Licensed Mental Health Practitioners Section II SECTION II - LICENSED MENTAL HEALTH PRACTITIONERS CONTENTS 200.000 201.000 201.100 201.110 201.120 201.130 202.000 203.000 203.100 203.200 203.300 204.000 205.000 210.000 211.000 211.100 211.200 211.210 211.220 212.000 212.100 212.200 212.300 212.400 213.000 214.000 215.000 216.000 217.000 218.000 218.100 LICENSED MENTAL HEALTH PRACTITIONERS GENERAL INFORMATION Arkansas Medicaid Participation Requirements for Licensed Mental Health Practitioners - Licensed Certified Social Worker (LCSW), Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and Psychologist Certification Requirements for LCSW, LMFT and LPC Providers Licensed Certified Social Workers (LCSW) Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC) Group Providers of Licensed Mental Health Practitioner Services Psychologists Practicing in Arkansas and Bordering States Routine Services Provider - Psychologists Non-Bordering States - Psychologists Limited Service Providers - Psychologists LCSW, LMFT and LPC Participating in Arkansas and Bordering States The Psychologist’s Role in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program PROGRAM COVERAGE Introduction Non-Refusal Requirement Primary Care Physician (PCP) Referral When the Child is Ineligible for Medicaid at Time of Service Renewal of PCP Referral Scope Treatment Plan Requirements Place of Service Hospital Visits RSPMI and Inpatient Psychiatric for Under Age 21 Exclusions Covered Services Diagnosis and Clinical Impression Reserved Documentation Electronic Signatures Reserved 240.000 PRIOR AUTHORIZATION 250.000 REIMBURSEMENT 251.000 251.010 251.100 252.000 260.000 261.000 262.000 262.100 262.200 262.300 262.310 262.400 Method of Reimbursement Fee Schedules Billing for Fifteen Minute Units Rate Appeal Process BILLING PROCEDURES Introduction to Billing CMS-1500 Billing Procedures Licensed Mental Health Practitioner Procedure Codes National Place of Service Codes Billing Instructions - Paper Only Completion of CMS-1500 Claim Form Special Billing Procedures Section II-1 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners 200.000 LICENSED MENTAL HEALTH PRACTITIONERS GENERAL INFORMATION 201.000 Arkansas Medicaid Participation Requirements for Licensed Mental Health Practitioners - Licensed Certified Social Worker (LCSW), Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and Psychologist Section II 7-1-05 In order to ensure quality and continuity of care, all mental health providers approved to receive Medicaid reimbursement for services provided to the under age 21 Medicaid population must meet specific qualifications for their services and staff. Licensed Mental Health Practitioner providers must meet the Provider Participation and enrollment requirements contained within Section 140.000 of this manual as well as the following criteria to be eligible to participate in the Arkansas Medicaid Program: A. For the LCSW, LMFT and LPC, a copy of the certification letter from the Division of Behavioral Health Services (DBHS) must accompany the provider application. Any changes or subsequent certifications must be furnished to Arkansas Medicaid when received. See Sections 201.100 through 201.130 for the DBHS certification requirements. B. Providers of Licensed Mental Health Practitioner services have the option of enrolling in the Title XVIII (Medicare) Program. Providers who have agreements with Medicaid to provide other services to Medicaid beneficiaries must submit a separate provider application and Medicaid contract to provide Licensed Mental Health Practitioner services. A separate provider number is assigned. An LCSW may not be enrolled in both the Targeted Case Management (TCM) and the Licensed Mental Health Practitioner Medicaid Programs. He or she must choose the program in which he or she wishes to enroll. 201.100 Certification Requirements for LCSW, LMFT and LPC Providers 10-13-03 Providers of LCSW, LMFT and LPC services must be certified by the Division of Behavioral Health Services (DBHS) in order to be eligible to participate in the Arkansas Medicaid Program. All Licensed Certified Social Workers, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists and Licensed Professional Counselors must meet the following requirements for certification: A. The provider must complete all necessary forms required by the Arkansas Medicaid Program for application for provider status. B. In order to be approved as a provider of outpatient mental and behavioral health services, a provider must meet the following criteria. 1. The provider must submit his or her plan to provide: a. MEDICATION MANAGEMENT - The LCSW, LMFT and LPC must provide proof of an affiliation agreement with a physician and/or psychiatrist who will provide prescription and management of any necessary psychotropic medications to adequately treat the diagnosis and symptoms of the Medicaid beneficiary. b. PHYSICIAN BACK-UP - LCSW, LMFT and LPC providers must have physician back up for referral and consultation, as necessary. The provider's plan must include provisions for the Medicaid beneficiary to see a physician face-to-face within a specified time when mental health symptoms indicate potential benefit of medication to treat and/or stabilize symptoms. c. 24-HOUR AVAILABILITY - LCSW, LMFT and LPC providers must have an Section II-2 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners Section II easily accessible system of mental health care seven days a week, 24-hours a day in order to assure Medicaid beneficiaries will receive adequate crisis services, if needed. The provider must be able to provide proof of a relationship with an entity capable of providing such crisis services and services that require a more intensive level of care and/or intervention (such as a hospital, community mental health center, etc.) d. 201.110 COLLABORATION - LCSW, LMFT and LPC providers will collaborate with other agencies and/or institutions involved in the beneficiary’s care to ensure continuity and quality of service delivery. 