SESSION 4 NUTRIENTS IN TERRESTRIAL, ATMOSPHERIC, RIVERINE, ESTUARINE AND COASTAL COMPARTMENTS European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies 4th ELOISE Conference 5-7 September 2001, Rende, Italy ATMOSPHERIC INPUT OF NITROGEN INTO THE NORTH SEA: ANICE RESULTS De Leeuw G.1, G. J. Kunz1, L.H. Cohen1, M. Moerman1, G. Geernaert2, O. Hertel2, L.M. Frohn2, C. A. Skjøth2, B. Pedersen2, B. Jensen2, L.-L. Sorensen3, S. Lund3, K. Heinke Schlünzen4, L. Klein4, K. von Salzen4a, Tim Jickells5, L. Spokes5, M. Schulz6, S. Tamm6, E. Vignati7 (1) TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory, The Hague, The Netherlands National Environmental Research Institute, Roskilde, Denmark (3) Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark (4) Meteorologisches Institut, Univ. Hamburg, Germany (5) School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich Norfolk, UK (6) Inst. Fuer Angew. Und Anorg. Chemie, Univ. Hamburg, Germany (7) Joint Research Centre, Environment Institute, TP 460, 21020 Ispra, Italy (a) Current address: Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Univ. Victoria, Canada (2) A CONTRIBUTION FROM THE ELOISE PROJECT: ANICE The aim of the ANICE (Atmospheric Nitrogen Inputs into the Coastal Ecosystem) project is to improve transport-chemistry models that estimate nitrogen deposition to the sea. To achieve this, experimental and modelling work is undertaken which aims at improving the understanding of the processes involved in the chemical transformation, transport and deposition of atmospheric nitrogen compounds. Of particular emphasis within ANICE is the influence of coastal zone processes. The improved transport-chemistry models will be used to assess the atmospheric inputs of nitrogen compounds into the European regional seas (the North Sea is studied as a prototype). The experimental results show the large spatial and temporal variability in the concentrations of gaseous nitrogen compounds, and their influences on fluxes. Model calculations show the strong variation of both concentrations and gradients of nitric acid at fetches of up to 25 km. Aerosol concentrations also show high temporal variability and experimental evidence for the reaction between nitric acid and sea salt aerosol is provided by sizesegregated aerosol composition measured at both sides of the North Sea. In several occasions throughout the experimental period, air mass back trajectory analysis showed connected flow between the two sampling sites (the Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory on the North Norfolk coast of the UK and Meetpost Noordwijk, a research tower at 9 km off the Dutch coast). Results from the METRAS/SEMA mesoscale chemistry transport model system for one of these cases are presented. SESSION 4 107 Oral Presentation European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies 4th ELOISE Conference 5-7 September 2001, Rende, Italy Measurements of aerosol and rain chemical composition, using equipment mounted on a commercial ferry, show variations in composition across the North Sea. These measurements have been compared to results obtained with the transport chemistry model ACDEP which calculates the atmospheric inputs into the whole North Sea area. SESSION 4 108 Oral Presentation European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies 4th ELOISE Conference 5-7 September 2001, Rende, Italy NUTRIENT DYNAMICS MEDIATED THROUGH TURBULENCE AND PLANKTON INTERACTIONS Marrasé Cèlia1, John Dolan2, Harry Havskum3, Atle Lohrmann4, Tim Pedley5, Francesc Peters1 and Frede Thingstad6 (¹) Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC), Passeig Joan de Borbo s/n, 08039 Barcelona, Spain ( (²) Station Zoologique. BP 28. F 06230 Villefranche-Sur-Mer France (³) Marine Biological Laboratory, Zoological Institute, University of Copenhagen. Strandpromenaden, 5. 3000 Helsingoer, Denmark (4) NORTEK AS, Industriveien, 33, N-1337 Sandvika, Norway (5) University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Silver Street, CB39EW Cambridge, United Kingdom (6) University of Bergen, Department of Microbiology, Jahnebakken 5, N-5020 Bergen, Norway A CONTRIBUTION FROM THE ELOISE PROJECT: NTAP Turbulence effects on plankton can strongly modulate nutrient and organic matter dynamics in coastal areas. However, data at present show that effects may be nonlinear, depend on initial environmental conditions, and/or may be specific to certain sizes of organisms or specific taxa. In models of marine systems, turbulence is accounted for as affecting the transport of chemicals and organisms, but rarely as affecting biological processes, since biological effects appear complex and