Alternate Names: Cascade Cave, Cascade Cavern, Hester Cave, Hester's Cave.
Length: 509.0 m
Depth: 40.2 m
Quadrangle: Boerne 7.5’
Special Hazards: none
A large ravine leads to the cave, routing in overflow flood waters from Cibolo Creek. A
dam has been built 50 m upstream of the cave, spanning the 30 m wide by 10 m deep
ravine, and prevents the cave from being frequently flooded. Cascade Caverns is a
commercial show cave with two natural entrances. The "Peep In The Deep" is a 3 m
diameter by 23.5 m deep shaft. The other, walk-in, entrance is an artificially enlarged
window, in the north wall of the shaft, that has a staircase leading to the base of the pit.
A heavy steel door guards the passage that leads southwest from the Peep in the Deep.
The cave is essentially a single passage that heads southwest for 260 m to where it drops
to a lower level that heads 120 m southeast before ending in a sump. Several "rooms" are
encountered in the cave as the passage widens or gains in ceiling height. The first room
is immediately inside the gate and is 20 m in diameter and about 2.1 m high. Along the
east wall is a case displaying a mastodon tusk discovered in the cave, and along the west
wall is "Mirror Lake", a 10 m long, 2 m wide and 1 m deep travertine pool. Past this
room the cave narrows to an average 5 m width and maintains a ceiling height of almost 8
m for 52 m to the "Giant Molar". Along the way towards the Molar, extending off either
side of the passage, are the "Indian Chimneys", two domes that almost reach to the
surface. The Giant Molar is a meter long, tooth-shaped, shield stalactite that marks the
original explored end of the cave. At this point the cave sumped for a distance of 64 m.
This stretch of passage is now known as the "Lake Rooms". At the Molar the floor drops
about a meter and the ceiling lowers to within 2 m of it. The commercial trail runs along
the west wall and a long dammed, meter deep, lake runs along the east wall. Near the end
of this section is the "Rain Forest" and the "Diamond Ceiling", where the water droplets
of hundreds of incipient soda straws sparkle overhead. Following the former sump, the
passage steadily gains in width and ceiling height, extending past the "Tobacco Room"
and the "Wall of Faces" (both named for the shape of speleothems along the walls) until
reaching the "Cathedral Room". This room is one of the largest in Kendall County,
measuring 55 m long, 10 m wide and up to 20 m high. Large domes extend into the
ceiling and an artificial entrance has been placed in one. This entrance cannot be seen
from inside the cave and is used for the placement of lights for the commercial tours. A
small passage (not shown on the map) on the far side of the dome, from the entrance, is
unexplored. At the southwest end of the Cathedral Room, near the ceiling, is an upper
level passage that goes 62 m before becoming too tight. The passage has been walled off
with concrete because it carried water whose volume ranged from a trickle to a torrent
and would periodically flood the entire cave. This water was also the source for the
cave's namesake, the "Cascade". Presently water is pumped to the upper passage and
allowed to cascade down the southwest wall of the Cathedral Room into a 15 m long by 8
m wide lake. Prior to commercialization, the water would flow down through a
constriction of rocks and organic debris to a lower level. Access to the "Lower Level" is
now gained by a vertical 0.8 m diameter tube. The tube extends just above water level
and contains a metal ladder for the 5.2 m descent leading into the "Register Room" or the
"Pump Room", because the pump for the waterfall is located in it. This room is 15 m
long, up to 10 m wide, and 2.4 m high. A 2.5 m high tight passage extends off the
northwest wall for 6 m before dividing into an impassibly tight upper level and very tight,
sumped, lower level. The main part of the Lower Level, however, heads southeast as a
passage averaging 8 m wide by 3 - 4 m high. The floor of the passage is thickly covered
in mud, and noted features, on tours of this unimproved section of the cave, include: the
"Pulsating Heart", a shield stalactite with a regular pulse of water flowing over its
surface; the "Shell Room", for the many fossils in its walls; and the "Wishing Well",
probably because every commercial cave has to have one. One hundred meters into the
Lower Level is the 4 m drop into the "Mud Room" (a short crawl along the west wall
bypasses the drop). While the passage width, entering into the Mud Room, stays the
same the ceiling goes out of sight into a fissure. At floor level the cave slopes down a
sticky "Mud Slide", interrupted by some mud covered breakdown blocks -- "Neptune's
Throne", and goes into the cave's terminal sump. The sump is 7.6 m deep and ends in
mud fill.
