Laboratory for Measurements of Low

Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Division of Materials Physics
Laboratory for Semiconductors
Business Plan 2003-2007
Impedance Analyzer
Aleksandra Turkovic
Impedance analyzer
Business Plan
Part 1
Legislative surrounding
Economical surrounding
RBI mission, activities & plan
a) Fundamental research
b) Education
c) Technology development and support
d) Services
e) Associated companies
Outline strategy
Part 2
Current situation
SWOT and PEST analysis
Marketing plan
Current industrial situation (structure, strengths/weaknesses, needs, opportunities)
Market segmentation and Market analysis
Products and services to be offered
Projected demand
Competition analysis
Marketing strategies
Procedures – commercial
Promotion plan
Channels of distribution
Competence building
Resource requirements
HR plan
Facilities plan
Business process improvements
Organizational plan
Financial plan
Income and expenditure projections
Cash Flow projections
Investment requirements and analysis
Sensitivity analysis
Performance ratios
To become a center for developing activities in the area of Nanostructure Science &
Technology research in Croatia and SE Europe, expanding its activity to advanced techniques.
Research, postgraduate education, application and performing of services in the field of
Nanostructure Science & Technology following the highest international standards and achieving
the results on the best quality level. Laboratory will satisfy the high requests of users and improve
continuously the measurement methods and quality of services to the benefit of academic and
business subjects.
1. Research:
In the frame of Priority thematic areas of research in FP6 and particularly area 1.1.3
Nanotechnologies and nanosciences, knowledge-based multifunctional materials and new
production processes and devices, the project supposes both intensive work in experimental and
theoretical investigations in solid state physics and chemistry with the following scientific subjects:
- preparation and characterisation of nanophased oxide films (nano-films)
- preparation and characterisation of nanocomposite solid electrolytes
- study of morphology and structural phase transitions in nanophased porous films and
nanocomposite solid electrolytes with spectroscopic ( X-ray diffraction, Electron diffraction,
grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering), microscopical (TEM, HREM) and electrical
methods (impedance/admittance spectroscopy)
- application of nano-films in the new optical coatings and photosensitive electrodes in dyesensitised solar cells of new generation. Adequate combinations of films will give multilayered
coatings that will induce combined scattering and absorption on nano-particles in chosen matrix.
Simultaneously at preparation of nano-films we shall solve problems of adhesion of films to the
substrate and adhesion between the layers.
- application of nano-films and nanocomposite solid electrolytes in galvanic cells and dye-sensitized
solar cells of the second generation.
The significance of proposed research is beside potential opto-electronical devices as well an active
involvement of Croatian scientists in this new revolutionary field, which is expanding through
U.S.A., Europe, Japan, Taiwan and others. Last year in U.S.A. the $422-milion budget marks a 56
percent jump from a year earlier, and in the world it jumped from $316-milion in 1997 to about
$835-milion this year, according to the National Science Foundation (NSF). Particular subject of
nanocomposite polyelectrolytes belongs to the field of the next generation of plastics. Global
market size of nanocomposite market is:
(Milion lbs)
2. Development of new measurement techniques:
 To continue development of instrument for impedance spectroscopy measurements for
solid electrolytes, metal oxides, nanostructured films and liquid electrolytes;
 To obtain ISO certification for the instrument for impedance spectroscopy
3. Increase the percentage of annual income from:
 Sales of custom made impedance analyzer
 Participation in projects in the area of nanostructure science and technology in
 Contracting international agencies and boards (IAEA, European Commission, World
 Bilateral contracts with foreign institutions (currently with Slovenia).
One of the most important signs of technological development is beside others an enhanced need
for new materials. Connected with this are larger efforts of experts of different profiles in
preparation, investigation and improvement of new materials with potential area of application in
different spheres of science, industry and everyday life.
