SHRIMP LAB TEACHER BACKGROUND & INSTRUCTIONS Solving a mystery The blue mud shrimp, Upogebia pugettensis, and the California ghost shrimp, Neotrypaea californiensis, are the most abundant shrimp in Oregon estuaries. Both species are long lived as adults and form dense beds on intertidal mudflats in estuaries where they seem to have few predators. The populations of both shrimp are easy to measure because their dense beds are easy to find and sample. Both of these shrimp are very important in estuary ecosystems. Alas, all populations of both species are rapidly declining in Washington and Oregon. These shrimp produce larvae that go to sea and return as post-larvae which return to estuaries and settle back into the shrimp beds. Their populations are declining because they don’t end up with enough post-larvae (babies) to replace the dying adults each year. The mud shrimp has a new introduced parasite that prevents reproduction of larvae but this parasite only infests mud shrimp. The ghost shrimp has another parasite that also prevents reproduction but is too rare to reduce ghost shrimp reproduction significantly and ghost shrimp produce plenty of larvae each year. Why ghost shrimp populations are shrinking even faster than mud shrimp populations is a giant mystery. Only the mud shrimp has an obvious parasite problem and loss of reproduction. What then, keeps ghost shrimp from getting enough babies back each year? We measured how many ghost shrimp babies came into Yaquina Bay from the ocean last year. We didn’t find as many baby ghost shrimp on the mudflats as we expected from the numbers that came in from the ocean. We want to know how many of those babies are still alive. (They would be no greater than 10 mm in carapace length). The babies could be dying on the mudflats after surviving for several months in the ocean but sampling for them takes many hands. We would be delighted if you would help us with some of the work. If you find lots of babies, we will know they aren’t dying on the mudflats and that something is getting them before they get to the mudflats. If you find only a few babies or none, something is getting them after they settle on the mudflats. Since more babies are expected where there are more adults, we have to collect adult shrimp at the same time as babies to correct for their different expected abundances. Although it is rare, we also want to look for the ghost shrimp parasite to see how abundant it is on the baby ghost shrimp. Maybe the ghost shrimp’s parasite is causing them to die when they young. We can answer this second question by comparing how frequently baby shrimp are infested compared to the adults. Since the ghost shrimp parasite is rare, we need to examine lots of babies and adults to find it and see the pattern. We need many hands for this too and again, hope you will help us. Field sampling: From the HMSC campus, with the right equipment, and a tide less than + 2 feet (for mud shrimp) or +3 feet (for ghost shrimp), it takes about 45 minutes to get a dozen or more of either species of shrimp. Everyone should be prepared to get muddy and WILL get muddy! Bring rain gear and boots or tennis shoes that can still be tightly laced and sacrificed. Full rain regalia is best on rainy days. Baseball caps are good to have under rain hoods on windy, rainy days. Rain pants with knee boots or hip waders work well on sunny days. Clothes can be changed in HMSC 1 restrooms. Total crisis immersions, that are muddy head to toe, possibly, can be addressed in our single showers. The gentlest way to collect shrimp is to pump water into the mud and wash them out. A special pump is needed for this and this is also one of the the most destructive ways to sample mudflats. Clam guns make great corers. They are especially effective where one core can be taken from the bottom of a previous core. Digging with shovels or cores is less destructive and most shrimp recovered by these methods are in good condition. Shrimp slurpers also work but often damage the shrimp, suck off their parasites and have a bias for the larger shrimp. The size bias of slurpers makes them less valuable for most population samples but they are also least destructive to the mudflats. Lab observations: Shrimp: Measurements using calipers should be accurate to 0.5 mm. Burrowing shrimp lengths are estimated relative to carapace length rather than by the length of their outsreached bodies. A data sheet is attached. The way to measure carapace length is indicated at the top of the data sheet. Sometimes we have pre-printed data sheets to use. A spread sheet is also available, as an example, that has data from another class already entered. The estimates and graphs below are from the spread sheet. Click the graphs on the spread sheet to see what data they are based on and then click the data to see how the calculations were made. Every specimen has a unique ID number. Then, across the top of the data sheet are columns for “Ghost”, “Mud”, (the species of shrimp), “Sex” [the sex of the shrimp - see instructions], “Carapace length”, (the distance from the forward tip to the back edge of the rostum to the back edge carapace [see picture on the data sheet]) “parasite” (whether there is a bulging infestation under either side of the carapace), “digging method” (sample collection method [shrimp slurper or core]). Place every specimen with any of their parasites in a separate food cup with a snapped on lid. Numbers on the first data sheet are 1-39. The second sheet numbers should be #40 - #79 etc. Observations: Parasites: The eggs and gonads of the Upogebia and of the Orthione are easy to observe. The color of