The cave was discovered in 1840. During the late 19th century a young German fellow,
spurned in romance, retreated from society to live out his days as a hermit on a ledge 8 m
down the entrance pit. By the mid-1920's the cave was well known and known to extend
to a sump at the Giant Molar. The sump was actually a series of low air spaces, only 15
m of which required free diving. Frank E. Nicholson and a companion made that dive,
sealing their flashlights in glass mason jars, and explored the cave as far as the Cathedral
Room. Nicholson described the drop to the Lower Level as "a seemingly bottomless pit
into which the stream emptied, the sparkle of the water losing itself in the gloom of a
black hole -- no man knows how deep!" In 1932 the sump was drained and the cave was
commercially opened. During World War II the cave went out of business, but was
reopened after the war in 1949 under the new management of a Mr. Lindberg. Sometime
in the 1950's the Lower Level was dug open and a trail was placed as far as the drop to
the Mud Room. Floods buried this trail in the 1960's(?) and it was never reexcavated.
Since then tours to the Lower Level have been occasional and offered as an idea of what
real caving is like. In 1967 the pal view of the cave was surveyed by John Bridges, James
Brummett and Jack Burch. The cave's profile was surveyed in 1976 by a crew led by
Keith Heuss. Other versions of the map were also done by Carl Kunath, in 1971, and by
the St. Mary's University Speleological Society, in 1973. In the mid-1970's divers were
requited to dive the terminal sump, but their results were inconclusive. Wayne Walker
also climbed the fissure above the Mud Room. In the late 1970's the artificial entrance
was dug into the cave to improve the lighting of the Cathedral Room. Don Arburn, John
Cross, George Veni and Randy M. Waters dug open the narrow passage off the Register
Room in 1980-81, and, on 1 June 1982, Veni and Waters used SCUBA to dive the
terminal sump and find its muddy end. In 1985 the management of the cave changed to
Jill Beardsley and Jim Kyle, who made many renovations and improvements on the
property until Jill died of an accidental drug overdose on March 2, 2005. On March 19,
2005, Jeffrey Donofrio was shot and killed while working on an electrical box on the
property. The cave’s manager, Dario Acevedo, who had been Jill’s boyfriend, was
convicted of murdering Donofrio. The conviction was overturned on appeal over a
technicality in January 2008. Cascade Caverns has periodically served since the early
1960's as a site for formal meetings of the Texas Speleological Association, and for many
caver vertical and rescue training sessions.
Cascade Caverns contains a rich cavernicole fauna which, although impacted by
commercialization, is still quite diverse. The cave's size and frequent flooding allow for
substantial influxes of organic debris, as a food source, and epigean fauna which may,
with time, become cave adapted. Fauna collected from the Caverns include: Sphalloplana
reddelli Mitchell (troglobite) (flatworms), "Hauffenia" micra (Pilsbry and Ferriss)
(troglobite) (snails), Polygyra mooreana (W.G. Binney) (accidental) (snails), Sphaerium
(Musculim) sp. (accidental) (clams), Stygobromus dejectus (Holsinger) (troglobite)
(amphipods), Stygobromus russelli (Holsinger) (troglobite) (amphipods), Cicurina varians
Gertsch and Mulaik (funnel-web spiders), Eidmannella rostrata Gertsch (troglobite)
(spiders), Speodesmus echinourus Loomis (troglobite) (millipeds), Arrhopalites sp. nr.