little is known about their dynamics. The overall objective is to provide a unified conceptual framework for nutrient dynamics as modulated by the interaction of turbulence and plankton and to use this information to aid in implementing and modifying legislation on coastal water quality and management. The specific objectives are a) to build a database on turbulence effects by gathering existing scattered data, b) to produce experimental data on key organisms, interactions and mass transfer rates, c) to develop a sensor for laboratory measurement of small-scale turbulence, and d) to produce a dynamical model at community level with exploratory and predictive capabilities. The research strategy for fulfilling the specific objectives as well as building the overall framework consists of using multi-level approaches and levels of observation. Existing data from both experiments and field observations is analysed to guide the design of new experiments and preliminary modelling efforts. New experimental data on the effects of turbulence on plankton, ranging from organism to net community responses, is produced. A microsensor to measure flow in small containers is developed to overcome current size constraints. Modelling efforts are conducted to incorporate small-scale turbulence effects into a microbial food web model. Project output will permit improved assessment of nutrient and mass transfer behaviour and variability in coastal pelagic communities and thus be of value to environmental managers and in the formulation of water quality regulations. SESSION 4 109 Oral Presentation European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies 4th ELOISE Conference 5-7 September 2001, Rende, Italy Figure: Simplified scheme of plankton trophic interactions. The “T” indicates the fluxes that can be affected by turbulence SESSION 4 110 Oral Presentation European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies 4th ELOISE Conference 5-7 September 2001, Rende, Italy MONITORING LONG-TERM TRENDS IN EUTROPHICATION NUTRIENTS IN THE COASTAL ZONE (MOLTEN) AND Conley Daniel J 1, Steve Juggins 2, Atte Korhola 3, N. John Anderson 4, Victor N. de Jonge 5, Elinor Andrén 6 (1) Dept. Of Marine Ecology, National Environmental Research Institute, DK-4000, Roskilde, Denmark ( (2) University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK (3) Dept. Of Ecology and Systematics, Division of Hydrobiology/ECRU, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland (4) Institue of Geography, University of Copenhagen, DK-1350 Copenhagen, Denmark (5) National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management, RIKZ, The Netherlands (6) Dept. Of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden A CONTRIBUTION FROM THE ELOISE PROJECT: MOLTEN MOLTEN is using the high resolution record of environmental changes recorded in coastal sediments to reconstruct, or hindcast, the long-term (100-150 years) changes in nutrient (N and P) concentrations that have taken place in four representative European coastal basins (Mariager Fjord, Denmark; Himmerfjärden, Sweden; Laajalahti, Finland; and the Elms-Dollard Estuary, The Netherlands). We use novel approaches to reconstruct historical nutrient concentrations using the recently developed technique of diatom-based transfer functions. A harmonised transfer function will be developed in order to provide a general tool that can be applied at the European scale. In addition, we will establish long-term historical trends in biological and chemical parameters from sediment records at four coastal sites. This multi-proxy palaeoecological work will provide insights into changes in structure of various parts of the ecosystem (phytoplankton, littoral macrophytes, zoobenthos). A system will be developed for coastal managers to evaluate the effectiveness of policies to reduce nutrient loads by using the palaeoecological data for the period 1850-1900 to establish reference ecological and chemical conditions for each basin under minimal human impact; will compare time-series of biological and geochemical proxies and nutrient reconstructions with these reference conditions to assess ecological change in terms of departure from baselines; will determine the reduction in nutrient loading necessary to bring about a return to reference conditions; will evaluate the effectiveness of the different palaeoecological records for assessing the ecological status of coastal waters and to derive a minimum, parsimonious sampling strategy appropriate to provide a cost effective tool for addressing the key points of the Water Framework Directive in a standardised way across a large part of the European