2. Services must be provided by a licensed, certified mental health professional, which by virtue of his or her licensure may practice independently and without supervision. 3. Documentation of services rendered must meet the requirements defined by Arkansas Medicaid guidelines. 4. The LCSW, LMFT and LPC provider must meet all certification requirements as established by the Division of Behavioral Health Services for each level of care and/or type of service they are applying to provide to the child/adolescent population. To request certification, Form DMS-633 - Mental Health Services Provider Qualification Form for LCSW, LMFT and LPC must be submitted to DBHS. View or print form DMS-633. Licensed Certified Social Workers (LCSW) 10-13-03 In order to receive certification from DBHS, an LCSW must meet the requirements outlined in Section 201.100 as well as the following: A. The LCSW must have a master's degree in social work from a graduate school of social work accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). B. The LCSW must be state licensed and certified to practice as a licensed certified social worker (LCSW) in the State of Arkansas and in good standing with the Arkansas Social Work Licensing Board. C. The LCSW must provide proof of two years’ post-licensure experience treating children and adolescents with mental illness. D. The LCSW must possess professional liability coverage at a minimum level of $1,000,000.00 per episode and $1,000,000.00 aggregate. He or she must be able to provide proof of such coverage, with the applicant named on the policy as the insured. E. The LCSW must be accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week either directly or through a back-up plan approved by the Division of Behavioral Health Services at the time the provider enrollment application is submitted. 201.120 Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) 10-13-03 In order to receive certification from DBHS, an LMFT must meet the requirements outlined in Section 201.100 as well as the following: A. The LMFT must possess a master's degree in mental health counseling from an accredited college or university. B. The LMFT must be licensed as a licensed marriage and family therapist and in good standing with the Arkansas Board of Examiners in Counseling. C. The LMFT must meet all licensure requirements as held forth in Arkansas Law, Act 244 of 1997 for Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC) and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFT). Section II-3 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners Section II D. The LMFT must provide proof of two years’ post-licensure experience treating children and adolescents with mental illness. E. The LMFT must possess professional liability coverage at a minimum level of $1,000,000.00 per episode and $1,000,000.00 aggregate. He or she must be able to provide proof of such coverage, with the applicant named on the policy as the insured. F. The LMFT must be accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week either directly or through a back-up plan approved by the Division of Behavioral Health Services at the time the provider enrollment application is submitted. 201.130 Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC) 10-13-03 In order to receive certification from DBHS, an LPC must meet the requirements outlined in Section 201.100 as well as the following: A. The LPC must possess a master's degree in mental health counseling from an accredited college or university. B. The LPC must be licensed as a licensed professional counselor and be in good standing with the Arkansas Board of Examiners in Counseling. C. The LPC must meet all licensure requirements as held forth in Arkansas Law, Act 244 of 1997 for Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC) and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFT). D. The LPC must provide proof of two years’ post-licensure experience treating children and adolescents with mental illness. E. The LPC must possess professional liability coverage at a minimum level of $1,000,000.00 per episode and $1,000,000.00 aggregate. He or she must be able to provide proof of such coverage, with the applicant named on the policy as the insured. F. The LPC must be accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week either directly or through a back-up plan approved by the Division of Behavioral Health Services at the time the provider enrollment application is submitted. 202.000 Group Providers of Licensed Mental Health Practitioner Services 10-13-03 Group providers of Licensed Mental Health Practitioner services must meet the following criteria in order to be eligible for participation in the Arkansas Medicaid Program. If a licensed mental health practitioner is a member of a group, each individual licensed mental health practitioner and the group must both enroll according to the following criteria: A. Each individual licensed mental health practitioner within the group must enroll following the criteria established in Sections 201.000 through 204.000. B. All group providers are “pay to” providers only. The service must be performed and billed by a Medicaid-enrolled licensed mental health practitioner within the group. 203.000 Psychologists Practicing in Arkansas and Bordering States 10-13-03 Psychologists in Arkansas and the bordering states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas will be enrolled as routine services providers. 203.100 A. Routine Services Provider - Psychologists 10-13-03 The provider will be enrolled in the program as a regular provider of routine services. Section II-4 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners Section II B. Reimbursement will be available for all LCSW, LMFT, LPC and Psychologist services covered in the Arkansas Medicaid Program. C. Claims will be filed according to Section 260.000 of this manual. 