CURRICULUM VITAE ANTHONY DAVID RAWLINS (READER IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS) DATE OF BIRTH: 16 December 1944 NATIONALITY: British MARITAL STATUS: Married CHILDREN: Three EDUCATION: 1964 - 1968 University of Aston in Birmingham BSc. Hons. (First Class) in Electrical Engineering (Prize) 1968 - 1969 University of Surrey, Guildford MSc in Applied Mathematics (with distinction) 1969 - 1972 University of Surrey, Guildford PhD in Applied Mathematics EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: 1972 - 1978 Research Fellow in the Mathematics Department of Dundee University. 1978 Awarded a five year S.R.C. Special Advanced Fellowship. 1978 - 1979 Lecturer in Mathematics at University College Cork, Ireland. 1980 - 1988 Lecturer in mathematics at Brunel University. 1988- Reader in Applied Mathematics at Brunel University. RESEARCH INTERESTS: Waves, Diffraction theory, Acoustics, Electromagnetism, Complex variable theory, WienerHopf technique, Singular integral equations, asymptotic methods. PUBLICATIONS 1. Acoustic diffraction by an absorbing semi-infinite plane in a moving fluid. Proc. of Royal Soc. of Edinburgh (A) 72, 30, 1973/74, pp. 337-357. 2. A new class of Bessel function inequality useful for investigating the roots of a class of transcendental equation involving Bessel functions. Proc. of Royal Soc. of Edinburgh (A) 72, 1974/75 pp. 231-238. 3. Diffraction by an absorbing wedge. Journ. Sound & Vibration, 41(1975) pp. 391-393. 4. Diffraction by a rigid screen with a soft or perfectly absorbent edge. Journ. Sound and Vibration 45 (1)(1976) pp. 53-67. 5. Diffraction by an absorbing wedge. Journ.Sound & Vibration 47 (1976) pp. 285-286. 6. Diffraction by a dielectric wedge. Journ.Inst.Maths and its Applications (JIMA) 19 (1977) pp. 261-279. 7. The solution of a mixed boundary value problem in the theory of diffraction by a semi-infinite plane. Proc.Royal Soc. of London A345 (1975) pp. 469-484. 8. Acoustic diffraction by an absorbing semi-infinite plane in a moving fluid. II. Proc. of Royal Soc.Edinburgh (A) 75 1975/76 pp. 83-95. 9. Diffraction by a rigid screen with an absorbent edge. Journ. Sound & Vibration 47(4)(1976) pp. 523-541. 10. Monotonic properties of analytic functions (with J D Morgan). Soc. Indus. & Appl. Maths (SIAM) App. Anal. 9 (6) (1978). 11. Diffraction of an acoustically penetrable or an electromagnetically dielectric half plane. Int. Journ. Eng. Sci. 15 (1977) pp. 569-578. 12. The engine over-the wing noise problem. Journ. Sound & Vibration 50 (4) (1977) pp. 553-569. 13. Radiation of sound from an unflanged rigid cylindrical duct with an acoustically absorbing internal surface. Proc. of Royal Soc. London A362 (1978) pp. 65-91. 14. A Bessel function inequality. Proc. of Royal Soc. of Edinburgh 81A (1978) pp. 1187-1194. 15. Simultaneous Wiener-Hopf equations. Canadian Journ. Physics 58 (1980) pp. 420-428. 16. A note on the factorisation of matrices occurring in Wiener-Hopf problems. IEEE Trans. AP-28 (1980) 933934. 17. Matrix Wiener-Hopf factorisation (with W.E. Williams). Quart. Journ. Mech and App. Maths. 34 (1)(1981) pp. 1-8. 18. Note on a paper by Liu on the scattering of water waves by a pair of semi-infinite barriers. Trans. of the A.S.M.E. Journ. Appl. Mech 103 (3) (1981) p.656. 19. The explicit Wiener-Hopf factorisation of a special matrix. Z.A.M.M. 61 (10)(1981) pp. 527-528. 20. The edge field behaviour for the problem of diffraction of a line source by a soft/hard plane. Z.A.M.M. 63 (1983) pp. 211-212. 