carried - City of Cockburn

Mayor S. Lee
Deputy Mayor R. Graham
Mr I. Whitfield
Ms A. Tilbury
Mr K. Allen
Ms L. Goncalves
Mrs V. Oliver
Mrs S. Limbert
Mr M. Reeve-Fowkes
Mr A. Edwards
(Presiding Member)
Mr D. Green
Mr A. Crothers
Mr S. Hiller
Mr R. Avard
Mr J. Radaich
Mrs S. Ellis
Acting Chief Executive Officer
Director, Finance & Corporate Services
Director, Planning & Development
Acting Director, Community Services
Acting Director, Engineering & Works
Executive Secretary
and approximately 124 electors of the City of Cockburn.
At 7:07pm, the Presiding Member opened the meeting and explained the
meeting’s procedure.
Copies of the Annual Report were available at the door for members of
the gallery.
There were no questions from the gallery regarding the Annual Report.
Written Questions on Notice
Mayor Lee read out a series of questions from Mr Patrick Thompson in
regards to bus shelters and the answers as follows:-
Does the Council consider the cleanliness and safety of street
verges to be its responsibility?
Where the area of street verge is under the control of Council
and does not include infrastructure installed by other entities,
such as public utilities or certain bus shelters, then Council is
responsible for the cleanliness and safety as limited by the
If yes to Q1, are there any plans to remove the broken glass
from around the bus shelters, which has been accumulating for
over a year to date?
Council relies on the public to report any broken glass at
shelters and this is cleaned up once reported. However, if the
shelter is not Council’s responsibility, viz. Adshel shelters, then
the broken glass is reported to them for action. Adshel have a
24 hour telephone hotline for these instances and the number is
displayed at the shelters. Council does not have the staff
resources to patrol bus shelters on a regular basis. There is a
clean-up crew specifically for bus shelters and they work from
Customer Requests and reports. Otherwise, they have a
weekly run on bus shelters that are most prone to damage and
litter. The hotline number is 1800 501 402.
Australia has one of the highest incidences of skin cancer in the
world, with 1 in 3 people likely to contract same in a lifetime.
Does the Council consider they are acting responsibly by
placing persons waiting for a bus in a ‘Greenhouse type’
environment so increasing this likelihood?
The City is not aware of any studies or reports that link bus
shelters to increased likelihood of skin cancer. The Council
shelters have a solid roof and open sides so it is unlikely that
they represent a potential skin cancer hazard.
Previous questions regarding the bus shelters have elicited the
response “The shelters are provided free of charge”. Has a
study been conducted re the feasibility of designing a more
vandal resistant and weather protective shelter and then selling
the advertising space to raise revenue to pay for these
The City has experimented with various types of bus shelters to
identify the most suitable construction for minimising vandalism
and providing effective shelter. The latest ones installed in
Bibra Lake, Atwell, Success and South Lake appear to be the
most effective. The City has no plans to sell advertising space
to pay for these shelters.
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When does the current agreement with Adshel expire and will
the provision of shelters be open for tender at that time?
This agreement is between Adshel and the State Government
and does not include Council as a party.
Council’s stated mission is “To make the district of the City of
Cockburn the most attractive place to live, work and visit in the
Perth Metropolitan Area”. Does the Council feel that broken
glass on pavements fulfils this mission?
The City clears broken glass on pavements as soon as it is
reported, particularly where it is dangerous.
This is in
accordance with Council’s Corporate Strategic Plan
commitment to construct and maintain roads, which are the
responsibility of the Council, in accordance with recognised
standards and convenient and safe for use by vehicles, cyclists
and pedestrians.
Other Business
Dan Scherr (Amity Blvd, Coogee) asked why written questions
submitted by other people who are not ratepayers were not read out.
Therefore, he and his wife wished to submit the questions for
consideration at this point. He requested that they preferably be
answered now or in writing.
Mayor Lee advised that a letter from the Coogee Coastal Action
Coalition (CACC) was received after the closing date for written
questions to be submitted and would therefore not be dealt with at this
meeting, but dealt with by correspondence from the Acting CEO.
Laurie Humphreys (Waverley Rd, Coolbellup) in regards to the
proposed security patrols, asked if ratepayers will be able to peruse
the business plan prior to it going to Council.