203.200 Non-Bordering States - Psychologists 10-13-03 Psychologists in non-bordering states may be enrolled only as limited-service providers. 203.300 Limited Service Providers - Psychologists 3-1-11 Out-of-state psychologists may be enrolled in the Arkansas Medicaid program to provide emergency services or non-emergency services not available in Arkansas that are medically necessary and prior-authorized. A. Non-emergency services not available in Arkansas that are medically necessary must be prior authorized. Each request for these services must be made in writing, forwarded to the Utilization Review Section and approved before the service is provided. View or print the Utilization Review Section contact information. An Arkansas Medicaid application and contract must be downloaded from the Arkansas Medicaid website and submitted to Arkansas Medicaid Provider Enrollment. A provider number will be assigned upon approval of the provider application and the Medicaid contract. View or print the provider enrollment and contract package (Application Packet). View or print Provider Enrollment Unit contact information. B. “Emergency services” are defined as inpatient or outpatient hospital services that a prudent layperson with an average knowledge of health and medicine would reasonably believe are necessary to prevent death or serious impairment of health and which, because of the danger to life or health, require use of the most accessible hospital available and equipped to furnish those services. Source: 42 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations §422.2 and §424.101. Limited services provider claims will be manually reviewed prior to processing to ensure that only emergency or prior-authorized services are approved for payment. These claims should be mailed to the Division of Behavioral Health Services. View or print the Division of Behavioral Health Services contact information. 204.000 LCSW, LMFT and LPC Participating in Arkansas and Bordering States 9-1-14 LCSW, LMFT and LPC providers must be located within the State of Arkansas. They will be enrolled as routine services providers. A. The LCSW, LMFT and LPC must be enrolled in the program as a regular provider of routine services. B. Reimbursement will be available for all LCSW, LMFT and LPC services covered in the Arkansas Medicaid Program. C. Claims will be filed according to Section 260.000 of this manual. This includes ICD and HCPCS codes for all services rendered. 205.000 The Psychologist’s Role in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program 1-15-11 The Arkansas Medical Assistance Program includes a Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program for eligible individuals under 21 years of age. The purpose of this program is to detect and treat Section II-5 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners Section II health problems in their early stages and to provide well-child health care such as immunizations. Child Health Services (EPSDT) providers must refer to the Child Health Services (EPSDT) manual for additional information. Psychologists interested in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program should contact the Child Health Services Office. View or print the Child Health Services Office contact information. Psychologists may bill Child Health Services (EPSDT) on the CMS-1500 claim using the proper Child Health Services (EPSDT) provider manual. See the EPSDT provider manual for information regarding EPSDT screenings. Ancillary charges, such as lab and X-ray, associated with Child Health Services (EPSDT) should be listed in the patient record. Providers may bill electronically for Child Health Services (EPSDT). View or print form CMS-1500. 210.000 PROGRAM COVERAGE 211.000 Introduction 10-13-03 Medicaid (Arkansas Medical Assistance Program) is designed to assist eligible Medicaid beneficiaries in obtaining medical care within the guidelines specified in Section I of this manual. Reimbursement will be made for allowed services rendered by a Medicaid enrolled provider within the Medicaid Program limitations as outlined in Section II of this manual. 211.100 Non-Refusal Requirement 10-13-03 The licensed mental health practitioner may not refuse services to a Medicaid-eligible beneficiary under age 21 unless, based upon the primary mental health diagnosis, the provider does not possess the services or program to adequately treat the beneficiary’s mental health needs. 211.200 Primary Care Physician (PCP) Referral 7-1-05 A primary care physician (PCP) referral is required for each Medicaid beneficiary under age 21 for outpatient mental health services. See Section 180.000 of this manual for the PCP procedures. A PCP referral is generally obtained prior to providing service to Medicaid eligible children. However, a PCP is given the option of providing a referral after a service is provided. If a PCP chooses to make a referral after a service has been provided, the referral must be received by the LMHP provider no later 45 calendar days after the date of service. The PCP has no obligation to give a retroactive referral. The LMHP provider may not file a claim and will not be reimbursed for any services provided that require a PCP referral unless the referral is received. 