radiographic cattle

17.6 Course Description
117 101
Principles of Animal Production
Prerequisite : none
Principles of production of animals that serve mankinds and are
of economic importance; breeds and breeding, feeds and feeding,
rearing management, marketing and disease prevention and parasite
control of poultry, pigs, beef animals, dairy animals and aquatic animals;
problems and socio-economic factors involving animal production;
impacts of animal production on human ecology and natural resources;
impacts of globalization on animal production, marketing and trade of
animal products.
117 301
Poultry and Swine Production
Prerequisite :: 117 101
Breeds, breeding and selection, reproduction, nutrition and
feeding, housing management and marketing of poultry and swine,
anitation and disease control in Thailand, status and characteristics of
Thai poultry and swine industry, factors and problems affecting on the
production systems in the tropics.
117 303
Cattle and Buffalo Production
Prerequisite: 117 101
Production systems, breeds, breeding systems and nutrition of
dairy cattle, beef cattle and buffalo, status and characteristics of cattle
and buffalo production in Thailand. Factors affecting on the cattle and
buffalo production systems in Thailand and tropics.
117 343
Livestock Feeds and Feeding
Prerequisite 117 101 (#)
Animal nutrition problems in the tropics, nutritional characteristics
of feedstuffs, chemical analysis, feed formulations, feed processing,
feed evaluation and utilization techniques and livestock feeding in the
117 451
Animal Breeding and Improvement
Prerequisite 117 101, 114 301 or 316 204, 311 244
Qualitative and quantitative inheritance in relation to animal
breeding. The genetic theory of selection, population structure and
induced variation, mating
systems and breeding experiments with
reference to livestock improvement of Thailand.
118 121
General Fisheries
Prerequisite : none
General fisheries in Thailand and other countries, fishery resources and
Fishing gears, culture of aquatic animals and aquatic plants, fish
processing And preservation, fish marketing, fish transportation, fishery
organizations and Institutions, fishery policy and development.
216 XXX Physical Education Activities
Prerequisite : none
History and advantages of physical activities, reinforcing capability
and basic skill of activities. Student may select on of the following activities
swimming, athletics, football, basketball, volleyball,
rugby football, handball, softball, tennis, badminton, judo, gymnastic,
dance; etc.
311 101
311 102
Biology I
Prerequisite : none
Basic biological concepts. The structure and function of plant and
animal cells. Elementary cell biochemistry, enzyme action, cellular respiration
and photosynthesis. Physiological processes in plants. Reproduction and
development of lower organisms and plants. Fundamental genetics and
evolution. Principles of classification. Monera, protista and plant kingdoms.
Biology Laboratory I
Prerequisite : con. 311 101
A laboratory experiment to accompany 311 101
311 103
Biology II
Prerequisite : none
Levels of organization in animals. Animal tissues. Reproduction,
development and physiological processes in animals. Homeostasis. Hormonal
and neural control of biological function. Animal behaviour. Principles of animal
classification. Fundamental of ecology, population structure and dynamics
and biosphere. Some important environmental problems.
311 104
Biology Laboratory II
Prerequisite : con. 311 103
A laboratory experiment to accompany 311 103
311 244
Introductory Genetics
Prerequisite : 311 101,311 102,311 103 and311 104
History of Genertics, genes during cell division andgametogenesis,
mendelian and non-mendelian inheritances, material and chemical
basis, gene activities and their regulation, probability in genetics, gene
mutation and chromosome aberration, transmission genetics in
eukaryotes (plant, animal and man) and prokaryotes (bacteria and virus),
sex determination and inheritance of gene on sex chromosome,
cytoplasmic inheritance and material effect, population genetics and evolution,
quantitative inheritance, gene and development, genetic engineering and new
technology in genetics.
312 105
General Chemistry
Prerequisite : none
Stoichiometry. Atomic structure. Chemical bonding. Gas. Solid. Liquid
and Solution. Chemical thermodynamics. Electron transterring system. Chemical
Kinetics. Chemical and Ionic equilibria. Periodic table and Representative
elements Transition metals. Nuclear Chemistry. Environmental Chemistry.
312 106
General Chemistry Laboratory
Prerequisite : con. 312 105
The Laboratroy experiments to accompany 312 105 General Chemistry.
