Supplementary Information Structure of the S-adenosylmethionine riboswitch regulatory mRNA element Rebecca K. Montange and Robert T. Batey* * author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Address: Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 215 UCB, University of Colorado, Boulder, 80309 Telephone: (303) 735-2159 FAX: (303) 492-5894 e-mail: 1 Methods. RNA preparation. A 94 nucleotide construct consisting of the sequence for the SAM riboswitch from the metF-metH2 operon of T. tencongensis was constructed by PCR using overlapping DNA oligonucleotides (Integrated DNA Technologies)1. The resulting fragment contained sites for the restriction enzymes EcoRI and NgoMIV and was ligated into plasmid vector pRAV12, which is designed for either native or denaturing purification of RNA2. sequence was verified by sequencing. The cloned Transcription template was prepared by PCR using primers directed against the T7 promoter (5’, GCGCGCGAATTCTAATACGACTCACTATAG, 3’) and the HV ribozyme in the vector (5’, GAGGTCCCATTCATTCGCCATGCCGAAGCATGTTG, 3’). Because the HV sequence in the vector is mutated to be active only in the presence of imidazole, the primer used contained the single-base correction required for wild-type activity. RNA was transcribed in a 12.5 mL reaction containing 30 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 10 mM DTT, 0.1 % Triton X-100, 0.1 mM spermidine-HCl, 4 mM each NTP (Sigma and Research Products Inc.), 24 mM MgCl2, 0.25 mg/mL T7 RNA polymerase, 1 mL of ~0.5 M template, and 0.32 unit/mL inorganic pyrophosphatase 2 (Sigma) to suppress formation of insoluble magnesium pyrophosphate. The transcription reaction was allowed to proceed for two hours at 37o C, supplemented with an additional 20 mM MgCl2 and incubated at 60o C for 15 minutes to enhance cleavage of the HV ribozyme at the 3’ end of the riboswitch construct. RNA was then ethanol precipitated at -20o C overnight and subsequently purified by denaturing PAGE (12% polyacrylamide, 1X TBE, 8 M urea). The band of interest was visualized by UV shadowing, excised, and electroeluted overnight in 1X TBE to extract the RNA from the gel. The eluted fraction was exchanged three times into 10 mM Na-MES at pH 6.0 using a 10,000 MWCO centrifugal filter and then refolded by heating to 95o C for three minutes followed by snap cooling. The refolded RNA was exchanged once into 10 mM Na-MES pH 6.0, 2 mM MgCl2. The final yield was ~500 L of RNA at a concentration of 400 M as judged by absorbance at 260 nm and the calculated extinction coefficient. Crystallization. RNA was stored at -20o C. SAM was added to the RNA stock immediately before the RNA was set-up for crystallization by directly pipetting the appropriate amount of 100 mM SAM stock into the RNA solution. the RNA was 5 mM. Final concentration of SAM in Bound RNA was crystallized by the 3 hanging drop vapor diffusion method. RNA was mixed 1:1 with a solution consisting of 8 mM iridium hexaammine, 100 mM KCl, 5 mM MgCl2,, 10% MPD, 40 mM Na-cacodylate pH 7.0, and 6 mM spermine-HCl. The drop was seeded with seed-stock grown in 27 mM spermine-HCl, 34 mM Na-cacodylate pH 7.0, 17 mM BaCl2, 8.5% MPD, and 34 mM KCl. Crystals grew in a diamond morphology to their maximum size (~ 0.3 mm on the edge) in 48 hours at 30o C and were cryoprotected by soaking the crystals for at least 5 minutes in 50 L of a solution consisting of the mother-liquor plus 15% ethylene glycol. Crystals were then flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen. Data was collected on beamline 8.2.1 at the Advanced Light Source in Berkeley, CA using an inverse beam experiment at two wavelengths. using D*TREK3. group (a = Data was indexed, integrated, and scaled The crystals belong to the P43212 space 62.90 Å, b = 62.90 Å, c = 158.97 Å, = = = 90o) and have one molecule per asymmetric unit. All data used in phasing and refining came from one crystal. Preparation of iridium hexaammine. The iridium hexaammine was prepared according to methods outlined in the literature4, 5. Two grams iridium chloride (IrCl3) (Aldrich) and 35 mL ammonium hydroxide were added to a heavy-walled ACE pressure tube (Aldrich)4. The tube was then sealed and 4 incubated in a 150o C silicone oil bath for four days4, 5. The reaction was then allowed to completely cool and incubated on slushy ice. The clear, light brown solution was then filtered and evaporated to dryness under vacuum. While evaporating, the solution was heated to 50o C using a waterbath5. The resulting solid was then resuspended in 5 mL of water and transferred to a 50 mL conical tube. Two mL of concentrated HCl was then added to the solution. Precipitate was spun down in a centrifuge and the light yellow supernatant was discarded. Pellet was washed three times with 10 mL of a 2:1 (v/v) water:conc. HCl solution by vigorous vortexing followed by centrifugation. was discarded after each wash. Supernatant Pellet was then washed three times in absolute ethanol, air-dried and resuspended in ~ 3 mL ddH2O4. Solution was centrifuged one more time to remove insoluble material. The resulting supernatant should show a clear absorbance maxima at 251 nm and concentration can be calculated using the extinction coefficient 92 M-1cm-1 at 251 nm5. Typical yield is 50%. Supernatant was then aliquoted into fresh Eppendorf tubes and stored at -20o C. Phasing and