211.210 When the Child is Ineligible for Medicaid at Time of Service 10-13-03 A. When a child who is not eligible for Medicaid receives an outpatient mental health service, an application for Medicaid eligibility may be filed by the child or his or her representative. B. If the application for Medicaid coverage is approved, a PCP referral is not required for the period prior to the Medicaid authorization date. This period is considered retroactive eligibility and does not require a referral. C. A PCP referral is required no later than five (5) calendar days after the authorization date. If the PCP referral is not obtained within five (5) calendar days of the Medicaid authorization date, reimbursement will begin, if all other requirements are met, the date the Section II-6 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners Section II PCP referral is received. To verify the authorization date, a provider may call the Hewlett Packard Enterprise telephone number in this notice or call the local DHS Office. 211.220 Renewal of PCP Referral 10-13-03 If a beneficiary continues to require outpatient mental health services for 6 months or more, the PCP referral must be renewed every 6 months. 212.000 Scope 10-13-03 The program for Licensed Mental Health Practitioner – licensed certified social worker (LCSW), licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT), licensed professional counselor (LPC) and Psychologist consists of a range of mental health diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative or palliative services provided by a duly licensed LCSW, LMFT, LPC or Psychologist to Medicaideligible beneficiaries under age 21 suffering from psychiatric conditions as described in the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) and subsequent revisions. Medicaid covered Licensed Mental Health Practitioner services may be provided only when: A. Referred, by a Medicaid-enrolled physician, in writing or orally. The referral must be renewed every six (6) months. The written referral or documentation of the oral referral must include: 1. The name of the referring Medicaid-enrolled physician, 2. The referring Medicaid-enrolled physician’s Medicaid identification number and 3. The date of the referral. B. Provided to Medicaid beneficiaries under age 21; C. Provided to outpatients; D. Provided by a licensed mental health practitioner – LCSW, LMFT, LPC or psychologist; E. When applicable, provided by a psychologist according to an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and F. Included in a treatment plan. 212.100 Treatment Plan Requirements 10-13-03 An individualized, written treatment plan must be developed for each beneficiary receiving mental health services and included in the patient record. The treatment plan must be updated no less than every 90 days. The treatment plan must include at a minimum: A. Beneficiary name, date of birth and Medicaid number, B. Diagnosis according to the DSM-IV, including all five axes, C. Strengths and problems, based on the documented assessment, D. Clearly defined goals and objectives, E. Specific services planned with expected frequency and duration, F. Discharge plan and Section II-7 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners G. Section II Input of beneficiary and/or family, as appropriate. 212.200 Place of Service 10-13-03 A. Licensed certified social worker, licensed marriage and family therapist and licensed professional counselor services are covered only when provided in the provider’s office. B. Psychologist’s services are reimbursed by Medicaid when provided in: 212.300 1. The provider’s office; 2. An outpatient acute care hospital setting or 3. A public school system setting under the authority of the Arkansas Department of Education. Hospital Visits 10-13-03 Licensed mental health practitioner – licensed certified social worker (LCSW), licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT), licensed professional counselor (LPC) and psychologist services are available only to outpatients. Licensed mental health practitioner services are not available to inpatients. “Inpatient” means a patient admitted to a medical institution on recommendation of a physician or dentist and is receiving room, board and professional services in the institution on a continuous 24-hour-a-day basis; or who is expected by the institution to receive room, board and professional services for a 24-hour period or longer, even though the situation may later develop such that the patient dies, is discharged or is transferred to another facility and does not actually stay in the institution for 24 hours. 212.400 RSPMI and Inpatient Psychiatric for Under Age 21 10-13-03 Services provided by a licensed mental health practitioner in the Rehabilitation Services for Persons with Mental Illness (RSPMI) Program must be billed by the RSPMI provider. Services provided by a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner in an inpatient psychiatric facility for under age 21 must be billed by the inpatient psychiatric facility. The licensed mental health practitioner may not bill for RSPMI and inpatient psychiatric services. A beneficiary is not eligible to receive the services of an independent licensed mental health practitioner on the same date the beneficiary receives RSPMI services. 213.000 Exclusions 10-13-03 The following are non-covered Licensed Mental Health Practitioner Services: A. Rehabilitative Services for Persons With Mental Illness (RSPMI) when billed by the LCSW, LMFT, LPC or Psychologist. B. Licensed Mental Health Practitioner services provided in a supervised living or residential treatment facility. C. Educational services. D. Telephone contacts with patient or collateral. E. Inpatient Hospital Services. F. Inpatient Psychiatric Services. . Medicaid-covered outpatient mental health services provided by an LCSW, LMFT or LPC cannot be provided for ARKids First-B participants. Section II-8 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners 214.000 Covered Services Section II 10-13-03 Services provided by Licensed Mental Health Practitioners are billed on a per unit basis, where one unit equals 15 minutes. Services less than 15 minutes in duration are not reimbursable. Refer to Section 260.000 of this manual for a description of covered services and procedure codes that are reimbursable by Arkansas Medicaid to Licensed Mental Health Practitioners. 