WORD - Adirondack Live Steamers

Whistles in the Woods
Published by Adirondack Live Steamers
7 ¼” GAUGE 1 ½” SCALE
Pete Petrillose
Despite some rain for a short time,
our second Family Day of the year was a
success. Several people attended who
had missed the first Family Day of the
year, and took advantage of the
somewhat clear weather.
Right around noon, the cloudy
weather turned to showers, and everyone
ran for the protection of the clubhouse in
order to partake of the table full of food.
Hot dogs, hamburgers, and such were all
cooked outside, but everyone ate under
Just about the time that everyone
finished eating, the rain stopped, and
from time to time the sun came out.
Dick Hosmer offered rides to those who
wanted one using the club engine, and a
few others with locomotives got one or
more rides around our layout. By the
end of the day, everyone who attended
had had a good time.
As always, we want to thank our
participants who brought food, our chefs
who cooked it, and everyone who
attended for helping to make the day a
lot of fun.
If you have never taken part in one of
our Family Days, you have missed an
opportunity to meet some great fellow
members, enjoy the fellowship the day
offers, and generally have a good time.
This is your club. It is only as good as
you make it. Don’t let a little cloudy
weather scare you away. Plan to join us
next year at one or both of our Family
Next Meeting: Thursday, September 6, 7:30 PM
Organizational Meeting for the Fall Meet
Deadline for October Whistles in the Woods: Saturday, September 15
Other Important Dates: See Last Page
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I have no report this month.
Ray Dwyer
September 6, 7, 8, and 9
Our annual Fall Meet is rapidly
approaching. Ben Maggi has accepted
the responsibility of chairing this event,
He has both small and large jobs for
both able and handicapped members.
Whether it involves registration, helping
with food, offering rides to visitors,
cleaning up trash and debris, helping
with Gauge One, or assisting visitors at
the lift, he needs your help. Please call
him today and offer an hour or more of
your service.
He can be reached at 585-506-2680,
or at BENLMAGGI@ hotmail.com.
Don’t wait for him to call you. Call now
while it is on your mind.
Don Buesing
The tunnel project progresses well
with completion of the access road. The
sharp bend between the two wet areas
has been reduced with the removal of
two poplar trees and realignment of the
road. The two wet areas were stabilized
with twenty tons of large stones dumped
at each location, then spread with the
club’s Case backhoe/loader.
The roadbed elevations have been
finalized as well. The distance from the
diamond (where it will tie back into the
mainline) down to the upper tunnel
portal is three hundred feet. A one
percent grade will drop the track three
feet over that run. This allowed an
elevation stake to be driven at each
portal to guide the excavator when
digging it out. The one percent grade
will be maintained through the tunnel
but will increase to about 1.25% below
it. There is still plenty of work to be
done; we welcome all support and help.
To coordinate efforts or donate to the
project, please contact Don Buesing at
518-587-3172 or email me at
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(518) 583-2580
President: Ray Dwyer
Phone: (518) 692-7001
E-Mail: ray@adirondacklivesteamers.org
Vice President: Mark Landgraf
Phone: (518) 456-7614
E-Mail: mark_landgraf@yahoo.com
Recording Secretary: Karl Pickles
Phone: (518) 587-5702
E-Mail: karl@adirondacklivesteamers.org
Treasurer: Ben Maggi
Phone: (585) 506-2680
E-Mail: ben#@adirondacklivesteamers.org
Membership Secretary: Richard Dean
Phone: (518) 656-9091
E-Mail: rich@adirondacklivesteamers.org
Director 2012: Ted Wilming
Phone: (518) 654-7108
E-Mail: ted@adirondacklivesteamers.org
Director 2013: Mike Petrillose
Phone: (518) 399-5441
E-Mail: mike@adirondacklivesteamers.org
Past President: Skip Densing
Phone: (518) 663-5507
E-Mail: skip@adirondacklivesteamers.org
Whistles in the Woods
Editor: Ken Nelson
Phone: (518) 377-7176
E-Mail: pocovalley@msn.com
Publisher: Pete Petrillose
Columnists: Ray Dwyer and Rich Dean
SUBMISSIONS: Whistles in the Woods welcomes
articles, news items, classifieds, digital photos,
and other contributions. Please contact any of
the staff.
Webmaster: Bill Eckert
Phone: (802) 226-7618
E-Mail: bill@adirondacklivesteamers.org
Website: adirondacklivesteamers.org
Anyone interested in joining the ADIRONDACK LIVE
STEAMERS should contact Membership Secretary Rich
Phone: (518) 656-9091
E-Mail: deanelect@roadrunner.com
Ken Nelson
Another great Prototype Operation
Day was enjoyed by a great many people
on August 18. The weather could not
have been better, several new faces
joined us, and a great many trains took
part in the festivities.
