Yarra Yarra Catchment Management Group PO Box 14, Kalannie WA 6468 Ph (08) 9666 2140 Fax (08) 9666 2130 Email: yycmg_kalannie@westnet.com.au Offset planting for proposed drainage in the Mongers area, Yarra Yarra catchment (Clearing Permit CPS 1969/1) Dr Ian Fordyce Project Officer, Yarra Yarra Catchment Management Group Kalannie (08) 9666 2140, yycmg_kalannie@westnet.com.au 20 June 2008 The vegetation and offsets described in this proposal are confined to the section of the proposed drain south of Taylor Rd. An offset plan for the section north of Taylor Rd has already been submitted (5/5/08) and approved in your letter dated 17/5/08. Pre-drain Vegetation The existing vegetation subject to this permit is low shrubland/herbland dominated by the chenopod genera Maireana (bluebush), Atriplex (saltbush), or Sclerolaena (bindii). A large remnant of York gum woodland immediately south of Taylor Rd (defined in the Decision Report as Plan 1961/1b) is severely degraded. Almost all of the canopy trees along the route of the proposed drain are completely or near-completely defoliated (and probably dead), the 1 understorey is a relatively simple community of salt-tolerant colonists, and there are salt efflorescences on the ground. In general, there are few trees or shrubs along the proposed drain-line. However, by analogy with apparently similar landscapes in the rangelands, and from the species make-up of volunteer vegetation, uncleared paddock trees and remnants, we infer that the pre-European vegetation was probably a York gum woodland, with patches of myrtaceous (mostly Melaleuca spp. and Thryptomene spp.) and wattle (Acacia spp.) shrubland. The drainage lines, at that time, were probably no more than chains of ill-defined water-gaining sites. The chenopod-dominated vegetation, which now characterises valley floors throughout the region, is a post-clearing phenomenon. It is a response to the rise of saline water-tables over the last few decades. In some cases, the spread of such vegetation over previously productive farmland can be attributed to particular events (e.g. the 1999 floods). If drainage is successful and the local watertable is lowered even a few tens of centimetres across the valley floor, then it is unlikely that salt- and waterloggingtolerant communities, such as samphire, will survive. Our plan is to resurrect the pre-European vegetation – or something that resembles it. Design The excavation we envisage is a double-leveed deep drain, with shallow drains on either side (outside the spoil banks) to carry surface water (Fig. 1). 2 Fig.1. Cross section of proposed drain, showing the separation of groundwater and surface water. A system of buried pipes and flow-on areas will ensure that groundwater and surface water can be kept separate until the final discharge. There are a number of advantages with this design. Peak flows after storms are reduced, which means that there is less erosion and decreased maintenance requirements. Road crossings, which are an expensive component of drain construction, do not need to be so elaborate. Groundwater is likely to be hypersaline and might also become acidic and moderately toxic. If a requirement develops for pre-disposal treatment, then it would be easier to deal with a discrete and steady flow. Surface water, which is relatively fresh, can be redirected as required to revegetation plantings on the valley floor. Other distinguishing features of our design are that the spoil-heaps will be draped-over with topsoil and will be closely revegetated with grass and shrubs. The entire drain complex (deep drain and shallow drains) will become the core of a 100 m-wide revegetation corridor (Fig. 2). This is expected to provide biodiversity benefits to the landscape by creating new habitat and linkages between existing remnants. From a distance, the earthworks themselves will be barely visible. In ecological terms, however, the complex will function as a rehabilitated waterway. 3 Fig. 2 Idealised cross section of a rehabilitated waterway. All affected landholders have signed a memorandum of understanding, which grants the Yarra Yarra Catchment Management Group an easement over a 100 m-wide strip (centred on the drain) for the express purpose of revegetation. The total revegetated area between Simpson Rd (north) and Taylor Rd (south) will be approximately 49 ha. Revegetation Many of the plantings will be broombush (Melaleuca atroviridis of the M. uncinata complex in non-saline situations; the slower-growing but more salt-tolerant M. hamata in places currently supporting samphire); tubestock of both species will be grown from locally collected seed. Seedling densities are taken from Greening Australia recommendations Twin rows, 2 m apart, then 4 m gap. Seedlings at 1 m intervals along planting line Effective stocking density = 3400 stems/ha (i.e. approx. 2200 stems/100 m drainlength) 4 Some areas, unsuitable for broombush plantations, will be dedicated to biodiversity plantings; various species – small-medium trees and shrubs, planted 5-8 m apart, not in obvious rows (purely for aesthetic reasons); dense thickets planted at random locations to provide cover for woodland fauna; understorey initially of mixed chenopods (mostly Atriplex spp. and Maireana spp.), later (as soil becomes less saline and less sodic) replaced by various woody shrubs, planted only 1-3 m apart; all plantings from tubestock, direct seeding of groundstorey species after several years; all from local seed-collections. Species will be selected from the following list, according to local soil type, seed availability and the make-up of existing remnants. Final species choice will be influenced by experience of other local groups, e.g. Buntine-Marchagee Land for Wildlife Group, Morawa Farm Improvement Group, and also by landholder preference. 1. Colluvial flat (red-brown earth) Eucalyptus loxophleba ssp. supralaevis E. loxophleba ssp. lissophloia (York gum) (oil mallee) E. myriadena E. brachycorys E. spathulata Casuarina obesa (swamp sheoak) Melaleuca eleuterostachya M. lateriflora M. uncinata complex (broombush) M. adnata Acacia obtecta A. microbotrya (manna gum) A. jennerae 5 A. brumalis A. eremaea A. hemiteles (tan wattle) Hakea preissii (needlebush) Maireana brevifolia 2. (small-leaf bluebush) Colluvial flat (clay) Eucalyptus loxophleba ssp. supralaevis E. loxophleba ssp. lissophloia Casuarina obesa (York gum) (oil mallee) (swamp sheoak) Melaleuca adnata M. eleuterostachya M. lateriflora M. acuminata M. uncinata complex (broombush) Callistemon phoeniceus Acacia hemiteles (tan wattle) Hakea preissii (needlebush) Maireana brevifolia 3. (bottlebrush) (small-leaf bluebush) Alluvial flat (sand over clay) Eucalyptus loxophleba ssp. supralaevis E. salicola E. sargentii (York gum) (salt gum) (Salt River gum) Melaleuca halmaturorum M. uncinata complex (broombush) M. eleuterostachya M. lateriflora M. acuminata 6 M. thyoides Acacia eremaea A. hemiteles (tan wattle) Pittosporum angustifolium Maireana brevifolia (weeping pittosporum) (small-leaf bluebush) Timing Timing and ground-preparation will be informed by 6-monthly monitoring of soil condition, particularly salinity and sodicity. Experience nearby suggests that newly drained soil needs at least two good winters to flush enough salt out to support trees and shrubs. Sodic soils and soils that remain incompletely drained might require special treatment, e.g. deep-ripping and gypsum application for sodic soils, mounding for poorly drained sections. In the meantime, samphire and other salt-tolerant plants will be encouraged to recolonise cleared areas near the drain itself, to provide at least some plant cover. 7