1 This article is published as: Vermeiren K, Van Rompaey A, Loopmans M, Serwajja E, Mukwaya P 2 (2012) Urban growth of Kampala, Uganda: pattern analysis and scenario development. Landscape 3 and urban planning: 106: 199-206. 4 5 Urban growth of Kampala, Uganda: pattern analysis and scenario development 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Vermeiren Karolien a, Van Rompaey Anton a, Loopmans Maarten a, Serwajja Eria b, Mukwaya Paul b 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Abstract: Kampala, the capital of Uganda, is one of the fastest growing African cities with annual growth rates of 5.6%. The rapid urban growth causes major socio-economic and environmental problems that lower the quality of life of the urban dwellers. A better insight in the controlling factors of the urban growth pattern is necessary to develop and implement a sustainable urban planning. The recent urban growth of Kampala was mapped using LANDSAT images of 1989, 1995, 2003 and 2010. A spatially-explicit logistic regression model was developed for Kampala. Significant predictors in this model included: the presence of roads, the accessibility of the city centre and the distance to existing built-up area. These variables are used as steering handles to create future urban scenarios. Three alternative scenarios for future urban growth were developed: a business as usual, restrictive and stimulative scenario. Our model of growth was applied to these three scenarios to predict patterns of urban growth to 2030. The scenarios show that the alternative policy options result in contrasting future urban sprawl patterns with a significant impact on the local quality of life. 35 Africa is rapidly urbanizing (UN, 2010). In 1950 only two African cities counted more than 1 36 million inhabitants. Today there are 48 (Figure 1) and this number is predicted to rise to 68 by 37 2025 (UN-Habitat, 2008). Urban growth is strongest in medium-sized cities of less than 5 million 38 people (Cohen, 2004; Redman and Jones, 2005; UN-Habitat, 2010). Present urban growth in a Geography Research Group, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, K.U. Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200E, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium b Department of Geography, Geo-informatics and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University, P.O. Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda Corresponding author: Karolien Vermeiren Karolien.vermeiren@ees.kuleuven.be Tel. +32 16 326414 1. Introduction 1 39 Africa is driven by both high natural growth rates of the urban population and ongoing 40 immigration from the rural areas (Cohen, 2004; Kessides and Alliance, 2006; UN-Habitat, 2010). 41 Moreover, burgeoning cities absorb neighbouring villages as they engulf the countryside 42 (Redman and Jones, 2005). 43 African urban population (in particular its marginalized and poorer segments) has largely 44 depended on unplanned and informal settlements for housing provision (Bishop et al., 2000; 45 Keiner et al., 2005). The dominance of informal, unmonitored, irregularly placed housing 46 provision puts a strain on existing infrastructure. This can lead to inadequate sanitation, 47 unreliable water supply, intermittent electricity and over-burdened transportation (Guneralp and 48 Seto, 2008). As a consequence, urban living is often challenging for these new migrants. 49 Urban planning systems struggling with a lack of effective tools and instruments, fail to address 50 these challenges (Barredo and Demicheli, 2003; Myers, 2011) 51 These mounting challenges have prompted renewed debate about planning in Africa (Todes, 52 2011) and there has been a call to move away from western modernism towards a more fruitful 53 dialogue with the marginalized majority (Harrison, 2006; Watson, 2007; Trefon, 2009; Myers, 54 2011). Traditional planning is preventative and focuses on restrictive regulation whereby 55 developments have to follow zoning laws (Harloe and Pickvance, 1990). Kamete (2011) argues 56 that such a focus on punitive and rigid planning enforcement has proven to be ineffective and in 57 some cases counter-productive when managing informal development. Instead of prohibiting 58 unwanted constructions, innovative policy focuses on constructing and upgrading infrastructure 59 and the development of urban facilities to stimulate desired urban developments (Harloe and 60 Pickvance, 1990). 2 61 Land use modelling can contribute to such a planning shift by exploring alternative approaches 62 to urban planning in an African context. However, since land use modelling became embedded 63 in planning in the 1950s it has been strongly tied to the Western planning paradigm. In the 1970s 64 land use modelling together with rational strategic planning became criticized. In a seminal 65 critique, Lee (1973) announced the fall of land use modelling as a planning tool by blaming it for 66 being hyper comprehensive, gross, hungry for data, wrong headed, complicated, mechanical and 67 expensive. 