Study on the Effect of Operational Temperature and Time on the Characteristics of Slag Aggregate Paper #56 Jeng-Shiow Hsiung a, Yi-Chin Huang b, Kung-Cheh Li c a Process Engineering, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan. b Department of Land Management and Development, Chang Jung Christian University, Tainan 711, Taiwan c Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to investigate the influence of operational temperature and time on the characteristics of slag, and further evaluate the effect of operational condition changes on molten sludge recovering as fine aggregate. The co-melting mixing ratio of calcium fluoride sludge and water works sludge are four to six, at which ratio a relatively low eutectic temperature could be found. The experimental melting temperatures were set at 1200, 1250, 1300, and 1350 °C, and the experimental melting time were 10, 20, and 30 mins. Each batch of the molten sludge was cooled in water and ground to match the aggregate gradation code. After that, gravity, absorption, void, unit weight, and hardness of the slag samples were measured. The experimental results indicated that gravity and void are essentially the same in all conditions. The values of absorption and hardness decreased accompany with operational temperature or time increased, but unit weight increased. The results of Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) revealed that all slag samples are harmless to use as fine aggregate. Furthermore, among all conditions, the effect of temperature on properties of slag aggregate is higher than that of the operational time, suggested that it is necessary to operate in higher temperature to obtain better quality of slag aggregate. INTRODUCTION The high percentage of people served by the water supply system and the development of semiconductor industry produce huge amounts of water works sludge and calcium fluoride 1 sludge in Taiwan. Nowadays, at least 6,000 cubic meters of water works sludge cake and 66 tons of the calcium fluoride sludge are produced every month. Since the main method of treating these two kinds of sludge is currently disposal in landfills, the public resistance and the unavailability of landfill sites makes the disposal of sludge a major issue in Taiwan. The best strategy is to reduce sludge quantity during the treatment process, or recovery sludge should be a top priority in the subsequent sludge management system. Among the alternatives for sludge quantity reduction, sludge melting process has received considerable attention since 1990s to recover sewage sludge 1, 2. The sludge melting process is to heat sludge in 1200-1600 °C, to compose organic matter and melt the inorganic matter. At this high temperature, more than 60% of cadmium, lead, zinc and copper present in the slag and 60% of nickel, chromium and arsenic are associated with fly ash of melting furnace that air pollution control equipments have to set after the melting process After the sludge is melted, the melted material was cooled in either air or water to form slag. The structure of slag is considered as the network of SiO4 tetrahedra, which could fix heavy metals in the structure and reduce their leaching rate. The obtained slag could used as paving, fine aggregate, block or cement additives. Therefore, melting process is considered as a solution for sludge final disposal due to its characters of stabilization, materialization, and environmental friendly. It is suggested that sewage sludge co-melting with industrial waste can reduce the potential problem of industrial waste-related pollution. Sakai et al. indicate that asbestos co-melting with sewage sludge make asbestos dehazardous 3, and Wang et al. apply melting process on municipal incinerator fly ash treatment 4. Furthermore, the feasibility of apply the melting process to recover calcium fluoride sludge and water works sludge as constructional material has been studied. The water-cooled and air-cooled slag obtained from this co-melting system can replace 20% and 40% of fine aggregate in the cement mortar, respectively 5, 6 . Thus, use calcium fluoride as a metallurgical flux not only effectively reduces the hazard potential of calcium fluoride sludge on environment and human health, but also beneficially result from the operational temperature reduction. Several factors influence the operational temperature of the melting process, such as basicity of sludge 7, additive into sludge 8, and ambience gas in furnace 9. It is suggested that there is a low eutectic temperature of the sewage sludge when the basicity of sludge adjust to one. The eutectic temperature is further reduced when the ambience gas in furnace is reduction, or when additives, such as borax (sodium borate), soda (sodium carbonate) and lime (calcium carbonate), are added in the melting system 8. Although the low eutectic temperature sludge is obtained, the actual operational temperature of the sludge is at least 100 °C higher than the eutectic temperature to ensure the sludge was melted complete, and this might affect the characters of slag. However, the study concerns about the 2 operational temperature and time are very few. Thus, this study aimed to discuss the influence of different operational temperature and time on slag characters to obtain a better operational condition. