Supporting Information for 1 2 3 Use of Flow Modeling to Assess Sustainability of 4 Groundwater Resources in the North China Plain 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Guoliang Cao1,3, Chunmiao Zheng2,3,*, Bridget R. Scanlon4, Jie Liu2, and Wenpeng Li5 1 School of Water Resources & Environment, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, 100083, China 2 Center for Water Research, College of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China 3 Department of Geological Sciences, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 4 Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78758 5 China Institute of Geo-environmental Monitoring, Beijing100081, China (*corresponding author:; phone: +86 10 82529073; fax: +86 10 82529010) 19 20 21 S1 22 23 Flow Model Setup The SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) [Rabus et al., 2003] elevation 24 data at 90 m resolution were aggregated to the model grid and used as the model top 25 elevation. Borehole data were not obtained in this study. As an alternative, four 26 aquifer units’ bottom elevation contour maps were digitized and then interpolated into 27 the model grid as needed by the layer-property flow (LPF) package [Harbaugh et al., 28 2000] of MODFLOW-2000. 29 One reason for combining aquifer units I and II into one single model layer is 30 that units are hydraulically connected in the piedmont area and in cones of 31 depression due to pumping wells’ penetrating both units. Moreover, during 32 post-development, parts of aquifer unit I in the piedmont area dewatered. If a separate 33 layer had been used to represent this unit, the best way to deal with this by 34 MODFLOW is to use the multi-node well (MNW) package to distribute the total 35 pumping of a well automatically. However, available data for hydraulic conductivity 36 for the shallow aquifer zone did not distinguish between aquifer units I and II. A 37 different number of active cells were used in each layer to represent their distinct areal 38 extent. Layer 1 (shallow aquifer zone) has 34329 active cells and layers 2 and 3 (deep 39 aquifer zone) have 32451 cells each. 40 The definition of a set of appropriate boundary conditions (BCs) for each layer 41 was part of the model calibration process considering the magnitude and direction of 42 flow across the boundaries. Combinations of specified-head and specified-flow 43 boundaries were set for layer 1. A specified-head boundary was defined along the S2 44 eastern boundary, coincident with the coastline of the Bohai Sea, assuming the 45 shallow aquifer zone is hydraulically connected with the sea. Specified-flow was used 46 for the boundary between the mountain area and the plain to represent lateral flow 47 from the Yan and Taihang Mountains assuming that lateral flow only occurs in the 48 shallow aquifer zone. To simplify model construction and calibration and considering 49 the available data, the southeast boundary along the Yellow River was also defined as 50 a specified-flow boundary. Initial flow rates along boundary segments determined 51 using the Darcy’s Law were tested and validated during the model calibration process. 52 Lateral boundaries for layers 2 and 3 were assumed to be no-flow. 53 The spatial distribution and application times of irrigation are unknown. 54 Considering that reconstructions of groundwater dynamics and evaluation of 55 groundwater depletion are the primary goals of this study, recharge from precipitation 56 and irrigation return flow (including irrigation from surface water and groundwater, 57 leakage from water diversion canals) were combined to represent total areal recharge. 58 Because river recharge represents a small fraction of total input/output, rivers were 59 not simulated explicitly in this study, and groundwater discharge to rivers were 60 combined with aquifer pumpage. 61 Statistical pumpage data are available from 1980 through 2008 in annual 62 bulletins for each municipality and province and from previous estimates [Ren, 2007; 63 Zhang and Fei, 2009]. In the NCP, the volume of groundwater pumped for irrigation 64 per metric ton of grain production is ~ 450 m3 based on statistical data on total 65 groundwater pumpage and total grain yield from 1980 through 2008. Total S3 66 groundwater pumpage before 1980 was estimated based on total grain yield assuming 67 that irrigation pumpage per unit of grain yield remained uniform over the entire NCP. 68 Groundwater abstraction data collected in this study include annual pumpage 69 estimates at the province-level; thus it was necessary to redistribute these pumpage 70 data to active cells in the model. The planting area