
Cabinet Member Report
23 March 2009
Oxford Circus Public Realm Improvements:
Introduction of Diagonal Pedestrian Crossings and
closure and decommissioning of the underground public
conveniences at Oxford Circus, Pedestrianisation of
Princes Street, and Pedestrianisation of Little Argyll
This report presents three schemes to improve the public realm in the vicinity of
Oxford Circus and seeks approval to:
The design and implementation of diagonal pedestrian crossings at Oxford
Circus and associated modifications to traffic regulation orders;
Closure and decommissioning of the Oxford Circus underground public
conveniences and their replacement with alternative facilities within the area;
Pedestrianisation of the junction of Princes Street with Regent Street, and
associated modifications to traffic regulation orders;
Pedestrianisation of the junction of Little Argyll Street with Regent Street, and
associated modifications to traffic regulation orders; and
Capital expenditure necessary to implement any or all of the public realm
1. That approval be given to introduce diagonal pedestrian crossings on Oxford
Circus and associated works including the closure and decommissioning of the
Oxford Circus underground public conveniences as identified on Plan No.2
attached as Appendix A together with modifications to traffic regulation orders
under sections 6 and 45 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and capital
expenditure of up to £3,950,000 necessary to implement the proposals.
2. That approval be given to pedestrianise the junction of Princes Street with
Regent Street and associated works all identified on Plan No.3 attached as
Appendix A together with modifications to traffic orders under sections 6 ad 45 of
the Road and Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and capital expenditure of up to
£445,000 necessary to implement the proposals.
3. That approval be given to pedestrianise the junction of Little Argyll Street with
Regent Street and associated works all identified on Plan No.4 attached as
Appendix A together with modifications to traffic orders under sections 6 and 45
of the Road and Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and capital expenditure of up to
£135,000 necessary to implement the proposals
4. That authority be delegated to the Director of Transportation in consultation with
the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport to approve minor
modifications to any of the schemes identified in this report should they become
City of Westminster
Cabinet Member:
Title of Report:
Report of:
Wards involved:
Policy context:
Financial summary:
Cabinet Member Report
Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport
23 March 2009
For General Release
Oxford Circus Public Realm Improvements:
Introduction of Diagonal Pedestrian Crossings at
Oxford Circus and closure and decommissioning
of the Oxford Circus underground public
conveniences; Pedestrianisation of Princes Street;
and Pedestrianisation of Little Argyll Street.
Director of Transportation
Director of Environment and Leisure
West End
To improve the public realm in the vicinity of
Oxford Circus for all highway users and
accessibility of pedestrians
The estimated cost to implement the three schemes
identified in this report are:
Oxford Circus Diagonal Crossings and closure and
decommissioning of the Oxford Circus underground
public conveniences - £ 3,950,000.
Pedestrianisation of the junction of Princes Street with
Regent Street - £445,000.
Pedestrianisation of the junction of Little Argyll Street
with Regent Street - £135,000.
The cost of the three schemes will be shared by The
Crown Estate, Westminster City Council, Transport for
London and The New West End Company from the
Oxford Street Regent Street and Bond Street (ORB)
Action Plan Budget.
Report Author:
Peter Bennett
Scheme Development Manager
Contact details
Peter Bennett
Scheme Development Manager
Telephone 020 7641 2920
Background Information
Oxford Circus is an iconic landmark located in the heart of the West End and retail
district of Westminster attracting approximately half a million visitors per day. Due
to the existing configuration of Oxford Circus, balustrade walls and London
Underground access stairways extreme pedestrian crowding is a common
occurrence portraying an uncomfortable and unwelcoming environment. To
improve this situation and bus movements it was agreed to investigate options
which would create an improved environment and reduce overcrowding at the
As part of the ORB Action Plan, the City Council, in partnership with Transport for
London, New West End Company and The Crown Estate is proposing to introduce
a number of public realm improvements in the vicinity of Oxford Circus to improve
public safety, accessibility and pedestrian movement whilst minimising the impact
on traffic flows through Oxford Circus. The schemes being developed and identified
in this report include:
Introduction of diagonal pedestrian crossings at Oxford Circus including the
closure and decommissioning of the Oxford Circus underground public
Pedestrianisation of the junction of Princes Street and Regent Street;
Pedestrianisation of the junction of Little Argyll Street and Regent Street; and
The initial designs for the three proposals have been produced by Atkins on behalf
of The Crown Estate, and in consultation with Westminster City Council, Transport
for London and the New West End Company and are detailed under section 2 of
this report.