Ted Wilming showed everyone his
newly repaired and painted diesel
engine. Several visitors from as far
away as the Finger Lakes area joined us,
and one member, Jim Ash, came all the
way from Whitefield, New Hampshire
on Friday night, camped overnight at the
club, and took part in the operation on
In addition, the usual
participants were there, either acting as
engineers or conductors. A passenger
train offered rides to visitors, several
freight trains moved many cars all about
the layout, and we even had enough
people this time to have a yardmaster.
The man behind all of this effort is
Skip Densing, and he reminded all of us
that this is the tenth year that we have
had “prototype” days. Surprisingly, very
few have been rained out. We thank
Skip for all of his efforts in organizing
the day. We also want to express our
appreciation to Brad Peterson who again
acted as our Dispatcher, keeping
everyone off of someone else’s track,
and helping those who were taking part
for the first time.
In the minds of many fellow
members, this is what railroading is
really all about. If you have never taken
part, we hope that you will give serious
consideration to joining us at one or both
of our Proto Op Days next season. ***
Page 4
Brief Summary of the Highlights of the August Meeting
Provided by Ben Maggi
Following the Pledge to the Flag, President Ray Dwyer called the meeting to order.
Secretary Karl Pickles read the minutes of the July meeting. Don Buesing wanted his
comments about the trashcans augmented to read that his proposal was to reduce the
“stink” in the clubhouse.
Treasurer Ben Maggi presented his report. He clarified the accounting point from the
June 2012 report given last month.
Committee Reports:
 Signals: Dave French is going to do final power checks using the equipment, and
once that is done, it will be installed and tied in.
 Safety: Nothing to report.
 Club House: After the season, the concrete floor in the men’s room should be dug
out and relayed to level the toilet.
 Track: The road crossing by the car barn needs to be raised by 1” and after the
season it may be taken up and concrete poured underneath it.
 Grounds: Ray Dwyer says the “place looks pretty shabby” compared to Pioneer
Valley. A discussion was held as to causes, as well as the fact pointed out that PV
has about four acres and we have a lot more real estate to keep up.
 Engine House: Nothing to report.
 Car Barn: Nothing to report.
 Machine Shop: Nothing to report.
Old Business:
 Tunnel: The tree that was in the way is now gone.
There are still rocks that fell off the road that need to be moved onto the
road, but another load of stone will not be necessary.
There is a length of proposed grade between the diamond crossover and
the tunnel portal that is about 300 feet, which will result in a 1.25% grade.
John Camerota and Don Buesing will be shooting elevations, and then
calling the contractor to dig it up. (See article on page 2. Ed.)
 ALS Banner: It was left folded up on top of the Woodstock tender. It must be
rolled up and stored safely, or hung up when not in use at displays, or it will be
 Piasecki Bridge Sign: Pete Petrillose found a sign originally ordered by Bruce
Rauch that was to go on the bridge. Pete is willing to head up a team to paint the
bridge. Discussion was held as to the type of preparation required to remove the
rust, as well as the type of paint to use. Some paint still may be in Mark
Landgraf’s basement. Ben Maggi offered to help paint the bridge.
(Continued on page 5) See Minutes
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Minutes (Continued from page 4)
 Ott Tunnel: Using a sign similar to the one Pete found for the bridge (see above)
Pete will obtain a new sign for the tunnel, displaying the year it was finished.
 Videos: Pete wantS so find someone willing to “tape the videos.” Skip asked
Pete to make a list of all the subjects/topics that should be taped.
New Business:
 Fall Meet: Pete Petrillose is willing to move his catered meal to Saturday night. It
will be roast beef.
Steve Ianno will be making spaghetti and meatballs for Friday night. He
brought/made lunch of his recipes for everyone in attendance at the
meeting. It was approved.
Ben Maggi will start making calls soon to members to get them to help out
at the meeting. (See article on page 2. Ed.)
Don Buesing is planning on bringing his Model T group to the club on
 New Locks: Penny and Mark Landgraf donated enough heavy-duty locks and
keys to ALS to replace the “standard” lock that we currently use. There is a
suspicion that some current keys are in the possession of people who may be
inclined to steal items from the club. Before the new locks are installed at ALS,
the membership approved a motion that would require Penny to explain the new
locks in the newsletter. (See article on page 6. Ed.). The new locks will not get
switched out until after the Blowdown this year.
 Video Camera: Chuck Curry is planning to buy one and donate it to the club.