pygmaeus (Wankel) (springtail), Ceuthophilus (Ceuthophilus) sp. (cave crickets),
Ceuthophilus (Geotettix) cunicularis (cave crickets), Bembion picipes Kirby (accidental)
(ground beetles), Rhadine speca speca (Barr) (troglobite) (ground beetles), Tachys
(Tachys) sp. (ground beetles), Anapleus marginatus (LeConte) (hister beetles), Batrisodes
sp. (short-winged mold beetles), Ptilodactyla serricollis (Say) (beetles), Rhymosia
triangularis Shaw (fungus gnats), Trichobius major quadrisetosus (bat flies), Eurycea
neotenes, Eurycea tridentifera (troglobite) (salamanders), Syrrhophus marnocki Cope
(cliff frogs), Rana pipiens, Schreber (leopard frog), Myotis velifer incautus (Allen)
(Mexican brown bat), Pipistrellus subflavus subflavus (Cuvier) (eastern pipistrelle)
Observed fauna include undescribed centipedes, millipeds, terrestrial isopods, and
crayfish. The flatworms and Stygobromus dejectus amphipods are the only known
records for these species.
The cave is a swallet developed in the lower member of the Glen Rose Formation. The
cave's upper level is primarily strike oriented and the Lower Level trends down-dip. The
terminal sump is at the regional water table for the lower Glen Rose.
Reported by: unknown
Anonymous. n.d. The TSA at Cascade Caverns. Fault Zone, 4:1-3, 7-8.
Anonymous. 1932. Boerne cave found rival to Carlsbad. San Antonio Light, 27 March
1932, pp. 3.
Anonymous. 1932. Weird inhabitants that grope in a newly discovered Texas cave.
Literary Digest, 10 December 1932, pp. 31-32. Reprint in part of: F.E. Nicholson,
Nature discloses more queer life, Philadelphia Public Ledger, 30 October 1932.
Anonymous. 1934. Geologic notes of interest about Texas. Compass, 14(2):75-82.
Anonymous. 1934. Huge new cave found in Texas. 'Devil's Sinkhole' said to rival
Carlsbad. Austin Statesman, 19 August 1934.
Anonymous. 1948. "It is claimed that the great...". Bulletin of the National Speleological
Society, 10:100.
Anonymous. 1950. Cascade Caverns. San Antonio Express Magazine, 11 June 1950, pp.
Anonymous. 1950. Cascade Caverns……Underground beauty spot. This Month in San
Antonio, pp. 4-5 + cover (August).
Anonymous. 1952. Bats, caves and spelunkers. Micaphone: Voice of the Independents
(University of Texas), 1952 (October).
Anonymous. 1955. Cave story published. Texas Caver, 1955(November):8.
Anonymous. 1955. Dead Man's Cave. Texas Caver, 1955(December):2.
Anonymous. 1957. Convention report. Texas Caver, 2(3):3-4.
Anonymous. 1960. Texas caves 1959. Texas Caver, 5(1):14.
Anonymous. 1961. News of the grottos. Alamo. Texas Caver, 6:8-9.
Anonymous. 1963. News: Alamo Grotto, N.S.S. Texas Caver, 8:129.
Anonymous. 1964. Caver of the Month: William R. (Bill) Gray. Texas Caver, 9:75-76.
Anonymous. 1964. News: Alamo, N.S.S. Texas Caver, 9:146.
Anonymous. 1964. News: Alamo, N.S.S. Texas Caver, 9:160-161.
Anonymous. 1964. News: Alamo, N.S.S. Texas Caver, 9:177.
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Anonymous. 1965. Grotto news: Alamo Grotto, N.S.S. Texas Caver, 10:242.
Anonymous. 1965. News: Alamo Grotto, N.S.S. Texas Caver, 10:59.
Anonymous. 1966. Brummett manager at Cascade Caverns. Texas Caver, 11:5.
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Anonymous. 1967. Wanted. Texas Caver, 12:47.
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Anonymous. 1972. Regional news. Texas. NSS News, 30:166.