The City Council has instructed its service provider, West One, to review all the
designs supplied by Atkins to ensue compliance with adopted standards and
policies. Subject to Cabinet Member approval it is intended to appoint West One to
implement the approved proposals.
An underground public convenience is located beneath Oxford Circus, which is
accessed from the central pedestrian refuge on the northern arm of the junction. To
deliver the diagonal crossings at Oxford Circus it will be necessary to close the
existing underground public conveniences and provide alternative facilities in the
area. A project brief for Old Cavendish Street includes the provision of a fully
accessible public convenience and is currently being evaluated. In response to the
project brief nine submissions for Old Cavendish Street have been received and
are being considered.
The City Council is seeking excellent fully accessible public conveniences to
replace those lost through the Scheme. The Crown Estate, NWEC, TfL and two
local businesses directly affected by the proposed new public convenience, John
Lewis plc and House of Fraser, have agreed to develop and implement the new
public convenience.
The total provision of the public convenience will be reduced, but the will be fully
Scheme Design Proposals
The aim of the three proposals identified in this report is to improve the public
realm for all highway users, to improve accessibility for pedestrians and to maintain
bus facilities and general traffic movements. The three schemes identified are as
Diagonal Pedestrian Crossings at Oxford Circus and closure and decommissioning
of the Oxford Circus underground public conveniences as shown on Plan No.2
attached in Appendix A
To modify the junction of John Princes Street and Oxford Street to reduce
pedestrian crossing distance and to improve bus access.
The introduction of diagonal pedestrian crossings at Oxford Circus to improve
accessibility for pedestrians and reduce pedestrian congestion and journey
times around Oxford Circus. The proposals require the removal of the existing
stone balustrades, widening of footways and the introduction of a dropped kerb
around the radius of the junction. LEGION modelling, which simulates
pedestrian movement, has been carried out for the scheme, and shows
significant advantages for pedestrians;
Removal of the yellow box junction as the diagonal crossings pass through it
and replacing it with coloured textured surface dressing to identify the crossing
locations and to discourage motorists from stopping on a crossing. The
existing red light enforcement cameras will be retained to protect pedestrians
and ensure the diagonal crossings are kept clear of traffic during pedestrian
crossing times.
Repaving the footways in high quality natural stone and introduction of a
bespoke radial pattern within Oxford Circus to create an identity and bring
together the varied pavement types and colours of Regent Street and Oxford
Introducing ‘City’ type security bollards to the entrances of the London
Underground station to prevent vehicles accessing Oxford Circus London
Underground station;
Upgrading public lighting to meet the current British and Westminster City
Council standards by the introduction of thirty-two new wall mounted lanterns
to the four buildings on each corner of the circus. The new lanterns will be
mounted on the buildings, with access for maintenance purposes required from
the footways. Each lantern will be directed to the pavement on the opposite
side of Oxford Circus to reduce shadowing and create even light distribution.
Improving surface water drainage by replacing existing gullies and introducing
new gullies where required to accommodate the design proposals;
Due to the high frequency and volume of bus traffic through Oxford Circus, bus
lanes will be provided southbound on Regent Street (northern arm) and
northbound on Regent Street (southern arm). These will include improved bus
stop locations and passenger waiting facilities;
The proposals identified in this report will result in a minor delay to travel times
of vehicles at peak times through Oxford Circus. A summary of the effects can
be found in Appendix C. Transport for London (London Buses and Network
Assurance) have been consulted on the traffic flows and have raised no
objected to the scheme;
Decommissioning and closure of the existing Oxford Circus underground public
conveniences to allow for the realignment of traffic lanes and kerb lines. The
current proposal is to salvage all reusable and recyclable materials then backfill
the toilets with foam concrete and to cap the entrances to the toilets with
concrete slabs designed to withstand vehicular loadings;
Architects have been invited to table proposals for a scheme for Old
Cavendish Street. This includes the provision of a fully accessible public
convenience as a replacement to the decommissioned toilets at Oxford Circus.
Nine proposals have been submitted and are currently being evaluated. It is
anticipated that planning approval for the new public convenience will be
sought in July 2009. If this proves unviable, alternative arrangements will be
developed with the Director of Environment and Leisure. A copy of the Old
Cavendish Street Oasis Project Brief is attached as Appendix D; and
Modifications to traffic orders under sections 6 and 45 of the Road Traffic
Regulation Act 1984 will be required to accommodate the streetscape
improvements as set out in Appendix G, together with the Statement of
The benefits of the proposals would include:
Improved safety for pedestrians.