 Great Train Extravaganza: Currently it is scheduled to take place on December 2
at the Empire State Plaza. If the club wants to set something up a leader must
come forward to head it up. Ben and Sarah Maggi will not head it up this year,
but are willing to help staff the table part of the time. We must decide by the
September Meeting if we want to do it, as the paperwork needs to be submitted.
The hosts were happy with our display last year, thanks to much work and
dedication by Ben and Sarah along with Ted Wilming.
 Saratoga and North Creed Railroad: Ted Wilming as been hired by the S&NC to
serve as an “ambassador” of sorts, and if the club wants to charter any trips he can
help with that.
 Library humidifier: Someone has been turning of the humidifier in the library.
THE HUMIDIFIER MUST BE LEFT ON for the safety of the books.
The Meeting was adjourned.
Page 6
Please remember that if you are looking for something in the live-steam field, or have
something for sale, all members, both Regular and Associate, are eligible to list such
items in the newsletter at no charge.
For Sale
Roll Models 4-wheel Switcher
Riding control car
Sound system
Outfitted trailer available at extra cost
Contact Torby Barker
Tonawanda, NY area
Photos available on Finger Lakes Live Steam website
All members, both Regular and
before our visitors begin arriving the
Associate, are asked to remember that
following Wednesday, There are many
September 1 of this year is our Clean Up
small jobs; please don’t leave them for
Day for Fall Meet. This is our last
just a few people.
chance to make our grounds look good
Mark Landgraf
In response to several burglaries that
Fall Meet are asked to contact Penny or
have taken place at our club recently, the
Mark Landgraf at 518-456-7614, or to
Board of Directors has decided to accept
email them at:
a donation of new club padlocks. The
locks will be changed sometime during
the fall season.
Keys for the new locks will be
in order to make arrangements for
distributed to Regular members at the
getting your new key.
Fall Meet. Those who cannot attend the
Ken Nelson
If you have a steam engine, you know
who does just that with a full size Alco
how much work it takes to get steam up.
locomotive at an unnamed railroad
If you have ever wondered what is
“How to Boot a Steam
involved, whether with a model steam
Locomotive” can be found at:
engine like the ones we run, or a full size
prototype, you might be interested in
Perhaps a railroad museum near you
reading the experiences of a gentleman
would like your services.
Page 7
Ted Wilming and Ken Nelson
As we approach our Fall Meet, and prepare to host visitors to our railroad, all of us
should think again about safety in our hobby. We all love trains and especially the kind
one can ride on, but our hobby does have inherent dangers that we must all be
consciously thinking about at all times. What part can you play in keeping yourself, as
well as your friends and our visitors safe?
1. Steaming Bays – This area is for
our engineers to prepare their
equipment for operation. What
they do is sometimes very
interesting, but can also be a
magnet for unknowing visitors
and children.
Please try to
observe from a distance unless
invited to this area.
turntable, transfer table, and
loading lift can all be potential
injury producers. Keep your
children away from this area. It
can be seen from the picnic
tables and benches safely, and
you won’t have to worry about
being burnt with hot steam or
fire, you won’t have a finger
pinched with a locomotive that
weighs more than you do, and
you won’t make an engineer
nervous about your presence.
2. Riding on a train – Our trains are
scale size; you are not. Please
observe all of the rules given you
by your conductor or engineer
before each trip. Keep your
hands inside the car, don’t take
photos of any kind while on a
train, and don’t attempt to lean
from one side or the other, turn
around to talk, or get off the train
until a crewmember says that it is
safe to do so.
3. Walking about the property –
Feel free to walk about the
grounds taking photos or just
observing, but always be
expecting a train from either
direction at any time. Some
trains make very little, if any
noise. Try to cross tracks at the
crossings, and listen for whistles
and horns.
4. Gauge One – These are our
smaller trains at the top of the
hill in Tanglefoot. Some run on
steam, and it is just as hot as a
full sized locomotive. Take care
as you enjoy these models.
5. Train crews – You do not have to
accept riders on your train, but if
you do, you also accept
additional responsibility. Please
do not offer rides unless you
know what you are doing.
Remember to protect the rear of
your train, especially after a
6. Name tags – EVERYONE must
wear a name tag, either their own
club’s or a paper one provided by
the front gate.
Let’s make this Meet a success.
Adirondack Live Steamers
c/o Peter Petrillose
41 Goode Street
Burnt Hills, NY 12027
First Class
September 1 – Cleanup day for
Fall Meet
September 6 – Meeting 7:30 PM
September 6-9 – Fall Meet
October 13 – Membership Meeting
Nomination of Officers
October 20-21 - Blowdown
Fall Meet
We need
your help!