Inorganic Chemistry‑II

B. Sc. Honours Part - II Examination, 2009
Session: 20082009
The courses and distribution of marks are as follows:
Chem 201F
General Chemistry – II
Chem 211F
Thermodynamics, Systems of Variable Composition & colloids
Chem 221F
Organic Chemistry – II
Chem 231F
Inorganic Chemistry – II
Chem 201AH
Class Assessment-II
Chem 201VH
Viva-voce in Chemistry-II
Chem 211LH
Physical Chemistry Practical –II
Chem 221LH
Organic Chemistry Practical –II
Chem 231LH
Inorganic Chemistry Practical –II
PH 211F
Heat, Radiation & Optics
PH 212LH
Physics Practical
Math 114H
Analytical Geometry
Math 215F
Matrices & Differential Equation
Total Credit Courses
Examination of the theory courses of 100 marks (1.0 unit, 4 credit) shall be of 4 (Four) hours duration, of 50 marks (0.5 unit, 2
credit) 3 (three) hours duration and of the practical course of 50 marks (0.5 unit, 2 credit) shall be of 12 (twelve) hours duration
(2 days). Marks of the practical course (Chem 211LH, 221LH and 231LH) each include 15 marks for continuous Lab.
assessment. The students are required to submit a report after each practical class to the class teacher(s) for evaluation. After
evaluation the report shall be returned to the students. The class teacher(s) shall submit the average marks of all Lab. evaluation in
sealed envelopes to the chairman of the relevant examination committee within three weeks from the last class held. The
examination committee shall send a copy of each of the consolidated practical and lab. Evaluation marks to the controller of
Course Chem 201AH (class assessment) includes tutorial, terminal, home assignment and /or class examinations on theoretical
courses by the relevant course teacher(s) and attendance* of the students in the classes during the academic year. Class
assessment comprises (a) 80% marks in tutorial, terminal, home assignment and /or class examinations and (b) 20% marks for
attendance in the class. The class teacher of each course shall submit the average consolidated marks of class assessments and
attendance in sealed envelope to the Chairman of the relevant examination committee within three weeks from the last class held.
The relevant examination committee shall prepare the result by taking the average marks of class assessments as submitted by the
class teachers of all the courses, and send a copy of the average consolidated marks to the controller of examinations.
Viva-voce examination (Chem 201VH) includes the assessment of the students through oral examination (of all the courses) by
the members of the relevant examination committee. The examination committee shall send a copy of the marks to the controller
of examinations.
No student having less than 60% class attendance shall be allowed to sit for the examination
Course : Chem 201F
General Chemistry-II
Examination : 4 Hours
Full Marks : 100 (1 unit, 4 credits)
(75 lectures, 3 lectures per week)
Physical properties and chemical constitution (5 lectures): Molar volume, molar refraction, optical activity, effect of
applied field on charge distribution in molecules, molar polarization, mechanism of polarization, electrostatics for dielectric
media, molecular basis of dielectric constant, Debye equation, determination of molar polarization and dipole moment,
thermodynamic properties and dielectric permitivity. Behaviour of matter in magnetic field, molecular interpretation of
paramagnetism, diamagnetism and ferromagnetism , determination of magnetic susceptibility.
(a) Introductory chemical kinetics (8 lectures): The rates of reactions, rate laws and rate constants, order and molecularity,
order of reactions and its determination, integrated rate laws and half lives, the temperature dependence of reaction rates,
Arrhenius parameters, consecutive elementary reactions: the variation of concentration with time, the rate determining step,
the steady state approximation, third order reactions.
(b) Homogeneous catalysis (5 lectures): General catalytic mechanisms: equilibrium treatment, steady-state treatment,
activation energies for catalyzed reactions. Acid-base catalysis: mechanism, catalytic activity and acid-base strength, salt
effects, acidity functions. Enzyme-catalysis: influence of substrate concentration, pH, and temperature.
Chemistry of solutions (7 lectures): Henry’s law, ideal mixture, vapour pressure of liquid mixtures, ideal and non-ideal
solutions and their vapour pressure with the variation of composition. Liquid pairs, phenol-water, water-triethylamine and
water-nicotine systems, vapour pressure of partially and completely immiscible liquid pairs, steam distillation. Nernst’s
distribution law, conditions for validity of the distribution law, thermodynamic derivation, deviations and applications of the
distribution law.
