European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies
4 th ELOISE Conference
5-7 September 2001, Rende Italy
4 TH O
European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies
4 th ELOISE Conference
5-7 September 2001, Rende Italy
The 4 th
ELOISE Open Science Meeting held in Rende, Italy, from the 5 th
to the 7 th of September 2001 was jointly organised by the Institute for Atmospheric Pollution of the Italian National Research Council (CNR-IIA), the European Commission and the
University of Calabria.
ELOISE (European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies) is a "Thematic Network" (or
"Project Cluster") on coastal zone research funded by the European Commission within the Environment and Sustainable Development Programme. ELOISE focuses on the important issue of coastal zone management and, in this context, it explores also the land-ocean interactions and the way they are influenced by human activities.
The major aim of ELOISE is to promote and encourage synthesis on different aspects of coastal zone management within different disciplines of both natural and socioeconomic sciences.
ELOISE includes 48 projects, being therefore the largest concerted effort in coastal zone science in the world. It is the contribution of the European Union to the Land-
Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) Programme which is part of the
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP). It started under the Fourth
RTD Framework Programme of the EU as an initiative of the Environment & Climate and the MAST Research Programmes, acting in concert with the Programme for
International Co-operation (INCO) and the research programmes of Member States. It is continued under the Fifth Framework Programme in order to provide an overall platform for synthesis RTD results from all EU-funded research with relevance to the coastal zone. In this way, RTD at the EU level is expected to make a stronger contribution towards the development of management concepts and best practices for sustainable management of the European coasts.
In its new configuration, the ELOISE cluster includes project on Land-Ocean
Interactions, coastal morphodynamics and protection, and the JRC demonstration project European River Basin-Coastal Zone Integrated Study (ER-CZIS).
Prof. Nicola Pirrone
Chairman of the 4 th ELOISE Conference
European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies
4 th ELOISE Conference
5-7 September 2001, Rende Italy
Prof. Nicola Pirrone , CNR - IIA, Rende, Italy
Prof. Carlo Heip , NIOO - CEMO, Yerseke, The Netherlands
Dr. Peter Herman , NIOO - CEMO, Yerseke, The Netherlands
Dr. Hartwig Kremer , LOICZ, The Netherlands
Prof. Wim Salomons , GKSS, Hamburg, Germany
Dr. Milena Horvat , Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Prof. Jacek Namiesnik , Technical University of Gdansk, Poland
Prof. Pierre Laserre , Director, UNESCO, Venice Office, Italy
Prof. Jozef Pacyna , NILU, Kjeller, Norway
Dr. Rutger de Wit , LOB, Arcachon, France
Dr. Nicholas Murray , JRC, Ispra, Italy
Dr. Hartmut Barth, EU Commission , DG Research, Brussels, Belgium
Dr. Klaus Guenther Barthel , EU Commission, DG Research, Brussels, Belgium
Dr. Christos Fragakis , EU Commission, DG Research, Brussels, Belgium
European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies
4 th ELOISE Conference
5-7 September 2001, Rende Italy
Prof. Nicola Pirrone , CNR - IIA, Rende, Italy
Prof. Jacques Guenot , CIES, University of Calabria
Prof. Giuseppe Frega , University of Calabria
Prof. Salvatore de Rosa , University of Calabria
Dr. Ian Hedgecock , CNR - IIA, Rende, Italy
Ms Francesca Sprovieri , CNR - IIA, Rende, Italy
Mr Eduardo Pesenti , CNR - IIA, Rende, Italy
Ms Claudia Massardo , CNR - IIA, Rende, Italy
Mr Mario Gensini , CNR - IIA, Rende, Italy
Mrs Emanuela Giustra , CNR - IIA, Rende, Italy
Mrs Maria Rosaria Orrico , CNR - IIA, Rende, Italy