BIOCHEMISTRY The study of chemical constituents of living organisms. Organic Molecules - Materials that are formed in the metabolism of living things. The wide range of Organic compounds in living organisms may be conventionally divided into 5 major groups: 1 Carbohydrates 2 Lipids (Fats) 3 Amino Acids and Proteins 4 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 5 Group of complex organic molecules including Porphyrins (eg Haemaglobin, Chlorophyll) CARBOHYDRATES Defn: Containing Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Where the ration of H : O is 2 : 1 as in H2O (water) General Formula CnH2nOn or C(h2O)n where n = whole No There are a few exceptions eg Pentose (5C) sugars in DNA has a molecular formula C 5H10O4, also Chitin has N as well as C,H,O. Simple classification of C/H Mono Simple Oligo (mainly Di) Saccharides (Sugar) Carbohydrates Poly Complex ------ Carbohydrate derivatives eg Chitin, Pectic Acid Biological Importance 1 2 Energy Source Carbohydrates are principal respiratory substrates Structural Compounds eg Cellulose (CW of all plant cells) Lignin 3 Storage Compounds eg 1. Starch (common plant storage never in animals) Plants 2. Sucrose ( eg sugar cane, sugar beet) 3. Inulin Animals - 4. Glycogen (eg mammalian liver 4 Glycoside Formation Wide variety of compounds/ functions eg colouration in flowers (see later ) 116101068 Page 1 of 14 CLASSIFICATION The basic sugar unit = the saccharide . The group is classified according to the No of units 1 sugar unit 2 sugar units Many sugar units = = = Monosaccaride Disaccharide Polysaccharide NB The Di and Tri saccharides are also called Oligosaccharides. DES (Oligo = ‘Few’) Nomenclature (naming C/H) - commonly used is the suffix (ending) OSE to indicate a C/H ie: Gulcose Cellulose Fructose etc C/H in more detail……. A Monosaccharides General There are the building blocks of other important C/H’s n in the general formula is 2-8. All monosaccharides are: a b c d e Nomenclature Sweet tasting Soluble in water Form crystals Reducing sugars (see below) Are subdivide according to C atom No 3C atom M/S = Triose sugars (occur in resp. glycolysis) 4C atom M/S = Tetrose sugars (photosynthesis) 5C atom M/S = Pentose sugars 6C atom M/S = Hexose sugars 7C atom M/S = Heptose suagars Chemical Nature Aldose sugars ~ process ALDEHYDE gp. (-CHO) Monosaccharides are either Ketose sugars ~ process KETO gp. (-C=O) These chemical groups affect fundamentally the Chemical properties of a C/H eg Aldose M/S = glucose Ketose M/S = fructose Reducing Sugar Properties (all M/S are reducing sugars). Both Aldose anmd Ketose M/S are capable of REDUCING Cu III (Cuprous) Cu II (Cuprous) in HOT, ALKALINE solution. When this reduction occurs as Cu II is insoluble it PRECIPITATES Brick Red/Orange Red ppt. NB Benedicts Solution - Alkaline solution of Copper Acetate (Fehling solution also produces similar results) NOTE Polymerised C/H’s have a free -OH (Hydroxyl group) and -H group on C, to be reducing sugars 116101068 Page 2 of 14 General Chemical Test for all C/H = Barfoeds test (see separate note practical file. HEXOSE MONOSACCHARRIDES Here n = 6 subs in general formula C6 H12 O6 = molecular formula Structural Isomeration There are however a number of different ways of arranging molecules (configurations) for C 6H12O6 ie 2 different structural versions of C6H12O6 are: Fischer projections CHO CHO HO OH HO HO HO OH OH OH CH2OH CH2OH 2 More common sugars are: CHO OH 2 HO CH2OH =O HO 3 4 OH OH 5 OH OH OH2OH (Aldose sugar) glucose OH2OH (Ketose sugar) fructose The carbon atoms C2 C3 C4 C5 with 4 different groups attached are called asymetric carbon atoms allowing 24 different just 6 common. 