Human Genetic Disorder Report

Name ________________________________________________ Pd. _____ Date __________
DATE ASSIGNED: _______________
DATE DUE: _______________
Human genetics is a field that biologists are learning more about each year. With the
work done by the Human Genome Project, more is known about the causes of genetic disorders
found in humans.
In this activity, you will have an opportunity to choose a human genetic disorder and
research the details of the disorder. The project is made up of four parts: Rough Draft, Report,
Oral Presentation, and Visual Aid. A general rubric is presented on the back that will be used to
grade each part of the activity. This completed sheet along with the rubric is worth 15 points.
A. To find topics in Genetic Disorders –
 Read pgs. 153 - 158 in the textbook.
 A list of genetic disorders can be found at
Scroll down until you see the book "Genes and Disease" and double click on the
 This website has a short list of disorders -
 Once you have chosen your genetic disease/disorder, you may also check the
following websites –
 Check the library or use your own search engine to find a topic.
B. Make sure you can find the following information with your sources:
 What human gene is involved?
 How is it passed through generations?
 What are the causes? If any?
 What are the symptoms?
 What are possible treatments?
 What is the future outlook for the disorder?
 Any interesting facts, figures, pictures, examples, etc.
C. Only one disorder can be researched per class.
D. The Visual Aid could be a variety of things.
 PowerPoint presentation
 A poster
 An information bulletin or pamphlet
Human Genetic Disorder Research Project Checklist
Remember to keep a list of your resources to include in your bibliography!
Name of Disorder/Disease: __________________________________________________
Chromosome Location:
Is it located on an autosomal chromosome?
If so, on which chromosome is it found?
Is it found on a sex chromosome?
Do you know the specific name of the gene involved?
How is it passed through generations?
Is it a dominant or recessive allele?
Is it sex-linked?
Is it sex influenced or gene imprinted?
Does it predominantly affect a certain group of people (race, nationality, sex, etc)? If so,
What are the causes, if any?
What are the symptoms?
What are the treatments, if any? Is there a cure? Can it be prevented or delayed?
What research is being done on the disorder/disease?
What is the future outlook for this disorder/disease? Are we close to a breakthrough?
Include any interesting facts, figures, pictures, support groups, etc.
What type of visual aid are you planning? _________________________________________
Works Cited Information Sheet - to use as a model
This should be typed as the last page of your written report. You need to have a minimum of
three references. The following is the proper format to use for your work cited page. For
example, if you have three internet sources you need to have three separate work cited on-line
entries. You will hand write or type these on a separate piece of paper, not on this sheet!
Format for an On-Line Entry:
Author’s Name ________________________________________________________________
Title of Article_________________________________________________________________
Site Title _____________________________________________________________________
Date Posted or last updated ______________________________________________________
Date Accessed ________________________________________________________________
Electronic Address> ___________________________________________________________
Format for a Book or Print Entry:
Author’s Name ________________________________________________________________
Book or Magazine Title_________________________________________________________
Magazine News Article Title _____________________________________________________
Name of Publisher______________________________________________________________
City of Publication _____________________________________________________________
Date of Publication (or Volume/Issue)______________________________________________
Pages Used ___________________________________________________________________
Name __________________________________________________________ Period________
Human Genetic Report Rubric
____ /10 points - Human Genetic Disorder Research Project Checklist
_____ Topic - What disease is your project on?
_____ Rough summary of the information you have obtained - genetics, symptoms,
treatment, and prognosis.
_____ Type of visual aid you are planning.
_____ References you have used in MLA format.
____ /30 points - Written Report
_____ Cover page - Title, picture, name, date and period.
_____ Entire paper typed in 12-point font, Times New Roman only with standard margins!
Double-spaced, 2+ pages.
_____ Quality of Information/Educational Value
_____ Grammar, spelling, and sentence construction count!
_____ Entire paper in your own words. Papers that are plagiarized will receive a 0/100.
_____ Work Cited Page included as the last page of the paper. (References in MLA format)
____ /20 Points - Oral Presentation
_____ Time management: 2-4 minutes
_____ Content: highlights of pertinent information.
_____ Organization: clarity/easily understood; loud enough; eye contact.
_____ Use of visual aid in presentation.
____ /35 Points - Visual Aid ___________________________________
_____ Color/Attractiveness/Creativity
_____ Layout/Balance/Information in bullet form, not paragraphs
_____ Photos/Graphics (Clear, appropriate size, and relevance)
_____ Quality of Information/Educational Value.
_____ Grammar/Spelling
_____ Title/Subtitles/Text Size/Words Straight & Neatly Written
_____ Overall Neatness: written in pen, marker or word art; use a ruler if necessary!
____ /5 Points – This Rubric Page
____/100 Total Points