Acting CEO advised that as usual when an item is going to Council, it
is available for public viewing as part of the agenda, seven days prior
to the meeting.
Mr Humphreys queried how many people said they wanted to pay for
the service - was it 68% of the 1% of ratepayers surveyed (600
people) or 68% of 70,000 ratepayers.
Mayor Lee responded that it was 68% of those surveyed.
Mr Humphreys clarified that his reading of the report was that no one
said they wanted to pay for security but they did want the service.
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Mayor Lee explained that a survey was done in the Cockburn
Soundings with good response but to ensure it wasn’t just those who
wanted the service that answered the survey, Council then did a
random survey and of those surveyed, 68% were prepared to pay for
the service.
Mr Humphreys queried if that gave Council a mandate to go ahead
and charge Cockburn ratepayers around $1.5million based on just
68% of 600 people surveyed. He also suggested that the business
plan be looked at again because other councils who have a security
service were not as expensive as the option chosen by Council.
Mayor Lee responded that that was why Council had formed a
Committee to investigate all possible avenues.
Mr Humphreys believed that whilst it gave one a warm fuzzy feeling,
security patrols will not actually reduce crime. The patrols have no
power to arrest or apprehend, no power to question, no power to break
up a fight, cannot exceed the 50km speed limit to get to a call, or
detain anyone like the police can do. All they could do is render first
aid if required. Even though we say the police are slow in responding
sometimes, but at least when they get there they can do something.
The security patrols will help the police but so could the residents by
being active with neighbourhood watch.
Mayor Lee stated that Council has many initiatives for security in the
City including support for neighbourhood watch and security patrols
and jointly, they can help combat crime.
Mr Humphreys stated that at no stage had he heard that spending
over $1million for a ratepayer funded security patrol will reduce crime.
As Council recently agreed to enter into an agreement with the State
Government for funding applications for a number of crime prevention
programs, he suggested that as this was ratepayer’s money, why not
shelf the security money and allow the other funded initiatives to take
place. After all, taxpayers are paying a lot of money to the government
for the police force so why pay $1.5million more for something we
already pay for.
Mr Chris Scanlon (Boobook Lane, Beeliar) stated that the suburb of
Beeliar has had its own security patrols for the last 3 years, they chose
to increase their rates to pay for this service and in that time, had seen
a dramatic decline in the crime and vandalism activity in the area.
Therefore, he was more than happy to endorse security patrols.
Mr Lorenzo Ferulo (Birchley Rd, Yangebup) asked how the titles
could be issued for “Bayview” stages 1 & 2, when ownership of the
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land for Visco Park has not yet been transferred to the Crown. His
understanding is that the land is still in the name of Mr Edward Garbin.
Mayor Lee advised that a response would be provided in writing once
the officer has investigated.
Mr Alisdair Wardle (Caliban Way, Coolbellup) moved the following
MOVED Alisdair Wardle SECONDED Greg Paterson (Dorcas Way,
Coolbellup) that if a school is built on Len Packham Reserve, that
Council ask the Education Department for a net 30% public open
space on the 3 school sites after the parkland is accounted for.
Mr Wardle gave a short history on the possible location of a school on
the Len Packham Reserve in Coolbellup, thereby giving away public
parkland. He felt this would do nothing to invigorate local shops and
showed a lack of benefit for the local community in giving away a piece
of well used public parkland.
Mr Laurie Humphreys, Coolbellup spoke against the motion because
that particular piece of land is not going to make any real difference to
the current amount of playing space that is utilised. Assurance has
been given that if a school is built on that site, the courts will be
relocated. He did not agree with the suggestion of 30% POS on each
of the sites as Coolbellup has some of the finest ovals and playing
fields in the suburbs. Coolbellup needs an increase in population and
more housing so that more people visit the shops and businesses to
make them more viable and more land for young families to build
homes and bring children to use the school.
Mr Greg Paterson (Dorcas Way, Coolbellup) spoke in favour of the
motion as a large number of families in Coolbellup use these ovals as
active recreational areas. He questioned if a primary school should be
built alongside a hotel? If amenities are to be improved in the suburb,
recreation reserves are needed to serve them.