Improved accessibility for all.
Reduced congestion.
Enhanced urban environment.
Reduced street clutter.
Improved public lighting.
Improved bus routes.
Due to the high frequency and volume of bus traffic through Oxford Circus, bus
lanes will be provided southbound on Regent Street (northern arm) and northbound
on Regent Street (southern arm). These will include improved bus stop locations
and passenger waiting facilities. VISSIM micro simulation traffic modelling has been
undertaken for the scheme, and the surrounding area, which has demonstrated that
the bus lanes will help to provide an improvement in overall bus journey times
through the junction.
Pedestrianise the junction of Princes Street with Regent Street as shown on Plan
No.3 Attached in Appendix A
Pedestrianisation of Princes Street between Swallow Place and Regent Street
will remove the pedestrian/vehicle conflict for pedestrians walking along the
western side of Regent Street to and from Oxford Circus.
Traffic flows from Princes Street onto Regent Street are relatively low, but are
slow moving and constant, which contributes to congestion, noise and pollution
at this location. To facilitate the proposed pedestrianisation of the eastern end
of Princes Street it will be necessary to make the remainder of Princes Street
two way working from one way eastbound. The closure of Princes Street also
provides a suitable location to relocate the taxi bays that are to be removed
from the northern arm of the Oxford Circus junction.
Repave the footways in York stone to match the existing materials used in
Regent Street.
Modifications to traffic orders under sections 6 and 45 of the Road Traffic
Regulation Act 1984 will be required to accommodate the streetscape
improvements as set out in Appendix G, together with the Statement of
Pedestrianise the junction of Little Argyll Street with Regent Street as shown on
Plan No 4 Attached in Appendix A
Pedestrianisation of Little Argyll Street between Argyll Street and Regent
Street is required to accommodate a bus stop, which is to be relocated south
from Oxford Circus to increase the footway widths nearer to Oxford Circus and
to reduce pedestrian. Vehicular conflict. There are minimal traffic impacts
associated with this pedestrianisation;
Repave the footways in York stone to match the existing materials used in
Regent Street.
Modifications to traffic orders under sections 6 and 45 of the Road Traffic
Regulation Act 1984 will be required to accommodate the streetscape
improvements as set out in Appendix F, together with the Statement of
Subject to approval, implementation of any or all of the approved schemes will be
co-ordinated and are programmed to commence in March 2009 and are expected
to take approximately nine months to complete. Works on the approved schemes
will be carried out by the Council’s service provider, West One. These works will be
programmed and managed to accommodate the requirements of local businesses,
retailers, emergency services and public transport. A detailed programme for the
project is attached as Appendix C.
Officers have been working closely with both the Tottenham Court Road (TCR)
project team and the Crossrail management team to develop the programme of
works and believe that the works period identified is the most appropriate “window
of opportunity” to carry out the works. The TCR team has been undertaking trial
holes in Oxford Street East towards since the end of October 2008 and will hold a
working group forum with officers to discuss and finalise lane closure programmes
and traffic diversion plans for the closure of Oxford Street East in 2009. Officers
are working closely with these project teams to ensure that the combined works will
not severely affect the highway network.
Financial Implications
All costs of implementing any or all of the public realm improvements will be shared
by The Crown Estate, Westminster City Council, Transport for London and The
New west End Company from the Oxford Street, Regent Street and Bond Street
Action Plan Budget.
The estimated costs of the three proposals identified in this report are as follows:
Diagonal Crossings Oxford Circus and closure and decommissioning of the Oxford
Circus underground public conveniences.
Detailed design and implementation costs - £ 2,495,000
Contingencies - £ 340,000
Risk - £ 350,000
Sub Total - £ 3,185,000
Third party costs including utilities - £ 455,000
Third party risk - £150,000
Client costs - £ 160,000
Total - £ 3,950,000
Pedestrianisation of junction of Princes Street with Regent Street
Detailed design and implementation costs - £ 315,000
Contingencies - £ 35,000
Risk - £ 30,000
Sub Total - £380,000
Third party costs including utilities - £ 42,000
Client costs - £ 23,000
Total - £ 445,000
Pedestrianisation of junction of Little Argyll Street with Regent Street
Detailed design and implementation costs - £ 85,000
Contingencies - £ 10,000
Risk - £ 20,000
Sub Total – £115,000
Third party costs including utilities - £10,000
Client costs - £ 10,000
Total - £ 135,000
The process of public procurement for large projects is governed by a number of
European directives, which have been implemented in UK legislation. The
European directives and the UK and Scottish regulations which implement the
directives set out detailed procedures for the award of contracts whose value
equals or exceeds specific thresholds. The thresholds are defined in Euro's and
the equivalent values in pounds sterling are updated every two years.