116101068 Page 3 of 14 Stereo - Isomerism As with structural isomerism of the presence of asymmetric C atoms it is possible to have chemical groups attached to the 4 central C atoms in different positions so that minor images result. This is -D- glucose ( form is called TRANS form) This is -D-glucose ( form is called CIS form) The & form is fundamentally important when the sugars enter into combination with other sugars (polymerisation) to form molecules like starch and cellulose. Polymerisation of - D - glucose Polymerisation of -D- glucose starch cellulose NOTE THE 5C RING FORM = The PYRANOSE Ring GLYCOSIDE FORMATION A very important monosaccharide characteristic is the ability to form compounds called glycosides where the OH group attached to 1C reacts with other groups (radicals or molecules) eg1 Phosphate Group Sugar Phosphates. In more detail….. 1 Sugar Phosphates (Phosphate = PO2-4) * Glucose-1-phosphate is important in respiration see later. 116101068 Page 4 of P = Phosphate 14 Other glycoside include: a b Coloured compounds like ANTHOCYANINS ie RED PURPLE compound eg beetroot juice. ANTHOXANTHINS ie YELLOW CREAM eg Daffodil Petals. Toxic compounds (plant protection compounds - natural anti fungicide eg Cyanophoric* glycosides in cherry laurel, hawthorn (* give off -H HCN) Saponin glycoside eg digitalin (foxgloves). Summary: Glycosides are a A protective, reducing herbivore attack and fungal attack - toxic glycosides b Play important part in pollination, coloured petals etc c Play an important part in dispersal, coloured trunks etc 2 Oligosaccharides These include C-H’s which on hydrolysis yields a small No of saccharide units ie 2,3 or 4 sugar units. a Disaccharides These are a form of glycoside. The general formulae is (CnH2nO+CnH2nOn) - H2O * Glycoside Nature All Disaccharides are a form of glycoside as the 2nd sugar unit attaches (by the OH group of sugar unit 1. see below: Examples of D/S 1 Maltose (Malt sugar) 2 Cellobiose (not naturally occuring but the “monomer” of cellulose 3 Sucrose (cane sugar) 4 Lactose (milk sugar) 1 Maltose Molecular formula C12H22O11 (ie n= 6 in the general formula) formation - formed by CONDENSATION of 2 units of -D-glucose Linkage is 1:4 Eqn: Hydrosis of Maltose 1 By boiling in solution (v.slow) 2 By boiling with dil HC1 (fairly rapid) 3 Enzymatic hydrosis via maltose (fastest) NB Maltose is usually synthesised by hydrolysis of starch General Properties 1 Free OH and -H group attached to 1C REDUCING SUGAR 116101068 Page 5 of 14 condensation) to 2 3 Maltose is the repeating unit (MONOMER) of Starch Maltose (Milk Sugar) is produced in the “Malting” stage of brewing (1st step) 2 Sucrose Molecular formula C12H22O11 Formation - formed by CONDENSATION of phosphate) Lineage -D-fructose and -D-glucose (usually as a sugar 1:2 Eqn Synthesis In PLANTS only. Made form glucose 1-P (glycoside) + fructose via enzyme SUCROSE PHOSPHORYLASE. Hydrolysis of Sucrose 1 2 Boil in solution with dil HC1 (fairly rapid) Enzymatic hydrolysis via SUCRASE General Properties 1 NON-REDUCING sugar ie no free OH and -H group on 1C 2 Important as (a) Main TRANSLOCATE in the phloem of higher plants (b) carbohydrate in sugar beet and sugar cane. 3 Cellobiose Molecular formulae C12H22O11 Formation - Formed by CONDENSATION of Lineage 1:4 -D-glucose Eqn Hydrosis of Cellobiose 116101068 Page 6 of 14 storage 1 2 Hot acid (very slow) Enzymatic (cytase) General Properties 1 2 3 Reducing sugar Monomer - repeating units of cellulose Does not occur naturally as the free sugar 4 LACTOSE Molecular formulae C12H22 O11 Formation - by CONDENSATION of 1 unit of 1 unit of -D-glucose Lineage 1:4 -D galactose and Eqn Hydrolysis 1 2 Hot acid (very rapid) Enzymatic General Properties 1 2 REDUCING SUGAR Forms 6% by dry weight of human milk General Summary 1 2 3 4 May be reducing or non-reducing Sweet tasting Water soluble Form crystals POLYSACCHARIDES 116101068 Page 7 of 14 General Introduction