68 However, the use of land use modelling in planning appears to have experienced a revival lately 69 (Couclelis, 2005; Rabino, 2008). This revival may be partly due to technological advances which 70 have rebutted some of the earlier critiques, but is also related to innovative thinking in relation to 71 the applicability of land use modelling in new types of planning. Couclelis (2005) in particular, 72 has identified the potential of land use modelling in planning as a means of bringing the 73 normative, goal-oriented identity of planning back in touch with the complexity of everyday life. 74 Modelling can contribute to planning through (i) the development of scenarios of alternative 75 futures; (ii) supporting visioning processes aimed at engaging stakeholders around a common set 76 of desired ends and (iii) effective storytelling to make the consequences of different alternatives 77 tangible. 78 Nonetheless, many of the thresholds for application of land use models in planning identified by 79 Lee (1973) remain in place and inhibit its wide scale application, in particular in developing 80 contexts where the cost of modelling tools, gathering data and acquiring the skills to process 81 them remains difficult. Few growth models have been developed for African cities (Manu et al., 82 2003; Barredo et al., 2004; Taubenböck et al., 2011) because of a lack field-based validation data 83 and a lack of GIS-knowledge to develop and implement such models. Equally, urban planners in 3 84 many developing countries lack spatial and the appropriate GIS-software to process these data 85 (Jat et al., 2008). 86 To overcome these practical issues, this paper explores the possibilities of freely available spatial 87 data to detect, validate and develop urban growth models for the African continent. Recent 88 studies have revealed the potential of relatively cheap and archived medium-resolution satellite 89 imagery (LANDSAT, SPOT and ASTER) for monitoring urban spatial dynamics (Griffiths et al., 90 2010). Such monitoring is useful, providing planners with inexpensive base maps that are often 91 more reliable than outdated paper maps (Maktav and Erbek, 2005; Redman and Jones, 2005). 92 This paper explores how these satellite images can be enhanced through the development and 93 application of spatially-explicit models of urban change. Such spatially explicit urban expansion 94 models have been developed for European and Northern-American urban areas (Engelen et al., 95 1995; Clarke and Gaydos, 1998; Poelmans and Van Rompaey, 2010). This paper explores the 96 potential of such models to support innovative planning dynamics in African cities. 97 The rapidly expanding metropolitan area of Kampala (Uganda) is taken as an example 98 application. In a first step urban expansion is mapped on the basis of archived LANDSAT 99 images of 1989, 1995, 2003 and 2010. Secondly the observed expansion pattern is correlated 100 with accessibility indicators and environmental indicators. On the basis of logistic regression 101 equations urban expansion probabilities for the (peri-)urban area are assessed and validated. 102 Three different urban expansion scenarios for 2020 and 2030 were developed: (i) a business as 103 usual scenario whereby a continued trend of recent urban growth is modelled, (ii) a restrictive 104 policy scenario that prevents constructions in undesired locations and (iii) a stimulative policy 105 scenario that assumes the update and expansion of present urban infrastructure to stimulate 4 106 development in a sustainable way. These scenarios allow us to evaluate how Kampala could look 107 in the near future if different planning strategies are followed. 108 2. Study approach 109 2.1. Study area 110 Kampala, capital of Uganda, is situated on the northern shores of Lake Victoria. Since 1970, 111 Kampala has experienced exponential population growth from 330,000 to 1.5 million in 2009 112 (UBOS, 2009). The average population density is 6,100 persons per km² (Figure 2) with slum 113 areas rising to 30,000ppkm² (UBOS, 2009). 114 During the last two decades, the city has expanded in all directions and incorporated former 115 satellite towns such as Mukono, Entebbe, Mpigi and Bombo and surrounding rural areas 116 (NEMA, 2009). Recent growth spatially extended beyond the administrative city boundary, 117 creating an urban surface covering more than 800 km², referred to as Kampala greater 118 metropolitan area in this paper (Figure 2). The paved roads in Kampala form a radial transport 119 system that guides national as well as international traffic through the city centre, leading to 120 heavy traffic jams. Commercial activities along these main routes have led to high population 121 densities. Due to a lack of adequate investment the transport network has not been significantly 122 upgraded since 1989 apart from a northern bypass funded by the European Union and the 123 Uganda Government which was completed in 2009 (Figure 3). This ring road was constructed to 124 allow cross-country traffic to avoid the city centre and reduce traffic pressure in the Central 125 Business District. 