Christ Hospital Advanced Education Nurse Residency Program

Advanced Education / Graduate Nurse Residency Program
A. Curriculum / Schedule of Events
B. Proposed Course Plan for CHSON & NJCU Intern Students Pilot Program
C. Cost of Program
D. Appendices:
Letter to current students and interest form
Application of Participation
NLN think tank article
An overview of practice education models, 2008,
Nurse Education Today, pgs. 273 – 283
Collaborating Partners:
Christ Hospital School of Nursing, Christ Hospital & New Jersey City University, Jersey City, N.J.
July 2012 – September 2013 (15 months)
Selection of:
10 graduates from the CHSON Class of 2012
Criteria for selection:
GPA of 3.5
Ability to participate full time in this program
Commitment to complete program in 15 months
Passage of NCLEX by August 31, 2012
The intent of this program is to provide the graduate of the Cooperative Program between Christ
Hospital School of Nursing and Hudson County Community College with the opportunity to
complete the Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing in 15 months at New Jersey City University
while maintaining learned clinical skills and learning new critical skills utilized in the clinical area
to be a safe, competent practitioner who demonstrates excellent critical thinking and leadership
The graduate of this Advance Education / Nurse Graduate Residency Program will possess the
clinical expertise and Academic Credential that will enable them to be marketable in this
competitive arena in the hiring of nurses and a true asset to the Profession of Nursing.
The graduate will attend classes at the School of Nursing in the simulation lab while attending
classes at NJCU, in addition a clinical practicum will be held at various hospitals under the
supervision of a preceptor which will provide the graduate nurse with the tools they need to care for
multiple patients making sound clinical decisions while earning confidence in their practice as a
Registered Nurse. The Clinical aspect of the program will be 2-3 days per week rotating with
classes at NJCU for an additional 1-2 days per week. Schedules will be designed so that conflict
does not occur. Ideally some college courses will be taught online and or at the clinical sites.
The intent is to use this initial program as a pilot for the future and to some day have the School of
Nursing as the entrance point with the intent that the educational process does not conclude until the
completion of the BSN.
FUNDING is a critical element of the program’s success as students will not receive a paycheck during the 15
month period when they are attending classes and participating in the clinical practicum as a Registered Nurse.
It will be imperative to identify resources which will facilitate the payment of tuition while participating in the
Program. The routine for the week will be concentrated with four to five full days attending both clinical and
college classes.
There will be continuous collaboration between the University and School of Nursing to identify any
circumstances that may impede progress so that they can be dealt with immediately.
The Program will combine the Academic setting with the Clinical setting providing a rich learning environment
with a wealth of opportunity for graduate nurses to become the best in their profession with competence in both
the didactic and clinical aspect of Nursing.
Sponsored by Christ Hospital School of Nursing &
New Jersey City University
July 2012, NJCU courses begin Summer Session II BSN transition.
Blended course with on line & live participation.
NJCU courses (12) credits, September 2012 – December 2013, Tuesday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Graduate Internship Clinical begins September 2012 – August 2013, 2 – 3 days per week.
Theory will be held on 8 hours days, Clinical will be 2 (12) hour days / week commencing in October
 Delegation, Critical Thinking, Clinical Judgment
 IV Certification
 EKG Certification
 Use of Technology in NURSING Practice
 Electronic Documentation
 Clinical Simulations with SIM MAN 3G
CLINICAL PRACTICE will take place in Skills Lab, clinical setting with internship faculty and preceptors.
QUARTERLY EVALUATIONS and reviews will be given as to progression in the program. Lectures on topics
current in NURSING practice will be presented.
How to conduct a literary search to obtain Evidenced Practice Information will be ongoing. Current
Competencies in NURSING practice will be demonstrated and tested.
The intent of this curriculum is to provide the graduate nurse with the competencies, critical thinking ABILITY
and tools needed to practice as a safe and competent nurse while attending the university to obtain the
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING DEGREE which will provide leadership and research skills required in the
practice of NURSING today.
The graduate will be marketable and an asset to any organization from which they obtain employment and an
attribute to the PROFESSION OF NURSING.