Forestry Abstract Keywords

Forestry Abstracts -
Database Coverage (from website 8 Dec 03)
Covers all aspects of the science and art of cultivating forest crops, including choice
of species, trials of provenances and species, seeds for propagation, vegetative
propagation, micropropagation and in vitro culture, nursery studies, silvicultural
systems for both plantations and natural stands, site preparation, planting, use of
fertilizers, irrigation and drainage, weed control, thinning, pruning, stand
characteristics (spacing, density, mortality, stand development, etc.), effects of
silviculture on wood properties, and machinery.
Mensuration and inventories
Covers measurements of trees, stands and round timber, volume and biomass
tables, assortments, volume determination, growth and increment, yield tables,
forecasting production, yield regulation, site class assessment, inventories of forest
resources, dendrochronology, remote sensing, surveying and mapping.
Management and policy
Covers - from local, regional, national or international viewpoints - management
plans and planning, administration of forest enterprises, forest ownership, forest
policy, private forestry, community forestry, social forestry, multiple use, history,
information services, organizations, publicity, extension, public opinion, and labour
Covers all aspects associated with the business economics of timber growing,
including costs and profitability, finance, subsidies, income, taxation, non-market
benefits and natural resource economics as related to forests.
Agroforestry and farm forestry
Includes studies on agroforestry systems, silvopastoral systems, agrosilvicultural
systems, silvihorticultural systems, aquasilvicultural systems, multipurpose trees,
shelterbelts, riparian buffers, hedges, farm woodlands, effects of trees in
agroforestry systems on yields of agricultural and horticultural crops, grazing in
forests and woodlands, woody plants on rangelands and farm woodlands.
Non-wood forest products
Also known as non-timber forest products or minor forest products, topics covered
include the growing and harvesting of Christmas trees, ornamental greenery, bark
crops, fruit and seed crops, crops tapped for exudations, leaf and fodder crops,
osiers, bamboos and canes, crops grown for animal products such as honey, wax,
silk and lac, edible fungi, medicinal plants and in vitro production of secondary
Biology of forest trees
Covers general information on trees, silvicultural characters, habit, phenology,
anatomy, morphology, leaf area index, plant development, embryology, plant
chemistry, plant nutrition, physiology, biochemistry, reproduction, seed dispersal,
taxonomy, nomenclature, and descriptions of new species.
Genetics and breeding
All aspects of forest tree breeding, including genetic variation, gene expression,
molecular genetics, breeding for wood properties, timber yield and pest resistance,
genetic engineering, biotechnology, seed orchards, progeny testing, selection
criteria, evolution and genetic resources of forest trees
Climate and soil
Covers all aspects of the physical environment related to forests and forest soils,
including climate, atmosphere, climatic change, carbon sequestration, greenhouse
gases, dendroclimatology, land form, soil physics, soil chemistry, soil biology, soil
fertility, soil water, forest litter, symbiotic relationships, mycorrhizas, nitrogen fixing
bacteria, catchment management, hydrology, erosion, soil conservation, landslides,
avalanches, volcanoes, influences of forests on ecosystems, and forest streams
Forest ecology
Covers forest types, other vegetation types with woody plants, history of vegetation,
palaeoecology, palaeobotany, pollen analysis, phytogeography, natural range,
floristic analysis of plant communities, plant succession, layer communities, lichens,
epiphytes, ground vegetation, dynamics of natural forests, allelopathy, and floras
Covers wildfires in forests, fire danger, fire prevention, fire control, firebreaks, fire
ecology, fire weather, fire history, and controlled burning for site preparation, fuel
reduction and vegetation management
Forest health
Covers damage by air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, frost injury, drought
injury, logging damage, fungal diseases, wilts, stem rots, butt rots, root diseases,
cankers, stem rusts, foliage diseases, bacterial diseases, phytoplasmal diseases,
virus diseases, insect pests, plant pathogenic nematodes, mites, vertebrate pests,
browsing damage, plant disease control, insect control, pest control, repellents,
mistletoes, parasitic plants, biological control, chemical control, pesticides
Covers wild animals in relation to forests and forest trees, ecology of animal
communities, forests as sources of nutrition for wild animals, game animals, hunting
All aspects of biodiversity in forests, including trees, other plants, animals, fungi,
lichens, soil organisms and their conservation, national parks, nature reserves
Land use
Covers the use of forest land other than for timber production, including
deforestation, forest fragmentation, forest recreation, tourism, rural amenity,
landscape, landscape ecology, protection forests, riparian forests, rehabilitation,
reclamation, land use policy, disposal of sewage sludge in forests
Covers the growing and tending of trees and shrubs for ornament and amenity value, tree
surgery, street trees, ornamental trees, amenity trees, arboreta, landscaping, and urban