312 112
Basic Organic Chemistry
Prerequisite : 312 101,312 102,312 103 และ 312 104 or
312 105, 312 106
Atomic structure. Chemical bond and the polarity of bond and
molecule, functional groups, structural writing, alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes,
dienes, polyenes, alkynes, benzene,aromatic compounds, alchols and phenols,
ethers, epoxides, carboxylic acids, and their derviatives, amines.
312 113
Basic Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Prerequisite : 312 101,312 102,312 103 and 312 104 or
312 105,312 106
The laboratory
experiments related to 312 112 Basic Organic
316 204
Elementary Statistics
Prerequisite none
Meaning and Method of Statistics. Measures of central tendency .
and Dispersion .Some discrete probability distributions Normal
318 305
Prerequisite : 312 112, 312 113
Chemistry structure and function of biomolecules; the emzyme;
Metabolic pathways and bioenergentics; biosynthesis on nucleic acids
And proteins; genetic codes and metabolic regulation.
318 306
Biochemistry Laboratory
Prerequisite : 312 112, 312 113
Basic biochemicaltechniques; chemical reactions of Biomolecules;
basic metabolic experiments.
320 101
Microcomputer and Application
Prerequisite : none
Introduction computer system; hardware, software and arcchitecture
of microcomputer, linkage of microcomputer in a network, discussion and Practice
on microcompueter of the following topics : operating system programing
(emphasizing logic and style), use of common packages on microcomputer, word
processing, spreadsheet, graphic and database management.
321 104
General Mathematics
Prerequisite : none
Principle of mathematical induction, binomial theorem,
probability, Random variables, conic section, translation and rotation,
limits and continuity, derivatives and their applications, integration and
its applications.
411 106
English for Health Sciences I
Prerequisite : none
The development of abilities in the use of English skills: writing,
listening, Speaking, and especially reading, so that the students. can use the
language in Their study of other subjects and in everyday life; for students in the
fields of Health sciences.
411 206
English for Health Sciences II
Prerequisite : 411 106 #
The development of abilities in the use of English skills : writing, listening,
Speaking, and especially reading at a higher level. Continuation of English for Health
Sciences I.
414 241
Human Relations
Prerequisite : none
The study of the nature of human relations, the fundamental of motivation,
individual and group behavior, human relations at work and the fundamental of
leadership, management of conflicts and changes, and the generating of human
relation techniques.
711 111
Gross Anatomy of Avian and Aquatic Animals
Prerequisite : none
Gross anatomy of avian and aquatic animals i.e emphasizes on digestive,
reproductive, and skeletal systems.
711 212
Gross Anatomy of Small Animals
Prerequisite : none
The study of various systems in small-sized mammals at macroscopic level
by using canine model
711 213
Gross Anatomy of Large Animals
Prerequisite : 711 212
The study of gross anatomy of large animals including horse, pig, and
ruminants that emphasizes on digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and
musculoskeletal systems
711 221
Veterinary Embryology
Prerequisite : none
The study of embryonic development of avian and mammals starting from
fertilization to hatching or parturition
711 231
Veterinary Histology
Prerequisite : 711 212
The study of microscopic anatomy of various organs in fish, amphibian,
avian, and mammals
712 211
Veterinary Physiology I
Prerequisite : 711 212, 711 231
The study of structures and functions of cell, tissue and organs of animals ;
such as of body fluid and electrolytes system, muscular system, motor nervous
system and autonomic nervous
712 312
Veterinary Physiology II
Prerequisite : 712 211
The study of structures and functions of animal organs ; such as blood and
circulartory system, respiratory system, urinary system.
712 313
Veterinary Physiology III
Prerequisite : 712 312
The study of structures and functions of animal organs ; such as digestive
system, endocrine system and reproductive system, metabolism and body
temperature regulation.
712 321
Veterinary Clinical Biochemistry
Prerequisite : 318 305, 318 306
Biochemistry of organic and inorganic substances ; such as glucose, lipid,
protein, non-protein nitrogen, bile pigment, enzymes, electrolytes, acid-base balance
and minerals ; involving of chemicals in vital organs such as liver and kidney, and
urine ; including plasma and urine examination for diagnosis of diseases.