Basic idea of electron mobility (10 lectures) : Fission of bonds, homolytic & heterolytic fission, pyrolysis, cracking and
reforming. Generation of carbocations, carbanions, stability, solvation of ions, inductive and resonance & hyper-conjugation
effects. Nucleopliles, electrophiles and ambient nucleophiles.
Colour and Dyes (10 lectures): Definition of chromophores, chromes, bathochromic and hypsochromic groups, Hyper and
hypochromic effects, phosphorescence and fluorescence. MOT approach to colour, classification of dyes, crieteria of dyes,
Azo dyes (mordant & disperse) and Xanthen dyes (preparation and properties).
Separation of two or three component mixtures in organic compounds (5 lectures) :
Ethane and ethene,
Ethanol, acetone and acetic acid,
Ethanol, hexane and benzene,
Toluene, ether and acetylene,
Phenol and benzoic acid,
Benzoic acid and benzene sulphonic acid,
Ester separation from esterification mixture,
Enol separation from keto-enol equilibria.
Titrimetric analysis (11 lectures):
a) Analytical and equilibrium concentrations, molarity, normality, ppm, equivalence point. Primary standard substance and
standard solution.
b) Neutralisation titrations: Strong acid strong base, strong acid- weak base and weak acid-strong base titration, titration
curves, acid-base indicator, buffer solution.
c) Redox titration: Redox reactions, reducing and oxidizing agents, Ce (IV) Fe(II), MnO 4-Fe(II), Cr2O72- Fe(II), iodometric
titrations, redox indicators.
Air and water pollution (14 lectures):
(i) Air pollution: General consideration, pollution caused by carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, hydrocarbons and
photochemical oxidants, oxides of sulfur, particulate, temperature inversion, photochemical smog, Acid rain and
greenhouse effect.
(ii) Water pollution: General considerations, pollution caused by mercury, lead, detergents, synthetic
organic insecticides and oil.
Recommended Books:
1. N. Kundu & S.K. Jain
2. P.W. Atkins
3. W.J. Moore
4. K.J. Laidler
5. Peter Sykes
6. G.T. Morison and R.N. Boyd
7. I.L. Finar
8. A.I. Vogel
9. H.S. Storker and S.L. Seager
10. A.K. De
11. W.A. Andrews, D.K. Moore
12. Rasur N. Reeve
13. Colin Baird
Physical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Chemical Kinetics
A Guide Book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry, Vol. 1
A Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis
Environmental Chemistry: Air and Water Pollution
Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Pollution and A.C. Le Roy
Environmental Analysis (Analytical chemistry by open learning)
Environmental Chemistry
Course : Chem 211F
Thermodynamics, Systems of Variable Composition & Colloids
Examination : 4 hours
Full Marks : 100 (1 unit, 4 credits)
(75 lectures, 3 lectures per week)
Thermodynamics (20 lectures): The second law of thermodynamics, spontaneous and nonspontaneous processes, Carnot's
cycle, efficiency of a Carnot engine, entropy, entropy change in various processes, entropy of mixing, variation of entropy
with temperature, pressure and volume, Cp - Cv for van der Waals' and for ideal gases. Applications of the second law of
thermodynamics: Characteristic thermodynamic functions, Gibbs' and Helmholtz free energy, conditions of equilibrium,
temperature dependence of free energy change of a reaction and of equilibrium constant. Conditions for the occurrence of
a spontaneous process, Gibbs - Helmholtz equation, partial molar quantities and chemical potential and their
determination, Gibbs-Duhem equation, fugacity, activity and activity coefficients. Maxwell’s relations, thermodynamics of
phase-change, Clapeyron-Clausius equation, Nernst’s heat theorem, the third law of thermodynamics and entropy
determination, deviation of entropy from the third law.
Colligative properties (20 lectures): Lowering of vapour pressure of a solvent due to dissolved solute, Raoult’s law and
the molecular weight of the solute, elevation of boiling point and depression of freezing point. Separations of solid
solutions, osmosis and laws of osmotic pressure, mechanism of action of semipermeable membrane, relation between
osmotic pressure and other colligative properties, abnormal colligative properties of solutions.