Mr Ron Kimber (Fanstone Ave, Munster) spoke against the motion
because he believed the land would be better used to improve
infrastructure for young families to live.
Mr Wardle in closing the debate, believed the principal of this issue is
seeing the City of Cockburn support local residents and not just the
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parents or Education Department. Coolbellup has had a huge
reinvigoration over the passed 5 years including the parks. The
Education Department has 3 good sites that they could rebuild a
school on, yet they ask Council to build on a public site. He asked
what was in it for the local community and if Council approves the
development, there be a 30% POS on the other sites.
Mr Patrick Thompson (Edeline St, Spearwood) regarding broken
glass from bus shelters, stated that when Adshel fix them, the glass is
swept onto the verges and asked where their commitment finishes and
is Council responsible for cleaning up after?
Mayor Lee requested that if it happens again, Mr Thompson report it
to Council for action.
Mr Thompson referred to the Annual Report where it appeared Council
made nearly $10million clear in terms of operating revenue therefore
he believed Council was financially viable. He felt that Council is able
to find the money when it wants something like a café, but the only
way it can afford security patrols was hike up the rates and stated that
if Council has the funds in the reserve account, it should use it.
Director Finance advised that the reserve account is used to fund
capital works.
Mr Thompson referred to a recent comment by Deputy Mayor that
some Port Coogee submissions would be considered more
“favourably” if they came from local people rather than outsiders and
asked if local people will have first opportunity to purchase property in
the new area?
Mayor Lee responded that Council is responsible to all its ratepayers
however, when someone purchases property in Cockburn, they also
become a ratepayer. That being said, all submissions will be
considered by staff.
Deputy Mayor Graham clarified that when considering the
submissions made to Council, they will be broken down into the
locality the submitter comes from.
Mr Thompson also wished to comment that people still jump off the
Coogee Jetty and did Council think that putting pontoons in would stop
people doing this?
Mayor Lee responded that Council could only try to help.
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Mrs Robyn Scherr (Amity Blvd Coogee), read aloud the letter from
CCAC mentioned earlier as follows:
I request that the Council re-establish committee meetings
whereby matters can be considered in a less formal setting,
where debate from independent-thinking Elected Members can
be more free-flowing and transparent and where a better level
of interaction can occur between the community and the
Elected Members during the process of making decisions of
interest to members of the public.
I request that the Council immediately establish an advisory
committee to advise on matters relating to the Coogee coastal
zone, with membership to include all stakeholders relevant to
the area.
I also request that Council establish a series of workshops
whereby Elected Members and community members can
collectively consider each of the main issues that have been
raised by the community regarding the Port Coogee proposal.
The purpose of the workshops would be to provide an
opportunity for the community to systematically make comment
on each of the major controversial components of the Structure
Plan and Town Planning Scheme Amendment and to enable
the Council to consider each element in a structured but
informal manner.
I request that Council overhaul its community participation and
consultation processes to ensure that the community is involved
in establishing strategic visions for areas prior to specific
proposals being considered and to ensure that genuine options
or development alternatives are put out for community
I request that the following information, which relates to Local
Law 8.13 (regarding Special Permits for signage relating to
community associations), be tabled for public scrutiny:
the number of applications made for a special sign permit
in accordance with Local Law 8.13(1) over the preceding
twelve months;
the number of applications approved for a special sign
permit in accordance with Local Law 8.13(1) over the
preceding twelve month;
the number of times where such applications have not
been dealt with under delegated authority, but referred to
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the number of complaints made from members of the
public over the preceding twelve months regarding
signage relating to community events; and
the number of times action has been taken by the
Principal Building Surveyor or the Rangers regarding
such signage over the preceding twelve months.
Mayor Lee reiterated his earlier comment that the letter will be
responded to administratively.
Mrs Mary Jenkins (Ross Court Spearwood) wished to move the
following motion:
MOVED Mary Jenkins SECONDED Howard Shepherd (Monaco Ave,
North Lake) that the issue of security would be looked upon ward by
Mrs Jenkins explained that Beeliar is a more dormitory suburb with
many double income families however, West Ward is entirely different
being close to Fremantle, within quick police response, made up of
older and limited income residents who would not want to be paying
for a security system in dormitory suburbs. She believed that
residents would also be subsidising a cheap security service for
businesses. On this basis, she felt it should be done ward by ward.