Anonymous. 1972. T.S.A. Project '72. Oztotl, 6(2):15.
Anonymous. 1973. Cascade Caverns cleanup. Texas Caver, 18:266-267.
Anonymous. 1973. News & history: AAC. Texas Caver, 18:360.
Anonymous. 1973. News & history: Alamo Area Chapter. Texas Caver, 18:309.
Anonymous. 1973. News & not-so news: Southwest Texas Student Grotto. Texas Caver,
Anonymous. 1973. !!!!!!A party!!!!!! Bexar Caver, 3(10):84.
Anonymous. 1973. Saturday road log. In: Caves, ground water, and karst features of the
Cretaceous in south central Texas, Jackie Black and R. Michael Clark, eds.,
Fourteenth annual Southwestern Association of Student Geological Societies Field
Conference, Guidebook, St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas, pp. 10-31.
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Antonio, Texas, Spring 1973.
Anonymous. 1973. Sunday road log. In: Caves, ground water, and karst features of the
Cretaceous in south central Texas, Jackie Black and R. Michael Clark, eds.,
Fourteenth annual Southwestern Association of Student Geological Societies Field
Conference, Guidebook, St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas, pp. 32-. Hosted
by the St. Mary’s University of Texas Student Geological Society, San Antonio,
Texas, Spring 1973.
Anonymous. 1973. Your big chance is coming!! Bexar Caver, 3(10):85.
Anonymous. 1974. BOG meeting. Bexar Caver, 4(6):46-47.
Anonymous. 1974. News & not-so news: Southwest Texas Student Grotto. Texas Caver,
Anonymous. 1974. Notices. Bexar Caver, 4(6):47.
Anonymous. 1974. TSA convention BOG. Texas Caver, 19:169-170.
Anonymous. [1974]. TSA Safety and Rescue Project III. Bexar Caver, 4(8):70.
Anonymous. [1975]. Food, ropework, caving, prizes. Bexar Caver, [5(10)]: 60.
Anonymous. 1975. It's nice to fool with Mother Nature. Southwest Airlines Magazine,
Anonymous. [1975]. The June benefit club trip. Bexar Caver, [5(5)]: 26.
Anonymous. [1975]. June club trip. Bexar Caver, 5(6):37.
Anonymous. 1975. Mid-winter NCA meeting. Down Under, Newsletter of the National
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Anonymous. 1976. Grotto news: Alamo. Texas Caver, 21:29.
Anonymous. 1976. Grotto news: UTG. Texas Caver, 21:71.
Anonymous. [1976]. Notice. Bexar Caver, 6(12):45.
Anonymous. 1977. Cave News Roundup: Cascade Caverns, Texas. Down Under,
Newsletter of the National Caves Association, 12(3):64-65.
Anonymous. 1977. Garbage! Texas Caver, 22:62.
Anonymous. 1977. Grotto news. UTG News, 8(3):2.
Anonymous. 1977. Grotto news: SAG. Texas Caver, 22:3.
Anonymous. 1978. More news. Range of Darkness, 1(5):[1].
Anonymous. 1978. News. Range of Darkness, 1(9):[1].
Anonymous. 1978. Trips. D.C. Speleograph, 34(9):21-22.
Anonymous. 1979. Centex caves provide cool, accessible adventure. Austin AmericanStatesman, 21 August 1979, p. 45.
Anonymous. 1979. Convention news roundup and short subjects: Spelunking trips and
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Association, 14(1):16.
Anonymous. 1979. News: 10 March 1979: "The Alamo Area Chapter...". Range of
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Anonymous. 1979. News: 10 March 1979: "George Veni and Randy Waters...". Range of
Darkness, 2(3):4.
Anonymous. 1980. Grotto news. Texas Caver, 25:114.
Anonymous. 1980. Sparkling crystals enchant cave explorers. Austin AmericanStatesman, Onward, 23 Sept. 1980, p. 26.
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Revision: 2009-11-10