syllabus-ee7340 - The University of Texas at Dallas

University of Texas at Dallas
Erik Jonnson School of Engineering and Computer Science
EE7340: Optical Network Architecture and Protocols
Instructor: Dr. Marco Tacca
Office hours: MW 2.00PM to 3.00PM. Appointment upon request
 R. Ramaswami and K. N. Sivarajan, “Optical Networks: a Practical Perspective”,
Morgan Kaufmann Publisher
Other material:
 B. Mukherjee “ Optical Communication Networks”, McGraw Hill
 T.H. Wu, “Fiber Optic Survivability”
 Raj Jain,” FDDI Handbook – High Speed Networking Using Fiber and Other
Media”, Addison Wesley
Course Objective:
This course presents some of the basic concepts and applications of high speed networks,
with particular emphasis on optical fiber based network architectures. The course will 1)
define the concepts of first and second generation optical networks, 2) provide the basic
concepts on optical devices for telecommunication applications, 3) describe standard
solutions (SONET/SDH, FDDI), and 4) discuss state of the art network architectures.
Concept/Tools to be acquired in the course:
 Basic concepts of optical devices for telecommunication applications
 First Generation (FG) Optical Networks
 SONET/SDH standards
 FDDI standard
 Protection techniques against faults in FG optical networks
 Second generation (SH) optical networks
 The lightpath concept and wavelength routing
 Optical packet switching
 Protection techniques against faults in SH optical networks
Basic knowledge of probability theory, graph algorithms, queuing theory, EE6340
Each student will be required to develop a project related to course topics. Projects will
require the development of some approach to help design optical networks. Computer
aided procedures are highly recommended. A list of possible projects will be provided
within the first 6 lectures of the course. Projects are due by 11/19/2002.
Each student will have to pass two written exams: the first exam covers the topics
discussed during the first half of the course and will be given after the 16th lecture. The
second exam covers the remaining topics and will be given on Thursday, December 5.
Projects and written exams must be individually done.
Grading Policy:
The final grade will be determined using the following criteria:
 Midterm: 25%
 Final: 25%
 Project: 50%