INSTRUCTIONS – 5E016WEB - Valid April 2005-April 2007 INSTRUCTIONS: To receive 10.5 credits in AMA/PRA category 1 you must: Print this page and complete the answers. 1. 2. Complete the post-test and evaluation. (Correctly completing 70% of the questions will qualify you for a certificate of completion, upon request). Mail or Fax this completed Payment Information and Answer Sheet along with CME fee of $25 to: The Irwin Brown Office of Continuing Medical Education (Tax ID73-601-7987) P.O. Box 26901 – ROB 202 Oklahoma City, OK 73190 Fax: (405) 271-3087 Phone: (405) 271-2350 (Make checks payable to OUHSC/CME) To pay by credit card, see below. Please allow 7-10 days for grading and processing. (Next day grading and processing requires an additional $25 fee. Please include this special handling fee with your test.) 3. Please CIRCLE your answer to each question/statement below. Attention DO: For AOA credit you must report this credit on an “Individual Activity Report Form” and submit it with your certificate of completion to: American Osteopathic Association (AOA), 142 East Ontario Street, Chicago, IL 60611, Telephone 312-202-8000. Name Suffix Address City Social Security Number Telephone Number Fax Number E-mail Address State Zip Specialty Credit Card Payment for “Creating AV Fistulas in All Eligible Hemodialysis Patients”– 5E016WEB __MasterCard __ Visa __ Discover __American Express Card Number Amount to be charged $ Card Expiration Date Print Name Signature of Cardholder ANSWER SHEET FOR TEST – 5E016WEB Question 1 A. B. C. Question 15 A. B. C. Question 2 A. B. C. D. Question 16 A. B. C. Question 3 A. B. C. D. Question 17 A. B. C. D. Question 4 A. B. C. D. Question 18 True False Question 5 True False Question 19 A. B. C. D. Question 6 A. B. C. D. E. Question 20 A. B. C. D. Question 7 A. B. C. D. E. Question 21 True False Question 8 True False Question 22 A. B. C. Question 9 True False Question 23 A. B. C. D. Question 10 True False Question 24 True False Question 11 A. B. C. Question 25 A. B. C. D. Question 12 A. B. C. D. Question 26 A. B. C. Question 13 A. B. C. D. Question 27 True False Question 14 A. B. C. D. Question 28 True False E. D. E. EVALUATION – 5E016WEB Valid April 2005-April 2007 COURSE EVALUATION Creating AV Fistulas in All Eligible Hemodialysis Patients– 5E016WEB Please evaluate by circling the corresponding letter as follows: A. Strongly Agree/Excellent B. Agree/Good C. Neutral/Adequate/NA D. Disagree/Poor E. Strongly Disagree/Very Poor 1. The overall quality of the entire course. A. B. C. D. E. 2. The extent which program met the stated objectives. A. B. C. D. E. 3. The course is well organized. A. B. C. D. E. 4. The information is presented at the appropriate level. A. B. C. D. E. 5. Topics covered will be helpful in my day-to-day practice. A. B. C. D. E. 6. I did not perceive any undue commercial bias. A. B. C. D. E. 7. This course was free of the discussion of experimental or off-label therapies that were not previously disclosed. A. B. C. D. E. 8. L. Spergel MD – Fistula First Initiative A. B. C. D. E. 9. W Jennings MD – Data: Creating AV Fistulas in …. A. B. C. D. E. 10. W Jennings MD – Preop Eval & Intro to Ultrasound A. B. C. D. E. 11. Drs. Spergel & Jennings – Cimino & Brachial Fistulas A. B. C. D. E. 12. W Jennings MD - Proximal Radial Artery AV Fistula A. B. C. D. E. 13. W P Arnold MD – Endovascular Preserv of Immature… A. B. C. D. E. 14. L Spergel MD – AV Fistula Vein Transpositions A. B. C. D. E. 15. W Jennings MD – Difficult AV Fistula Extremities A. B. C. D. E. 16. W P Arnold MD – Endovascular Recanalization of … A. B. C. D. E. 17. L Spergel MD – Secondary AV Fistulas, Converting.. A. B. C. D. E. 18. L Spergel MD – Management of Steal Syndrome A. B. C. D. E. 19. Movies: Ultrasound: Overview AVF Venous Mapping A. B. C. D. E. 20. Cimino/Distal Radial Artery AVF, Preop Ultrasound A. B. C. D. E. 21. Proximal Radial Artery AVF A. B. C. D. E. 22. Proximal Radial Artery AVF with Angioscopy A. B. C. D. E. 23. Staged Transposition AVF A. B. C. D. E. 24. Proximal Radial Artery AVF, Preop Ultrasound Exam A. B. C. D. E. 25. What was the most helpful part of the course? 26. What was the least helpful part of the course? 27. Do you have any suggestions for future continuing education topics? Creating AV Fistulas in All Eligible Hemodialysis Patients (5E016WEB) Test Questions 1. Which is the optimal and safest type of permanent vascular access for most hemodialysis patients? a) AV Graft b) Autogenous (native) A-V fistula c) Cuffed tunneled catheter 2. Which of the following best describes the objectives of the Fistula First Initiative? a) Promote the use of autogenous A-V fistulae (AVF) in all eligible hemodialysis patients b) Increase the use of autogenous A-V fistulae in prevalent hemodialysis patients to a minimum of 40% by 2006 and 66% by 2009 c) Reduce the use of catheters d) Promote the use of vessel mapping to optimize identification of candidates for an AVF e) All of the above 3. Which of the following is NOT true about the 11 Fistula First Change Concepts (the Change Package)? a) These are evidence-based concepts identified as being crucial to maximizing A-V fistula use b) Although widely accepted, these concepts have not been widely implemented in clinical practice c) The Change Package strategies deal exclusively with A-V fistulae d) The Fistula First Initiative provides tools and resources, including a web site, to assist practitioners with implementation of these Change Concepts 4. Which statement is NOT correct? a) Dialysis by graft or catheter access has up to 8 times greater risk of complications and need for additional procedures than access by AV fistulas b) AV fistulas are used in Europe and Japan in 80-90% of dialysis access c) Relative mortality risk is higher in patients with graft or catheter vascular access as opposed to those with AV fistula access d) Less than 5% of hospitalizations are related to vascular access problems 5. True or False? The U.S. has the lowest AVF prevalence among developed countries. 