their eggs tells about what stage of development they are in. Note on the data sheets: Carapace length (in mm), sex (M, F), presence (=1) or absence (=0) of eggs. For Orthione, we will note their presence, length and width (in mm), presence or absence of eggs (0 or 1) and color of eggs, length of male (in mm), and presence of clams (0 or 1), Notes are for colors of shrimp eggs or isopod eggs and for other commensals and parasites (write small but clear). We see lots of isopods on mud shrimp and few on ghost shrimp. The commensal clam, Neaeromya rugifera, is commonly found attached to the abdomen of mud shrimp. Another isopod, Phyllodurus abdominalis fastens to the mud shrimp pleopods. This isopod, P. abdominalis, is common in Washington and California but has been found in Oregon only twice, both times from Yaquina Bay. This latter parasite would be a noteworthy find. Data analyses: Possible ways to compare these data include - Host size frequencies, parasite size frequencies, parasite size with host size, host sex and size with parasite size, parasite size with position on host, sizes of hosts with and without parasites. Some of the major questions we are interested in include: 1. Are the isopods host limited (isopod sizes correlated with host sizes) 2. Are the isopods mate limited (fewer than expected pairs of isopods on hosts) (Can test with binomial probability.) 2 3. Are the male and female shrimp equally infested? (Compare the numbers of isopods on male and female shrimp.) 4. Do all sizes of isopods produce eggs? (Compare brooding isopod sizes with other isopod sizes). 5. How does the frequency of egg bearing isopods change among host sizes? Data analyses: The attached spread sheet has “Ghost shrimp” and “Mud shrimp” work sheets. These shrimp were collected on 8 April 2011 from the mudflat between HMSC and the OSU Wecoma Pier, Yaquina Bay, Oregon. Scientists analyze data to “see” things. What can we see from the 8 April samples? Nearly all of the shrimp were collected by pumping water into the sand and washing them out. The pump and fire hose etc. needed for this is pretty involved. Of the 279 ghost shrimp we collected, 107 were male, 152 were females and few were infested by the native isopod parasite of ghost shrimp, Ione cornuta. The first two graphs compare size frequencies of male and female ghost shrimp and the patterns of egg development with female size. Number of shrimp 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Carapace Length (mm) Females Males Figure 1. Numbers of shrimp by different arapace lengths of male and female ghost shrimp. Note that there are more female than male ghost shrimp apparent in figure 1. Is this due to sex change or to differential mortality rates? Also, the 5-10 mm range in figure 1includes the new shrimp that came into the population in 2010 (the babies). These new babies are about 3.9 % of the total population however, the ghost shrimp populations of Yaquina Bay have been declining at around 26% per year since 2002. Are the new babies abundant enough to replace the lost adults? Note (Figure 2) that the average females bearing eggs with eyes are the largest size class. The estimated means are on the spread sheet. In which part of the larval production season do you think these shrimp were? The next figures are the mud shrimp collected at the same place and time and by the same methods as the ghost shrimp. 3 Number of Shrimp 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 5 10 15 20 25 Carapace Length (mm) None Early Developing Eyes Figure 2. Number of female ghost shrimp per carapace length with no eggs, with early development eggs, with developing eggs and with eggs that contain larvae developed far enough to see their eyes “eyes”. Number of shrimp 4 3 2 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Carapace Length (mm) Females Males Figure 3. Numbers of mud shrimp by sex with carapace length. 4 Only 17 mud shrimp were collected on 8 April, compared to 279 ghost shrimp. Figure 3 is therefore more difficult to look at but still, males and females were nearly equal. Note how different the sex ratios are in figures 1 and 3. Orthione frequency 3 2 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Upogebia Carapace Length (mm) Figure 4. The numbers of triple, double, single and unfested mud shrimp length. From figure 4, which mud shrimp lengths were uninfested and which lengths were most infested? What might cause this pattern? Figure 4 is based on only 17 shrimp. These 17 mud shrimp contained 19 parasites. The 279 ghost shrimp contained only 3 parasites. The mud shrimp parasite was recently introduced to North America from Asia. The ghost shrimp parasite is a native species. Why might there be such a great difference in how intensely each species is infested? Figure 5 is an application of binomial distributions (the statistics of flipping coins), which gets a partial explanation in Excel applications by hitting F1 and then looking up “BinomDist”. The parasites have to have a male and female to mate. The “expected” random frequencies (broken red line) of (figure 5) does not coincide with the observed frequencies of infestations (solid blue line). That means that parasites did NOT settle randomly among these mud shrimp hosts. The double infestations deviated the most from random. Why might double infestations be more frequent than single or triple infestations. 5 8 7 Frequencies 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Orthione/Upogebia Observed Expected Figure 5. The expected and observed frequencies of uninfested, single infested, double infested, triple infested and quadruple infested mud shrimp. 6