The current threshold limit set down by the European Union is £3,834,000 the
value of which only relates to works costs, risks and contingencies. It can be seen
from the financial breakdown above that the three schemes included in this report
do not exceed the European Union threshold.
Legal Implications
The provision of wall hung public lighting will require the City Council to enter into
wayleave agreements with the property owners. The Director of Transportation has
delegated powers to authorise these agreements.
Staffing Implications
There are no staffing implications arising from this report.
Business Plan Implications
There is no specific reference to this scheme within the City Council’s
Business Plan.
Outstanding Issues
The Director of Transportation will initiate the traffic order consultation for the
necessary modifications to the traffic orders identified in this report and will use his
delegated powers to consider any objections received in consultation with the
Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport.
The Director of Transportation will in consultation with the Head of Legal Services
progress and enter into wayleave agreements with building owners for mounting
public lanterns on surrounding buildings.
A public consultation exercise was carried out during July and August 2008. 95%
of responses from the public were in support of the proposals. A brief summary of
the responses are shown in Table 1.0 below. The Oxford Circus pedestrian
improvements – Diagonal crossings, consultation report, October 2008 is included
as Background Papers.
Table 1.0 – Summary of Public Consultation Feedback
Overall Scheme
114 (95%)
3 (3%)
1 (1%)
2 (2%)
120 (100%)
114 (95%)
4 (3%)
1 (1%)
1 (1%)
120 (100%)
111 (93%)
4 (3%)
1 (1%)
4 (3%)
120 (100%)
99 (83%)
5 (4%)
6 (5%)
10 (8%)
120 (100%)
As shown within Table 1.0 the scheme is widely supported with 114 (95%) of
responses supporting the overall scheme.
Of the people who responded:
28 (22%) were local residents;
87 (68%) were in the area for business;
3 (2%) were tourists or visitors to the area; and
10 (8%) did not answer.
A consultation exercise involving Ward Councillors, the local amenity society and
section 6 consultees was carried out during September and October 2008. Four
responses were received.
The emergency services were consulted and raised no objections to the principles
of the proposals.
A summary of consultation responses with Ward Councillors, the local amenity
society and section 6 consultees are attached as Appendix D.
Crime and Disorder Act
10.1 The pedestrianisation of Little Argyll Street and Princes Street has a low risk of
increasing crime and anti-social behaviour. Other measures in this report are not
expected to have any implications under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.
Health and Safety Issues
11.1 All works undertaken will be closely monitored and carried out to the requirements
of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and The Construction (Design and
Management) Regulations 2007.
Human Rights Act 1998
12.1 The measures in this report are not expected to have any implications under the
Crime and Disorder Act 1998.
Impact on Health and Wellbeing
13.1 The proposals identified in this report are considered to have a positive impact on
the health and well being of the community. Whilst some low level negative impacts
may be experienced during the construction phase (associated with dust and noise
nuisance), overall the project is expected to produce benefits for the community
associated with the highway improvements. A health and well being matrix is
attached to this report as Appendix E.
Conclusions and Reasons for the Proposed Decisions
14.1 The proposed three public realm improvements identified in this report will improve
the public realm for highway users by introducing diagonal pedestrian crossings,
pedestrianising the junctions of Regent Street with Princes Street and Little Argyll
Street, decommissioning the public toilets beneath Regent Street North, reducing
street clutter, widening footway widths, repaving the highway using robust
materials, improving public lighting and drainage and introducing security
measures to the Oxford Circus London Underground entrances.
14.2 The estimated cost of each of the three schemes is as follows;
Diagonal crossings at Oxford Circus including the closure and
decommissioning of the Oxford Circus underground public conveniences - £
Pedestrianisation of the junction of Princes Street with Regent Street -
Pedestrianisation of the junction of Little Argyll Street with Regent Street £135,000.
All costs include client costs, risks and contingencies which will be funded jointly by
The Crown Estate, Westminster City Council, Transport for London and the New
west End Company from the Oxford Street, Regent Street and Bond Street Action
Plan budget.
