pillai, B. (2010). International Experience of Early Intervention for Children, Young People and their Families. Croydon: Wave Trust [online]. Available: _desk_study.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People's Services (C4EO) [index] Early years education Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Review (2011). The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Review: Report on the Evidence. London: DfE [online]. Available: e%20EYFS%20Review.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) Eastman, C., Newton, B.J., Rajkovic, M. and valentine, k. (2011). Linking Schools and Early Years Project Evaluation: Data Collection Round 2. Sydney, NSW: SPRC [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC) – Australia Tickell, C. (2011). The Early Years: Foundations for Life, Health and Learning. An Independent Report on the Early Years Foundation Stage to Her Majesty's Government. London: DfE [online]. Available: %20life%20health%20and%20learning.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) [index] Education systems Istance, D. (2010). Education Today 2010: the OECD Perspective. Paris: OECD [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) [index] Employer attitudes Kewin, J., Hughes, T., Fletcher, T. and Sheen, J. (2011). The Road Less Travelled: Experiences of Employers that Support the Progression of Advanced Apprentices to Higher Education. Leicester: CFE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: CFE [index] Employment Purcell, K. and Elias, P. (2010). The Impact of Paid and Unpaid Work and of Student Debt on Experience of Higher Education. Manchester: HECSU [online]. Available: er_3_datechange__web.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Higher Education Careers Services Unit (HECSU) Theisens, H., Roberts, K. and Istance, D. (2010). Trends Shaping Education 2010. Paris: OECD [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) [index] Extended schools Cummings, C., Dyson, A., Jones, L., Laing, K. and Todd, L. (2011). Extended Services Evaluation: the Role of Local Authorities. Thematic Review. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) [index] Family separation Department for Work and Pensions (2011). Strengthening Families, Promoting Parental Responsibility: the Future of Child Maintenance. London: DWP [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) [index] Foundation degrees Callender, C., Wilkinson, D. and Hopkin, R. (2010). Career Decision-making and Career Development of Part-time Foundation Degree Students. Lichfield: FDF [online]. Available: t.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Foundation Degree Forward (FDF) Higgins, H., Artess, J. and Johnstone, I. (2010). Students' Experiences of Full-time Foundation Degrees. Lichfield: FDF [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Foundation Degree Forward (FDF) [index] Foundation Stage Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Review (2011). The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Review: Report on the Evidence. London: DfE [online]. Available: e%20EYFS%20Review.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) Tickell, C. (2011). The Early Years: Foundations for Life, Health and Learning. An Independent Report on the Early Years Foundation Stage to Her Majesty's Government. London: DfE [online]. Available: %20life%20health%20and%20learning.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) [index] Gang culture Qa Research (2011). Children and Gangs. York: Qa Research [online]. Available:,com_rokdownloads/Itemid,49/id,60/vi ew,file/ [March, 2011]. Website: Qa Research [index] Green Paper Department for Education (2011). Support and Aspiration: a New Approach to Special Educational Needs and Disability. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) [index] Higher education Callender, C., Jamieson, A. and Mason, G. (2010). The Supply of Part-time Higher Education in the UK. London: Universities UK [online]. Available: TheUK20100929.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Universities UK Crawford, C. and Dearden, L. (2010). The Impact of the 2006-07 HE Finance Reforms on HE Participation. London: BIS [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) Tallantyre, F. (Ed) (2010). University Management of Work-based Learning. York: HEA [online]. Available: L_UniversityManagementOfWBL.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Higher Education Academy (HEA) Urwin, P., Gould, M. and Page, L. (2010). Are There Any Changes in the Characteristics of UK Higher Education Around the Time of the 2006 Reforms? London: BIS [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) [index] Higher education institutions Haynes, G. and Richardson, W. (2011). Evaluation of the Implementation and Impact of Diplomas: Findings from the 2009/10 Survey of Higher Education Institutions. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) Pollard, E., Bates, P., Coare, P., Hunt, W. and Miller, L. (2010). Assessing the Impact of the New Student Support Arrangements (NSSA) on Higher Education Institutions. London: BIS [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) Tallantyre, F. (Ed) (2010). University Management of Work-based Learning. York: HEA [online]. Available: L_UniversityManagementOfWBL.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Higher Education Academy (HEA) [index] Higher education students Phillimore, J. and Koshy, P. (2010). Higher Education Student Visa Systems: Australia and Selected Countries Compared. Perth, WA: ATN [online]. Available: .pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Australian Technology Network of Universities (ATN) [index] History education Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (2011). History for All: History in English Schools 2007/10. London: Ofsted [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) [index] ICT initiatives Johnson, L., Smith, R., Willis, H., Levine, A. and Haywood, K. (2011). The 2011 Horizon Report. Austin, TX: NMC [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: The New Media Consortium (NMC) – USA [index] Initial teacher training Burghes, D. (2011). International Comparative Study in Mathematics Teacher Training: Recommendations for Initial Teacher Training in England. Reading: CfBT [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: CfBT [index] International education Burghes, D. (2011). International Comparative Study in Mathematics Teacher Training: Recommendations for Initial Teacher Training in England. Reading: CfBT [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: CfBT Istance, D. (2010). Education Today 2010: the OECD Perspective. Paris: OECD [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Phillimore, J. and Koshy, P. (2010). Higher Education Student Visa Systems: Australia and Selected Countries Compared. Perth, WA: ATN [online]. Available: .pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Australian Technology Network of Universities (ATN) [index] Internet Kahne, J., Lee, N.-J. and Feezell, J.T. (2011). The Civic and Political Significance of Online Participatory Cultures among Youth Transitioning to Adulthood. Irvine, CA: YPP [online]. Available: S.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: MacArthur Network on Youth and Participatory Politics (YPP) – USA [index] Key Stage 1 Torgerson, C.J., Wiggins, A., Torgerson, D.J., Ainsworth, H., Barmby, P., Hewitt, C., Jones, K., Hendry, V., Askew, M., Bland, M., Coe, R., Higgins, S., Hodgen, J., Hulme, C. and Tymms, P. (2011). Every Child Counts: the Independent Evaluation. Technical Report. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) Torgerson, C.J., Wiggins, A., Torgerson, D.J., Ainsworth, H., Barmby, P., Hewitt, C., Jones, K., Hendry, V., Askew, M., Bland, M., Coe, R., Higgins, S., Hodgen, J., Hulme, C. and Tymms, P. (2011). Independent Evaluation of Every Child Counts: Final Report. Trial 1 Appendices. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) NB: Large document (7MB) [index] Key Stage 2 Department for Education. Education Standards Analysis and Research Division (2011). How Do Pupils Progress During Key Stages 2 and 3? London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) [index] Key Stage 3 Department for Education. Education Standards Analysis and Research Division (2011). How Do Pupils Progress During Key Stages 2 and 3? London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) [index] Leadership U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families (2010). Leadership in the Improving Child Welfare Outcomes through Systems of Care Initiative. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office [online]. Available: eadershipBrief.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Child Welfare Information Gateway – USA [index] Learning networks SQW Consulting (2011). Summative Evaluation of the Lifelong Learning Network Programme. Bristol: HEFCE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) [index] Lifelong learning SQW Consulting (2011). Summative Evaluation of the Lifelong Learning Network Programme. Bristol: HEFCE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) [index] Local authority role Cummings, C., Dyson, A., Jones, L., Laing, K. and Todd, L. (2011). Extended Services Evaluation: the Role of Local Authorities. Thematic Review. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) [index] Looked after children Annie E. Casey Foundation and Casey Family Services (2010). Amplifying Youth Voices to Advance Child Welfare System Reform. New Haven, CT: Casey Family Services [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Casey Family Services – USA Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (2011). Outstanding Children's Homes. London: Ofsted [online]. Available:'s%20hom es.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) [index] Mathematics education Torgerson, C.J., Wiggins, A., Torgerson, D.J., Ainsworth, H., Barmby, P., Hewitt, C., Jones, K., Hendry, V., Askew, M., Bland, M., Coe, R., Higgins, S., Hodgen, J., Hulme, C. and Tymms, P. (2011). Every Child Counts: the Independent Evaluation. Technical Report. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Department for Education (DfE) Torgerson, C.J., Wiggins, A., Torgerson, D.J., Ainsworth, H., Barmby, P., Hewitt, C., Jones, K., Hendry, V., Askew, M., Bland, M., Coe, R., Higgins, S., Hodgen, J., Hulme, C. and Tymms, P. (2011). Independent Evaluation of Every Child Counts: Final Report. Trial 1 Appendices. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) NB: Large document (7MB) [index] Media Burn, A., Marsh, J., Bishop, J., Mitchell, G., Clarke, A., Willett, R., Richards, C., Robinson, J., Jopson, L. and Nicola, G. (2011). Children's Playground Games and Songs in the New Media Age: 2009-2011 Project Report. London: Beyond Text [online]. Available: pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Beyond Text Johnson, L., Smith, R., Willis, H., Levine, A. and Haywood, K. (2011). The 2011 Horizon Report. Austin, TX: NMC [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: The New Media Consortium (NMC) – USA [index] Mental health Coulston, K. (2010). Somewhere to Talk, Someone to Listen: the Role of Youth Clubs in Supporting the Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing of Young People. London: Clubs for Young People [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Clubs for Young People [index] Mentors Rodger, J. and Burgess, M. (2010). Qualitative Evaluation of the Aimhigher Associates Programme: Pathfinder. Bristol: HEFCE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) [index] Multi-agency working Cummings, C., Dyson, A., Jones, L., Laing, K. and Todd, L. (2011). Extended Services Evaluation: the Role of Local Authorities. Thematic Review. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) [index] Music education GEN (2011). Evaluation of Big Noise, Sistema Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Scottish Government [index] Neglect Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth (2010). Working Together to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect: a Common Approach for Identifying and Responding Early to Indicators of Need. Woden, ACT: ARACY [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth (ARACY) [index] Outcomes Bradbury, B. (2011). Young Motherhood and Child Outcomes. Sydney, NSW: SPRC [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC) – Australia GEN (2011). Evaluation of Big Noise, Sistema Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Scottish Government [index] Parenting Hosking, G. and Walsh, I. with Pillai, B. (2010). International Experience of Early Intervention for Children, Young People and their Families. Croydon: Wave Trust [online]. Available: _desk_study.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People's Services (C4EO) [index] Part-time students Callender, C., Jamieson, A. and Mason, G. (2010). The Supply of Part-time Higher Education in the UK. London: Universities UK [online]. Available: TheUK20100929.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Universities UK [index] Play Burn, A., Marsh, J., Bishop, J., Mitchell, G., Clarke, A., Willett, R., Richards, C., Robinson, J., Jopson, L. and Nicola, G. (2011). Children's Playground Games and Songs in the New Media Age: 2009-2011 Project Report. London: Beyond Text [online]. Available: pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Beyond Text [index] Public policy Welsh Assembly Government (2011). Child Poverty Strategy for Wales. Cardiff: WAG [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) [index] Pupil experience Kerr, D., Keating, A., Poet, H., Spielhofer, T., Lopes, J. and Mundy, E. (2011). Evaluation of the Schools Linking Network: Final Report. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) [index] School buildings Building the Education Revolution Implementation Taskforce (2010). Building the Education Revolution Implementation Taskforce: First Report. Canberra, ACT: DEEWR [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) – Australia [index] School networks Kerr, D., Keating, A., Poet, H., Spielhofer, T., Lopes, J. and Mundy, E. (2011). Evaluation of the Schools Linking Network: Final Report. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) [index] School readiness Eastman, C., Newton, B.J., Rajkovic, M. and valentine, k. (2011). Linking Schools and Early Years Project Evaluation: Data Collection Round 2. Sydney, NSW: SPRC [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC) – Australia Hosking, G. and Walsh, I. with Pillai, B. (2010). International Experience of Early Intervention for Children, Young People and their Families. Croydon: Wave Trust [online]. Available: _desk_study.