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD The calcium fluoride sludge was gathered from a semiconductor plant sedimentation tank. The coagulants were calcium chloride and calcium hydroxide. The gathered calcium fluoride sludge was dried at 105 °C in an oven before the experiments were performed. After acid digestion, according to NIEA R109.01C, the main components of the sludge were determined using ICP-AES (Inductivity Coupled Plasma- Atomic Emission Spectrometer) with sensitivity in the mg/L range. The Water works sludge was collected from a water treatment plant in Taipei, and dried at 105 °C before mixing with calcium fluoride sludge. The main components of the sludge were measured using ICP-AES after acid digestion. Due to the basicity of calcium fluoride sludge and water works sludge are 2.5 and 0.001, respectively, the mixing proportion was set at 60% (w/w) calcium fluoride sludge to 40% (w/w) water works sludge to adjust basicity to 1. At the mixing ratio, a relatively low melting temperature was obtained at 1197 °C. Furthermore, both calcium fluoride and water works sludge were ground to 0.075 mm before mixing. In order to investigate the affect of operational temperature and time on slag, the operational temperatures were set at 1200, 1250, 1300, 1350 °C, and the operational times were 10, 20, 30 mins. After each batch of melting process, the molten sludge was cooled in water, and then the obtained slag was crushed to match the aggregate gradation code. After that, gravity, absorption, void, unit weight, and hardness of the slag samples were measured to compare the difference between each experimental condition. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In all experimental conditions, the 1200 °C-10 min-batch of melted material was too hard to flow out due to its high viscosity. Thus, this batch of slag could not collected after the sludge co-melting was done, and the following measurement of slag characters could not proceeded. This result also indicated that the operational temperature is necessary raised to increase the operational convenience. 1. Effects on Gravity Gravity means the weight ratio of aggregate to water in same volume. Figure 1 displays the 3 gravities of each batch of slag obtained from different operational conditions. The results indicated that the gravities had unapparent relationship with operational temperatures, but slightly increased when the operational time was increased. The gravity of nature fine aggregate are 2.4 to 2.9, and it is better when the value is higher than 2.55. From the experimental results, the gravities of each batch of slag fell within 2.65 to 2.75, indicated that every batches of slag had fine quality in gravity. Figure1. Effects on Slag Gravity in Different Operational Temperature and Time 2.80 Operation Time Gravity 2.75 10 mins 20 mins 30 mins 2.70 2.65 2.60 2.55 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 Operation Temperature (oC) 2. Effects on Absorption Absorption is one of the important characters of fine aggregate, it has positive tendency with the porosity in aggregate. Different absorption will affect the water-cement ratio, and further affect the strength of concrete. As the fine aggregate used in concrete, the absorption should be slower than 3%. Figure 2 displays the absorption changes of each batch of slag in different operational conditions. It shows that all of the absorption obtained from this study fell within 0.6 to 2.4%, indicating that each batch of slag could used as fine aggregate. As the operational temperature increased, the absorption of slag significantly reduced. The relationship between operation time and absorption has a similar tendency, but the decrement is lower than that of operational temperature. 4 Figure 2. Effects on Slag Absorption in Different Operational Temperature and Time 4 Operation Time 10 mins 20 mins 30 mins Absorption (%) 3 2 1 0 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 o Operation Temperature ( C) 3. Effects on Unit Weight Unit weight means the weight of aggregate in a unit volume (including aggregate, voids between aggregates, and pores in aggregate). Different destination of engineer used different unit weight of fine aggregate. As the fine aggregate used in normal concrete structure, the unit weight should within 1100 to 1750 kg/m3. Figure 3 displays the tendency of unit weight in each experimental condition. It shows that the values of unit weight increased as the operational temperature or the operational time increased, and the increment is higher when raising the operational temperature. It is suggested that the viscosity is lower in a higher temperature, and the gas produced by organic matters decomposition could release more easily. Therefore, the obtained slag had a lower porosity and a higher unit weight. The experimental results reveal that the unit weight of slag fell within 1734 to 1930 kg/m 3, meaning that each batch of slag obtained in this study has potential to use as fine aggregate in normal concrete structure. 