215.000 Diagnosis and Clinical Impression 9-1-14 Diagnosis and clinical impression shall be required in the terminology of ICD for billing purposes. 216.000 Reserved 217.000 Documentation 11-1-09 10-13-03 The Licensed Mental Health Practitioner must develop and maintain sufficient written documentation to support each medical or remedial therapy, service, activity or session for which billing is made. This documentation, at a minimum, must consist of material that includes: A. Physician referral - Referral for medically necessary services, either verbally or in writing, by a Medicaid-enrolled physician with the physician’s Medicaid ID Number and the date of the referral. The referral must be renewed every six (6) months. B. Specific services rendered. C. Date and actual time the services were rendered. D. Place the services were rendered. E. Length of service. F. Progress notes for each service provided, which includes information on patient response to treatment rendered. Each progress note should directly address treatment plan goals and objectives. G. Comprehensive assessment includes but is not limited to: 1. Complete demographic information; 2. Presenting problem; 3. History of present problem; 4. Psychiatric history; 5. Substance abuse history; 6. Medical and developmental history; 7. Family and or social history; 8. Mental status examination and 9. Clinical impression and diagnosis. H. Treatment plan, to include clearly defined goals and objectives with documented input of the beneficiary, the beneficiary’s family or guardian, or both, as appropriate. The treatment plan is to be updated no less than every 90 days. I. Discharge plan, to include input of the beneficiary, the beneficiary’s family or guardian, or both, as appropriate. Section II-9 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners Section II This documentation must be maintained in the beneficiary’s medical record. 218.000 Electronic Signatures 10-8-10 Medicaid will accept electronic signatures provided the electronic signatures comply with Arkansas Code § 25-31-103 et seq. 218.100 Reserved 11-1-09 240.000 PRIOR AUTHORIZATION 7-1-10 Prior Authorization is required for certain services provided to Medicaid-eligible individuals under age 21. Prior authorization requests must be sent to ValueOptions. View or print ValueOptions contact information. Prior authorization is required for the following procedure codes: Procedure Code Required Modifier Description H0004 — Individual Outpatient—Therapy Session 90847 90847 U1 U2 Marital/Family Therapy Psychologist 90847 U1 Marital/Family Therapy LCSW, LMFT, LPC 90853 90857 U1 — Group Outpatient—Group Therapy 250.000 REIMBURSEMENT 251.000 Method of Reimbursement 10-13-03 Reimbursement is based on the lesser of the billed amount or the Title XIX maximum allowable for each procedure. 251.010 Fee Schedules 12-1-12 Arkansas Medicaid provides fee schedules on the Arkansas Medicaid website. The fee schedule link is located at under the provider manual section. The fees represent the fee-for-service reimbursement methodology. Fee schedules do not address coverage limitations or special instructions applied by Arkansas Medicaid before final payment is determined. Procedure codes and/or fee schedules do not guarantee payment, coverage or amount allowed. Information may be changed or updated at any time to correct a discrepancy and/or error. Arkansas Medicaid always reimburses the lesser of the amount billed or the Medicaid maximum. 251.100 Billing for Fifteen Minute Units 10-13-03 Arkansas Medicaid does not reimburse services that are billed in 15-minute increments that are provided for less than 15 minutes. The number of minutes services were provided to a Medicaid beneficiary in one day must be added for a total number of minutes. Divide the total by 15 for the number of units to be billed for the day. (This number must not exceed the daily maximum.) Minutes in the remainder may be carried over and added to the minutes for another day. Section II-10 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners Section II Example: The total number of minutes of services provided to a Medicaid beneficiary on Monday equals 20. The provider may bill 1 unit and carry over 5 minutes. The total number of minutes of services provided to the same beneficiary on Tuesday equals 25. When the 5 minutes that were carried over from Monday are added to Tuesday’s total, the new total for Tuesday equals 30. The provider may bill 2 units for Tuesday if this does not exceed the daily maximum for the service. Documentation in the beneficiarys record must reflect clearly exactly how the number of units are determined. 252.000 Rate Appeal Process 10-13-03 A provider may request reconsideration of a Program decision by writing to the Assistant Director, Division of Medical Services. This request must be received within 20 calendar days following the application of policy and/or procedure or the notification of the provider of its rate. Upon receipt of the request for review, the Assistant Director will determine the need for a Program/Provider conference and will contact the provider to arrange a conference if needed. Regardless of the Program decision, the provider will be afforded the opportunity for a conference, if he or she so wishes, for a full explanation of the factors involved in the Program decision. Following review of the matter, the Assistant Director will notify the provider of the action to be taken by the Division within 20 calendar days of receipt of the request for review or the date of the Program/Provider conference. If the decision of the Assistant Director, Division of Medical Services, is unsatisfactory, the provider may then appeal the question to a standing Rate Review Panel established by the Director of the Division of Medical Services, which will include one member of the Division of Medical Services, a representative of the provider association and a member of the Department of Human Services (DHS) management staff, who will serve as chairman. The request for review by the Rate Review Panel must be postmarked within 15 calendar days following the notification of the initial decision by the Assistant Director, Division of Medical Services. The Rate Review Panel will meet to consider the question(s) within 15 calendar days after receipt of a request for such appeal. The question(s) will be heard by the panel, and a recommendation will be submitted to the Director of the Division of Medical Services. 