712 331
Animal Behavioral Physiology
Prerequisite : ไม่มี
The study of history and definition of animal behavior, the influence of
genetics, hormones, nervous system and muscular system upon animal behavior ;
animal communication, social behavior ; including the application of this knowledge
to veterinary practice.
713 311
Principles of Veterinary Pharmacology
Prerequisite : 712 211
Basic knowlege of pharmacology concerning the history, legal control of
drugs, drug administration, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics together with
any components affecting to the drug absorption, dissolution, biotransformation,
excretion and mechanism; the drug evaluation with the side effects; the drug
interaction and tolerance.
713 312
Veterinary Pharmacology
Prerequisite : 713 311
Pharmacological effects of drugs for the treatment of diseases caused by
bacteria, protozoa, fungi and helminths; antineoplastic drugs; antipyretic drug;
antiinflammatory drugs; antiseptics and disinfectants; vaccines and serum; and feed
Pharmacological effects of drugs acting on nervous system,
Cardiovascular system, balance system of water and electrolygastrointestinal
system, endocrine system, musculoskeletal system, drugs for the local treatment,
hematinic drugs and vitamins.
713 321
Veterinary Pharmacy
Prerequisite : 312 112, 312 113
Basic knowledge concerning drug nomenclature, source of drugs, control
of drug manufacturing, drug prescriptions, drug process and preparation of different
dosage forms, and knowledge of veterinary pharmacy such as vaccine production,
forms of drug mixing in animal feed related to the veterinary drug industry.
713 431
Veterinary Toxicology
Prerequisite : 713 312
Classification of groups, sources and toxicities of various toxic substances
poisoning to animal, particularly in livestock. Measurements of toxicants and
toxicities of those various toxins including the general principles for the treatment of
poisonings and the effects of toxic residues in the animal body and the environment
714 311
Veterinary General Pathology
Prerequisite : 711 213, 711 231, 714 342
The pathologic mechanisms in diseased animals covering etiology,
pathogenesis, cellular and tissue reactions, cellular and tissue degeneration and
necrosis, inflammation, repair, physiopathological and metabolic changes of normal
tissue to become tumor and
cancer, necropsy and collection of preserved
tissue for the histopathological examination, including good
714 331
Veterinary Helminthology
Prerequisite : 311 103, 311 104
The study of parasitic helminths in animals including taxonomy, morphology,
life cycle, prevalence, infestation routes, pathological characteristics, laboratory
diagnosis, eradication, prophylaxis and treatment, emphasizing on major parasites in
Thailand and neiboring countries as well as other countries in the world.
714 341
Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology
Prerequisite : 311 103, 311 104
Morphology, general properties, habitat, pathogenesis and epidemiology of
bacteria and fungi in animals, including methods in diagnosis, treatment, control and
elimination of bacteria and fungi
714 342
Veterinary Immunology
Prerequisite :: 311 103, 311 104
The study of important parasitic insects and protozoa causing
loss in domestic animals, including taxonomy, morphology, life cycle,
prevalence, infestation routes and pathological characteristics, laboratory diagnosis,
eradication, prophylaxis and treatment, mphasizing on major parasites in Thailand
and neighbour countries as well as other countries in the world.
714 343
Veterinary Virology
Prerequisite : 311 103, 311 104
Nature of virus, morphology and diseases caused by viruses, method of
viral identification , cultivation, isolation including preservation of virus.
714 412
Veterinary Systemic Pathology
Prerequisite :: 714 311
The pathological changes, pathogenesis including diagnosis and
pathogenesis of tissues and organs in various systems of the animals including
respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary, reproductive, musculoskeletal , nervous,
alimentary and hemopoietic system, etc.
714 413
Veterinary Clinical Pathology
Prerequisite : 712 321, 714 432,
Examination of blood , feces, urine, serum, cerebrospinal fluid and
others in laboratory for diagnosis including interpretation.
714 432
Veterinary Entomology and Protozoology
Prerequisite :: 714 331
The study of important parasitic insects and protozoa causing loss in
domestic animals, including taxonomy, morphology, life cycle, prevalence,
infestation routes and pathological characteristics, laboratory diagnosis, eradication,
prophylaxis and treatment, emphasizing on major parasites in Thailand and
neighbour countries as well as other countries in the world.