These are an important group of carbohydrates. Two main divisions: a b Structural Polysaccharides eg Cellulose, Chitin, Lignin (wood) Storage Polysaccharides eg Starch, Glycogen and Insulin General Formula (CnHzn-2 On-1)x Where n = 4-6 x = 100’s (sometimes 1000’s) Genral Properties of P/S Sugar properties lost all are: 1 2 3 Non sweet tasting Non truly soluble in H2O (form collodial sols not crystaloid sols) Non Cyrstaline Structural P/S In these polysaccharides the sugar unit residues present in the form the long chain molecules of the polymer are straight, and cross-linkages between chains occur giving the material its strength. A Cellulose From general formula n=6 (C6H10O5) 100’s Formation the monomer is cellabiose which condense together in a 1:4 linkage. Representation of a portion of celluboise molecule: MACROSTRUCTURE Each cellulose chain is thought to be at least 500 celluboise residues long and can be up to 5000. H-bonding occurs between chains due to projecting OH groups forming a 3D lattice called a microfibril. The long chain polymers of cellulose, may X-link due to H bonding between projecting -OH groups creating a 3D lattice arrangement which has considerable mechanical strength, the lattice arrangement creates a ‘bundle’ of cellulose polymers which is called a Microfibril. In the primary and secondary cell walls of higher plants ,highly visible under the EM (usually heavy metal shadowed), are the Microfibrils, often arranged with bundles of microfibrils = MICROFIBRILS (Ref see handout - Cytology) Diagram of a Microfibril of Cellulose 116101068 Page 8 of 14 Commercial Importance of Cellulose See Roberts p68 (Old Roberts) Synthesis 2 enzymes involved -D glucose Cellobiose Cytose Cellobiose Cellulose Photosynthesis (or from storage P/S) Hydrolysis 1 2 Hot acid hydrolysis (very slow) Enzymatic enzyme cellulose Cellulose ,D - glucose and F NB Cellulose is exclusive to the invertabrates (ie No Vertabrate makes cellulose) only larhe invertabrates = snail (in UK) eg Cellulose secreted by protazoan Trichonympha found in the gut of termites. Relation of trichonympha found in the gut of RUMINANTS (animals with Rumen - which acts as a fermentation chamber in the gut) Test for Cellulose Zinc-chlor-iodide solution (SHULTZES SOLUTION) deep blue colour = the result Hemicellulose A mixed bag. Hemicelluloses are present in the Primary and Scenondary cell walls of the plants they fill in the spaces between the cellulose microfibrils and the macrofibrils. H Celluloses are polymers of (usually -D) sugars, OTHER than glucose eg PENTOSE (5C) sugars including - Xylose, Arabinose HEXOSE (6C) sugars including - Galactose, Mannose Hemicellulose molecules unlike cellulose may be branched. Structural Carbohydrate - Derivatives A derivative in this case is a molecule that has some C/H qualities but is not a C/H. a PECTIC COMPOUNDS 116101068 Page 9 of 14 Consist of Polymers of Sugar-acids, most common sugar acid is PECTIC ACID = a polymer of D-galacturanic acid. The Carboxyl (-COOH) or acid groups of pectic acid combine readily to form salts with divalent ions like Ca2+ or Mg2+ - The Ca/Mg acting as X-links between polymers very strong adhesive substances. Ca/Mg Pectates = the substance of the middle lamalla in plant cells. Diagram of Ca/Mg Pectate b CHITIN Located in the exoskeletons of anthropods found in the cell walls of some fungi. Chitin is a polymer of acetyl glucosmine - this is the acetyl derivative of the N containing amino-sugar glucosamine. The linkages between monomers is 1:4 Lignin Tests Chemical Test: Macroscopic - acidified phloroglucinol red colour indicates lignin. Microscopic - amiline chloride/sulphate yellow colour indicates lignin. c LIGNIN (wood) Closely related to the C/H’s but strictly speaking not a C/H. Lignin is the chemical term for wood - the principal strengthening material for the Zudary cell wall in plant material. Lignin is a 3D polymer made up of Phenyl Propane residues. 