Mrs Jenkins also asked if Council supported local business and if so,
why did Council have its end of the year celebration outside of
Mayor Lee explained that the function was held to recognise
politicians and contributors to the City and Council wanted to use a
venue suitable for us to use and easy to access by public transport.
Ms Sue Grey-Smith (Caliban Way, Coolbellup) wished to move the
following motion:
MOVED Sue Grey-Smith SECONDED Lou Barrett (Archidamus Rd
Coolbellup) that this meeting of electors express disappointment that
the Council made a decision without community consultation, to place
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the new State Government funded regional dental clinic in Spearwood
instead of its original location as announced in the last state budget in
Ms Grey-Smith stated that Council made a great effort to have an
investigation into rejuvenating the Coolbellup Shopping Centre. She
felt that in one hand Council spent a lot of money on a process of
Enquiry-by-Design and on the other hand, made a decision to place
something elsewhere when it could have made the centre of
Coolbellup a great regional centre for paramedical and medical
facilities. She believed the reason Coolbellup was not chosen was
because it was not on bus routes and was not in a regional centre. It
was a fantastic opportunity and the government had planned to place
this facility in Coolbellup but Council, without community consultation,
placed it in Spearwood and she was very disappointed.
LOST (15 to 35)
Mr Rex Sallur (Corn Way, Bibra Lake) mentioned that the skate park
in Bibra Lake is becoming more and more popular which is a good
thing however, now people are coming by car and are driving right up
to the slab which is starting to tear up the area so the grass now has
many deep ruts. It is a good facility being well used but vehicles are
doing immense damage. He asked Council to consider installing a
bollard/barrier across the front of the area restricting parking to the
Acting Director Engineering noted the request.
Mr Bert Renner (March St Spearwood) in regards to Council removing
signs promoting a CCAC rally at Coogee, Mr Renner understood that
certain rules must apply relating to removal of illegal signs, but where
the issue is of interest to a lot of people, he felt that the matter should
have been referred to Council rather than being dealt with by an
officer. Therefore he wished to move the following motion:
MOVED Bert Renner SECONDED Dan Scherr (Coogee), that should
an issue impact on more than 500 members of the community, that a
Special Meeting of Council be called to consider the bylaws in relation
to signage.
MOTION LOST (27 to 38)
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Mr Howard Shepherd (Monaco Ave, North Lake) concerning
Farrington Road, queried the reason for the demise of the median strip
and its plants. Also, sought comment on a rumour that some
Councillors and employees want to duplicate Farrington Road.
Mayor Lee explained that many years ago when Farrington Road was
constructed, a condition of construction set by the EPA was that the
plants to be replanted there must be endemic to that area or native to
that spot. That condition was overlooked when replanting was done.
Council has been notified that the existing vegetation is not native to
that particular spot and must be removed and replaced. Mayor Lee
was not aware of the rumour.
Mr John Kelly (Ingvarson Way Bibra Lake) regarding construction of
Roe 7, stated that there have been comments made during alliance
discussions of a bridge linking Karel Avenue to the airport. He asked
what Council’s involvement was and if it been approached.
Acting CEO advised that Council was asked to contribute 1/3 rd to the
bridges construction but Council declined on the basis that it was not
Council’s responsibility and the funds should be found elsewhere.
Mr Kelly suggested that Council reconsider its position seeing the
airport, the Alliance and City of Melville were all putting some in, as it
would be beneficial to the community.
Mayor Lee stated that Council had already made its decision.
Mr Kelly also queried if Council had considered providing input to
ensure that residents at the top end of Park Way Bibra Lake are not
disturbed during construction of Roe Highway.
Acting Director Engineering stated that the Alliance is aware and is
taking into account, the local residents concerns.
Mr Laurie Humphreys (Coolbellup) with regards to security patrols,
asked if Council is required (under the Act), to seek outside costings
by an alternative organisation when imposing a new charge?
Acting CEO advised that Council had made a number of inquiries
through various forums including the private sector.
Mr Humphreys also asked how many residents of West Ward had
requested reticulation on Phoenix Road as they would be shocked to
hear it was costing $330,000 with maintenance of $18,000 per year.