260.000 BILLING PROCEDURES 261.000 Introduction to Billing 7-1-07 Licensed Mental Health Practitioner providers use the CMS-1500 form to bill the Arkansas Medicaid Program on paper for services provided to eligible Medicaid beneficiaries. Each claim may contain charges for only one beneficiary. Section III of this manual contains information about Provider Electronic Solutions (PES) and other available options for electronic claim submission. 262.000 CMS-1500 Billing Procedures 262.100 Licensed Mental Health Practitioner Procedure Codes 9-1-13 The following services are billed on a per unit basis. Unless otherwise specified in the appropriate CPT or HCPCS book, one unit equals 15 minutes. Services less than 15 minutes in duration are not reimbursable. Services billed on a per hour basis according to CPT or HCPCS must be billed for a full hour of service. Services less than 1 hour are not reimbursable. See Section 251.000 for instructions for billing more than full units. Section II-11 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners Section II NOTE: Effective for claims received on or after December 5, 2005, modifiers UA and/or UB must be used with the appropriate procedure codes as described below. Procedure Code Required Modifier 90791 U1 Diagnosis Direct clinical service provided by a licensed mental health practitioner for the purpose of determining the existence, type, nature and most appropriate treatment of a mental illness or related disorder as described in the DSM-IV. This psychodiagnostic process may include but is not limited to a psychosocial and medical history, diagnostic findings and recommendations. 8 unit maximum per day. 96101 UA Diagnosis—Psychological Test/Evaluation Payable only to psychologists. A single diagnostic test administered to a client by a licensed psychologist. This procedure should reflect the mental abilities, aptitudes, interests, attitudes, motivation, emotional and personality characteristics of the client. 8 unit maximum per day. 96101 UA, UB Diagnosis—Psychological Testing-Battery Payable only to psychologists. Two (2) or more diagnostic tests administered to a client by a psychologist. This battery should assess the mental abilities, aptitudes, interests, attitudes, emotions, motivation and personality characteristics of the client. 8 unit maximum per day. 90887 — Interpretation of Diagnosis A direct service provided by a licensed mental health practitioner for the purpose of interpreting the results of diagnostic activities to the patient and/or significant others. If significant others are involved, appropriate consent forms may need to be obtained. 4 unit maximum per day. Crisis Management Visit An unscheduled direct service contact between an identified patient and a licensed mental health practitioner for the purpose of preventing an inappropriate or more restrictive placement. 4 unit maximum per day. Individual Outpatient—Therapy Session Scheduled individual outpatient care provided by a licensed mental health practitioner to a patient for the purposes of treatment and remediation of a condition described in DSM-IV and subsequent revisions. 4 unit maximum per day. H2011 (Psychologist) H0046 (LCSW, LMFT, LPC) H0004 — Description Length of Service Section II-12 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners Section II Procedure Code Required Modifier 90847 90847 U1 U2 Marital/Family Therapy Family therapy shall be treatment provided to two or more family members and conducted by a licensed mental health practitioner for the purpose of alleviating conflict and promoting harmony. 6 unit maximum per day. 90846 90846 U1 U2 Marital/Family Therapy without patient present Family therapy shall be treatment provided to two or more family members and conducted by a licensed mental health practitioner for the purpose of alleviating conflict and promoting harmony. 6 unit maximum per day. H0046 (Psychologist) H0046 (LCSW, LMFT, LPC) U2 Individual Outpatient—Collateral Services A face-to-face contact by a licensed mental health practitioner with other professionals, caregivers or other parties on behalf of an identified patient to obtain relevant information necessary to the patient’s assessment, evaluation and treatment. 4 unit maximum per day. 90853 90857 — Group Outpatient—Group Therapy A direct-service contact between a group of patients and a LCSW, LMFT or LPC for the purposes of treatment and remediation of a psychiatric condition. 6 unit maximum per day. 90853 90857 U1 U1 Group Outpatient—Group Therapy A direct-service contact between a group of patients and a psychologist for the purposes of treatment and remediation of a psychiatric condition. 