6. A-V fistula construction as opposed to placement of grafts will markedly decrease: a) b) c) d) e) 7. Hospital admissions Infections Bleeding episodes Access-related mortality All of the above Ultrasound vein mapping prior to dialysis access surgery requires: a) b) c) d) e) Ultrasound probe used is ≥ 7.5 MHz The study is done with a venous tourniquet in place Focal depth must be set to a shallow reading The probe contacts the gel interface only, no pressure is applied over the vein All of the above 8. True or False? Determination of whether or not a fistula will mature adequately for dialysis can usually be made by physical examination alone at one month following AVF construction. 9. True or False? If examination following A-V fistula construction is suggestive of a non-maturing fistula, a fistulogram will almost always detect the problem and frequently allow immediate correction by balloon angioplasty. 10. True or False? The radial-cephalic A-V fistula is the NKF-K/DOQI (National Kidney FoundationKidney/Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative)-recommended AVF of choice. 11. The Cimino radial-cephalic A-V fistula is best constructed by which anastomotic technique? a) End vein-to-side artery b) Side-to-side c) Either end vein-to-side artery or side-to-side 12. Which statement regarding brachial AV fistulas is NOT correct? a) b) c) d) 13. The size of the anastomosis in brachial artery AV Fistulas is an important factor in steal syndrome risk An attempt should be made to construct the anastomosis distal to the antecubital crease The upper arm cephalic vein may require transposition in some patients Risk of steal syndrome is lower than with those fistulas created using the radial artery When creating a proximal radial artery AV fistula, retrograde (forearm) flow can most often be achieved by: a) Simple passage of a probe through the initial retrograde venous valve under direct vision within the surgical field b) Angioscopy c) Valvulotomes d) None of the above 14. Which of the following statements regarding proximal radial artery A-V fistula construction techniques is NOT correct? a) b) c) d) 15. The failure rate of immature fistulae can be improved by: a) b) c) d) 16. A side-to-side anastomosis to the median antebrachial vein is most commonly used An end-to-side anastomosis to the deep communicating vein should never be used Steal syndrome is extremely uncommon with proximal radial artery AV fistulas Preoperative ultrasound examination is mandatory in selecting best site, feasibility, and predicting success in these access procedures Meticulous surgical technique Pre-operative venous mapping by ultrasound or dilute contrast venography Endovascular intervention beginning at 4-6 weeks if use for dialysis is not imminent All of the above What is the treatment of choice for dysfunctional fistulae? a) Observation b) Endovascular balloon dilatation c) Ultrasound or venography 17. What basic rules should be followed by the surgeon when positioning a transposed vein? a) b) c) d) Superficial Safe Location Away from incisions All of the above 18. True or False? An imaging study is generally not necessary before embarking on a transposition A-V fistula. 19. The surgeon can anticipate potential for a difficult AV fistula based on the presence of the following: a) b) c) d) e) 20. Diabetes Female Obesity Multiple failed previous access procedures All of the above Which of the following options should be the LAST choice for permanent vascular access in the difficult access patient? a) Transposition A-V fistula b) Proximal radial artery A-V fistula c) Permanent vascular access catheter d) Translocation A-V fistula 21. True or False? Ultrasound examination in the difficult access patient will often identify an A-V fistula opportunity that has been previously overlooked. 22. What is the optimal time for thrombectomy / recanalization of a native hemodialysis AVF? a) Within two months b) Within two weeks (14 days) of thrombosis c) Any time 23. What complications of endovascular fistula recanalization must be guarded against when declotting a fistula? a) b) c) d) Pulmonary emboli Distal arterial emboli Fistula rupture All of the above 24. True or False? Most incident and prevalent patients with A-V grafts are candidates for an A-V fistula. 25. Which of the following is NOT true? a) Most patients with a forearm A-V graft have a suitable arterialized outflow vein that is ideal for conversion to an A-V fistula b) All patients with recurrent A-V graft failure--regardless of AVG location--should undergo evaluation, including vessel imaging, for a new A-V fistula c) Vein transpositions AVFs are not suitable options for secondary AVFs d) “Sleeves up” is a simple and effective examination that often identifies suitable secondary A-V fistula candidates in patients with forearm A-V grafts 26. What is the typical location of the pain of ischemia following an upper extremity access? a) Neck b) Hand c) Chest 27. True or False? The injury of Ischemic Monomelic Neuropathy (IMN) always involves the nerves but characteristically spares the soft tissues. 28. True or False? The treatment of IMN should be immediate sacrifice of the access.