Team PB Background - New Schools Network

Lessons learnt from 2012 and
Richard Eastburn, Sandymoor School
Carol Clare, Boston Free School
Liam Nolan, Perry Beeches
Why… Boston Pioneers’ Free
School Academy?
We have listened to the voice of our
Community…both the indigenous and the
more recently arrived migrant population.
They want a school that reflects the cultural
diversity of Boston; with high standards of
both behaviour and academic achievement;
where every child is known, treated and
valued as an individual.
If at first you don’t succeed...
Take 1 – 2012 Opening
• Appointment of educational consultant to lead the application
• Early days, lack of experience led to unsuccessful proposal
• Feedback revealed basic criteria were not met
• e.g. insufficient evidence of demand; use of freedoms
…Try again!
Failure was not an option…
Take 2 – 2013 Opening
• This time we took control, we had ownership
• New Schools Network pivotal to our successful
proposal (application form feedback, meetings
with specialists, mock interview)
…Our success story
Our Free School Formula…
• Our Vision was reborn
• Establish steering committee with relevant
• Application to NSN Development Programme
• Bid-writing shared according to expertise
• Vision permeates throughout
• One person responsible for fluency and style
of writing, maintain deadlines
Evidence of Demand, Evidence of Demand
Evidence of Demand, Evidence of Demand
Evidence of Demand, Evidence of Demand
Evidence of Demand, Evidence of Demand
Evidence of Demand, Evidence of Demand
Evidence of Demand, Evidence of Demand
Evidence of Demand, Evidence of Demand
Sought from…
Local Authority
Early Years Providers
Local Business
Community Groups
Local Councillors and MP
General Public enabled through canvassing in
local supermarket chain
• Use of media
• Leaflet drop
Laying the Foundation...
• Register with commercial estate agents
• Investigate and register an interest with
potential premises
• Local knowledge proved invaluable
our Dream
Final Steps...
Submit application
Attend mock interview with NSN
Hone interview technique and presentation
Await invitation for interview from DfE
Post interview...cross fingers!
Lessons Learnt
Have courage in your
Lessons learnt from 2012 and
Richard Eastburn, Sandymoor School
Carol Clare, Boston Free School
Liam Nolan, Perry Beeches
Liam Nolan
Chief Executive
Perry Beeches The Academy Trust
Proposer Group
Free Schools Live! 2012
Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre
Saturday 15th September 2012
Team PB Background
• April 2007 – 21% - “worst performing school” – NTI – National
• September 2008 – “Most Improved School in the UK” – 51% OFSTED “Good With Outstanding Features”
• September 2010 – “Most Improved School in the UK Ever” –
53% increase in 3 years – 74% - BIC – School of the Year
• July 2011
- “National Secondary School of the Year 2011 – 2012”
- “Overall Outstanding School of the Year 2011 – 2012
Team PB Background
• August 2011 – 75%
• March 2012 – asked to take PB II The Free School
• May 2012 – officially became an academy
• July 2012 – named “world class” by Secretary of
State for Education
• August 2012 – 77% and third year of 100%
Be clear about;
• Why you are doing this?
• Who is this for?
• What are the distinct benefits of you and
your school?
Make sure you;
1. Have STRONG education plan/team
2. Know how to work your way around DfE /
Know and stick to:
i. Core values…
ii. Vision…
iii. Who is this for…
Five DO’s
• DO take control – not EFA / DfE / NSN school (nor
builders etc. etc.) – BE CLEAR / DIRECT
• DO put children, community and facilities first
• DO concentrate on what you are going to deliver
and why
• DO know your patch – local schools, media,
politicians, needs
• DO find friends, allies, networks – make ‘Team’ –
List of Contacts At Your
NSN …. 020 7537 9208
DfE …. Mela Watts / Paul Schofield / Rory Kennedy 0370 000 2288
Future Leaders …. 0203 116 0808
Teach First …. 0844 880 1800
Teaching Leaders ….
South 0203 116 0828 / North 0161 242 1194 / Midlands 0121 632 2160
Local councillors, MP, political players
All ‘feeder’ primaries within 5 miles
Local Universities, Teaching Schools, Teacher Training centres