714 551
Clinical Practice in Pathology I
Prerequisite :: 714 341,714 343,714 412,714 413,714 432
Practice of necropsy, collection of specimen from various animals e.g.
canine, swine, poultry etc. and principle of disease diagnosis by pathological,
parasitological, microbiogical and immunological principles.
714 652
Clinical Practice in Pathology II
Prerequisite :: 714 551
Practice of necropsy, interpretation of clinical pathology , disease diagnoses
by pathological, parasitological, microbiological and immunological techniques.
714 653
Clinical Practice in Pathology III 2(0-4-2)
Prerequisite : 714 652
Practice of necropsy, interpretation of clinical pathology,
disease diagnoses by pathological, parasitological, microbiological
and immunological techniques.
715 261
Animal Restraint
Prerequisite : none
Method of restraint of animal for clinical examination and treatment.
715 411
Veterinary General Surgery
Prerequisite :: 711 212, 713 312, 715 241
Basic principles of surgery, general and regional anesthesia,
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cryosurgery, fluid therapy, types of wound, wound
healing and treatment, surgical treatment of wound, abscess, necrosis, sinus and
fistula, general consideration and pattern of suturing.
715 412
Small Animal Surgery
Prerequisite :: 715 411, 715 421, Con 715 431
Diagnosis and treatment of systemic surgical diseases in dog and cat.
715 413
Veterinary Orthopedic Surgery
Prerequisite :: 715 411
Basic principles in surgery of orthopedics, connective tissue and joints,
clinical examination and diagnosis of bone and joint diseases, principle and
treatment procedures of bone fracture including complications of bone healing.
715 421
Veterinary Radiology
Prerequisite :: 711 212, 711 213
Basic principles of physical radiation, physics of radiographic diagnosis,
effects of radiation to life, radiation hardzard and protection, interpretation of normal
and pathological radiography in dog, cat and large animals, special techniques for
radiographic diagnosis, basic principles for radiotherapy and ultrasound.
715 431
Clinical Practice in Small Animal Surgery
Prerequisite : 715 411, 715 421, Con 715 412
General anesthesia in practice, surgical approach to various organs in small
715 441
Veterinary Gynaecology and Andrology
Prerequisite : 711 221,712 313,717 421
Anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system in domestic animals,
diseases and pathology of the reproductive system, prevention and treatment of the
reproductive diseases, management for reproductive efficiency.
715 514
Large Animal Surgery
Prerequisite : 715 412, 715 413, 715 431
Diagnosis and surgical treatment of common diseases in large animals.
715 532
Clinical Practice in Surgery I
Prerequisite : 715 412, 715 413, 715 431
Practice for skill in general surgery such as wound managment and
suturing, general anesthesia and handling of surgical instruments.
715 533
Clinical Practice in Surgery II
Prerequisite :: 715 532
Practice for skill in radiology such as film exposure, developing and
interpretation, special techniques and ultrasonography in diagnosis.
715 534
Clinical Practice in Surgery III
Prerequisite :: 715 533
Clinical Practice in surgery and radiology in small animals (dog
and cat)
715 542
Artificial Insemination and Reproduction Technology
Prerequisite :: 715 441
Sire selection and evaluation, semen evaluation, semen production, artificial
insemination, induction of oestrus, in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer, freezing of
embryo, genetic engineering
715 543
Veterinary Obstetrics
Prerequisite :: 715 542
Pregnancy and pregnancy diagnosis, parturition and correction of dystocia ,
management of reproductive system, diseases and abnormalities of gestation and
postpartum period, management of the newborn and the dam.
715 551
Clinical Practice in Theriogenology I
Prerequisite :: 715 441
Examination and diagnosis of the reproductive system in small animals
(dog, cat and pig)
715 552
Clinical Practice in Theriogenology II
Prerequisite :: 715 551
Examination and diagnosis of the reproductive system in ruminants (cattle,
buffalo, goat and sheep) and horse.