coastal zone. SESSION 4 111 Oral Presentation European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies 4th ELOISE Conference 5-7 September 2001, Rende, Italy MODEL SYSTEM FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF NITROGEN LEACHING AT THE SCALE OF RIVER BASINS AND REGIONS Wendland, F.1, R. Kunkel 1, A. Grimvall 2, B. Kronvang 3 and D.I. Müller-Wohlfeil 3 (1) (2) (3) Research Centre Jülich, Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation (STE), Jülich, D Department of Mathematics, Division of Statistics, Linköping University, Linköping, S National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), Vejlsøvej 25, DK-8600 Silkeborg, DK A CONTRIBUTION FROM THE ELOISE PROJECT: RANR In the framework of the EU-project RANR (Regional analysis of subsurface nitrogen retention and its impact on the nitrogen export from land to sea: Grimvall et al., 2000) a model system was developed to estimate groundwater-borne nitrogen inputs into river systems. The core of this model system is composed of a soil nitrogen leaching model (SOILN: Johnsson et al., 1987), a runoff model (GROWA98: Kunkel & Wendland, 1999) and a groundwater residence time/denitrification model (WEKU: Kunkel & Wendland, 1997; 1999). The application of the model system was carried out for the study catchment areas of the Uecker basin (ca. 2400 km2, Germany) and the Gjern basin (ca. 200 km2, Denmark). For both catchment areas, the modelled average nitrogen loads leached into the groundwater were about 40 kg N/ha a, while the remaining groundwater-borne nitrogen intake to rivers was quantified to an average of about 2 kg/ha a. The comparision with observed groundwaterborne riverine nitrogen loads showed a very good agreement. With regard to the generalisation and transfer of the SOILN/GROWA98-WEKU model we propose the model to be applied for the analysis of the interaction between water balance and nitrate balance at the scale of mesoscale to macroscale river basins. References Grimvall, A., Forsman, A., Kronvang, B., Kunkel, R., Müller-Wohlfeil, D.I., & Wendland, F. (2000, in press). Regional Analysis of subsurface retention of nitrogen and the impact of such retention on the export of nitrogen from land to sea. Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich Reihe Umwelt/Environment, Jülich, Germany. Johnsson P.O., Bergström, H.L., & Jansson, P.-E. (1987). Simulated nitrogen dynamics and losses in a layered agricultural soil. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 18, 333-356. Kunkel, R. & Wendland, F. (1999). Der Landschaftswasserhaushalt Flußeinzugsgebiet der Elbe. HW 43, H.5, 226 - 233. SESSION 4 112 im Oral Presentation European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies 4th ELOISE Conference 5-7 September 2001, Rende, Italy Kunkel, R. & Wendland, F. (1997). WEKU – a GIS supported stochastic model of groundwater residence times in upper aquifers for the supraregional groundwater management. Envir. Geol., 30(1/2), 1-9. Kunkel, R. & Wendland, F. (1999). Das Weg-/Zeitverhalten der unterirdischen Abflusskomponente im Elbeeinzugsgebiet. Schriften des Forschungszentrum Jülich, Reihe Umwelt/Environment, 19, Jülich, Germany. Kunkel, R., Wendland, F., & Albert, H. (1999). Zum Nitratabbauvermögen im Grundwasser. Wasser & Boden, 51/9, 16–19. SESSION 4 113 Oral Presentation European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies 4th ELOISE Conference 5-7 September 2001, Rende, Italy AN INVESTIGATION OF THE STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF WATER BLOOMS OF CYANOBACTERIA IN THE BALTIC SEA – RESPONSES TO A CHANGING ENVIRONMENT Stal Lucas J. Netherlands Institute of Ecology, P.O.Box 140, 4400 AC Yerseke, Netherlands A CONTRIBUTION FROM THE ELOISE PROJECT: BASIC The blooms of cyanobacteria that develop each summer in the Baltic Sea are composed of two functional groups, namely the small-sized picocyanobacteria (Synechococcus spp.) and the larger, colony-forming, filamentous N2-fixing cyanobacteria. The former encompassed both red (phycoerythrin-rich) and blue-green (phycocyanin-rich) species. The majority of the picocyanobacteria measured less than 1 m and this size-fraction comprised as much as 80% of the total cyanobacterial biomass and contributed as much as 50% of the total primary production of a cyanobacterial bloom. The picocyanobacteria are incapable of fixing N2, do not possess gas vesicles and are not toxic. The larger cyanobacteria may form surface scum due to the fact that they possess gas vesicles that make them buoyant. Although their biomass was less than the picocyanobacteria, they were the more conspicuous and nuisance part of the bloom. This functional