NATL REGISTRATION FORM FOR ASNT NDT LEVEL III EXAMINATIONS ASNT MEMBER YES/NO Membership No. Expiry Date 1. Surname 2. Forenames 3. Date and place of birth ____________________ _____________________ _______________________ 4. Employer's Address ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Tel. No. ________________ _________________________________________________ Fax No. ________________ 5. Home Address ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Tel. No. ________________ Please give the name and contact nos. for the company and/or person who has authorised and/or sponsored your application and who is responsible for paying the exam fees. Name Signature Date ________________________ ___________________________ _________________ Address (if different from above) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Tel. No. _______________ 6. I wish to apply for the following exams Basic (must be passed before ASNT will issue an NDT Level III certificate). PdM Basic (only available in TIR and VA) UT - Ultrasonics RT - Radiographic Testing PT - Liquid Penetrant MT - Magnetic Particle ET - Electromagnetic Testing (Eddy Current) VA - Vibration Analysis LT - Leak Testing AE - Acoustic Emission VT - Visual Testing NRT - Neutron Radiography TIR - Thermal Infrared Testing 7. Payment of Fees I enclose a cheque for the amount of £ Examination Account'. I am paying by bankers draft to NATL account no. 41723805. Sort code 60-40-09. Nat West Chesterfield Branch, P.O. Box 13, 5 Market Place, S40 1TJ. See separate details for summary of the fees. Your application cannot be processed until payment is received. Payment by credit card cannot be accepted. Authorisation to take the exams can only be given when the documents have been checked and approved by ASNT. made payable to 'North Atlantic Section Closing date for receipt of exam application is 12th February 2008. No applications will be accepted after this date. Closing date for receipt of exam application is 12th February 2008. No applications will be accepted after this date.