The phase equilibria (20 lectures): Two component systems with solid and liquid phases at equilibrium, simple eutectic
systems, antimony-lead system, systems forming congruent melting compounds, silver-strontium system, systems forming
compounds with incongruent melting point, systems forming completely miscible solid solutions, silver-gold system.
manganese-copper system. systems forming partially miscible solid solutions, two component solid-liquid systems with
water as one phase, water-KCl/FeCl3/Na2SO4 systems, iron-carbon system.
Chemistry of colloids (15 lectures): Colloids and crystalloids, classification, shape and size of colloidal particles,
preparation and purification of colloids, properties of colloids: general, optical, electric and kinetic properties, coagulation,
peptization and protection of colloids, stability of colloids. Origin of charge, electrokinetic phenomena, structure of double
layer, zeta potential, elctrocapillary phenomena, Donnan membrane equilibrium, determination of size of colloids. Gels,
emulsions and foams and their properties, colloidal electrolytes, importance and applications of colloids.
Recommended Books:
1. P.W. Atkins
2. N. Kundu and S.K. Jain
G.M. Barrow
I. Klotz and Rossenberg
W.J. Moore
Duncan J. Shaw
K.L. Kapoor
Physical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry.
A Textbook of Physical Chemistry
Chemical Thermodynamics
Physical Chemistry
Introduction of Colloids and Surface Chemistry
Physical Chemistry Vol. II & III
Course : Chem 221F
Organic Chemistry-II
Examination : 4 hours
Full Marks : 100 (1 unit, 4 credits)
(75 lectures, 3 lectures per week)
UV Visible and Infrared spectroscopy:
a. UV visible (7 lectures): Basic principle and Instrumentations. Nature of electronic excitation and origin of UV band
Beer-Lambert law, determination of max and concentration, solvent role in UV-spectra, definition with examples of
auxochrome, chromophore, red shift, blue shift, hyper and hypochromic effects, effect of conjugation, solvents,
substituents and geometry on max shifting
b. IR Spectroscopy (8 lectures): Nature and wavelength of various radiations, infrared absorption process, instrumentation
& uses of IR spectroscopy. Various modes of vibration, force constant and bond frequency relationship. Definition of
overtone, combination and difference bands. Theoretical calculation of stretching frequencies to various bonds, bond
frequencies of various functional groups, reasons of shifting the wave numbers from normal values and comparison.
Alkyl halides (10 lectures) : Preparations, properties, halide exchange reactions (FinKelstein reaction), simple idea about
SN1 and SN2 reactions, substitution reactions in alkyl halides, KOH (both aqueous & non aqueous), NaOEt, amine and
RSNa reactions. Umpolung, formation of Grignard reagents and its reactions with oxygen, water, alcohols, corbondioxide,
aldehydes, ketones, esters, anhydrides, acylhalides, amides and nitriles.
Aldehydes and Ketones (Aliphatic and Aromatic) (7 lectures): General methods for preparation, activity differences
between aldehydes and ketones, nucleophilic additions, mechaniom, hemiacetal, acetal and thioketal formation with
carbonyl compounds. Stability of ketals (both oxo-and thio) with respect to carbonyl compounds. Reduction of carbonyl
compounds by various methods.
Carboxylic acids (Aliphatic and Aromatic) (10 lectures): Preparations, properties, role of resonance and inductive
effects on acid strength of carboxylic acids. Reactions with various reagents, decarboxylation reaction, formation of
different acid derivatives and their reactivity differences with various nucleophiles.
Amines (Aliphatic and Aromatic) (10 lectures): Preparations, classification, basicity difference, reactions with various
reagents, Schiff’s base, degradation of aromatic amides and separation of amines. Reduction of nitrobenzene in various
conditions, diazotization reaction and its application to different synthetic products.
Heterocyclic compounds (10 lectures): Aromatic character, general methods of preparation and reactions of furan,
pyrrole, thiophene, pyridine, quinoline, isoquinoline and indole.
Difunctional compounds (6 lectures): Nomenclature, preparations, synthesis of acetoacetic ester, malonic acid, malonic
ester and hydroxy acids. Application of these difunctional compounds to different synthetic products.
Alicyclic compounds (7 lectures): Configuration and conformations, conformation of cyclohexane ring, stability of
different cyclohexane conformers, disubstituted cyclohexne rings and their conformers, energy diagram between chair
and boat conformers of cyclohexane ring.