14.3 It is recommended that authority be delegated to the Director of Transportation in
consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport to make
minor modifications to any of the scheme should they be necessary.
14.4 The Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport is therefore recommended to
approve the proposals outlined in this report and the capital expenditure necessary
to check the designs and monitor the works.
If you have any queries about this report or wish to inspect one of the background
papers please contact Peter Bennett on 020 7641 2920, fax 020 7641 2658,
1. ORB Action Plan
2. Oxford Circus pedestrian improvements – Diagonal crossings, consultation
report, October 2008
3. email from Peter Bourne regarding a contribution towards a new public
For completion by Cabinet Member for the Cabinet Member for Environment and
Declaration of Interest
I have no interest to declare in respect of this report
Signed ……………………………. Date ………………………………
Councillor Danny Chalkley, Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport.
I have to declare an interest
State nature of interest ……..……………………………………………
Signed ……………………………. Date …………………………………
Councillor Danny Chalkley, Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport.
(N.B: If you have an interest you should seek advice as to whether it is appropriate to
make a decision in relation to this matter.)
For the reasons set out above, I agree the recommendation(s) in the report entitled
Oxford Circus Public Realm Improvements: Introduction of Diagonal Pedestrian
Crossings and closure and decommissioning of the Oxford Circus underground
public conveniences, Pedestrianisation of Princes Street and Pedestrianisation of
Little Argyll Street and reject any alternative options which are referred to but not
Signed ………………………………………………
Councillor Danny Chalkley, Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport
Date …………………………………………………
For Ward Specific Reports Only
In reaching this decision I have given due regard to any representations made
by relevant Ward Members.
Signed ………………………………………………
Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport
Date …………………………………………………
If you have any additional comment which you would want actioned in connection with
your decision you should discuss this with the report author and then set out your
comment below before the report and this pro-forma is returned to the Secretariat for
Additional comment: …………………………………………………………………
NOTE: If you do not wish to approve the recommendations, or wish to make an
alternative decision, it is important that you consult the report author, the Head of Legal
Services, the Director of Finance and, if there are staffing implications, the Director of
Human Resources (or their representatives) so that (1) you can be made aware of any
further relevant considerations that you should take into account before making the
decision and (2) your reasons for the decision can be properly identified and recorded,
as required by law.
Note to Cabinet Member: Your decision will now be published and copied to the
Members of the relevant Policy & Scrutiny Committee. If the decision falls within
the criteria for call-in, it will not be implemented until five working days have
elapsed for any call-in request to be received.
Highway layout Oxford Circus Diagonals – Plan 2
Highway layout Princes Street pedestrianisation – Plan 3
Highway layout Little Argyll Street pedestrianisation – Plan 4
Old Cavendish Street Oasis – Project Brief
The Oxford, Regent and Bond Street Action Plan introduced the concept
of oases in the ORB area, a calm space and somewhere for people to
stop and enjoy a rest with seating and trees. Old Cavendish Street,
(adjoining Oxford Street between John Lewis and House of Fraser on the
north side) offers the opportunity to deliver something very special
at the major West End ‘entry point’ of Oxford Circus.
Nowhere in the West End is there a greater need to provide an oasis
for shoppers and visitors given the intensity of footfall in the
Oxford Circus area. There is also an acknowledged need for improved
information provision and this opportunity would form an important
part of a wider plan to provide better shopper information across the
Given the limited capacity in the site area it is critical the space
surrounding the build is carefully planned. Foot flow along Oxford
Street and access to the two department stores must remain unaffected
with no potential for congestion. Appropriate public seating in front
of the build may provide the necessary ‘buffer’ from Oxford Street.
An oasis in Old Cavendish Street could act as a ‘one stop shop’ for
some of the 500,000 visitors arriving at Oxford Circus every day. A
meeting point with information provision, seating, accessible toilet
and baby change facilities and potentially a food/drink outlet with
outdoor seating.
Nearby, the innovative Oxford Circus diagonal crossings project,
(build begins in 2009) provides the stimulus to lift the destination
in terms of ‘visitor infrastructure’ and provide the facilities
expected by today’s consumers alongside this dramatically improved
major traffic junction and surrounding streetscape.
This is a challenging and high profile commission within the heart of
the UK’s premier retail destination. Space is limited and the demands
on the functionality of the site high, however we are seeking to
deliver an inspiring addition to the street environment and London’s
West End.