5 Figure 3. Effects on Slag Unit Weight in Different Operational Temperature and Time 2000 Operation Time Unit Weight (kg/m3) 1900 10 mins 20 mins 30 mins 1800 1700 1600 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 Operation Temperature (oC) 4. Effects on Void Void is calculated from gravity and unit weight. For a nature aggregate, the range of void is 0.25 to 0.4. In this study, the voids fell within 0.29 to 0.34, and there is no significantly tendency between void versus operational temperature or operational time (Figure 4). 5. Effects on Hardness Hardness is an index to establish the ability of aggregate to anti-weathering. Either saturated sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate is used to determine the hardness of aggregate. In saturated sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate, the loss rate should lower than 10% or 15%, respectively. The saturated sodium sulfate is used in this study, and the results displayed in Figure 5. Figure 5 shows that the hardness is in the range of 1 to 8%, and there is a significantly difference between 1250 °C-10 min-batch of slag to others. Except the 1250 °C-10 min-batch of slag, the values of hardness are slightly reduced when operational temperature or operational time increased. Although the hardness of 1250 °C-10 min-batch of slag is 8%, lower than 10%, the result reveals that the slag obtained from this situation is easily weathering. Moreover, when this slag used as fine aggregate, the surface of concrete is easily cracked. It is suggested that the hardness has positive relationship with vitrification, thus, it is worthy to raise operational 6 temperature or time to acquire a low hardness. Figure 4. Effects on Slag Void in Different Operational Temperature and Time 0.6 Operation Time 0.5 Void 0.4 10 mins 20 mins 30 mins 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 Operation Temperature (oC) Figure 5. Effects on Slag Hardness in Different Operational Temperature and Time 10 Operation Time Hardness (%) 8 10 mins 20 mins 30 mins 6 4 2 0 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 o Operation Temperature ( C) 7 1400 6. Effects on TCLP The Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) is used to adjudge the hazardous of slag. Table 1 shows that most of the leached concentrations are too low to determine, and all slag are harmless to use as fine aggregate. Since the total heavy metals in calcium fluoride sludge and water works sludge are low, the leached results are reasonable. Moreover, the results showed that there is no tendency between TCLP and operational temperature or time. Table 1. The leached concentrations of each batch of slag in different operational conditions Operational Temperature 1200 °C 1250 °C 1300 °C 1350 °C mins 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 Item Pb ND 0.05 0.05 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Zn 0.14 0.10 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 Ni 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.09 0.05 0.04 Mn ND 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.01 0.01 0.06 Cu ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Cr ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Cd ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND As ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Hg ND: Not Detected -: No regulatory limitation in Taiwan. ROC-EPA Regulatory Limitation 5 15 5 1 5 0.2 CONCLUSION The experimental results of this study indicated that gravity and void are essentially the same in all conditions. The values of absorption and hardness decreased accompany with operational temperature or time increased, but unit weight increased. The results of Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) revealed that all slag samples are harmless to use as fine aggregate. Furthermore, among all conditions, the effect of temperature on properties of slag aggregate is higher than that of the operational time, suggested that it is necessary to operate in higher temperature to obtain better quality of slag aggregate. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 8 The authors would like to thank the National Science Council of the Republic of China, Taiwan for financially supporting this research under contract No. NSC 91-2211-E-002-063. REFERENCE 1. Oku, S., Kasai, T. and Takeda, N. Water Sci. Technol. 1990, 22(12), 319-327. 2. Ohshima Y. and Masuta T. Water Environ. Technol. 1991, 23(7), 68-71. 3. Sakai S., Hiraoka M., Takeda N. and Tsunemi T. Water Sci. Technol. 1990, 22(12), 329-338. 4. 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