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People's Services (C4EO) [index] Secondary education Hipkins, R. (2010). Reshaping the Secondary School Curriculum: Building the Plane While Flying It? Findings from NZCER National Survey of Secondary Schools 2009. Wellington: NZCER [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) [index] Service children United States Government Accountability Office (2011). Education of Military Dependent Students: Better Information Needed to Assess Student Performance. Washington, DC: USGAO [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) [index] Service delivery Murray, P. (2010). A Fair Start: a Personalised Pathway for Disabled Children and their Families. Birmingham: HSMC [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: University of Birmingham. Health Services Management Centre (HSMC) [index] Siblings Ashley, C., Lindley, B. and Roth, D. (2011). Big Bruv, Little Sis: Research Findings on Sibling Carers Raising their Younger Sisters and Brothers. London: FRG [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Family Rights Group (FRG) [index] Social care Hosking, G. and Walsh, I. with Pillai, B. (2010). International Experience of Early Intervention for Children, Young People and their Families. Croydon: Wave Trust [online]. Available: _desk_study.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People's Services (C4EO) [index] Social trends Theisens, H., Roberts, K. and Istance, D. (2010). Trends Shaping Education 2010. Paris: OECD [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) [index] Special educational needs Department for Education (2011). Support and Aspiration: a New Approach to Special Educational Needs and Disability. London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) United States Government Accountability Office (2011). Education of Military Dependent Students: Better Information Needed to Assess Student Performance. Washington, DC: USGAO [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) [index] Statistics Department for Education. Education Standards Analysis and Research Division (2011). How Do Pupils Progress During Key Stages 2 and 3? London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) [index] Student debt Purcell, K. and Elias, P. (2010). The Impact of Paid and Unpaid Work and of Student Debt on Experience of Higher Education. Manchester: HECSU [online]. Available: er_3_datechange__web.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Higher Education Careers Services Unit (HECSU) [index] Student experience Higgins, H., Artess, J. and Johnstone, I. (2010). Students' Experiences of Full-time Foundation Degrees. Lichfield: FDF [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Foundation Degree Forward (FDF) Purcell, K. and Elias, P. (2010). The Impact of Paid and Unpaid Work and of Student Debt on Experience of Higher Education. Manchester: HECSU [online]. Available: er_3_datechange__web.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: Higher Education Careers Services Unit (HECSU) [index] Student fees Crawford, C. and Dearden, L. (2010). The Impact of the 2006-07 HE Finance Reforms on HE Participation. London: BIS [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) Urwin, P., Gould, M. and Page, L. (2010). Are There Any Changes in the Characteristics of UK Higher Education Around the Time of the 2006 Reforms? London: BIS [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) [index] Student mobility United States Government Accountability Office (2011). Education of Military Dependent Students: Better Information Needed to Assess Student Performance. Washington, DC: USGAO [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) [index] Student participation Crawford, C. and Dearden, L. (2010). The Impact of the 2006-07 HE Finance Reforms on HE Participation. London: BIS [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) [index] Student support Pollard, E., Bates, P., Coare, P., Hunt, W. and Miller, L. (2010). Assessing the Impact of the New Student Support Arrangements (NSSA) on Higher Education Institutions. London: BIS [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) [index] Transition Kahne, J., Lee, N.-J. and Feezell, J.T. (2011). The Civic and Political Significance of Online Participatory Cultures among Youth Transitioning to Adulthood. Irvine, CA: YPP [online]. Available: S.pdf [March, 2011]. Website: MacArthur Network on Youth and Participatory Politics (YPP) – USA [index] Value for money Building the Education Revolution Implementation Taskforce (2010). Building the Education Revolution Implementation Taskforce: First Report. Canberra, ACT: DEEWR [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - Australia Comptroller and Auditor General (2011). Getting Value for Money from the Education of 16- to 18-year-olds. London: NAO. [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: National Audit Office (NAO) [index] Vocational education and training Smith, J. (2010). Supporting Vocational & Work-based Learner Progression into HE. Ormskirk: Action on Access [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Action on Access Wolf, A. (2011). Review of Vocational Education (The Wolf Review). London: DfE [online]. Available: [March, 2011]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) [index] Vulnerable children Matthews, A. (2011). 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