Graduate Curriculum Committee Course Proposal Form For Courses Numbered 6000 and Higher Note: Before completing this form, please carefully read the accompanying instructions. 1. Course prefix and number: REHB 6375 3. Requested action: X 7 2. Date: 01/31/2011 New Course Revision of Active Course Revision & Unbanking of a Banked Course Renumbering of an Existing Course from from to # # 4. Method(s) of delivery (check all boxes that apply for both current/proposed and expected future delivery methods within the next three years): Current or Proposed Delivery Method(s): X Expected Future Delivery Method(s): On-campus (face to face) X Distance Course (face to face off campus) Online (delivery of 50% or more of the instruction is offered online) 5. Justification (must cite accreditation and/or assessment by the graduate faculty) for new course or course revision or course renumbering: An ongoing assessment by the Graduate Faculty in the Department of Rehabilitation Studies determined the need to add a graduate class in counseling military, veterans, and individuals experiencing trauma. This course will prepare our students to compete for positions in a recently-opened (09/28/10) career ladder for licensed mental health counselors, including substance abuse counselors, within the Veterans Administration medical centers. This new course is designed specifically for graduate level counselors-in-training and will prepare students for counseling in the areas of substance abuse, clinical mental health, rehabilitation counseling, and vocational evaluation for active military, veterans, and other individuals experiencing trauma. 6. Course description exactly as it should appear in the next catalog: 6375. Military and Trauma Counseling (3) P: REHB majors or consent of instructor. Focus of course is on providing assessment, counseling, rehabilitation, and transitional services to individuals and families in the military, veterans, and trauma survivors. 7. If this is a course revision, briefly describe the requested change: NA 145 8. Graduate catalog page number from current (.pdf) graduate catalog: 9. Course credit: Lecture Hours 3 3 Weekly OR Per Term Credit Hours Lab Weekly OR Per Term Credit Hours s.h. Studio Weekly OR Per Term Credit Hours s.h. Practicum Weekly OR Per Term Credit Hours s.h. Internship Weekly OR Per Term Credit Hours s.h. Other (e.g., independent study) Please explain. Total Credit Hours 10. Anticipated annual student enrollment: 3 s.h. 30 11. Affected degrees or academic programs: Degree(s)/Program(s) Current Catalog Page MS in Substance Abuse & Clinical Counseling MS in Rehabilitation Counseling MS in Vocational Evaluation PhD in Rehabilitation Counseling and Administration s.h. Changes in Degree Hours 141 None 141 None 141 142 None None 12. Overlapping or duplication with affected units or programs: Not applicable X Notification & response from affected units is attached 13. Council for Teacher Education (CTE) approval (for courses affecting teacher education): Not applicable X Applicable and CTE has given their approval. 14. Service-Learning Advisory Committee (SLAC) approval Not applicable X Applicable and SLAC has given their approval. 15. Statements of support: a. Staff X Current staff is adequate Additional staff is needed (describe needs in the box below): b. Facilities X Current facilities are adequate Additional facilities are needed (describe needs in the box below): c. Library X Initial library resources are adequate Initial resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and an estimate for the cost of acquisition of required initial resources): d. Unit computer resources X Unit computer resources are adequate Additional unit computer resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and an estimate for the cost of acquisition): e. ITCS resources X ITCS resources are not needed The following ITCS resources are needed (put a check beside each need): Mainframe computer system Statistical services Network connections Computer lab for students Software Approval from the Director of ITCS attached 16. Course information (see: Graduate Curriculum and Program Development Manual for instructions): a. Textbook(s) and/or readings: author(s), name, publication date, publisher, and city/state/country Textbooks: Hall, L.K. (2008). Counseling military families: What mental health professionals need to know. NY: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-95688-8. Rosenbloom, D., Williams, M.B., & Watkins, B. (2010). Life after trauma: A workbook for healing (2nd ed.). NY: The Guilford Press. ISBN 978-1-60623-608-6. Readings: Corso, K.A., Bryan, C.J., Morrow, C.E., Appolonio, K.K., Dodendorf, D.M., & Baker, M.T. (2009). Managing PTSD symptoms in active-duty military personnel in primary care settings. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 31(2), 119-137. Frain, M.P., Bishop, M., & Bethel, M. (2010). A roadmap for rehabilitation Counseling to serve military veterans with disabilities. Journal of Rehabilitation, 76(1), 13-21. Gutierrez, P.M., & Brenner, L.A. (2009). Introduction: Helping military personnel and recent veterans manage stress reactions. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 31(2), 95-100. Patterson, F.L., & Staton, A.R. (2009). Adult-acquired traumatic brain injury: Existential implications and clinical considerations. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 31(2), 149-163. Philpotte, D., & Hill, J. (2009). The wounded warrior handbook: A resource for returning veterans. Lanham, MD: Government Institutes. Potter, A.R., Baker, M.T., Sanders, C.S., & Peterson, A.L. (2009). Combat stress reactions during military deployments: Evaluation of the effectiveness of combat stress control treatment. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 31(2), 137-148. Whealin, J.M., DeCarvatho, L.T., & Vega, E.M. (2008). Strategies for managing stress after war: Veteran’s workbook and guide to wellness. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons. b. Course objectives for the course (student – centered, behavioral focus) Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1. Appraise psychosocial issues related to individuals and families in active-duty military and veterans. 2. Examine stressors and symptoms of distress in active military personnel and veterans. 3. Devise assessment and counseling strategies for individuals and families in active-duty and veterans experiencing substance use disorders, TBI, PTSD and other stress-related disorders. 4. Analyze the symptoms of distressed trauma survivor. c. Course topic outline Psychosocial issues related to individuals and families in active-duty military and veterans. Stress and the military experience Reintegration into society from active duty The family of military personnel and veterans Types of trauma Trauma and recovery Assessment and counseling strategies Tools for healthy coping Dealing with anger Treating addicted survivors of trauma d. List of course assignments, weighting of each assignment, and grading/evaluation system for determining a grade Assignments/grading: Mid-term Exam Final Exam Term Paper Grading Scale: A 90 – 100% B 80 – 89% C 70 - 79% F < 70% 33⅓% 33⅓% 33⅓%