21. Note on a result of Morse & Bolt. Journ. Sound & Vibration (1983) 89 (3) pp. 365-369. 2 22. The field of a spherical wave reflected from a plane absorbent surface expressed in terms of an infinite review of Legendre Polynomials. Journ. Sound & Vibration (1983) 89 (3) pp. 365-363. 23. Two Legendre Polynomial Identities. (Problem) S.I.A.M. Rev 25 (4) (1983) p. 569. 24. The solution of a mixed boundary value problem in the theory of diffraction. Journ. Eng. Math. 18 (1984) pp. 37-62. 25. Two Legendre Polynomial Identities (Solution). S.I.A.M. Rev. 26 (4)(1984) pp. 82-84. 26. The capacitance of two closely separated spheres. J.I.M.A. 34(1985) pp. 119-120. 27. A note on Wiener-Hopf matrix factorisation. Q.J.M.A.M 38 (1985) pp. 433-437. 28. Matrix Wiener-Hopf-Hilbert factorisation. S.I.A.M. Journ. App. Math. 46 (1)(1986) pp. 133-139. 29. Roots of a Bessel function equation (Problem) S.I.A.M. Review 28 (2)(1986) pp. 232-233. 30. 31. Plane wave diffraction by a rational wedge. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lon. A411 (1987) pp. 2675-2683. Cylindrical wave diffraction by a rational wedge. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lon. A411 (1987) pp. 285-303. 32. Roots of a Bessel function equation (Solution). S.I.A.M. Review 29 (2)(1987) pp. 301-302. 33. Matrix Wiener-Hopf problems. Journ. Sound & Vibration, 124 (3) (1988) p.583. 34. A complex modulus inequality. Math. Gaz. 72 (1989) pp. 309-310. 35. A Green's function for diffraction by a rational wedge. Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 105 (1989) Pp.185-192 36. Note on the roots of J0(z) - iJ1(z). Quart.App.Math. 47 (1989) pp. 323-324. 37. Spherical wave diffraction by a rational wedge. Proc.Royal Irish Acad. 89A (1989) pp. 235-253. 38. Diffraction of an E or H-polarised electromagnetic plane wave by a right angle wedge with imperfectly conducting faces. Quart. Journ. Mech. App. Math. 43 (1990) pp. 161-172. 39. A note on the calculus of Variations. Int. J. Math. Educ. Sci. Technol. 22 (1)(1991) pp. 158-160. 40. Diffraction by an acoustically transmissive or an electromagnetically dielectric half plane (with E Meister and F -O Speck. Math. Meth. in the Appl. Sciences 14 (1991) pp. 387-402. 41. A note on the Polynomial diagonalization and Wiener-Hopf Factorization of 2 x 2 matrices. Z.A.M.M. 72 (1992) pp. 373-375. 42. Double Knife problem with Elastic/Plastic type screen (with E Meister and F -O Speck) Proceedings of conference on Wiener-Hopf Operators (held at Oberwolfach, December 1989). Int. Equ. and Oper. Theor. (IEOT) 14 (1991) pp. 374-389. 43. Scattering of water waves by a pair of semi-infinite barriers (with P. McIver). ASME J. Appl. Mech. 46 (1993) 88-116. 44. The Wiener-Hopf technique. Bull I.M.A. 29 (1993)(7/8) pp. 102-105. 45. Two-dimensional wave-scattering problems involving parallel-walled ducts (with P McIver). Quart. Jour. Mech. App. Math. 46 (1993) pp. 89-116. 3 46. A note on the Euler-Maclaurin Sum formula. Z.A.M.M. 75 (1995) 481-483. 47. A bifurcated waveguide problem. J.I.M.A. 54 (1995) 59-81. 48. A note on the Golden Ratio. Math. Gaz. 79 (1995) 104. The changing shape of geometry. C.U.P. 2003,308-309 49. Diffraction by a rigid barrier with a soft or perfectly absorbent end face (with P.McIver). Wave Motion . 22 (1995) 387-402. 50. A note on the zeros of Legendre functions. Revista Tecnica. 19 (1996) 91-92. 51. Two trifurcated waveguide problems solved exactly by matrix Wiener-Hopf factorization. Direct and inverse electromagnetic scattering. (editors:A H Hamit and S R Cloude) Pitman research notes in mathematics. 301 (1996) 82-88. 