Section 4.2: Visitors to University Premises VISITORS TO UNIVERSITY PREMISES 1. Introduction The University has a duty to ensure that visitors are given appropriate information, instruction and supervision, whilst visiting the University. Specific policy which applies to visitors is developed where appropriate1. The following procedure has been implemented to ensure the health, safety and welfare of visitors to University premises. 2. Procedure Informing Campus Office/Reception 2.1 Where reasonably possible the appropriate Campus Office/Reception personnel should be informed of visitors to the site prior to their arrival by the responsible person in each Faculty/Department/School/Research Unit. Where possible the Campus Manager should be informed of any special arrangements required by the visitor, i.e. the bringing of vehicles, machinery, substances to the site, or of any specific facilities that may be required. For example, the visitor might be a disabled person and require special access arrangements, or have a child or children in a pushchair. Dealing with arrival 2.2 On arrival at the University the visitor must report to the Campus Reception personnel and sign in, using the Visitors' Book. The Campus Reception personnel will issue the visitor with a ‘visitor's pass’, which will inform the visitor of any specific health and safety arrangements at the site, and of the emergency evacuation procedures, including the location of assembly points if there is a need to evacuate the building etc. 2.3 The Campus Office/Reception personnel will inform the relevant person in the Faculty/Department/School/Research Unit of the visitor's arrival so that they may be collected from the Reception area. In circumstances where the visitor is familiar with the location of the Faculty/School/Research Unit/Department he/she may be directed to their destination. If however there have been any alterations at the University or within the Faculty/Department/School/Research Unit that may have affected the route then the visitor should be collected from the Reception area. 2.4 Where a person is or is likely to be a frequent visitor to the University, on the first occasion of his/her visit he/she will be issued with an ‘honorary visitor's pass’. Thus on subsequent visits it will not be necessary to sign in at the Reception area. However it will remain the responsibility of the host Faculty/Department/ School/Research Unit to ensure adherence to the other requirements in this procedure. (See paras 2.6 to 2.9 below) During the visit 1 See in particular Section 4.3 ‘Substance Abuse Policy (Visitors and Contractors) in this Handbook. Effective date: February 2008 1 of 2 Section 4.2: Visitors to University Premises 2.5 During his/her visit the visitor must be escorted/supervised, where appropriate. Where a visitor is familiar with the layout of the area this will not be necessary. Supervision is particularly important to prevent the visitor from wandering/straying/ entering any potentially hazardous areas. 2.6 Where it is necessary for a visitor to enter a hazardous area i.e. a laboratory appropriate approval/permission should be obtained before entry is permitted. 2.7 Where personal protective equipment is required to be worn the visitor will also be required to use/wear any of this equipment to safeguard their health and safety. Emergencies, accidents and incidents during the visit 2.8 Where an emergency arises during the visit the responsible person accompanying the visitor must ensure that he/she is accompanied to a place of safety i.e. a fire assembly point, and that the visitor complies with the relevant University procedures. Where the visitor is a disabled person there must also be compliance with the Standard Evacuation Plan (SEP) – see Section 2.8 ‘Emergency Evacuation of Disabled People’ in this Handbook It is essential that visitors are included in the counting of personnel during emergencies and evacuation drills (see Section 2.4 ‘Emergency Evacuation Procedure’ in this Handbook). 2.9 Any accidents or incidents which involve a visitor at the University must be reported and investigated in accordance with the University’s Accident and Incident Reporting procedure (see Section 2.2 ‘Accident and Incident Reporting’ in this Handbook which includes a sample reporting form). In addition any problems encountered by the visitor during his/her visit to the University should be reported to either the relevant Faculty/Department/ School/Research Unit personnel or the relevant Campus Office/Reception personnel in order that a review may be undertaken and appropriate action can be taken by the University if required. Departing 2.10 On departing the University the visitor must sign out of the site before leaving the premises. Where this is not practicable the relevant host Faculty/Department/ School/Research Unit personnel must inform the Campus Office personnel of the visitor's departure and ensure that the visitor's pass is returned, along with any borrowed University property. Children Visitors 2.11 The University has special rules regarding Children on University premises and reference should be made to Section 4:1 ‘Children on University Premises Policy’ in this Handbook before arranging visits to the University. Dogs 2.12 2 of 2 The University does not permit dogs or other pets on the site, unless they support the needs of disabled people. Effective date: February 2008