Table 1. This table will provide the students with a format to organize their findings about the biomes as well as to guide their “biome group” and “jigsaw group” discussions. Biome aClimate and distribution bBiodiversity cAdaptations (examples) (high, low, dEcosystem eImpact services biome characteristics and resource intermediate) of global climate change on availability Tropical Equatorial High - Plants: Shade tolerance, large carbon sink rainforest (within the biodiversity, broad leaves, and tall statured, biodiversity - Deforestation decreases carbon sinks, which in turn increase CO2, which increases global warming. Tropics): plenty of rapid nutrient uptake. No crops - Deforestation increases the risk for flooding and soil erosion. always moist resources niche and lacking separation adaptations for water stress. cattle raising temperature logging - Loss of biodiversity (potential resources like medicines) seasonality savannah - Slash and burn decreases transpiration, which decreases rainfall and carbon uptake Tropical Intermediate - Plants: thorns (protection from (within the high woody encroachment, which also affects summer rainy herbivores), competition for water biodiversity and nutrients: grasses and trees logging with roots at different depths. season and - Herbivores behavior: herds desertification and loss of biodiversity “winter” dry (protection from predators and season migration for water during the dry Tropics): season) carbon sink - Increased rainfall causes increased animal diversity. - Anthropogenic influence causes Biome aClimate and distribution bBiodiversity cAdaptations (examples) (high, low, dEcosystem eImpact services biome characteristics and resource intermediate) of global climate change on availability Temperate Warm Intermediate - Plants: competition for light: fast logging - Increased global temperature decreases rainforest temperate: high growth and tall stature carbon sink carbon sinks. biodiversity - Deforestation increases soil erosion and occasional individuals. frost, often - Adaptations for occasional cold loss of nutrients with summer and dry conditions - Loss of biodiversity rainfall maximum Temperate Nemoral: Intermediate - Adaptations to winter freezing: logging - Increased global temperature decreases seasonal moderate high carbon sinks. forest climate with deciduous leaves or leaves with biodiversity adaptations to cold weather winter freezing (thick loss of nutrients cuticle) - Adaptations to water stress - Deforestation increases soil erosion and - Acid rain changes nutrient cycling and availability - ecosystem service: Maple tree is very sensitive to high temperatures and decreases syrup production and quality - Loss of biodiversity Biome aClimate and distribution Woodland/ Mediterranean shrubland : winter rainy bBiodiversity cAdaptations (examples) (high, low, dEcosystem eImpact services biome characteristics and resource of global climate change on intermediate) availability Intermediate low - Short statured shrubs with vineyard - Increased global temperature leads to increased drought and risk of fire. Fire season and adaptations to cope with dry biodiversity summer: thorns, and deciduous summer leaves. Decrease in carbon sink. Decrease in drought also causes loss of carbon and nutrients biodiversity Temperate Continental Intermediate low - The competition is not for light cattle raising grassland climate zones: but arid, with (underground warm or hot - Shrubs: Leaves with waxy carbon and nutrients. summers and coating to cope with drought - Desertification cold winters - - Loss of biodiversity for nutrients Grasses: C3 and water biodiversity competition) and C4 photosynthetic pathways to cope with different temperatures and water stress. - Increased global temperature leads to increased drought and risk for fire in tall grass prairies, with consequent loss of Biome aClimate and distribution bBiodiversity cAdaptations (examples) (high, low, dEcosystem eImpact services biome characteristics and resource intermediate) desert Subtropical low of global climate change on availability - Plants: Water storage energy - Deserts might get hotter and drier, (within the (succulent plants). biodiversity with further soil erosion and Tropics, hot Thorns to minimize mining desertification desert): highly transpiration; waxy coating in - The monsoonal precipitation seasonal arid leaves. CAM physiology pattern might change with climate - Animal behavior: life in consequent loss of biodiversity. burrows during the day, they - Increased salinity obtain water from seeds. Anatomic adaptations: low surface/volume ratio to minimize transpiration. Cold blooded species. Biome aClimate and distribution bBiodiversity (high, cAdaptations (examples) low, dEcosystem eImpact services biome characteristics and resource intermediate) Boreal Boreal: cold forest low of global climate change on availability - Conifers cope with cold logging - Increased global temperature temperate with weather and water stress, biodiversity decreases carbon sinks. It also cool summers roots adapted to growth in facilitates invasive species. Soil and long nutrient poor environments. erosion and loss of nutrients and winters - Animals: Adaptations to biodiversity. cold weather: fur, fat accumulation, hibernation, migration. tundra Polar (higher - Short statured to cope with oil - Increased global temperature wind decreases snow cover, thereby summers and weather carbon sink - Animals store food, and fat biodiversity during the summer. long, very cold Hibernation and migration. facilitates shrubs encroachment, and winters - White color in the winter to further changes in snow cover, camouflage, which changes nutrient cycling latitudes): very short, cool low and cold which change in summer. might increasing soil temperature and decreasing carbon sinks. It also - Pollution from oil spills, and caribou migration affected by oil pipe lines.