Were there any requests for the reticulation or public consultation as
he believed West Ward could do a lot more with that money than
pulling out native flora and putting in reticulation.
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Mayor Lee advised that the matter had gone through the usual budget
Mr Alan Davison, (Tijou Close Coogee) thanked Councillors for the
job they are doing. Recent media reports regarding Port Coogee
Structure Plan allege that Council failed to consult with the community
but if Council had failed to do that, why had it received so many
submissions. The fact that the local structure plan had been amended
five times over the past decade clearly refuted the suggestion that
there was no public consultation.
Mr Patrick Thompson (Spearwood) referred to page 11 of the Annual
Report regarding 5,098 tonnes of dry recyclables diverted from the
landfill site with a target of 16,890 tonnes. He queried that if Council is
serious about recycling and diverting rubbish from landfill, why does it
pick up green bins weekly and yellow bins every 2 weeks when
Council could encourage recycling by emptying yellow bins weekly and
green bins every 2 weeks instead.
Mayor Lee explained that at this point in time, both bins should be
going to the recycling centre and residue from green bins coming back
to Henderson after being processed at the Canning Vale Materials
Treatment Plant. Unfortunately due to a problem with the compost
tumblers, this is not the case so yellow bins are going to the recovery
centre and green bins to the tip site.
Mr Giuseppe Rotondella, (Moreing Rd Attadale/Ratepayer) wished to
move the following motion:
MOVED Giuseppe Rotondella SECONDED Edel Conroy (Castellon
Crs Coogee) for a vote of confidence in the Councillors and Officers of
the City of Cockburn.
Hugh Needham, (Quince Way Coolbellup) spoke against the motion
because as Mr Rotondella is involved in the Port Coogee
development, he should not be allowed to move such a motion.
Ron Kimber, (Fanstone Ave Beeliar) suggested the following
amendment which was agreed by the Mover and Seconder as follows:
Amended Motion
“A vote of confidence in the Councillors and Officers of the City of
Cockburn on the basis of the work they have done for us during the
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Mr Kimber felt that the public should respect that the Councillors are
elected to represent the ratepayers and it is time to show a little
Mr Alisdair Wardle, (Coolbellup) spoke against the motion as he felt
Councillors have to earn the respect given the amount of debate about
lack of community consultation, spending priorities where Council has
spent or is proposing to spend a large amount of money on projects
the community has not expressed an interest in. Council needs to
earn respect and a vote of this sort is not necessary.
Mr Laurie Humphreys (Coolbellup) spoke in favour of the motion
because people do not realise the amount of work involved throughout
the year and the amount of work officers put in to keep Council
informed. He may not agree with everything Council does but in
general, it is doing a good job.
Mr Dan Scherr (Coogee) spoke against the motion because he did
not want the Council, Councillors and Officers combined in the same
Ms Elsa Cheah, (Bellion Dr Hamilton Hill) felt that it did not mean
there was meaningful community consultation because there had been
several amendments to the TPS Structure Plan for Port Coogee. Her
understanding of CCAC is that they are not an anti-development group
but simply concerned about ocean infill for the sake of building canal
Mr Bert Renner, (Spearwood) referred to a Council pamphlet on the
seats advising of community group workshops. He recalled that the
Ratepayers Association of Spearwood was abolished. The pamphlet
says that residents of Spearwood are invited to a community meeting.
He stated that as Mary Jenkins is still the President and has not called
a meeting for over 4 years, he called on her to officially resign from the
Alan Davison (Coogee) regarding the car park north of the café near
the Surf Lifesaving Club, requested the vegetation be removed as the
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carpark is obviously being used as a ‘lovers lane’ and wished to move
the following motion:
MOVED Alan Davison SECONDED Santo Merenda (Beach Rd
Coogee) that vegetation on the southern side of the northern carpark
be removed.
Ms Zoe Inman, (Coogee) spoke against the motion as removing that
vegetation and the reptiles who live in it, should not be considered.
She also wanted it noted that the ratepayer that owns the property
should be asked to clean their yard up first.
MOTION LOST (42 to 34)
Mr Mark Jones, (Lydon Blvd, Atwell) queried if Council was
conducting a phone survey as he had been called recently and as a
Council employee, was not sure if he should participate.
