Hazardous Substances Risk Assessment Supplement

ohsrm PART B – Hazardous Substances Risk Assessment Supplement
This form must be attached to the relevant ohsrm PART B, together with any other supporting
Ref. #
Description of the task involving a hazardous substance(s)
Staining fungal hyphae with Trypan Blue 0.4% staining solution
Chemical/s involved (list)
Classification (from MSDS)
Dangerous Goods Class
(NOHSC Criteria)
(ADG Code)
1.Trypan Blue
 Yes
□ No
None allocated
2. Lactic acid
□ No
None allocated
3. Glycerol
□ Yes
 No
None allocated
Do you have an MSDS for each substance?
Has an entry been made in the Hazardous Substances Register?
□ Yes
 No
Can any of these substances be substituted with a less hazardous
□ Yes
 No
□ No
Task Summary
Include a step by step summary of the processes including the quantities and concentration of substances used.
Roots infected with fungal hyphae are placed in small scintillation vials containing a small volume of 0.4%
Trypan Blue stain. The lids are loosely put back on the vials before being placed on a hotplate.
The infected roots are brought to the boil for a couple of minutes.
The vials are carefully removed from the hotplate and allowed to cool.
Roots are allowed to de-stain overnight in 50% glycerol before examination.
Are any hazardous substances formed as a by-product of this task?
□ Yes
 No
How will the waste products be collected, treated and disposed?
The roots are strained over a waster container to collect the unwanted stain. Used stain is placed in a
labeled container for appropriate disposal by the safety officer in charge.
Hazardous nature of the Substance(s) – refer to the MSDS(s)
Health Effects
Other Physical Hazards
□ Toxic – single exposure
□ Hazardous to health repeated
or prolonged exposure
□ Asphyxiate
□ Flammable
□ Corrosive
□ Oxidizer
 Irritant
□ Reactive
□ Sensitizer
□ Infectious – refer to the Biosafety Checklist
□ Carcinogenic
□ Radioactive – refer to Radiation Risk Assessment
□ Mutagenic
□ Harmful to the environment
□ Teratogenic
□ Cytotoxic
Hazard Level of Substance(s) used or generated:
□ High
□ Medium
 Low
Who performs the task?
Second year students NA
Experience & Training
Characteristics that increase
risk (eg. allergies, sensitivity)
Some experience
Control measures - existing or proposed
□ Smallest possible volumes
are used
□ Fume Cupboard
□ Lowest possible
concentration is used
□ Biosafety Cabinet
□ Restricted Access
 Gloves (Type ……..……….)
□ Safe Work Procedures
□ Safety Glasses
(documented and used)
□ Shortest possible duration of
□ Cytotoxic Cabinet
 Supervision
□ Full Face Shield
□ Separation from ignition
□ Local exhaust ventilation
□ Colleague in attendance
 Lab Coat/Gown
□ Separation from
incompatible substances
□ General Ventilation
□ Respirator (Type …….....…)
Exposure to substance(s) during this task
How often is and for how long is this
task carried out? (e.g. twice per week
for 20 min)
Likely routes of exposure – with existing
Estimated level of exposure – with
existing controls
The students may perform this task several times a week during
the course, which may last up to 6 weeks.
□ Inhalation
□ Ingestion
□ Injection
 Skin contact
□ Eye contact
 Not significant
□ Medium
 Low
□ Uncertain – further investigation
□ High
Likelihood of fire or explosion
 N/A
□ Not Significant
□ Low
□ Medium
□ High
Likelihood of a dangerous reaction
 N/A
□ Not Significant
□ Low
□ Medium
□ High
Likelihood of a spill
□ N/A
 Not Significant
□ Low
□ Medium
□ High
Emergency Facilities
 An appropriate spill kit is
 First Aid Facilities
 Eye Wash Station
(NFAO and Kit available)
 Evacuation Procedures
 Safety Shower
(documented and practiced)
□ Other
Additional Control Measures required to ensure safety – refer to ohsrm PART B Step 4
Students are working in the laboratory under supervision of the academic and demonstrator. The students
are made aware of the risk at the beginning of the practical course.
Risk Summary & Conclusion
Conclude by considering the risk assessment and choice of risk controls. Tick one only.
 The risk posed is insignificant and unlikely to increase.
□ The risk is significant, but will be effectively controlled.
□ There is uncertainty about the level of risk – a more detailed assessment is required.
□ The risk is significant and cannot be effectively controlled – this task must be prohibited until the risk can
be adequately controlled
Consultation - record the names of those consulted when deciding on risk control measures
Anne-Laure Markovina and Michael Joseph, Safety Officer
Risk Assessments must be reviewed every 3 years or whenever the task, substances, facilities or
personnel performing the task change. Risk assessments should also be reviewed if new information about
the substances being used becomes available.
Review Date
Safe Work Procedures Reference
PART B Supplement completed by:
Anne-Laure Markovina