715 553
Clinical Practice in Obstetrics I
Prerequisite :: 715 552
Examination and diagnosis in obstetrics of small animals (dog, cat and pig)
715 635
Clinical Practice in Surgery IV
Prerequisite :: 715 534
Clinical practice in
(cattle, buffalo and horse)
surgery and radiology in pig and large animals
715 636
Clinical Practice in Surgery V
Prerequisite :: 715 635
Clinical practice in elective surgery such as orthopedics surgery, dentistry
surgery, plastic surgery including special techniques of radiology such as
pyelography, myelography, pneumoperitography and pneumocystography.
715 654
Clinical Practice in Obstetrics II
Prerequisite : 715 553
Examination and diagnosis in obstetrics of ruminants(cattle, buffalo, goat
and sheep)
Clinical Practice in Obstetrics III
Prerequisite : 715 654
Examination and diagnosis in obstetrics of horse
715 655
716 231
Management of Laboratory Animals
Prerequisite :: ไม่มี
Study of types and species of laboratory animals and in medical
Researches including breeding, feeding, production, control and
Disease Prevention of laboratory animals, Housing sanitation and proper
Management of laboratory animals.
716 251
Field Practice in Animal Science
Prerequisite : 117 451, 117 303
Field practice concerning breeding and livestock farm management.
716 312
Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine 3(3-0-3)
Prerequisite :: 316 204
Questionaire design, Data collection, Data analysis and
Presentation of Veterinary Epidemiology, Distribution, Investigation,
Diagnosis, Control and Prevention and Surveillance Of outbreaks.
716 411
Food Protection
Prerequisite :: 117 343
Control of production, processing, storage and marketing of food from
animal origin; surveillances, control and diagnoses of food borne diseases, infection
process, food processing plant sanitation including food habits, attitudes and
ecology that affect the outbreaks.
716 412
Meat, Poultry and Meat Product Inspection
Prerequisite :: 716 411, 714 412
Control of production, processing, storage, transportation and marketing of
meat, meat products and poultry meats, including slaughter house and meat
processing plant sanitation.
716 413
Milk and Milk Product Quality Inspection
Prerequisite :: 716 411, 714 412
Control of production, processing, storage, transportation and marketing of
milk and milk products; including techniques of investigation of milk and milk product
716 414
Prerequisite : 717 421,714 331
Epidemiological surveillances and importance of public health, socioeconomic aspect of important zoonoses in Thailand; planning , management,
evaluation, control of zoonoses; impact of zoonoses on socio-economic status
716 452
Field Practice in Community Veterinary Medicine 2(1-6-1)
Prerequisite : 316 204, 716 312
Field practice in data collection, data analysis, priority setting, planning,
evaluation And report writing.
716 453
Field Practice in Veterinary Public Health
Prerequisite : : 716 412, 716 413
Field practice in meat and milk inspection, food protection, control of
zoonoses and importance of veterinary public health.
716 541
Veterinary Jurisprudence and Professional Ethics 1(1-0-1)
Prerequisite : none
Basic knowledge in veterinary laws involving in veterinary hospitals,
treatment, control of epidemic diseases, maintaining good heredity, quality control
of animal feeds, slaughtering and selling of meats, veterinary drugs; conservation
and protection of wild animals and other laws related to veterinary profession
including professional ethics.
716 542
Veterinary Medicine Administration
Prerequisite :: ไม่มี
Agency setting, roles/responsibilities and management in veterinary public
health at different levels; administration, planning, monitoring, evaluation, budgeting,
717 421
Veterinary General Medicine
Prerequisite :: 713 312, 714 311
Etiology, physical examination, history taking, environmental examination,
diagnosis, clinical signs, pathogenesis, principle of treatment of the diseases.
717 422
Clinical Practice in Veterinary General Medicine
Prerequisite :: 713 312, 714 311
Practice in the systemic examination of animals.
717 423
Companion Animal Medicine
Prerequisite :: 717 421
Distribution, etiology, transmission, pathogenesis, clinical signs, lesions,
diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of diseases of dog and cat.
717 524
Equine Medicine
Prerequisite :: 717 421
Distribution, etiology, transmission, pathogenesis, clinical signs, lesions,
diagnosis, treatment, control and prevention and control of diseases of horse.
717 525
Swine Medicine
Prerequisite :: 717 421
Distribution, etiology, transmission, pathogenesis, clinical signs, lesions,
diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of swine diseases and herd
management emphasizing to the problems that found in Thailand and the
neighbouring countries.
