28TH ANNUAL FELDMAN LECTURE DR. ARYA SHARMA OBESITY – ASSESSMENT & TREATMENT FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH 2011 GREY NUNS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Dr. Arya M. Sharma, MD/PhD, FRCPC is Professor of Medicine & Chair for Cardiovascular Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; Medical Director of the Edmonton Capital Health Region’s Interdisciplinary Weight Wise Program; Scientific Director of the Canadian Obesity Network funded through the federal Networks of Centres of Excellence program; Medical Director of the Edmonton Regional Bariatric Program; & President of the Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons His past appointments include Professor of Medicine and Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) at McMaster University (2002-2007), Professor of Medicine at the Franz-Volhard Klinik - Charité, Humboldt University Berlin (2000-2002) and the Free University of Berlin (1994-2000). His research focuses on the evidence-based prevention and management of obesity and its complications. He is a member of several scientific associations, including the Canadian and International Societies of Hypertension; Fellow of the Council for High Blood Pressure Research of the American Heart Association; and on the editorial boards of several academic journals. In 2005, he spearheaded the launch of the Canadian Obesity Network, which, with well over 5000 members, has remarkably transformed the landscape of obesity research and management in Canada. His research focuses on an evidence-based approach to managing obese patients and includes the development of the Edmonton Obesity Staging System. Dr. Sharma has authored or coauthored more than 300 publications and has lectured widely on the etiology and management of hypertension, obesity, and related cardiometabolic disorders. Dr. Sharma is regularly featured as a medical expert in national and international TV and print media including the CBC, CTV, New York Times, and MSNBC. Dr. Sharma maintains a widely-read blog where he regularly posts his ideas and thoughts on obesity prevention and management: http://www.drsharma.ca Dr. Sharma has received the following awards: Key Note Lecture Award, Korean Society for the Study of Obesity; Clinical research Award, American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery; Annual Art Macgregor Lecture Award, Vancouver Island Health Authority; Gordon Reid MacDonald Memorial Lecturer Award, Misericordia Hospital; Distinguished Lecturer, Division of Cardiology, University of British Columbia; Rick Gallop Award for Research Excellence, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario; RD Wright Lecture, High Blood Pressure Research Council of Australia; Canada Research Chair, Cardiovascular Obesity Research & Management; Dieter Klaus Forderpreis, German Society for Hypertension. OBESITY: Extreme obesity affects nearly 8% of Canadians and is debilitating, costly and ultimately lethal; current obesity “pandemic” expected to result in considerable downstream morbidity, mortality and incremental costs to health care systems around the world; an estimated 59% of Canadian adults and 26% of children and adolescents are overweight; Excess weight is strongly associated with dozens of diseases including diabetes, hypertension, cancer, mental illness, osteoarthritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease-obstructive sleep apnea and chronic pain; one in four Canadian adults and one in ten Canadian children are now clinically obese; assessment of obesity; brain regions that control appetite; psychiatric conditions affect appetite, weight & metabolism; pharmacologic & nonpharmacologic strategies for weight management; potential interactions with psychiatric medications and disorders; burning of calories by muscle versus fat; age & metabolism; gender versus metabolism; leptin; ghrelin; weight loss decreases metabolism; physiology & psychology of weight management; is hunger an addition; compulsion to eat; brain response to food cues; the appetitive network; craving; gut-brain interactions in appetite control; clinical co-morbidity including depression, ADHD; bariatric surgery; mental health as a barrier to obesity management; does treating obesity cause remission of depression; binge eating disorder; BMI; association between obesity& health related quality of life in patients with coronary artery disease; medical tourism approach to the surgical management of obesity; unhealthy lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol and drug use are also often associated with mental illness and make exercise and healthy nutritional choices more difficult; prevalence of Axis I disorders among weight loss surgery candidates ranges from 20 – 60% with mood & anxiety disorders being the most common while Axis II disorders are seen in approximately 25% of surgical candidates This Grey Nuns Hospital Grand Rounds event is approved for 5 hours as an Accredited Group Learning Activity under Section 1 of the Framework of CPD options for the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. 0730 – 0815 Registration & Continental Breakfast 1200 – 1300 Lunch - Gymnasium 0815 - 1000 Lecture 1 – Prevalence & Comorbidity 1300 – 1400 Lecture 3 – Treatment Options 1000 –1030 Refreshments 1400 – 1500 Lecture 4 - Meet the Professor 1030 - 1200 Lecture 2 – The Science of Obesity REGISTRATION FORM ____________________________________________________________________________________ Name Profession ___________________________________________________________________________________ Address Bus. Phone # E-Mail Yes, I plan to attend the Zane Feldman Lectures and Luncheon and have enclosed a cheque or money order for $125.00 made payable to Feldman Lecture Fund. Because of the widespread and general interest in obesity we are extending the invitation to spouses and significant others. Spouses & significant others will be required to register and pay the listed fee. Registration fee after October 4th 2011 is $150.00. No refunds after October 4th, 2011. Please detach registration form and return to: Grey Nuns Community Hospital, Psychiatry Program, Room 1810, 1100 Youville Drive West, Edmonton, Alberta T6L 5X8 Sorry, but we do not accept Visa or MasterCard. For further information please phone Sharon Reimer at 780-735-7145 or e-mail sharon.reimer@covenanthealth.ca