126 The UN-Habitat (2007) assessed the slum area of Kampala City to be 21% of the total city area, 127 housing 39% of the total city population in 2002. Large parts of the recent residential area 5 128 consist of informal houses that are constructed by poor immigrants in wetland areas and run 129 counter to environmental planning standards in the city (Figure 3). The wetland areas are 130 attractive since they are relatively free from government policing, easy accessible and they 131 provide opportunities for urban farming (Kabumbuli and Kiwazi, 2009), one of the most 132 accessible survival strategies for newly arriving rural immigrants. An alternative income source 133 for new settlers is brick making whereby clay from the wetlands is dug out. As a consequence 134 slum areas near and partially inside the wetland increase year after year. Successful immigrants 135 able to acquire a formal income may escape from the slum areas and move towards more healthy 136 neighbourhoods on the foot slopes. 137 The main wetlands areas act as a natural buffer zone between the city and the lake through which 138 all the urban waste and sediment-loaded water from the city is drained and naturally filtered 139 before it is released into the lake ecosystem. The recent urban encroachments are therefore 140 regularly flooded by polluted water and reduce the natural cleaning function of the wetlands 141 (Lwasa, 2004; Kabumbuli and Kiwazi, 2009). Recent research (Scheren et al., 2000; Oyoo, 142 2009) have shown that increasing polluted sediment influx in Lake Victoria from the urban areas 143 along the lake shore threatens the lake’s ecosystem, its fishing and other lake-related industries 144 and the city’s drinking water provision. 145 2.2. Land cover change maps 146 Landsat TM (row 171, path 60) (1989, 1995, 2010) and Landsat ETM+ (row 171, path 60) 147 (2003) images were used to create land cover maps for the Kampala metropolitan area, covering 148 a 70x70km² area (Table 1). All images were geometrically registered to the Universal Transverse 149 Mercator (UTM36N) coordinate system. The Landsat TM images consisted of 7 spectral bands 6 150 with spatial resolution of 30m for bands 1 to 5 and 7. Band 6 of the Landsat TM was resampled 151 from 120m to 30m resolution. The Landsat ETM+ image consisted of 8 spectral bands with 152 spatial resolution of 30m for bands 1 to 7, and a spatial resolution of 15m for band 8. This band 153 was resampled from 15 to 30m. By means of a supervised maximum likelihood classification 154 each pixel was classified in one of the following classes: built-up land, non-built-up land and 155 water surface. Built-up areas include all paved areas such as residential, commercial, industrial 156 buildings, roads and parking lots. 157 Training sites for each cover class were delimited by means of a visual interpretation of (i) true 158 colour composites of the Landsat imagery (ii) multitemporal very high resolution imagery 159 available through Google Earth and (iii) field observations. The accuracies of the classified land 160 cover maps were assessed using 200 randomly selected validation points outside of the training 161 sites. The land cover of the validation points was identified for each of the selected years as 162 follows: (i) for 1989: a visual interpretation of the true colour composite of the Landsat TM 163 image (ii) for 1995: the Kampala topographic map 1998 (Survey and Mapping Department 164 Uganda, 1998) on a scale of 1: 50 000, this map is based on aerial photographs of 1995 (iii) for 165 2003 and 2010: a visual interpretation of the multitemporal very high resolution imagery 166 available through Google Earth. The compiled land cover maps were post processed by imposing 167 that non built-up area was never built-up in a previous time period. Finally an overlay of the 4 168 compiled land cover maps resulted in an urban growth map (1989-2010) as shown in Figure 4a. 169 2.3. Assessment of future urban expansion 170 For each non-built pixel in the Kampala region an urbanisation probability was calculated 171 through means of a multiple logistic regression. This allowed to (i) evaluate the significance of 7 172 possible controlling factors, (ii) quantify the changing push and pull effects of these controlling 173 factors and to (iii) develop spatially-explicit scenarios of future urban growth. For each of the 174 observed time-periods a logistic regression model was calibrated: 1989-1995, 1995-2003 and 175 2003-2010. A comparison of the model equations allowed the detection of potential changes in 176 the role of the different controlling factors over time. 177 P(U) was assessed on the basis of the following predicting variables: distance to roads (DR), 178 distance to city centre (DC), topographic setting (TS), slope gradient (SG) and built-up potential 179 (BP) (Figure S2). 180 All roads accessible for motorized traffic and the city centre were digitized from Google Earth. 181 For each pixel the distance to the nearest road and to the city centre was calculated. Slope 182 gradients were derived from a 30m resolution ASTER digital elevation model (DEM). Based on 183 the DEM and field based flood risk assessments each pixel was assigned to one of the following 184 topographic settings: wetland, foot slope and hilltop. The built-up potential is a relative measure 185 of accessibility to existing built-up zones and was calculated with the gravity-based formula of 186 Hansen (1959): 187 188 Where Jj represents existing built-up pixels, Dij the distance to existing built-up pixels and n is 189 the number of built-up pixels in the image. 