Enabling the Next Generation of Hazards and Disasters Researchers Application Form PLEASE SUBMIT TO: Dr. Thomas A. Birkland tom_birkland@ncsu.edu with a copy to Kristin O’Donovan at ktodonov@ncsu.edu. Your application will be acknowledged within 72 hours of receipt. If it is not acknowledged, please call Dr. Birkland at 919.513.7799. Except under limited extenuating circumstances, we will accept applications only via email to the addresses above. Please use “Next Generation Application Submission” as the subject line. Exceptions must be approved in advance. MAILING ADDRESS: Next Generation Faculty Fellows Program c/o Dr. Thomas A. Birkland School of Public and International Affairs 2221 Hillsborough Street, Campus Box 8102 North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27695-8102 APPLICATIONS ARE DUE ON OR BEFORE MIDNIGHT EASTERN TIME ON FEBRUARY 15, 2009 Research Fellowship Information to be Supplied by Candidate Date ______________ Personal Data Name _________________________________ Present Position ________________________________ Date of Appointment_________ Present Address ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone ___________________ Alternate Number/Cell __________________ Email ___________________________________________ Fax ____________________ No signature is required—we will assume your submission via email stands in lieu of a signature. (continued) Additional Materials: Include the following as a complete package by February 15, 2009 at midnight Eastern Time. We request that applications be submitted in one PDF file. Please use the help feature of your PDF software to learn how to combine these documents into one file. If you cannot provide one PDF, please clearly note the file names of each of these elements. 1. Date (month/year), university, and discipline in which you received your doctoral degree (this can be included in the CV, or separately) 2. A current CV 3. A description (1 page) of any significant research you have done beyond the dissertation and whether or not it has been published. 4. A description (1,000 words or less) of your current research, research interests, and teaching and how they can potentially contribute to questions related to risk, hazards, disasters, or other extreme events. If there is a mentor with whom you are particularly interested in working, please indicate it in this description (please see the project website for a list of mentors and their bios). We do not presume expertise in these areas and are only looking for what you see as possible linkages. In addition we seek two external letters; the forms are included in the application, and may be sent separately or with the application, at your discretion: 5. An endorsement letter from your home department/program chairperson (or equivalent). 6. An academic reference letter from someone familiar with your personal and professional qualifications. In many cases, this would be your Ph.D. advisor, but need not be that person. We may contact your reference as part of the selection process. You and your referees may be contacted by representatives of the program as part of the selection process. In submitting this application, you indicate that you understand that you must attend the following two workshops*: Broomfield or Boulder, CO, July 10-13, 2009 Washington, DC, to be announced (tentatively June 2010). If you are accepted, but cannot attend these meetings, please let us know immediately so that an alternate fellow can be selected. *Additional meetings may be held throughout the program depending on funding availability: dates and locations will be determined at a later date. Enabling the Next Generation of Hazards and Disasters Researchers Funded by The National Science Foundation PLEASE RETURN TO: Next Generation Faculty Fellows Program c/o Dr. Thomas A. Birkland School of Public and International Affairs 2221 Hillsborough Street, Campus Box 8102 North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27695-8102 We request emailed (PDF) submissions to tom_birkland@ncsu.edu with a copy to ktodonov@ncsu.edu COMPLETED ENDORSEMENT BY HOME DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM MUST BE RECEIVED BY FEBRUARY 15, 2009. To be completed by Applicant: I do/do not (circle one) waive my right to see this recommendation. Applicant’s Signature______________________________________________________ Name of Candidate________________________________________________________ Academic Affiliation______________________________________________________ Endorsement by Department/Program Chairperson: Please address on a separate page the following: 1. How long, in what capacities, and how well have you known the candidate? 2. What are the candidate’s capabilities for carrying out research? How would you compare the candidate with others of similar academic status in the same field? 3. How effectively can this individual draw linkages between social science questions/issues and applied questions (e.g., societal considerations related to natural hazards and extreme events)? 4. Is your department supportive of this candidate’s application for this fellowship? 5. Are there other facts or suggestions to which you believe the Selection Committee should give attention in considering this candidate? Signed_____________________________________________________Date_________ Name (please print)________________________________________________________ Position or Title__________________________________________________________ Institution_______________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________State___________Zip_________________ Phone Number________________________Email_______________________________ Enabling the Next Generation of Hazards and Disasters Researchers Funded by The National Science Foundation PLEASE RETURN TO: Next Generation Faculty Fellows Program c/o Dr. Thomas A. Birkland School of Public and International Affairs 2221 Hillsborough Street, Campus Box 8102 North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27695-8102 We request emailed (PDF) submissions to tom_birkland@ncsu.edu with a copy to ktodonov@ncsu.edu LETTER OF REFERENCE MUST BE RECEIVED BY FEBRUARY 15, 2009. To be completed by Applicant: I do/do not (circle one) waive my right to see this recommendation. Applicant’s Signature______________________________________________________ Name of Candidate________________________________________________________ Academic Affiliation______________________________________________________ Letter of Reference Please address on a separate page the following: 1. How long, in what capacities, and how well have you known the candidate? 2. What are the candidate’s capabilities for carrying out research? How would you compare the candidate with others of similar academic status in the same field? 3. How effectively can this individual draw linkages between social science questions/issues and applied questions (e.g., societal considerations related to natural hazards and extreme events)? 4. Are there other facts or suggestions to which you believe the Selection Committee should give attention in considering this candidate? Signed_____________________________________________________Date_________ Name (please print)________________________________________________________ Position or Title__________________________________________________________ Institution_______________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________State___________Zip_________________ Phone Number________________________Email_______________________________