717 526
Avian Medicine
Prerequisite :: 717 421
Distribution, etiology, transmission, pathogenesis, clinical signs, lesions,
diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of poultry diseases and herd
management emphasizing to the problems that found in Thailand and the
neighbouring countries.
717 527
Aquatic Animal and Wildlife Medicine
Prerequisite : 717 421
Water quality examination, biology of aquatic animals, etiology, distribution,
pathogenesis, clinical signs, lesions, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of
aquatic diseases, behavior of wildlife, types and typing of wildlife, etiology,
pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control, and
environmental management for wildlife.
717 528
Ruminant Medicine
Prerequisite :: 717 421
Distribution, etiology, transmission, pathogenesis, clinical signs, lesions,
diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of diseases of ruminant, herd
management, emphasizing to the problems that found in Thailand and the
neighbouring countries.
717 531
Veterinary Management
Prerequisite : none
Professional imaging, teaching in animal history taking, veterinarian client
relationship, difficult client management and client relations, management and
appearance of the hospital, personal management and team building, professional
fee collection, overall practice evaluation.
717 541
Clinical Practice in Veterinary Medicine I
Prerequisite : 717 421, 717 422
Practice in physical examination, technique in collection and preservation of
specimens for diagnosis, procedure and technique of diagnosis in laboratory,
including interpretation of laboratory data for treatment.
717 542
Clinical Practice in Veterinary Medicine II 2(0-4-2)
Prerequisite : 717 421, 717 422
Practice in history taking, physical examination, diagnosis, prognosis, and
medical treatment of animals in the hospital and in the field.
717 543
Clinical Practice in Veterinary Medicine III
Prerequisite : 717 423, 717 524, 715 525, 717 526, 717 528
Practice in private
clinics, livestock farms or goverment section
717 591
Prerequisite : ต้ องได้ รับอนุญาตจากภาควิชา/กรรมการหลักสูตรก่อน
Preparation of manuscript, presentation and discussion in the topics of
veterinary science
717 644
Clinical Practice in Veterinary Medicine IV
Prerequisite : 717 423, 717 524, 717 525, 717 526, 717 528
Practice in history taking, physical examination, diagnosis, prognosis, and
medical treatment of animals in the hospital and in the field.
717 645
Clinical Practice in Veterinary Medicine V
Prerequisite : 717 423,717 524,717 525,717 526,717 528
Practice in history taking, physical examination, diagnosis, prognosis, and
medical treatment of animals in the hospital and in the field.
717 692
Special Problems
Prerequisite : ต้ องได้ รับอนุญาตจากภาควิชา/กรรมการหลักสูตรก่อน
Reveiw of literature, preparation of project proposal, basic experimentation
data collection, report and presentation of animal diseases.
Intership in Veterinary Training I
Prerequisite : ต้ องไดัรับอนุญาตจากภาควิชา/กรรมการหลักสูตรก่อน
Veterinary training in private or govenmental organization approved by
The faculty
710 661
710 662
Intership in Veterinary Training II
Prerequisite : ต้ องไดัรับอนุญาตจากภาควิชา/กรรมการหลักสูตรก่อน
Veterinary training in private or govenmental organization approved by
The faculty
716 661
Techniques for Examining the Quality of animal feeds
Prerequisite : none
Species and strain of laboratory animals being used in medical
Researches. Breeding, Feeding, management, control and prevention of diseases
of laboratory animals. Production of Laboratory Animals for researches.
7xx 661
Clinical Practice in Specified Veterinary Topics I
Prerequisite : student 6 year
Clinical practice in specific topics depend on each Department. The
Objectives of this subject is training student to be speciaalist in each branch.
7xx 662
Clinical Practice in Specified Veterinary Topics II
Prerequisite : student 6 year
Clinical practice in specific topics depend on each Department. The
bjectives of this subject is training student to be speciaalist in each branch.
962 101
Introduction to Micro-economics
Prerequisite : none
Principles of microeconomics; economic concepts, ethodology
and terminology; economic system; principles of consumer behavior;
demand and supply; production function; cost function; market
structure of both product and and factor markets.