In early nineties new field of nanostructured materials started to emerge
[]. Different than conventional materials of
crystalline structure, nanostructured i.e. nanophased materials are characterised with a large amount
of atoms positioned in defects surroundings. Their structure in a large influences their physical and
chemical properties. At this, beside influence of grain size, which is dominant - small grains, which
are thousand times smaller than in ordinary polycrystalline materials, a large number of grain
boundaries is present in which positions of atoms differ than that in ordinary crystalline sites. Also,
the role of other properties of structure is very important, as pores and larger holes, contacts
between grain boundaries and defects of crystal unit cell, which depend on the method of
preparation and processing of material. Thin films of nanophased metal oxides are extremely
important for scientific and engineering research. Beside other methods, synchrotron light scattering
is very suitable for determination of special morphology of these films. We have ten years
experience in this research as of titanium dioxide, cerium dioxide and vanadium pentoxide. With
the project of determining sizes of nano-grains and pores in titanium dioxide, we were the first
Croatian group to obtain measuring time at synchrotron ELETTRA in Trieste. These nano-films are
applied in opto-electonic devices (dye-sensitised solar cells, electrochromic displays, narrow range
interferometer filters with controlled gradient of refraction index, antireflection layers for
photovoltaic cells and passive solar collectors) and as ceramic filters with controlled porosity. In
this project such nano-film has role of intercalation possibility for intercalation and deintercalation
during charge-discharge cycles in galvanic cell. Solid electrolyte in galvanic cell is in our case
nanocomposite polyelectrolyte. Generally, term solid electrolyte embraces every solid state
material, which shows high ionic conductivity below its melting point. The mostly studied materials
are those, which could be of practical use or have unusually high ionic conductivity comparable
with conductivity of liquid electrolytes at relatively low temperatures. Among these materials in last
two decades attention is attracted to polymer electrolytes, where the most interesting materials are
complex of poly (ethylene-oxide) (PEO) and different salts, at which solid polymer acts as solvent.
In late nineties a papers in international scientific journals arrived dealing with nanocomposite solid
electrolytes. They are prepared by introducing nano-particles of metal oxides in preparation of
polyelectrolytes. Nanocomposite polyelectrolytes have special properties: high conductivity at room
temperature, enhanced with large surface area nano-particles, improved mechanical stability and
good compatibility with metal electrode, which is achieved by non-existent liquid component and
with stabilising action of dispersed nano-particles at the electrode-electrolyte boundary.
Current situation
Activities of the Project have been expanded to the following problematic:
Electrical methods:
-Impedance/admittance spectroscopy.
Cyclic voltammetry (CV)
Thermical methods:
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
Microscopy methods:
-Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high resolution electron microscopy
Spectroscopic methods:
-Roentgen, Electron diffraction, grazing-incidence small-angle synchrotron light
scattering (GISAXS), grazing-incidence X-ray reflectivity (GIXR), grazing-incidence
wide-angle X-ray diffraction (GIWAXD), Raman spectroscopy, UV-VIS spectroscopy
Preparation of nanostructure metal oxide films and nanocomposite polyelectrolytes by
chemical vapour deposition (CVD), sol-gel and spray method.
Laboratory has on its disposal following equipment:
Impedance analyzer I-100
Hall-effect measurements
Vacuum lines for annealing samples in different gasses atmospheres
Project staff consists of 3 researchers, one postgraduate student from private firm and part
time technician.
SWOT and PEST analysis
SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats):
Strength of the Project is in well educated and specialized staff dealing with nanostructured
metal oxide films and nanocomposite polymer electrolytes and their use in opto-electronical
applications and nanostructure material science. At the same time the weakness is in relatively
unfavorable age structure (average 46 yrs) and the fact that it is hard to attract young graduate
students willing to work in this interdisciplinary field, who at the same time satisfy the demands of
the Ministry of Science. The reason is that a very few students of physics enroll in experimental
courses. Development of advanced impedance analyzers we see as the opportunity to expand our
activities to private sector (spin-off company) and to make us more competitive in contracting with
national and international subjects. Threats are in taking over too many duties, which cannot be
solved by limited Project capacities.
PEST (Political/legal, Economic, Social and Technological factors)
Besides the overall factors that influence the RTD sector in Croatia, important problems in
connection with application of science to the benefit of the society are the high taxes imposed to the
incomes coming outside the budgetary support (Ministry of Science and Technology). Next to the
high tax rate on the state level (22% VAT) there is an additional tax on the level of the Institute
(30%), so only 48% of the incomes actually remain to the laboratories where the research and/or
services are performed.
Marketing plan
Market segmentation
Customers are divided in two main sectors: [1] scientific institutions (faculties and institutes)
and in our country and [2] from abroad.
The first group (which is the majority at present) belongs to tertiary sector and depends on
funds created by primary and secondary sector in the country. As our instruments are intended for
scientific use, we expect orders from mainly from this sector. In our country it is not realistic to
expect a great demand for purchasing analyzers from this sector unless the economical situation
improves, because they are more or less directly paid from budget funds.
The second group consists of institutes from abroad. We had some preliminary scanning of
market by presenting our impedance analyzer at Impedance spectroscopy course at 9th international
conference on Solid State Ionics in The Hague, The Netherlands in 1993, and we expect purchases
from this sector.
In the forthcoming period more attention will be paid to advertisements (web pages, printed
material), contacts with potential customers and presentation of our possibilities at national and
international congresses.