190 Next the logistic regression equation of the following form was calibrated: 191 8 192 Where P(U) is the urbanisation probability, DR is distance to nearest road (m), DC is distance to 193 city centre (m), TS is topographic setting (low, foot slope or hill), SG is slope gradient (deg), BP 194 is built-up potential (m-²) and a, b, c, d and e are regression coefficients. 195 For the model calibration 10,000 pixels not built-up in a certain time period tn were randomly 196 selected. Water pixels were not included in the sample. Sampled pixels that were built-up in 197 between tn and the next time period tn+1 were coded as ‘1’ (urbanisation did occur), all others 198 were coded as ‘0’ (urbanisation did not occur). Next, by means of a calibration module available 199 in the SAS® Software (SAS Institute, 2002-2008) the regression coefficients were calibrated in 200 order to maximise the agreement between P(U)-values and the observed urbanisation. 201 The procedure assesses an overall model performance and the significance of individual 202 predicting variables. All predicting variables that were significant at a 95% confidence level 203 were included in the final model. On the basis of this model for each pixel a P(U)-value was 204 assessed. The accuracy of this P(U)-map was then evaluated with a ROC-procedure (Pontius and 205 Schneider, 2001). In a ROC-analysis true positives (i.e. pixels correctly predicted as new-built 206 up) are plotted against false positives (i.e. pixels incorrectly predicted as new built-up) for 207 different probability thresholds. For a model without any predictive power such plot results in a 208 1:1 line. The ROC-curve of a significant model has more true positives for the same level of 209 false positives. The area under the ROC-curve is therefore an indication for the model 210 performance. 211 2.4. Scenario building for spatial planning 212 On the basis of the assessed P(U)-values for the period 2003-2010, spatially-explicit urbanisation 213 scenarios for 2020 and 2030 were generated by (i) assessing the necessary area for future built9 214 up land and (ii) selecting the pixels with the highest P(U)-value until the required area is met. 215 Three types of scenarios were developed in collaboration with the Planning Department of 216 Kampala Capital City Authority: a business as usual scenario, a restrictive scenario and a 217 stimulative scenario (Table 2). The business as usual scenario is based on an extrapolation of the 218 observed exponential population growth while assuming a constant population density per built- 219 up pixel. An exponential population growth up until 2030 is realistic taking into account that 220 Uganda has a very young population (49% under 15 (UBOS, 2009)) and a strong rural urban 221 migration. In the restrictive scenario the same amount of square kilometres urban growth is met, 222 but zoning laws prohibit new built-up land in wetlands and in a predefined list of open zones in 223 the city centre to assure the environmental urban life quality. The stimulative scenario uses the 224 same constraints as the restrictive scenario but promotes development elsewhere through the 225 development of satellite towns as evenly attractive centres for new built-up area as the main 226 CBD, the construction of an outer ring way connecting these satellite towns and the development 227 of high rise zones in the CBD and the satellite towns. In the proposed high rise zones the future 228 population density was assessed at 37,500 people per km² assuming buildings of 15 stories high 229 and a living area of 10 m² per person (United Nations, 2000). 230 3. Results 231 Figure 4a shows the observed urban expansion of Kampala between 1989 and 2010. Growth is 232 concentrated along the main roads and existing constructed centres. Between 1989 and 2010 the 233 total built-up area exponentially increased from 71 km² to 386 km². Table 1 reveals the pixel-to- 234 pixel accuracy and the kappa index of agreement of the compiled land cover maps for the 235 different years. The most important sources of classification errors are related to the 10 236 interpretation of mixed pixels and the classification of bare soil surfaces that can be bare 237 agricultural land or unpaved roads, parking lots and squares. 238 Table 3 shows the calibrated coefficients of the logistic regression equations for the different 239 time periods. In all time periods the location of built-up land is significantly correlated with the 240 distance to the main roads. In 1989 62 km², representing 87% of all the built-up area, was 241 situated within 500m of the main roads. However the pull effect of roads weakened somewhat 242 over time which can be explained by saturation effects that resulted in the development of less 243 accessible areas. By 2010 255 km², representing 66% of all built-up area, was situated within 244 500 m from a main road. 245 Kampala’s urban growth follows a largely concentric pattern throughout the studied time periods 246 but locations near to the city centre are preferred for new constructions in all time periods. In 247 1989 35 km² built-up land was situated within 5 km of the city centre while in 2010 this is 80 248 km², representing a decrease from 49% to 21% of all built-up land. 249 Foot slope areas form the largest topographic class (60% of the total study area) and comprise 250 61% of the present-day built-up. The hilltop areas form green low-density, upper class 251 neighbourhoods and house 18% of all built-up area. Twenty one percent of the present built-up 252 area is situated in the low lying wetland zones in and around the city centre. Wetlands used to be 253 avoided, but are recently encroached by high density slum areas (Figure 3). 