The Partnership and Stakeholders
The parties seeking to develop the Old Cavendish Oasis include:
House of Fraser
John Lewis Partnership
New West End Company
The Crown Estate
Transport for London
Westminster City Council
The client and developer for the project is currently the Oxford, Regent and Bond Street
Action Plan partnership, lead by New West End Company.
Aims and Objectives
The primary aim of the site is to provide an attractive, creatively designed visitor ‘Oasis’,
a haven where people can stop and enjoy a rest in a calm atmosphere. An opportunity
to ‘recharge the batteries’ and pick up shopper and other information they may need for
their visit.
A calm rest place for shoppers / visitors to the West End.
Seating and possibly greenery in an improved public realm area.
Shopper / visitor information.
Toilets including fully accessible toilet / baby change / family
room facilities.
Food and drink offer providing there is no conflict with existing
provision in the area.
The site should not impede foot flow into the stores or store
The site should enhance the area, be visually appealing and be a
creative and inspiring addition to this major destination.
Potential to accommodate a ‘docking station’ for the London Cycle
Hire scheme if the space allows.
Potential small events space.
Key components
 Information centre area, potentially ‘counter service’ with no physical public
access to the area but protected from the elements.
 Fully accessible toilet provision to include circa 8 female, 3 male plus 5 urinals, 1
 2 baby change / family room facilities.
 A food and drink offer, potentially with outdoor seating.
 Critical to the design is space for people to gather or queue when using the
information desk, toilets or café without impeding pavement foot flow.
 Architects are invited to consider elements of the design which could facilitate a
small performance space, (potentially the roof). This facility could add a
complementary aspect, (rather than the main focus) to an event.
 One or two storey scheme - to be determined and is subject to proposals and
final budget / commercial options.
See Annex One for a guide footprint drawing of the site.
Project scope
Under the oversight of a partner steering group the following aspects require greater
definition. There is likely to be a need to sub contract other professional services:
 Design and build.
 Consultation with stakeholders.
 Legal advice.
 Utilities considerations.
 Planning application.
 Project Management / timeframes.
 Funding package.
Key issues
 Use of space in a restricted area.
 Maximising the architectural merit in terms of design and usage.
 Protection of the sightlines and shopper access routes to the two department
stores either side, positively promoting access to the two stores.
 Protection of deliveries access to the two department stores at the rear.
Methodology and Credentials
Architects are invited to provide:
Initial design drawings demonstrating the internal and external plans, and a plan
of the project area illustrating design, suggested materials and the visual ‘feel’ of
the build.
Details of your relevant experience in delivering projects of this nature, detailing
which of those have been successfully implemented.
Details and personal specifications of the team who will work on the project,
should your company be successful.
Experience of working with a wider stakeholder group on high profile projects.
Details of any sub-contractors and the elements of the project they would deliver.
‘Headline’ project budget breakdown.
Fee proposal.
5 hard copies and one electronic copy of your submission proposal.
Evaluation of submissions
Proposals will be evaluated against the points outlined in Methodology and Credentials
by a panel including representatives from the project partnership.
Project Management
The ORB Partnership will commission and manage the project.
Primary contact for this stage of the programme is Nicola Rollason, Economic
Development Manager, New West End Company.
E:, T: 0207 323 7028.
An expression of interest should be sent by email to New West End Company by 5 th
February 09. This should indicate your intention to submit a proposal by 20 th February
The deadline for proposal submissions is 5pm on 20th February 2009.
The panel will evaluate all proposal submissions and may wish to interview
consultancies on their proposals.
The outline project timetable:
Phase One
Develop a detailed scheme design – Jan/Feb 09
Appoint consultancy – Feb 09
Submit planning application – April 09
Phase Two
Planning approval – July 09
Phase Three
Build start – January 10
Build completion – September 10
Fit out – November 10
5 hard copies of your bid and 1 electronic copy on CD should be labelled ‘Old
Cavendish Oasis Proposal’ and sent to:
Nicola Rollason
Economic Development Manager
New West End Company
Morley House
320 Regent Street
The total budget for implementation of the scheme is £2m.
Download the Oxford, Regent and Bond Street Action Plan (ORB) from:
Annex One – Footprint drawing
Appendix C
Oxford Circus – Detailed Programme
Consultation Summary and Response
West End Councillors’ Responses
Cllr. Frixos Tombolis
Cllr. Glenys Roberts
Cllr. Ian Wilder
Director’s Response
No comment received
No comment received.