structure determination. Phases were determined by multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) using data 5 that extended to 2.8 Å. The peak and inflection wavelength datasets were merged and scaled in CNS6 and Patterson maps were then calculated for both space groups P41212 and P43212. From the maps it was determined that there were four possible iridium sites within the unit cell, although most if not all had less than full occupancy. A CNS heavy-atom search for four possible sites was then carried out in both space groups, and both space groups yielded 94 possible solutions. The best of these were used to calculate predicted Patterson maps, which showed peaks that correlated very well with those seen in the original maps in all four Harker sections. The best solution sites were used to calculate phases in CNS. The resulting density map for P41212 was uninterpretable, whereas the map for P43212 clearly showed features that were macromolecular, such as RNA helix backbones and base-stacking. The phasing solution found by CNS had a figure of merit of 0.6332 which was further improved to 0.8846 following a round of density modification with the solvent level set to 0.46. The phasing power at the peak wavelength was 3.3 with a Rcullis of 0.39 (acentric). The model was built in O7 and refined in CNS6 in iterative rounds. The RNA nucleotides were placed in the first 6 round, the iridium hexaammines were placed in the second round, and then in the third round two magnesium ions were placed based on their position in the density with respect to the sugar-phosphate backbone of the RNA. were in place the SAM was built. Once the ions Structure, parameter, and topology files for iridium hexaammine and SAM were downloaded from HIC-Up (Hetero-compound Information Centre – Uppsala)8; the parameters for Mg2+ ions were already loaded into CNS. The compact conformation of the SAM molecule was chosen to fit the density seen in the binding pocket, and in order to get the model molecule to fit the density the energy parameters in the SAM parameter file downloaded from HIC-Up had to be changed. This was followed by one round of water-picking carried out by CNS. Waters were chosen based on peak size in an anomalous difference map. The minimum was set to 2.5 with the additional parameters that the B-factor could be no greater than 200, and the peak must be within hydrogen bonding distance of the oxygens and nitrogens in the RNA. Each round of model-building was followed by a simulated annealing run and B-factor refinement using CNS. Rfree was monitored in each round to ensure that it was dropping. Sugar puckers were restrained in most cases to C3’ endo, except for residues A9, A14, A33, A51, U63, and G74 which 7 were restrained to C2’ endo. Figures were prepared using Ribbons 3.09 and Pymol10. 8 Supplementary Table 1: Data collection, phasing and refinement statistics Crystal 1 Ir-hexaammine Data collection Space group Cell dimensions a, b, c (Å) (º) Wavelength Resolution (Å) Rsym or Rmerge I/I Completeness (%) Redundancy P43212 (96) Peak 1.10532 Å 50 - 2.8 (2.9 -2.8)* 7.2% (42.6%) 17.9 (4.4) 99.6 (99.9) 14.6 (11.7) 62.90, 62.90, 158.97 90, 90, 90 Inflection 1.10573 Å 50 -2.8 (2.9 -2.8) 7.3% (44.6%) 18.2 (4.3) 99.4 (100) 14.7 (11.9) Refinement Resolution (Å) 50 - 2.9 (3.0 - 2.9) No. reflections 13415 (99.3%) Rwork/ Rfree 26.6/28.9 No. atoms 2174 RNA 2029 Ligand/ion 27/30 Water 88 B-factors 69.6 RNA 69.3 Ligand/ion 59.2/79.4 Water 79.3 R.m.s deviations Bond lengths (Å) 0.009592 Bond angles (º) 1.64 Data was collected from a single crystal. *Highest resolution shell is shown in parenthesis. 9 Supplementary Figure 1: Secondary structure and switching by the T. tengcogensis metFH2 SAM-I riboswitch. In the presence of SAM, the 5’-end of the metFH2 mRNA adopts a secondary structure comprising four helices (P1-4) surrounding a four-way junction (J1/2, J3/4 and J4/1) (left). Nucleotides >95% conserved across phylogeny are highlighted in magenta and those >80% conserved are in cyan. In the presence of SAM, the four-way junction structure is stable, forcing the mRNA to form a terminator element immediately downstream. In the absence of SAM, the 3’-side of the P1 helix is used to form an antiterminatior element (AT), allowing for the mRNA to be fully transcribed and the genes to be expressed (right). 10 Supplementary Figure 2: P1 helix in the experimental electron density map. The orange represents density at 1; the red represents density at 5. Clearly interpretable density representing both the sugar-phosphate backbone and the bases is observed. A well-ordered iridium hexaammine ion is in the foreground docked into the major groove, and in the background, the SAM molecule can be seen in contact with the minor groove. 11 Supplementary Figure 3: (a) Top and (b) side views of the stacking interactions within SAM and with the RNA. The double arrow between the methionine main chain amino group and the adenine ring denote a pi-cation interaction. 12 Supplementary Figure 4: Stereo views of a comparison of various bound forms of SAM and SAH by superimposing the adenine moiety of each, viewed from the side (top) and the top (bottom). The carbon atoms colored to denote the RNAbound form (salmon), metJ bound (green), and methyltransferase bound (slate blue). 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