Recommended Books:
1. R.T. Morrison and R.N. Boyd
2. I.L. Finar
3. J.D. Roberts and M.C. Casserio
4. E.L. Eliel
5. A. Streitwiesser, C.H. Heathcock
and E.M. Kosower
6. Acheson
7. P.S. Kalsi
8. Donald L Pavia
9. V.R. Dani
10. Williams & Fleming
11. Y.R. Sharma
12. P.S. Kalsi
14. D.L. Pavia, G.M. Lampman &
G.S.C. Kriz, jr
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry, Vol. I & II
Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry
Stereochemistry of Carbon ompounds
Introduction to Organic Chemistry
An Introduction to Heterocyclic Compounds
Stereochemistry, Conformation and Mechanism
Organic Spectroscopy
Spectroscopy Method in Organic Chemistry.
Elementary Organic Spectroscopy
Spectroscopy of Organic Compound
Introduction to Spectroscopy
Course : Chem 231F
Inorganic Chemistry-II
Examination: 4 hours
Full Marks : 100 (1 unit, 4 credits)
(75 lectures, 3 lectures per week)
Chemical bonds:
a) Ionic bond (12 lectures): Definition, energetics of ionic bond formation, Born-Haber cycle, lattice energy calculation,
Born-Lande, Born-Mayer and Kapustiniskii equation, stability and properties of ionic solids, crystal structures of NaCl,
CsCl, ZnS, CaF2, TiO2 and CdI2. Covalent character of ionic bonds.
b) Hydrogen bond (5 lectures): Definition, intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen bonding, effect of H-bonding on
physical and chemical properties of compounds, dimerisation of acids, structure of ice and HF2-.
Chemistry of the main group elements (13 lectures): Group IA(1), IIA(2), IIIA (13) and IVA(14), properties of the
elements, and their oxides, hydrides, and halides.
Transition and rare-earth elements (9 lectures): Electronic configuration, properties, low, negative and high oxidation
states, occurrence, separation of lanthanides and lanthanide contraction.
Coordination compounds (12 lectures): Introduction, nomenclature, structures, coordination number and coordination
geometries, coordination number 2 – 6, types of ligands, isomerisation in coordination compounds.
Boron hydrides (10 lectures): Reactions, structure and bonding, molecular orbital concepts, the styx number, synthesis
and reactivity of neutral boron hydrides, carboranes.
Radioactivity (14 lectures): Fundamental particles, nuclear charge, mass and radius, packing fraction, binding energy,
neutron-proton ratio and stability of nuclei, natural and artificial radioactivity, group displacement laws, radioactive series,
laws of disintegration, unit of radioactivity, nuclear potential barrier, artificial transmutation. Isotope: definition, detection,
separation and application.
Recommended Books:
J.H. Huheey
D.K. Sabera
F.A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson :
F.A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson :
T. Moeller
B.E. Dauglas and D.H. McDaniel :
R.C. Day and J. Selbin
R.K. Modan
Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity
Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding
Basic Inorganic Chemistry
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry: A Modern Introduction
Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry
Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Course : PH 211F
Heat, Radiation and Optics
Examination : 4 hours
Full Marks : 100 (1 unit, 4 credits)
(75 lectures, 3 lectures per week)
Thermometry: Base thermometers and their corrections, measurement of law and high temperatures, platinum resistance
thermometers, thermocouple.
Liquefaction of Gases: Different methods of liquefaction, liquefaction of air and nitrogen, refrigeration.
Thermal Conduction: Thermal conductivity, Fourier’s equation of heat flow, thermal conductivities of good and bad
Radiation: Radiation pressure: Kirchhoff’s law, black-body radiation, Stefan-Boltzmann’s law: Wein’s law, RayleighJean’s law, Planck’s quantum law.
Optics: Introduction, nature and propagation of light, properties of light, waves, theories of light.
Interference: Young's experiment, colour of thin films interferometers, Newton's ring.
Diffraction: Fraunhoffer and Fresnel diffraction, diffraction by single slit, double slit and diffraction gratings, dispersive and
resolving powers of gratings. Polarization, polarimeter.
Recommended Books:
1. Bhuiyan and Rahman
2. Halliday and Resnick
3. Haque
4. Hossain
5. Ishaque, et. al.
6. Lee and Sears
7. Uddin and Kalam
8. Zemansky
9. K. Din
10. Jenkin & White
11. Matheu
A Textbook of Heat,Thermodynamics and Radiation.
