here - Royal Holloway

DARG Development Geographies Postgraduate Workshop:
Sharing Fieldwork Experiences
22 April (pm) and 23 April (am) 2010 @ University College London
The workshop is an opportunity for postgraduate students in development geography to
share and discuss fieldwork experiences in the global South. The event is open to
everyone at all stages of postgraduate study, whether planning your first overseas
fieldwork or reflecting on previous times spent in the field. We also welcome
participation from students in the UK who are originally from the global South and are
returning to do research in their own countries. Outcomes of the discussions will also be
used as the basis for a session at the RGS-IBG Conference in September 2010 and a
short publication by DARG.
The workshop will consist of six themed sessions of around 75 minutes, each led by 1-2
postgraduates, as well as an informal talk by a more experienced academic to provide
an alternative view. Three sessions will be held on each day. The format of each
session will be decided in advance by session leaders in discussion with the workshop
organisers; innovative methods that encourage open discussion and sharing of
experiences and ideas are encouraged. All session leaders will be postgraduates; it is
an excellent opportunity to plan and facilitate a session such as this, with possible
further outputs for a conference or publication. Session topics may include working with
NGOs/CBOs, language issues, ethics, practicalities and personal issues, research
methods, and dealing with data. Other ideas are also welcome.
If you are interested in attending the workshop, please:
1. Email a copy of the attached form to Stephen Jones:
2. Send a printed copy together with a cheque for £10 (£5 if only able to attend one
day) payable to ‘DARG’ to:
Stephen Jones (Postgraduate), Geography Department, Royal Holloway,
University of London, Egham,Surrey, TW20 0EX
Applications for participants will be accepted on a first come first served basis and
places are limited in order to maintain a small group for discussion. Applications are only
complete when a cheque for the correct amount is received as well.
If you are also interested in becoming a member of DARG please include an additional
£2 on your cheque (i.e. a total payment of £12). A £2 payment covers postgraduate
membership for a one year period. Membership may be renewed after this time. See the
DARG website for further information about the benefits
of membership.
For any queries about the workshop, email Stephen Jones (
We look forward to hearing from you!
DARG Postgraduate Workshop: Sharing Fieldwork Experiences
22 and 23 April 2010 @ University College London
Course / year of study
Email address
Telephone number(s)
Day(s) attending:
Thursday 22 April afternoon: 1pm to 6.30pm
Friday 23 April morning: 9am to 3.30pm
(A full programme will be on the DARG website before the event:
I am interested in leading a session
Your dissertation/thesis title:
Brief summary of your previous fieldwork experience and future plans:
If you are interested in leading a session, please write your preferred topic and any initial
ideas for how you might structure the session. We will contact you to discuss this in
more detail - it does not commit you to anything at this stage:
Dietary requirements e.g. vegetarian, allergies: (please note that tea, coffee, and light
refreshments will be provided, but not lunches)
Disability - please let us know if you need any form of support (e.g. wheelchair access):