52. Two trifurcated waveguide problems Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 121 (1997) 555-573. 53. Radiation from a two dimensional duct (with Mahmood-ul-Hassan). Can. Jour. Physics. 1 (1997) 375-384. 54. Sound radiation in a planar trifurcated lined duct (with Mahmood-ul-Hassan). Wave Motion. 29 (1999) 157174. 55. Two waveguide problems with convective fluid flow. (With Mahmood-ul-Hassan). Jour.Sound Vibr. 216 (4) (1998) 713-738 56. Diffraction by a semi-infinite thick half plane with an absorbent end face (with P.McIver). Proc. R. Soc. Lon. A452 (1998) 3167-3182 57. Acoustic diffraction by a semi-infinite plane with different face impedances.(with P Barton) Quart.Jour.Mech. Appl. Maths. 52 (1999) 469-487 58. Diffraction by, or diffusion into a penetrable wedge. Proc. R. Soc. Lon. A445 (1999) 2655-2686 59 Wave propagation in a waveguide (with M-u-Hassan) Z.A.M.M. 83 (2003) 333-343 60 A note on point source diffraction by a wedge. Journal of applied mathematics. 1 (2004) 85-89 61 Diffraction by an half-plane in a moving fluid . Quart.Jour.Mech. Appl. Maths.58(2005) 459-479. 62 The optimum orientation of an absorbing barrier. Proc. R. Soc. Lon.. A461 (2005) 2369-2383. 63 Boundary condition modelling for a thin transmissive media. Journ. Sound & Vibration (submitted 2005) 64 An interative approach to scattering by edges and wedges. Wave Motion 44(2007) 176-20 65 Wave propagation in a bifurcated impedance lined cylindrical duct.. Jour. Eng Maths(accepted 2007) 4 BRUNEL UNIVERSITY INTERNAL REPORTS 1. A note on Wiener-Hopf matrix factorisation. Brunel University Report TR/11/83. 2. Matrix Wiener-Hopf factorisation. Brunel University Report TR/03/84. 3. Matrix Wiener-Hopf factorisation II. Brunel University Report TR/18/84. 4. Plane wave diffraction by a rational wedge. Brunel University Report TR/07/86. 5. Cylindrical wave diffraction by a rational wedge. Brunel University Report TR/08/86. 6. Spherical wave diffraction by a rational wedge. Brunel University Report TR/09/86. 7. A Green's function for diffraction by a rational wedge. Brunel University Report TR/14/86. 8. Diffraction by an acoustically penetrable or an electromagnetically dielectric half plane II. Brunel University Report TR/08/89. 9. A note on polynomial diagonalization and Wiener-Hopf factorization of 2 x 2 matrices. Brunel University Report TR/09.89. 10. A note on the Euler-Maclaurin sum formula TR/01/93. 11. A trifurcated waveguide problem. Brunel University Report TR/08/94. 12. A trifurcated waveguide problem II. Brunel University Report TR/09/94. 13. A note on the diffraction by a semi-infinite thick half plane, and a semi-infinite cylindrical rod with an absorbent end face. Brunel University Report TR/07/94. 14. Diffraction by, or diffusion into a penetrable wedge. Brunel University Report TR/21/97. 15. Diffraction by two impedance half planes. Brunel University Report TR/3/98. 16. An interactive Approach to scattering by Edges and wedges. Brunel University Report TR/01/05. 17. Boundary condition modelling for a thin transmissive media. Brunel University Report TR/02/05. PUBLISHED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Euromech Colloquium. Vibro-Acoustics and Flow-Structure Interactions 19-23 April 1999 Cargese (Corsica) Analytic methods for solving acoustic problems. (Invited plenary presentation) 147-192 LISBON UNIVERSITY REPORTS 1. Double-Knife Edge Problems with Elastic/Plastic Type screens (with E Meister, F -O Speck. Report Prep. M.A.C. 1/1990 Dept. of Math. Universidade Tnica de Lisboa, Portugal. 5