File ancient rome pp shell notes

Name: _____________________
Ancient Rome PowerPoint Shell Notes
Period: _____
Geography of Italy:
a) The country of Italy is shaped like a __________________
b) Northern Italy is home to Europe’s highest mountain range…._________________
c) The backbone of Italy is the ____________________ mountains
d) _____________________ river runs through Italy
e) Ancient Rome is known for its construction of ____________ and _______________
f) Ancient Romans were _____________________
g) ________________ was part of the Roman mythology
h) Many of the Roman gods were of __________________ origins
Social Structure:
a) ____________________: land-owning noblemen
b) ____________________: free men of Rome
c) Rome practiced this type of government: ________________________ with a
___________________ and an ______________________ as its governing bodies
d) Two _________________ were elected to the assembly which held the _________
e) The 12 Tables of Rome were __________________ that were meant to protect ones’
________________ rights. An example of these laws includes:
f) Roman families were ________________________ (males were the head of the
g) Roman women were inferior to men within society; however they could still own a
________________ or ____________________
h) The lowest social ranking of Ancient Rome were the ____________________ which
made up about ________________ of the total population. Most of the slaves came from
Roman Military Domination:
a) ____________________ was a continued economic rival of Rome located in _______
b) Punic Wars were from _____________ to _________________
c) 1st Punic War allowed for Rome to gain control of _______________________
d) 2nd Punic War was led by ________________________ who crossed the __________
mountains with his _______________________ into Rome. He was forced to turn back
home because the ____________________ soldiers had invaded _________________.
e) Rome invaded ____________________ and burnt it to the ____________________.
Then they spread _____________________ all over the city in hopes that nothing would
ever grow their again!
f) Romans built __________________, _____________________ and a ___________
Collapse of the Republic and Rise of Imperialism:
a) Use of too many _____________________! This hurt ___________________ so they
moved to the __________________ causing ___________________ and _____________
b) Roman _________________ deflated causing HIGH __________________
c) Political leaders were ___________________ amongst each other for power and
d) Power was given amongst 3 men: __________________; __________________; and
e) _____________________ gained power after gaining control of _____________
f) A Civil War caused ___________________ and _____________ to loose power
g) ___________________ declared himself ______________________ so the senate
members ____________________ on the Ides of March by stabbing him in the back at
the _____________________! Caesar was known for organizing public works to employ
the __________________; giving more public land to the _______________; he granted
____________________ to more people; and introduced a new ____________________
h) After Julius Ceaser’s death, ________________, ___________________, and
______________________ came to power. Octavius became known as
_______________________________ and now Rome as ruled by a single ___________
i) __________________ became the capital of the western world
j) Augustus became known for __________________; __________________; and
__________________________ and Rome was stable for the next ______________ and
becomes known as the _____________________
MAJOR Achievements of Ancient Rome:
a) Temple Architecture: blended ___________________ and _________________
features with an emphasis on the ________________ of the building
b) Learned how to construct the _________________ and ______________....evidence
of this is found with the ____________________; ______________________;
______________________; and the many ________________________
c) Roman architecture was unique because they used __________________ which
created a revolution in architectural design because they were able to build larger,
____________________ buildings
d) Aqueduct: ___________________________________________________________
e) Arch of Titus: ________________________________________________________
f) Arch of Constantine: ___________________________________________________
g) Pantheon: ____________________________________________________________
h) Circus Maximus: ______________________________________________________
i) Roman Theater: _______________________________________________________
j) Roman Coliseum: _____________________________________________________
k) Hadrian’s Wall: _______________________________________________________
Portraits of Famous Emperors:
a) Caesar: ______________________________________________________________
b) Nero: _______________________________________________________________
c) Hadrian: _____________________________________________________________
Religious Diversity:
a) _____________________ ended the persecution of _________________ with his
_____________________ in 313 C.E.
b) By 391 C.E. ______________________ became the official religion of Rome
Collapse of the Western Portion of the Roman Empire:
a) TWO major reasons for the fall of Rome: ____________________ and ___________
b) Diocletian _______________ the empire into 2 parts each with an _______________
c) Diocletian brought the _______________ back under his control, strengthened the
Roman ____________ ; forced a ______________ on the government; and capped prices
d) Once Diocletian retired….a _________________ broke out throughout Rome
e) 322 _________________________ came to power and order the building of
_________________________ at the Greek city of _______________________
f) Now the empire is officially divided….the eastern half is now known as __________;
while the western half is known as _________________
g) _____________________ and the _________________ put pressure on Romans and
eventually invaded
h) In 410 C.E. the __________________ invaded Rome and by 476 C.E. the Roman
emperor has been disposed of….marking the official end of Rome!
i) The Eastern half of Rome survives but is rename the __________________________