6 unit maximum per day 262.200 U1 Length of Service Description 7-1-07 National Place of Service Codes Electronic and paper claims now require the same National Place of Service code. Psychologist: Place of Service POS Code Outpatient Hospital 22 Provider’s Office 11 Other—Public School System Setting 99 LCSW, LMFT, LPC: Place of Service POS Code Provider’s Office 11 Section II-13 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners 262.300 Section II Billing Instructions - Paper Only 7-1-07 Hewlett Packard Enterprise offers providers several options for electronic billing. Therefore, claims submitted on paper are lower priority and are paid once a month. The only claims exempt from this rule are those that require attachments or manual pricing. Bill Medicaid for professional services with form CMS-1500. The numbered items in the following instructions correspond to the numbered fields on the claim form. View a sample form CMS-1500. Carefully follow these instructions to help Hewlett Packard Enterprise efficiently process claims. Accuracy, completeness, and clarity are essential. Claims cannot be processed if necessary information is omitted. Forward completed claim forms to the Hewlett Packard Enterprise Claims Department. View or print the Hewlett Packard Enterprise Claims Department contact information. NOTE: A provider delivering services without verifying beneficiary eligibility for each date of service does so at the risk of not being reimbursed for the services. 262.310 Completion of CMS-1500 Claim Form Field Name and Number Instructions for Completion 1. Not required. (type of coverage) 1a. INSURED’S I.D. NUMBER (For Program in Item 1) 9-1-14 Beneficiary’s or participant’s 10-digit Medicaid or ARKids First-A or ARKids First-B identification number. 2. PATIENT’S NAME (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) Beneficiary’s or participant’s last name and first name. 3. PATIENT’S BIRTH DATE Beneficiary’s or participant’s date of birth as given on the individual’s Medicaid or ARKids First-A or ARKids First-B identification card. Format: MM/DD/YY. SEX Check M for male or F for female. 4. INSURED’S NAME (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) Required if insurance affects this claim. Insured’s last name, first name, and middle initial. 5. PATIENT’S ADDRESS (No., Street) Optional. Beneficiary’s or participant’s complete mailing address (street address or post office box). CITY Name of the city in which the beneficiary or participant resides. STATE Two-letter postal code for the state in which the beneficiary or participant resides. ZIP CODE Five-digit zip code; nine digits for post office box. TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) The beneficiary’s or participant’s telephone number or the number of a reliable message/contact/ emergency telephone. PATIENT RELATIONSHIP TO INSURED If insurance affects this claim, check the box indicating the patient’s relationship to the insured. 6. Section II-14 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners Field Name and Number 7. INSURED’S ADDRESS (No., Street) Section II Instructions for Completion Required if insured’s address is different from the patient’s address. CITY STATE ZIP CODE TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) 8. RESERVED Reserved for NUCC use. 9. OTHER INSURED’S NAME (Last name, First Name, Middle Initial) If patient has other insurance coverage as indicated in Field 11d, the other insured’s last name, first name, and middle initial. a. OTHER INSURED’S POLICY OR GROUP NUMBER Policy and/or group number of the insured individual. b. RESERVED Reserved for NUCC use. SEX Not required. c. RESERVED Reserved for NUCC use. d. INSURANCE PLAN NAME OR PROGRAM NAME Name of the insurance company. 10. IS PATIENT’S CONDITION RELATED TO: a. EMPLOYMENT? (Current or Previous) Check YES or NO. b. AUTO ACCIDENT? Required when an auto accident is related to the services. Check YES or NO. PLACE (State) If 10b is YES, the two-letter postal abbreviation for the state in which the automobile accident took place. c. OTHER ACCIDENT? Required when an accident other than automobile is related to the services. Check YES or NO. d. CLAIM CODES The “Claim Codes” identify additional information about the beneficiary’s condition or the claim. When applicable, use the Claim Code to report appropriate claim codes as designated by the NUCC. When required to provide the subset of Condition Codes, enter the condition code in this field. The subset of approved Condition Codes is found at under Code Sets. 11. INSURED’S POLICY GROUP OR FECA NUMBER a. Not required when Medicaid is the only payer. INSURED’S DATE OF BIRTH Not required. SEX Not required. Section II-15 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners Field Name and Number Section II Instructions for Completion b. OTHER CLAIM ID NUMBER Not required. c. INSURANCE PLAN NAME OR PROGRAM NAME Not required. d. IS THERE ANOTHER HEALTH BENEFIT PLAN? When private or other insurance may or will cover any of the services, check YES and complete items 9, 9a and 9d. Only one box can be marked. 12. PATIENT’S OR AUTHORIZED PERSON’S SIGNATURE Enter “Signature on File,” “SOF” or legal signature. 13. INSURED’S OR AUTHORIZED PERSON’S SIGNATURE Enter “Signature on File,” “SOF” or legal signature. 14. DATE OF CURRENT: Required when services furnished are related to an accident, whether the accident is recent or in the past. Date of the accident. ILLNESS (First symptom) OR INJURY (Accident) OR PREGNANCY (LMP) Enter the qualifier to the right of the vertical dotted line. Use Qualifier 431 Onset of Current Symptoms or Illness; 484 Last Menstrual Period. 15. OTHER DATE Enter another date related to the beneficiary’s condition or treatment. Enter the qualifier between the left-hand set of vertical, dotted lines. The “Other Date” identifies additional date information about the beneficiary’s condition or treatment. Use qualifiers: 454 Initial Treatment 304 Latest Visit or Consultation 453 Acute Manifestation of a Chronic Condition 439 Accident 455 Last X-Ray 471 Prescription 090 Report Start (Assumed Care Date) 091 Report End (Relinquished Care Date) 444 First Visit or Consultation 16. DATES PATIENT UNABLE TO WORK IN CURRENT OCCUPATION Not required. 