116101068 Page 10 of 14 Occurance lignified plant tissue are : a b Xylem vessels Fibre cells eg sclerenchyma collenchyma Food Storage in C/H In these polymers the sugar monomers are assembled in the alpha configuration. The linkages, principally 1-4 are all on thje same side of chains, the chains are not straight. a Starch Molecular formula (C6H10O5)x where x = 300-1000 There mare two natural forms of starch 1 is Amylose starch (35% of starch is soluble) the other is Amylopectin Starch. Occurance: 1 1 2 3 Pea seeds = 100% Amylose Starch Maize Seeds = 100% Amylopectin Starch Most plants = mixture of both Amylose (soluble starch) Structure: This is a HELICALLY coited molecule which is made up of unbranched chain of 300-1000 -D-glucose residues the linkage is 1:4 (sometimes the odd -D-glucose residue is present) Representation of Amylose Molecule The average Mr is approx 60,000 Chemical test for amylose: Reagent = Iodine (I2) Potassium Iodide (KI) solution - deep blue/black colouration amylose. + due to starch iodine complex. Note: 1 2 3 116101068 Amylose + water Colloidal sol Ideal storage/food reserve a b c d AMYLOPECTIN Page 11 of 14 + indicates No interference with cell Insoluble metabolism Low OP HEC (high energy compound) Large molecules (can’t escape) Structure This is a 2D branched chain of -D-glucose residues. Linkages are 1:4 & 1:6. Representation of Amylopectin molecule: Starch Synthesis Starch phosphorylase glucose - 1 - P Starch + X P1 (glycoside) Starch Hydrolysis Amylose - A Amylopectin -B 1 2 3 A Shorter chains Maltose B Shorter chains (dextrins) Boil A/B with oil HCI dextrins Maltose glucose Heating to 2000C Enzymatic hydrolysis In animals -2 step process: Step One Salivery AMYLASE Pancreatic AMYLASE Amylase Starch (1 or 2) Step Two Maltose 116101068 Maltose Maltase (in pancreatic juice) Glucose ( -D) Page 12 of 14 In plants - enzyme complex - = DIASTASE completly hydrolyses starch DIASTASE contains following enzymes Amylase Amylase R Enzyme Maltase ) Amylase then Maltase in Diastase to -D-glucose (may be small amount of -D glucose) Hydrolysed by (& AMYLOSE AMYLOPECTIN Location of Starch Found as granules in a large variety of plant cells in all parts of the plant but especially the: a b c Roots - Parenchuma cells of CORTEX Endodermis (tissue) = Starch sheath in both roots & stems Leaves - Mesophyll cells More detailed location in plant cells: 1 2 3 Lencoplants = membrane bond organelles in starch Chloroplants Pyrenoids Detail of starch grain Rice Starch 116101068 Potato Page 13 of 14 Wheat b GLYCOGEN (Animal Starh) Molecular Formula (C6H10O5)n where n = whole No 100’s General Glycogen is a polymer consisting of many D glucose residues linked together 1:4 with branches via 1:6 linkages, the polymer is 2D resembling Amylopectin - principal difference is that the branches are 2x as numerous. Each chain length is 18 -D-glucose residues long. representation of glycogen Function Glycogen is the main storage C/H in animals. Location in Mammals 1 2 3 Liver Cells (hepatocytes) Muscle Cells Brain Cells Hormonal role in Homeostatic blood sugar regulation: Insulin cells of islets* Glucose Glycogen (in liver cells) Glucagon cells if islets (in solution in blood plasma) * Cells of the islets of Langerthan in the pancreas. c INULIN This storage C/H is common in a group of plants known as the Compostae which includes: Dandelion, Sunflower, Dalia and Artichokes. General The monomer is -D-fructose linkages are 1:2 and a glucose residue is usually found at the end of the chains which are straight and unbranched. Representation of Inlulin Molecule Note: Never found in animals 116101068 Page 14 of 14