Physics ( I and II)
Principles of Heat, Thermodynamics and Radiation
Textbook of Heat
Textbook of Heat, Thermodynamics and Radiation.
Heat and Thermodynamics
Heat and Thermodynamics
Textbook of Optics
Fundamentals of Optics
Principle of Optics
Course : PH 212F
Practicals in Physics
Examination : 12 hours (Two days)
Full Marks : 50 (0.5 unit, 2 credits)
(Experiment - 35 marks, Laboratory assessment – 10 marks, Class records - 5 marks)
Determination of moment of inertia of a flywheel.
Determination of g by a compound pendulum.
Determination of Young’s Modulus by the method of bending.
Determination of rigidity modulus by dynamical method.
Determination of rigidity modulus by statical method.
Determination of the surface tension of mercury by Quincke’s method.
Determination of viscosity of water by capillary flow method.
Determination of the surface tension of water by capillary rise method .
Determination of specific heat of a liquid by the method of cooling.
Determination of the ratio of the specific heats of a gas by Clement and Desorme’s apparatus.
Determination of the figure of merit of a galvanometer.
Measurement of low resistance by the method of fall of potential.
Determination of galvanometer resistance.
Measurement of high resistance.
Determination of end-corrections of a meter- bridge wire.
Determination of specific resistance of the material of a wire.
Measurement of resistance per unit length of a meter bridge wire.
Calibration of a meter bridge wire.
Determination of J by an electrical method.
Determination of refractive index of a prism by using a spectrometer.
Determination of wavelength of light by Newton’s ring.
Course : Math 114H
Analytic Geometry
Examination : 3 hours
Full Marks : 50 (0.5 unit, 2 credits)
(40 lectures, 2 lectures per week)
Change of axes. The general equation of second degree.
The pair of straight lines.
The circle and the system of circles
The parabola and the ellipse
Direction cosines and the plane
The straight line
The sphere and the cone.
Recommended Books:
1. H.H. Askwith
2. C. Smith
3. M.L. Khanna
4. J.T. Bell
5. C. Smith
6. Vashishtha and Agarwal
Analytic Geometry of Conic Sections
Analytic Geometry of Conic Sections
Coordinate Geometry
A Treatise of Three Dimensional Geometry
Elementary Treatise on Solid-Geometry
Analytical Solid Geometry
Course : Math 215F
Matrics and Differential Equations
Examination : 4 hours
Full Marks : 100 (1unit, 4 credits)
( 75 lecture, 3 lectures per week)
Algebra of matrices, adjoint, inverse and rank of a matrix, definition, properties and evaluation.
Elementary transformations  echelon, canonical and normal forms. Solution of system of linear equations  consistency
and solution of homogeneous and nonhomogeneous systems by matrix method and reduction to equivalent system.
Characteristic equation, eigenvalues, eigenvectors and Caley-Hamilton theorem. Similar matrices and diagonalization.
Solution of first order and first degree and first order and higher degree equations.
Solution of higher order linear differential equations.
Series solution of linear differential equations.
Recommended Books:
1. F. Ayres
Theory and Problems of Matrices
2. McDuffe
Theory of Matrices
3. M.L. Khanna
4. S.L. Ross
Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
5. F. Ayres
Differential Equations
6. B.D. Sharma
Differential Equations
Course : Chem 201L
Physical, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry Practical-II
Full Marks : 150 (1.5 units, 6 credits)
Examination : 36 hours ( 6 days)
Section – A: Physical Chemistry Practical-II
Examination : 12 hours (Two days)
Full Marks : 50
(i) Experiment: 35 (ii) Continuous Lab. Assessment: 15
The Lab. teacher of the section shall evaluate continuously the Lab. classes out of 15 marks and submit the average marks of Lab.
evaluation in sealed envelopes to the Chairman of the relevant examination committee within three weeks from the last Lab. held.
The average marks shall be computed by the examination committee.
The total marks for the practical course shall be obtained by adding the above two marks (i) & (ii). The examination committee
shall send a copy of the consolidated marks to the controller of examinations.
1. Determination of the molecular weight of a solute by depression of freezing point method.
2. Determination of the molecular weight of a solute by elevation of boiling point method.
3. Determination of the composition of a liquid mixture by viscometric method.
4. Determination of viscosity coefficient of a liquid at two different temperatures and finding out the temperature coefficient for the
given liquid.