254 The existing built-up land is mainly situated on land with slope gradients between 2.5° and 10°. 255 Some of the recent built-up land is nevertheless situated in flat wetland areas. No significant 256 correlations between urban expansion and slope gradients could, however, are detected. 11 257 The urban expansion clearly showed a diffusion process whereby new built-up was mostly 258 constructed in the direct neighbourhood of existing built-up land. In all studied time periods 259 more than 70% of new built-up area was located within 100 m of an existing built-up zone. In all 260 time periods the location of built-up land is significantly correlated with the built-up potential 261 (BP). 262 Figure 4b shows urbanisation probabilities for all the pixels in the study area that were not built- 263 up in 2010. P(U)-values were assessed on the basis of the following equation: 264 265 266 267 The ROC-value (Figure S3) of the P(U)-map of 2003 is 82% which means that the assessed 268 P(U)-values can be used for reliable predictions of the future urban expansion pattern of 269 Kampala. ROC-values for the previous time periods are even higher, implying that the past urban 270 growth was even more predictable than the present day urban growth pattern. This can be 271 explained by the fact that in the past the expansion pattern was more strongly controlled by the 272 location of roads. 273 On the basis of the observed urban population growth (Figure S1) the following exponential 274 trend was fitted: 275 276 Where Pop(t) = population at year t. 12 277 Assuming a constant population density total built-up area is expected to grow from 386 km² in 278 2010 up to 653 km² in 2020 and even almost 1000 km² in 2030. 279 According to the business as usual scenario urban sprawl will occur, concentrated along the main 280 roads (Figure 5). While this is also prevalent in the restrictive scenario, the stimulative scenario 281 reveals a limited urban sprawl. 282 The proportion of urban dwellers living within 500 m distance from a road is expected to 283 decrease in all scenarios (Figure S4). The restrictive scenario shuts out some nearby locations for 284 new built-up land thereby pushing people to more remote areas. The stimulative scenario on the 285 other hand opens up the central location for more people. This implies that relatively more 286 people will live at easily accessible zones. Similar results are found when evaluating the average 287 distance to the Kampala city centre. 288 The pressure on hazardous land units is expected to increase: more people will end up living on 289 steep slopes and in flood-prone wetlands. The total number of people on steep slopes or/and in 290 wetlands is expected to double by 2020 and even triple by 2030 in case of continuation of the 291 present trends. In the case of a successful restrictive or stimulative scenario no new wetland areas 292 will be populated. The stimulative scenario predicts a significant decrease of percentage of 293 people living in wetlands from 21 % in 2010 to 13 and 10 % by respectively 2020 and 2030. 294 4. Discussion and conclusions 295 A logistic regression model is carried out to detect drivers of urban growth and to develop an 296 urban expansion model. A validation of the predicted scenarios showed that the developed model 297 allows to predict urban expansion patterns with a relatively high accuracy. The ROC-values 298 found in this study are comparable or even higher than ROC-values from similar model 13 299 application in European study sites (Poelmans and Van Rompaey, 2009) suggesting that 300 uncontrolled urban growth is easier to predict than controlled urban growth whereby zoning 301 plans often overrule the primary controlling factors of urban expansion. This also implies that the 302 perceived complexity and non-transparency of informal settlements can be predicted based on 303 living preferences that determine the primary controlling factor. 304 This study has shown that freely available remote sensing data can be used to detect and map 305 urban growth patterns in an African urban context with an acceptable accuracy. Given the data 306 scarcity and the lack of funding in developing countries this kind of low-budget application is of 307 key importance for the development of urban policies. This urban growth model is easy 308 manageable and transparent in developing scenarios what makes it suitable for a developing 309 context. 310 In some cases patches of bare soil were misclassified as built-up area. The number of such bare 311 soil patches is, however, very limited due to the humid-tropical climate of Kampala. Moreover, 312 in many cases intra-urban bare soil patches can be considered as part of the urban infrastructure 313 such as dust roads and parking lots. The application of similar classification techniques for 314 African cities situated in more arid climatic conditions would probably lead to less accurate land 315 cover maps since more confusion would occur between non-urban and urban bare soil patches. 