group was composed of mainly three different species: Nodularia spumigena, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Anabaena sp. They all belong to the heterocystous, N2-fixing cyanobacteria and form gas vesicles. N. spumigena and A. flos-aquae were the dominant species and formed colonies. Of the three species, only N. spumigena has been shown to be toxic. Although Nodularia occurred in different phenotypes that have been assigned to different species, it was demonstrated that they all belong to one species that exchange genetic information. N. spumigena and A. flos-aquae revealed differences with respect to their photosynthetic and N2-fixing potentials. Depending on the prevailing environmental conditions, these differences would promote the proliferation of one species over the other and hence would determine the toxicity of a bloom. Overall, it was demonstrated that light rather than temperature was the factor that determined the formation of a bloom. During such a bloom, the diazotrophic cyanobacteria fixed N2 10-20% in excess of their own demand. This nitrogen was transferred to the picocyanobacteria as was shown by 15N incorporation. During bloom conditions, the diazotrophic cyanobacteria covered about 50% of the N-demand of the total cyanobacterial community. 114 SESSION 4 Oral Presentation European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies 4th ELOISE Conference 5-7 September 2001, Rende, Italy The other 50% was probably provided by internal recycling. The picocyanobacteria were predominantly N-limited. The diazotrophic cyanobacteria were iron limited. These findings are important to understand the formation of toxic cyanobacterial blooms and to develop tools to predict them. SESSION 4 115 Oral Presentation European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies 4th ELOISE Conference 5-7 September 2001, Rende, Italy EUROTROPH : NUTRIENTS CYCLING AND THE TROPHIC STATUS OF COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS Frankignoulle M.1, J.P. Vanderborght 2, J. Middelburg 3, J.P. Gattuso 4, N. Iversen 5, C. Duarte6, M. Elliot7 and Roland Wollast2 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Unité d'Oceanographie Chimique, Univerité de Liege, Sart Tilman, Belgium Laboratoire d'Oceanographie Chimique et Geochimie des Eaux, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium Centre for Estuarine and Coastal Ecology, NIOO - CEMO, Yerseke, The Netherlands Observatoire Oceanologique de Villafrance-sur mer, Villafranche-sur-mer, France Aalborg Universitet, Aalborg, Denmark Instituto Mediterraneo de Estudios Avanzados, CSIC-Univ. Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies, Dept. Of Biological Sciences,University of Hull, Hull, UK A CONTRIBUTION FROM THE ELOISE PROJECT: EUROTROPH The project aims to improve our knowledge of the metabolic state of coastal ecosystems, which is fundamental in terms of nutrients and carbon cycling/storage. The trophic status will be determined in diverse ecosystems using simultaneously different methods at various time scales. The effect of nutrients speciation and organic carbon fractionation will be studied in systems of various eutrophication levels. A model will be implemented to estimate transfer and fluxes of carbon/nitrogen and to forecast the impact of human intervention on trophic status change. Results will be translated into management criteria and directives for monitoring procedures to assess the trophic status of coastal ecosystems. Dissemination will be organized at several levels, from general public to policy makers and environmental organisations. SESSION 4 116 Oral Presentation European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies 4th ELOISE Conference 5-7 September 2001, Rende, Italy EFFECTS OF NUTRIENT ENRICHED SEAWATER ON ROCKY SHORE ECOSYSTEMS (EULIT) Bokn Tor L. et Al. Norwegian Institute For Water Research (Niva) Oslo, Norway ( A CONTRIBUTION FROM THE ELOISE PROJECT: EULIT The response of rocky shore ecosystems to increased nutrient availability was examined in eight land-based mesocosms designed for hard-bottom littoral communities built at Marine Research Station Solbergstrand (Norway). The average seawater volume in each basin was 9 m3 with an average water residence time of about 2 hours. A tidal regime resembling that in the fjord was maintained in the basins, and waves were generated regularly. NH4NO3 and H3PO4, at a constant molar NP ratio of 16:1, was added into 6 basins at concentrations 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 µmol DIN l -1 above the background DIN concentration during 28 months. Two mesocosms were kept as control treatment. Marine