Acting CEO confirmed that every three years, Council conducts a
community needs study and one of the methods is via phone survey of
a random selection of businesses and residents in the area, to see
what the community expectations and satisfaction ratings of Council
Mrs Mary Jenkins, (Spearwood) referred to page 27 of the Annual
Report stating that the Bicycle Plan is under review. She asked what
Council’s commitment was to improve cycle paths in Cockburn
especially to help students ride to school safely and to encourage
Mayor Lee responded that Council has committed in excess of $1
million for DUP (dual use paths) and will continue to do so.
Mr Bob Poole, (Vlaming Rise, Coogee) stated that Council has issued
work orders for Mr Rotondella’s property and asked why Council has
not yet prosecuted him.
Director, Planning and Development reiterated his earlier comment
that there is due process with regard to cleaning up the site and this
land is part of the development proposal which is being cleaned up as
part of that.
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Mr Ron Kimber, (Beeliar) asked if he should move a motion that
Council approach State Government to increase the presence of
Police in the area.
Mayor Lee advised that Council is already doing so.
Mr Kimber was therefore willing to pay if it will increase safety but not
happy about it because the government should be paying for an
increased police presence.
Mr Hugh Needham (Coolbellup) stated that he was against the
marina proposal but not development and voiced his concern at the
effect a marina would have on Coogee Beach and Woodman Point.
Mr Sam Fazio, (Viewcrest Rise, Coogee) stated that he just returned
from Surfers Paradise and it was a great place. If Cockburn had some
of the wonderful things they have, it would be pretty lucky. There is a
marina in Fremantle and Mandurah and people are not complaining.
He felt that if we do not hurry up and get rid of the rubbish in that area,
it will be there for many years to come. It could be a very professional
set up and the residents would like to use the marina. They have them
everywhere else so why should Cockburn miss out.
Mrs Robyn Scherr (Coogee) spoke against the marina as she felt it
would take away the beach for essentially a housing estate, it was not
essential and would serve only a small number of people. Everyone
wants to see the area developed: the area has potential to be better
than Surfers Paradise but a marina is not the way and the main
attraction at Surfers is a wonderful beach.
Ms Sally Newsome, (Coogee Beach Caravan Park) commented that
you cannot access the beach in the area where the marina is to go
and believed that the marina could be wonderful with public access
and will get rid of the current ugliness.
Mrs Mary Jenkins (Spearwood) felt it was putting the cart before the
horse because something needs to be done about the power station
before the project could go ahead and that it was up to the State
Government Representatives to do something about it before a
development at Coogee Beach can be finalised.
Mayor Lee advised that the CEO and himself have been involved in
extensive meetings with politicians over the power station. It does not
have concrete cancer; there is heritage issues however he assured
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her that State Members are working towards a solution on the power
station and Council is very keen to see that.
Mr John Skennos, (Castellon Cres, Coogee) stated that the
development is about more than just beach access; the developers
have been working for years to come up with a proposal that satisfies
many requirements and makes it a viable project and the residents
should have faith that its Council is doing its job properly by taking
advice from technical officers.
Mr Dan Scherr (Coogee) wished to move that Council investigate the
preparation of a strategy for the establishment of a new regional beach
in the City of Cockburn including scouting out locations to investigate
where a new regional beach would be set up.
Mayor Lee advised that Council is already looking at Poore Grove
which is half way between Coogee Beach and the Ammunition Jetty at
Woodman Point.
Director Planning & Development added that the Planning Division
has completed a structure plan for the area past Woodman Point
including the Australian Marine Complex. Part of that is looking for a
location for a surf club and Poore Grove has been identified as a
potential surf life saving and public access site.
Mr Scherr asked if the population increase over the next 10-15 years is
taken into account and will public comment be invited.
Director, Planning and Development responded that population studies
are done every few years with the next in 2005. This project is being
done by an experienced consultant but a completion date is not known
at the moment.
Mr Hugh Needham (Coolbellup) offered to assist the consultants by
telling them the best time of day to visit for a good indication of its use.
There being no further questions, the Presiding Member thanked everyone
for participating.
Meeting closed at 9.07pm.
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