316 The urban expansion model can be used for development of future urban expansion scenarios 317 (Clarke and Gaydos, 1998). Besides trying to predict urban growth as accurately as possible 318 according to past trends as shown in the business as usual scenario, an urban growth model has 319 more important application possibilities (Couclelis, 2005). The urban expansion model that was 320 developed in this study points out that the spatial pattern of recent urban growth (2003-2010) is 14 321 related to the presence of major roads, existing built-up area and the distance from the city 322 centre. This outcome of the model offers tools to steer urban growth according to various 323 planning visions. Not only preventive planning concepts can be implemented in the model but it 324 is also able to adopt initiative measurements. This makes the model a useful planning tool for 325 preventive as well as initiative planning policies (Harloe and Pickvance, 1990). 326 The scenarios presented in this study show that a business as usual development of Kampala is 327 unsustainable. Without any policy intervention it will lead to inhuman conditions for the majority 328 of the urban population in 2020 and 2030. Millions of urban inhabitants will live in flood-prone 329 slum areas by 2030 suffering from epidemic diseases related to unsanitary conditions. Moreover, 330 without the construction of new roads, the majority of people will have a very limited mobility 331 which makes their participation to the formal economy almost impossible. Already at present, 332 many urban employees travel more than 3 hours a day from one urban neighbourhood to another. 333 Poor traffic conditions will impede on future economic investments in the Kampala metropolitan 334 area. Finally, pollution of Lake Victoria, which is highly correlated with built-up area in the 335 wetlands, would reach unacceptable levels and have a significant impact on the urban income 336 and food production. 337 Restrictive urban planning measures may stop wetlands encroachment but will push people into 338 other, more remote and inaccessible areas. The development of satellite towns to secondary 339 urban hubs, an outer ring way connecting these hubs and high rise zones in the CBD and the 340 satellite towns are effective measure to slow down the urban sprawl in favour of a more 341 structured metropolitan area that would increase the quality of life of many urban dwellers. The 342 different scenarios can offer guidance in taking planning decisions and setting up a planning 343 vision. 15 344 An alternative way of planning policy development is goal oriented whereby focus on a desired 345 target situation is set and encouraged (Couclelis 2005). Further research could concentrate on 346 using visioning processes in this urban growth model to develop significant scenarios. The 347 development of such ‘visioning-scenarios’ requires the definition of a set of goals for the state 348 and functioning of the future city, such as a minimum overall commuting time, a minimal 349 wetland encroachment and a maximal preservation of green open spaces. Scenarios could then 350 serve as decision support tools to achieve the defined objectives. 351 Furthermore the model that was described in this study is based on spatial correlations between 352 urban expansion patterns and a set of predicting variables without any insight in the driving 353 factors of the underlying human behaviour. In order to get a deeper insight in these livelihoods 354 and the social interactions a better understanding of available and adopted survival strategies of 355 the urban residents and new immigrants is necessary. 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Wetland flat (<2.5°) n.s. n.s. -0.51770 n.s. 0.10200 n.s. medium (2.5-10°) n.s. n.s. n.s. steep (>10°) n.s. n.s. n.s. 0.49440 0.79360 0.68130 intercept SG BP Hilltop Table 3: Logistic regression coefficients for the different time periods 21 List of Figures Figure 1: Africa’s million+ urban agglomerations in 2010 (UN-Habitat, 2010) 22 Figure 2: Estimated population density (2010)(UBOS, 2008) of the Kampala metropolitan area at parish level 23 Figure 3: location of slums in relation to wetlands 24 Figure 4: a) Observed urban expansion between 1989 and 2010 land in the Kampala metropolitan area; b) Assessed probabilities for new built-up land in the Kampala metropolitan area 25 Figure 5: Developed scenarios for the Kampala metropolitan area 26 List of Supplementary Figures Figure S1: Observed and expected population growth of the Kampala metropolitan area (UBOS, 2002; United Nations, 2007; UBOS, 2009) Figure S2: Predicting variables of the logistic regression, DR: distance to main roads, DC: distance to city centre, TS: topographic setting, SG: slope gradient, BP: built-up potential Figure S3: ROC curves of assessed probabilities for new built-up land in the studied time periods. 27 Figure S4: Expected location characteristics for the population of the Kampala metropolitan area 28