5. Determination of the solubility product of sparingly soluble salts viz.
(a) Ca (OH)2, (b) Cu(II) iodate, (c) Hydrogen 2,3-dihydroxy butanedioate by titration method.
6. Determination of partition coefficient of
Iodine between methylene chloride and water,
Succinic acid between ether and water,
Salicylic acid between water and chloroform,
Acetic acid betwen water and n-hexane/cyclohexane, and
Benzoic acid between toluene and water.
7. Determination of heat of solution by solubility method.
8. Measurement of the specific rotation of an organic compound and determination of the unknown concentration of the
compound by polarimetric method.
9. Determination of the equilibrium constant of the reactions :
Ester + water
alcohol + acid.
I2 + KI
KI3 .
10. Determination of 0 of acetic acid applying law of independent migration of ions
11. Conductometric titration of a mixture of HCl and acetic acid and finding out their concentration.
12. Standardization of acids / bases by condutometric titration.
13. Determination of transport number by Hittorf’s method.
A few more experiments, relevant to the theoretical courses may be done, subject to the availability of the Lab. facilities.
Section – B: Organic Chemistry Practical-II
Examination : 12 hours (Two days)
Full Marks : 50
(i) Experiment: 35 (ii) Continuous Lab. Assessment: 15
i) Simple techniques used in organic laboratory, viz. crystallization, distillation, sublimation etc.
ii) Organic preparations involving typical reactions, e.g., Perkin reaction, Grignard reaction, Friedel-Crafts reactions,
permanganate and chromic acid oxidation, esterification etc.
Preparation of (i) acetanilide, (ii) benzoic acid, (iii) nitrobenzene, (iv) p-nitroacetanilide, (v) p-nitroaniline (vi)
aspirin, (vii) cyclohexanone from cyclohexanol (viii) 3-aminoacetophenone from reduction of 3-nitroacetophenone
with Sn/HCI (ix) dibenzalacetones (x) p-bromacetanilide (some other synthesis may also be included if facilities are
made available).
Recommended Books:
1. A.I. Vogel
: Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry,
Part-I, Small Scale Preparation
Part-II, Qualitative Organic Analysis
Part-III, Quantitative Organic Analysis
: A Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry
Shriner, Fusion and Curtin : The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds
H.T. Clarke & B. Haynes : A Hand Book of Organic Analysis
Section – C: Inorganic Chemistry Practical-II
Examination : 12 hours (Two days)
Full Marks : 50
(i) Experiment: 35 (ii) Continuous Lab. Assessment: 15
(i) : Inorganic quantitative analysis (Volumetric)
a. Application of the knowledge of significant figures and brief idea about the evaluation of analytical data
b. Calibration of volumetric apparatus
c. Acid-base titrations:
Preparation of decinormal sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid and their standardisation with sodium carbonate
ii) Standardisation of sodium hydroxide solution by potassium hydrogen phthalate/oxalic acid
iii) Determination of equivalent weight of a weak acid
iv) Analysis of commercial caustic soda and soda ash
v) Determination of acid content in vinegar
d. Oxidation-reduction titrations:
Standardisation of potassium permanganate solution by sodium oxalate
ii) Estimation of iron (ferrous and ferric) in solution / ore / oxide by titration with KMnO /K Cr O / Ce(IV) solutions
Standardisation of thiosulphate solution against K2Cr2O7 / KIO3 / KMnO4 solution
Estimation of copper in solution/brass/ore iodometrically
Determination of calcium in limestone by KMnO4
Estimation of available chlorine in bleaching powder / solution iodometrically.
(ii): Inorganic synthesis
Synthesis of
Potassium dichromate, K Cr O
Potassium permanganate, KMnO4
Hexamminecobalt (III) chloride, Co(NH3)6Cl3
Tetramminecopper (II) Sulfate, Cu(NH3)4 SO4
Recommended Books:
1. A.I. Vogel
2. Alexeve
3. D.A. Skoog and D.M. West and
F.J. Holler
4. Jugal Kishore Agarwal
5. R.K. Das
: A Textbook of Inorganic Quantitative Analysis
: Qunatitative Chemical Analysis
: Fundamentals of Analytical
Chemistry (6th Edn)
: Practicals in Engineering Chemistry
: Industrial Chemistry, part II