Projecting demand
 We expect demand for impedance analyzers for different purposes (solid electrolytes,
ionic glasses, nanostructured metal oxide films, liquid electrolytes);
Competition analysis
We are capable to construct impedance analyzers for particular purposes at low cost in
Croatia and neighboring countries.
Competence building
Our experience in international co-operation and successful participation in international
bilateral programs (Croatia-Slovenia) can justify our competence in nanostructured materials
studies. All our activities are directed toward establishment of a centre of excellence for
nanostructure science and technology, where we would be able to interconnect fundamental
research with application. In this sense we expressed our interest to introduce an EC project called
"Nanophase films and nanocomposite solid electrolytes research" on which EOI we have received
interest from Dr. Jens Tuebke from Fraunhofer Institut for Chemical Technology, Aplied
Electrochemistry, Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße 7, 76327 Pfinztal (Berghausen), Germany, within
the Framework 6.
Resource Requirements
HR Plan (Human Resources)
One of the problems is the bad personnel structure in the Project: 3 researchers are with
higher scientific degrees, and there is only one young researcher, who is working part time as he is
employed in private sector. Therefore we plan to employ 1 young scientist in the next 2 years and
one more till 2008 (B.Sc.). They will be trained in the Laboratory.
Facilities Plan
- Completing the cryogenic addition to impedance spectroscopy measurements
- The measurement system is be computerized and on-line connected and file-sharing
system between different computers in Laboratory will be introduced;
- Construction of the new advanced impedance analyzer intended for measurements
impedances and admittances of nanostructured materials.
- Purchase of SENTECH FTP-500 probe for measurements of nano-films thickness.
- Purchase of Solar irradiation simulator.
- Purchase of 1250 frequency response analyzer for measurements of electrical properties
of nanostructured materials.
Business process improvements
Installation of new equipment and expanding of activities should not affect the scientific
output of the staff. Job and task description will be adapted to individual skills of the personnel and
better organization of work process will be made.
Organizational plan
Organizational structure, functions and key tasks are described in project documents 0098026.
Updates will be made according to the changes in equipment or in case of obtaining of larger
contracts. The leader of the Project will take care on proposals, contracts, customers and financial
Quality plan
First we plan to obtain Croatian norm issued by the State Office for Standardization and
Metrology for our impedance analyzers and second to obtain ISO standard.
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Preparation of nano-films
Characterization of nano-films
Preparation of polymer electrolytes
and modification with nano-particles
and irradiation with
Characterization of polymer
Construction of galvanic cells
On-line connection of measurements
Application for TEST project for
construction of advanced impedance
Construction of advanced impedance
Sales of impedance analyzers
Financial plan
Income and expenditure projections
For the next five years we plan to increase incomes from selling impedance analyzes to the
same level of income obtained from Ministry of Science and Technology. Negotiations of a contract
with European Commission (FW VI) just have started, so we hope for additional 15000 € yearly.
Increased incomes will be spent mainly for developing impedance analyzers and putting into
operation of new equipment, consumables and chemicals. Also, we plan to obtain TEST contract
from our Ministry of Science and Technology for developing advanced impedance analyzer.
Budgetary support is the largest source of the income. Income based on EU and sales of
impedance analyzers is not yet guaranteed.
15000 €
15000 €
15000 €
15 000 €
15 000 €
15000 €
7500 €
7500 €
16 000 €)
45 365 €)
15 000 €
16 000 €)
15 000 €
45 395€)
5 500 €
11 000 €
15 000 €
15 000 €
WB 1
10 000 €
7 000 €
7 000 €
6 000 €
5 000 €
25 000 €
33 000 €
33 000 €
33 000 €
33 000 €
33 000 €
50 000 €
50 000 €
50 000 €
50 000 €
10 000 €
10 000 €
10 000 €
10 000 €
30 000 €
45 000 €
20 000 €
10 000 €
130 000 €
145 000 €
119 000 €
108 000 €
10 000 €
78 000 €
Specifications for WB investments:
Promotion and advertizing;
Construction of new modern impedance analyzer;
Employment of one engineer in charge of calibration and of impedance analyzer;
Intelectual property protection, patents;
Conferences attandance with advertizing of IA;
New instruments;
Total ammount per year.
 Contribution to economy: co-operation with private firm in production and sales of
impedance analyzers.
 Scientific papers in international journals.
 Lectures and poster presentations at international conferences.
 In next ten years contribution to economy in production of light nanocomposite and
nanostructured polymer batteries.
December 3rd, 2002.
Principal investigator:
Dr. Aleksandra Turković