No comment received.
Section 6 Responses
Richard Dickenson
Freight Transport
Licensed Taxi Drivers’
Metropolitan Police
Service, Euston Traffic
Supports proposals
Director’s Response
Have concerns over the loss of Advised that 50 metres of restricted
kerbside loading and
kerbside loading areas will be
requested information on this
introduced as part of this scheme,
most of which is to formalise areas
where loading is not safe – No
Objects to the closure of
The success of this scheme is
Princes Street on the grounds dependant upon the closure of
that the street is heavily used
Princes Street.
by Taxis.
Raised the following concerns:
1. Widening of footways will
reduce carriageway widths
and effect turning movement
of buses.
2. Removal of balustrades
increases perceived security
3. Closure of Princes Street
will place pressure on
Harewood Place and affect
buses using this route.
4. Indicated that consideration
should be to construction
when Tottenham Court Road
works are being undertaken.
1. Objectives of the scheme are to
improve pedestrian accessibility
whilst maintaining bus movements.
Turning studies indicate that buses
should not have problems with the
proposed kerb lines.
2. To alleviate security concerns
bollards are being implemented on
the top of the stairwells.
3. A traffic study on the closure of
Princes Street has been carried out
and indicated that only a small
proportion of those vehicles wishing
to turn from Princes Street into
Regent Street would divert through
Harewood Place.
4. Liaison with the Tottenham Court
Road Project Team is ongoing to
ensure disruption is kept to a
The Oxford Circus pedestrian improvements – Diagonal crossings, consultation report,
October 2008 is included as Background Papers.
Health and Wellbeing Matrix
-Traffic Measures and Statement of Reasons
Great Castle Street
Motorcycle parking revisions
Introduce a motorcycle parking place (18m) on the north side of
Great Castle Street outside Nos. 1 to 3 Great Castle Street.
Parking revisions
Remove pay by phone parking bays (x2) #232 on the north side of Great Castle
Street outside Nos. 1 to 3 Great Castle Street.
Remove pay by phone parking bays (x2) #233 on the south side of Great Castle
Street opposite No. 15 Great Castle Street.
Introduce pay by phone parking bays (x4) on the south side of Great Castle Street
opposite Nos. 13 to 15 Great Castle Street
Waiting and loading restrictions
Introduce “at any time” loading restrictions on south side of Great Castle Street
(between Regent Street and Great Portland Street) at its junction with Regent
Introduce Mon – Fri 08:30 – 18:30, Sat 8:30 – 13:30 loading restrictions on both
sides of Great Castle Street (between Regent Street and Great Portland Street)
except where occupied by crossovers, parking places and “at any time” loading
Princes Street
Prescribed Route
To make a Prescribed Route Order under section 6 of the Road Traffic Regulation
Act 1984 to revoke one-way working in Princes Street (SI 1964/1794 Art. 7) and
close its junction with Regent Street to all traffic (east of Swallow Place). (To
revoke existing one way working and revoke left turn only out of Swallow Place).
Introduce No entry at the eastern end of Princes Street at its junction with Regent
Parking revisions
Remove residents’ parking place (18m) #688 on the north side of
outside Nos. 2 to 5 Princes Street.
Remove pay by phone parking bays (x3) #686 on the north side of
outside Nos. 6 to 8 Princes Street.
Remove pay by phone parking bays (x3) #205 on the north side of
outside Nos. 11 to 12 Princes Street.
Remove pay by phone parking bays (x3) #208 on the south side of
outside No. 18 Princes Street.
Princes Street
Princes Street
Princes Street
Princes Street
Remove pay by phone parking bays (x3) #207 on the south side of Princes Street
outside Nos. 20 to 22 Princes Street
Remove pay and display parking bays (x5) #687 on the south side of
Princes Street outside Nos. 23 to 27 Princes Street.
Introduce pay by phone parking bays (x4) on the north side of
Princes Street outside Nos. 10 to 12 Princes Street.
Introduce pay by phone parking bays (x4) on the south side of Princes Street
outside No. 18 Princes Street.
Re-designate pay by phone parking bays (x5) on the south side of Princes Street
outside Nos. 22 to 25 Princes Street.
Introduce a pay by phone parking bay (x1) on the north side of Princes Street
outside No. 7 Princes Street.
Introduce a residents’ parking place (24m) on the north side of Princes Street
outside Nos. 3 to 6 Princes Street.