for wheat and corn covers 71 approximately 50% of the total land area and 70% of the total cultivated area [Xu et 72 al., 2005; Han et al., 2008]. In 2000, 835,400 wells were used over the Hebei 73 Province, which means ~ 4.4 wells/km2 [Zhang and Li, 2005]; thus, water withdrawal 74 from each model cell should represent water discharge from ~ 16 pumping wells. This 75 was achieved in the simulation by locating one “virtual” pumping well in each active 76 model cell, which accounted for all the simulated water withdrawal in that cell. To 77 simplify the model input process, all recharge terms in each cell in layer 1 were 78 converted to volume rates and combined with pumpage in that layer into one term; 79 this term and pumping in the other two layers were input into the model through the 80 well (WEL) package. 81 Evaporation from the water table was simulated by the linear segmented 82 evapotranspiration (ETS) package which uses a user-defined segment line to 83 conceptualize the relationship between water table evaporation and hydraulic head 84 [Banta, 2000]. Compared with the evapotranspiration (EVT) package, the ETS 85 package can more closely represent the actual nonlinear relationship between ET and 86 water table depth [Doble et al., 2009]. ET extinction depth was assigned to 4 m 87 uniformly across the NCP, and the potential ET, calculated using the S4 88 Pemnan-Monteith equation [Yang et al., 2009], was converted to the maximum ET 89 rate required by the ETS package. The segmentation (Figure S1) is based on field 90 measurements of ET at different water table depths in the NCP [Li, 2008]. 91 Groundwater budgets in the shallow and deep aquifer zones were calculated 92 separately using the Zonebudget program [Harbaugh, 1990], which is designed to 93 compute subregional water budgets for MODFLOW. 94 95 Additional Literature Cited in the SI 96 Banta, E. R. (2000), Modflow-2000, the US Geological survey modular ground-water 97 model-documentation of packages for simulating evapotranspiration with a 98 segmented function (ETS1) and drains with return flow (DRT1). 99 Doble, R. C., C. T. Simmons, and G. R. Walker (2009), Using MODFLOW 2000 to 100 Model ET and Recharge for Shallow Ground Water Problems, Ground Water, 101 47(1), 129-135. 102 Han, S. M., Y. H. Yang, Y. P. Lei, C. Y. Tang, and J. P. Moiwo (2008), Seasonal 103 groundwater storage anomaly and vadose zone soil moisture as indicators of 104 precipitation recharge in the piedmont region of Taihang Mountain, North China 105 Plain, Hydrol. Res., 39(5-6), 479-495. 106 Harbaugh, A. W. (1990), A computer program for calculating subregional water 107 budgets using results from the US Geological Survey modular three-dimensional 108 finite-difference ground-water flow model, Open-File Report 90-392, U.S. 109 Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia. S5 110 Harbaugh, A. W., E. R. Banta, M. C. Hill, and M. G. McDonald (2000), 111 MODFLOW-2000, The U. S. Geological Survey Modular Ground-Water 112 Model-User Guide to Modularization Concepts and the Ground-Water Flow 113 Process, Open-File Report 00-92, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia. 114 115 Li, J. (2008), The synthesize analysis of the diving evaporation coefficient (in Chinese), Ground Water, 6, 27-30. 116 Rabus, B., M. Eineder, A. Roth, and R. Bamler (2003), The shuttle radar topography 117 mission--a new class of digital elevation models acquired by spaceborne radar, 118 Isprs. J. Photogramm, 57(4), 241-262. 119 120 Ren, X. (2007), Water resources assessment of the Haihe River Basin (in Chinese), China Water Power Press, Beijing. 121 Xu, Y., X. Mo, Y. Cai, and X. Li (2005), Analysis on groundwater table drawdown 122 by land use and the quest for sustainable water use in the Hebei Plain in China, 123 Agr. Water Manage., 75(1), 38-53. 124 Yang, G., Z. Wang, H. Wang, and Y. Jia (2009), Potential evapotranspiration 125 evolution rule and its sensitivity analysis in Haihe River basin (in Chinese), Adv. 126 Water Sci., 3, 409-415. 127 128 Zhang, S., and L. Li (2005), Water Resouces in China (in Chinese), Sino Maps Press, Beijing. 129 Zhang, Z., and Y. Fei (2009), Investigation and Assessment of Sustainable Utilization 130 of Groundwater Resources in the North China Plain (in Chinese), Geological 131 Publishing House, Beijing. S6 132 133 134 135 Figure S1. Evapotranspiration segments, defined by intermediate points which are 136 based on the proportion of the ET extinction depth and the proportion of the 137 maximum ET rate, used in the ETS package and measured for sandy loam and clay in 138 the piedmont region in the NCP [Li, 2008]. ETm in the x-label is maximum ET rate. S7