communities were introduced into the basins two years prior the start of nutrient dosage. The effects of nutrient enrichment were few and only marginal during the first year of nutrient addition, while some effects became more obvious during the second year. The growth rate of the periphyton and fast-growing macroalgae communities was stimulated by nutrient enrichment, while the response was less evident among the perennial fucoids. The structure of the macroalgal communities, however, did not change during 28 months measurements. In contrast, growth on artificial rock substrates during the same period of time revealed intensive growth of the fast-growing Ulva lactuca in high dosed basins compared with low dosed and control basins, which were dominated by the fucoid Fucus serratus. The biomass settled on granite chips during three growth seasons was significantly higher in low dosed and control basins than in the higher dosed basins. The fauna communities exhibited only minor response to nutrient treatment. The common periwinkle Littorina littorea, however, appeared with increased abundance in the high dosed basins. The total system metabolism tended to increase slightly, but not significantly, with increased nutrient loading. SESSION 4 117 Oral Presentation European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies 4th ELOISE Conference 5-7 September 2001, Rende, Italy SIGNATURE OF C AND N STABLE ISOTOPES IN EUTROPHIED RIVERS DRAINING INTO THE BALTIC SEA Maren Voss1, Constanze Stegemann2, Marianna Pastuczak3, Iris Helling 1 (1) (2) (3) Baltic Sea Research Institute, Seestr. 15, 18119 Rostock, Germany University of Bochum, Universitätsstr. 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany Morski Institut Rydbacki, Kollatahja 1, 81-332 Gdynia, Poland A CONTRIBUTION FROM THE ELOISE PROJECT: SIGNAL The use of stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes as indicator of eutrophication has found wide application during the last years [1,2]. Nitrogen isotopes have been found be related to the sewage input [3] that is of course related to the human population in the drainage area of the rivers. In the Baltic Sea drainage area which is four times as big as the sea surface area the population has drastically increased during the last century and is now around 85 million. This has clear consequences especially along the coast where anoxia occur more frequently and the organic matter content in sediments has drastically increased. Sediment data from dated cores indicated the time period when excess nitrogen input started. This coincided with the increased use of fertilizer for farming [4]. Even in the depositional basins of the Baltic Proper first signs of anthropogenic nitrogen input is indicated by slightly elevated nitrogen isotope values in the upper sediment layers [5]. A detailed study of the riverine nitrogen input through some major and few small rivers and the modification of the isotope signal in the river plum is currently carried out in the framework of an EU funded project. Biweekly sampling in two major Baltic Sea rivers the Oder and the Vistula river are carried out 15 N signals in nitrate. The Oder river has a mean runoff of 16*109 m³ yr-1 with 42,000t NO3 yr-1 and drains into a lagoon with only narrow outlets into the Baltic Sea, the major one carrying 70% of the water is the Swina Canal. The variable residence time of river water in the lagoon allow nutrient uptake and denitrification processes to reduce the concentration. Both processes also have for the nitrogen isotope data of nitrate and for the nitrate to phosphate ratios. The Vistula River is the largest single nitrogen source for the Baltic with 59,300t NO3 yr-1. Both rivers, their nutrient load and nutrient isotope data from summer 2000 to spring 2001 will be discussed in the broader context of the river data from preceding years and the modification of the signal after it entered the Baltic Sea. SESSION 4 118 Oral Presentation European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies 4th ELOISE Conference 5-7 September 2001, Rende, Italy References [1] Cabana, G. and Rasmussen, J.B. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 1084410847. [2] Fry, B., Bern, A.L., Ross, M.S. and Meeder, J.F. (2000) Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 50, 291-296. [3] McClelland, J.W. and Valiela, I. (1998) Marine Ecology Progress Series 168, 259271. [4] Voss, M., Larsen, B., Leivuori, M. and Vallius, H. (2000) Journal of Marine Systems (Special Issue) 25, 287-298. [5] Struck, U., Emeis, K.-C., Voss, M., Christiansen, C. and Kunzendorf, H. (2000) Marine Geology 164, 157-171. SESSION 4 119 Oral Presentation