17. NAME OF REFERRING PROVIDER OR OTHER SOURCE Name and title of referral source, whether an individual (such as a PCP) or a clinic or other facility. 17a. (blank) The 9-digit Arkansas Medicaid provider ID number of the referring physician. 17b. NPI Not required. Section II-16 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners Section II Field Name and Number Instructions for Completion 18. HOSPITALIZATION DATES RELATED TO CURRENT SERVICES When the serving/billing provider’s services charged on this claim are related to a beneficiary’s or participant’s inpatient hospitalization, enter the individual’s admission and discharge dates. Format: MM/DD/YY. 19. Identifies additional information about the beneficiary’s condition or the claim. Enter the appropriate qualifiers describing the identifier. See for qualifiers. ADDITIONAL CLAIM INFORMATION 20. OUTSIDE LAB? $ CHARGES 21. DIAGNOSIS OR NATURE OF ILLNESS OR INJURY Not required. Not required. Enter the applicable ICD indicator to identify which version of ICD codes is being reported. Use “9” for ICD-9-CM. Use “0” for ICD-10-CM. Enter the indicator between the vertical, dotted lines in the upper right-hand portion of the field. Diagnosis code for the primary medical condition for which services are being billed. Use the appropriate International Classification of Diseases (ICD). List no more than 12 diagnosis codes. Relate lines A-L to the lines of service in 24E by the letter of the line. Use the highest level of specificity. 22. RESUBMISSION CODE ORIGINAL REF. NO. Reserved for future use. Any data or other information listed in this field does not/will not adjust, void or otherwise modify any previous payment or denial of a claim. Claim payment adjustments, voids, and refunds must follow previously established processes in policy. 23. PRIOR AUTHORIZATION NUMBER The prior authorization or benefit extension control number if applicable. 24A. The “from” and “to” dates of service for each billed service. Format: MM/DD/YY. DATE(S) OF SERVICE 1. On a single claim detail (one charge on one line), bill only for services provided within a single calendar month. 2. Some providers may bill on the same claim detail for two or more sequential dates of service within the same calendar month when the provider furnished equal amounts of the service on each day of the date sequence. B. PLACE OF SERVICE Two-digit national standard place of service code. C. EMG Enter “Y” for “Yes” or leave blank if “No.” EMG identifies if the service was an emergency. Section II-17 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners Field Name and Number D. Section II Instructions for Completion PROCEDURES, SERVICES, OR SUPPLIES CPT/HCPCS One CPT or HCPCS procedure code for each detail. MODIFIER Modifier(s) if applicable. E. DIAGNOSIS POINTER Enter the diagnosis code reference letter (pointer) as shown in Item Number 21 to relate to the date of service and the procedures performed to the primary diagnosis. When multiple services are performed, the primary reference letter for each service should be listed first; other applicable services should follow. The reference letter(s) should be A-L or multiple letters as applicable. The “Diagnosis Pointer” is the line letter from Item Number 21 that relates to the reason the service(s) was performed. F. $ CHARGES The full charge for the service(s) totaled in the detail. This charge must be the usual charge to any client, patient, or other beneficiary of the provider’s services. G. DAYS OR UNITS The units (in whole numbers) of service(s) provided during the period indicated in Field 24A of the detail. H. EPSDT/Family Plan Enter E if the services resulted from a Child Health Services (EPSDT) screening/referral. I. ID QUAL Not required. J. RENDERING PROVIDER ID # The 9-digit Arkansas Medicaid provider ID number of the individual who furnished the services billed for in the detail. NPI Not required. 25. FEDERAL TAX I.D. NUMBER Not required. This information is carried in the provider’s Medicaid file. If it changes, please contact Provider Enrollment. 26. PATIENT’S ACCOUNT N O. Optional entry that may be used for accounting purposes; use up to 16 numeric or alphabetic characters. This number appears on the Remittance Advice as “MRN.” 27. ACCEPT ASSIGNMENT? Not required. Assignment is automatically accepted by the provider when billing Medicaid. 28. TOTAL CHARGE Total of Column 24F—the sum all charges on the claim. 29. AMOUNT PAID Enter the total of payments previously received on this claim. Do not include amounts previously paid by Medicaid. Do not include in this total the automatically deducted Medicaid or ARKids First-B co-payments. 30. RESERVED Reserved for NUCC use. Section II-18 Licensed Mental Health Practitioners Section II Field Name and Number Instructions for Completion 31. SIGNATURE OF PHYSICIAN OR SUPPLIER INCLUDING DEGREES OR CREDENTIALS The provider or designated authorized individual must sign and date the claim certifying that the services were personally rendered by the provider or under the provider’s direction. “Provider’s signature” is defined as the provider’s actual signature, a rubber stamp of the provider’s signature, an automated signature, a typewritten signature, or the signature of an individual authorized by the provider rendering the service. The name of a clinic or group is not acceptable. 32. SERVICE FACILITY LOCATION INFORMATION If other than home or office, enter the name and street, city, state, and zip code of the facility where services were performed. a. (blank) Not required. b. (blank) Not required. 33. BILLING PROVIDER INFO & PH # 262.400 Billing provider’s name and complete address. Telephone number is requested but not required. a. (blank) Not required. b. (blank) Enter the 9-digit Arkansas Medicaid provider ID number of the billing provider. Special Billing Procedures 10-13-03 Not applicable to this program. Section II-19