Waiting and loading restrictions
Introduce double yellow lines and “at any time” loading restrictions at the eastern
end of Princes Street at its junction with Swallow Place.
Hanover Street
Disabled parking revisions
Introduce blue badge disabled parking place (5m) on the north side of
Hanover Street opposite No. 20 Hanover Street along side of No. 229 Regent
Introduce blue badge disabled parking place (5m) on the south side of
Hanover Street outside Nos. 19 & 20 Hanover Street
The shared use bays will be moved slightly to accommodate the above disabled
parking bays.
Little Argyll Street
Prescribed Route
Introduce No vehicles between 11.00 am to 11.00 pm except for emergency vehicles
from the north-eastern kerb-line of Regent Street for a distance of 53.2 metres in a
north-easterly direction along Little Argyll Street, (Restricted zone).
Disabled parking
Remove blue badge disabled parking places #107 and #278 on north side of
Little Argyll Street along the side of Nos. 25/27 Argyll Street
Motorcycle parking revisions
Remove motorcycle parking space (25 metres) on the north side of Little Argyll
Street, along the side of No. 250 Regent Street.
Waiting and loading restrictions
Introduce double yellow lines and “at any time” loading restrictions on both sides of
Little Argyll Street at its junction with Argyll Street westwards for a distance of 10
Argyll Street
Prescribed Route
Revoke one-way working in Argyll Street.
Waiting and loading restrictions
Introduce double yellow lines and “at any time” loading restrictions on all sides of
Argyll Street between its junction with Great Marlborough Street and the party
wall of Nos. 9 and 10 Argyll Street
Swallow Place
Prescribed Route
Introduce access only from Princes Street for servicing and statutory vehicles
Priority Bus Lane
Hours of operation 07.00 to 19.00
Regent Street the east side between Little Portland Street and Oxford Circus
Regent Street the west side between Hanover Street and Oxford Circus
Waiting and loading restrictions
Introduce No loading 07.00 to midnight loading restrictions on the east side of
Regent Street between the southern kerb-line of Little Portland Street and the
northern kerb-line of Great Castle Street
Introduce No loading “at any time” loading restrictions on the east side of Regent
Street between the southern kerb-line of Great Castle Street and a point opposite
the northern kerb-line of Hanover Street
Introduce No loading 11.00 to Midnight loading restrictions on the east side of
Regent Street between a point opposite the northern kerb-line of Hanover Street
and a point 5 metres north of the northern kerb-line of Great Marlborough Street
Introduce No loading 07.00 to Midnight loading restrictions on the west side of
Regent Street between the northern kerb-line of Hanover Street and a point 1
metre north of the party wall of Nos. 249 and 251 Regent Street.
Introduce No loading “at any time” loading restrictions on the west side of Regent
Street between a point 1 metre north of the party wall of Nos.249 and 251 Regent
Street and the southern kerb-line of Great Castle Street
Introduce No loading Mon to Fri 08.30 to 18.30 Sat 08.30 to 13.30 loading
restrictions on the west side of Regent Street between the northern kerb-line of
Great Castle Street and the party wall of Nos. 283 and 285 Regent Street.
Introduce No loading “at any time” loading restrictions on the west side of Regent
Street between the party wall of Nos. 283 and 285 Regent Street and the southern
kerb-line of Margaret Street.
Oxford Street
Waiting and loading restrictions
Introduce No loading “at any time” loading restrictions on the north side of Oxford
Street between a point 1 metre west of a point opposite the party wall of Nos. 245
and 247 of Oxford Street and the eastern kerb-line of John Prince’s Street
Introduce No loading 08.30 to 21.00 loading restrictions on the north side of
Oxford Street between the western kerb-line of John Prince’s Street and a point
15 metres west of that kerb-line.
Introduce No loading “at any time” loading restrictions on the south side of Oxford
Street between a point 4 metres west of the party wall of Nos. 245 and 247
Oxford Street and a point 0.5 east of the party wall Nos. 253 to 259 and Nos. 257
to 261Oxford Street.
Introduce No loading 08.30 to 21.00 loading restrictions on the south side of
Oxford Street between a point 0.5 metres east of the party wall Nos. 253 to 259
and Nos. 257 to 261Oxford Street and a point 1 metre east of the party wall Nos.
271 and 273 Oxford Street.
Statement of reasons
The traffic measures identified are required to accommodate the proposals and to
maintain and improve vehicular access and movement around Oxford Circus.