Head Teacher Mr James Hughes Stanley Primary School Stanley Road ARDROSSAN KA22 7DH TEL: 01294 - 462531/464393 FAX: 01294 - 607135 Welcome to Stanley Primary School and Nursery Class Dear Parent, The big day has come at last! Your child is about to start his/her primary school career. I am delighted that you have decided to enrol your child in Stanley Primary School. Hopefully, it will be an exciting journey where many new experiences will be met. In our school we hope your child will: • • • • • • • Feel really special Be part of a happy team Always have someone to listen Be treated fairly Learn many new things Discover and develop their talents Be all they can be With your encouragement, help and co-operation, our school will do the best we can to ensure that your child benefits fully from the experiences offered and, in turn, be a valuable member of the community. I look forward to our partnership. James Hughes Head Teacher 1 Introduction Stanley School is a non-denominational, co-educational school covering all stages from Primary 1 to Primary 7. Nursery Education is also provided. The present roll of the school is 371 pupils with an additional 90 nursery children. All children are offered equality of opportunity in curricular matters and other school activities. The school is now situated in purpose built premises which opened in August 2007. There are 14 teaching bays, 3 open activity areas, 2 General Purposes Rooms, IT suite, a Library, 2 Tutorial Rooms, a large Assembly Hall/Gymnasium/Dining Hall with a stage, a Parent Meeting Room, a Parent Interview Room and Administration Offices. Outdoor facilities include an all weather Astroturf sports pitch, nursery garden, bicycle racks and shed, school garden and greenhouse. The Nursery Class is an integral part of the building. Our Aims As a school community we believe the ethos of the school should be built on the foundation of the following core values: Respect Commitment Caring Courage We aim to: • Create a happy, safe and inclusive community that promotes well-being and respect • Provide an appropriate stimulating, challenging and accessible curriculum to empower all children to achieve their potential • Develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable pupils to become reflective learners and grow to be stable, educated and civil adults • Build a learning community that promotes and fosters teamwork and leadership at all levels • Encourage commitment to partnerships with parents, agencies and communities • To enable young people to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors 2 Normal School Hours Morning:- Open Interval Close - 9.00 am - 10.45 am - 11.00 am - 12.30 pm Afternoon:- Open Close - 1.15 pm - 3.00 pm Session 2011/2012 School Terms First Term Teachers return to duty Tuesday 16 August 2011 *Pupils return Wednesday 17 August 2011 Second Term Close Friday 7 October 2011 Monday 17 October 2011 Re-open Christmas Third Term Close (2.30 pm) Re-open Wednesday 21 December 2011 Monday 9 January 2012 Close *Pupils return Fourth Term Thursday 9 February 2012 Wednesday 15 February 2012 Close Re-open Friday 30 March 2012 Monday 16 April 2012 Close (1.00 pm) Friday 29 June 2012 Local Holiday Dates Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Friday 11 November 2011 Monday 14 November 2011 Friday 10 February 2012 Monday 7 May 2012 Friday 25 May 2012 Monday 28 May 2012 In-Service Training Dates Tuesday 16 August 2011 Monday 19 September 2011 Thursday 10 November 2011 Tuesday 14 February 2012 Friday 4 May 2012 4 Registration and Enrolment The date for registration of school beginners is advertised in the local press and is normally in January each year. Pupils will be registered in the school for their catchment area and parents provided with information about the school and procedures for making placing requests, if required. Arrangements for meetings with parents and induction days for pupils will be notified during the spring or summer terms. Parents of pupils who have moved to the area or who wish their child to transfer to the school should contact the school office for information about appropriate procedures and to arrange a visit to the school. Nursery Class Parents wishing to enrol their child in the nursery class should contact the school to make arrangements. Transfer from Primary School to Secondary School Pupils are normally transferred between the ages of 11 and a half and 12 and a half, so that they will have the opportunity to complete at least 4 years of secondary education. Parents will be informed of the arrangements no later than December of the year preceding the date of transfer at the start of the new session. Stanley Primary School is an associated primary school of: Ardrossan Academy Sorbie Road Ardrossan KA22 8AR Tel: 01294 461931 Head Teacher: Miss Mary Rose Martin Child Protection Educational Services has a fundamental duty to contribute to the care and safety of all children and young people in North Ayrshire. In fulfilling this duty, the service must engage in close partnership with parents/carers and relevant agencies, primarily Social Services and Health and where appropriate the Scottish Children's Reporter's Administration. Services will work in partnerships with a number of levels within the establishment or school, within the cluster or local area and through Integrated Children's Services and Community Health Partnership. The Standard Circular entitled "Protecting North Ayrshire Children" provides guidance for policy and practice within all educational establishments. The Council is one of the key partners in North Ayrshire. Child Protection Committee, a multi-agency group which takes the lead role in ensuring that our chidren and young people are cared for, protected from harm and grow up in a safe environment. Each school has a named Child Protection Co-ordinator - Mr Hughes who is the main point of contact for school staff and for external agencies seeking contact with the school on child protection matters. There is an extensive staff training programme available to staff and, in addition, at the beginning of each school session all staff receive an update on child protection policies and procedures. Mobile Phones While the benefits of mobile phones are recognised, they can be a serious distraction to work. Pupils whose mobile phones disrupt lessons can have them confiscated until the end of the school day. Repeated disruption may result in phones being retained until uplifted by a parent. Inappropriate use of text messages and/or photographs whilst in school may be treated as a breach of school discipline or a serious incident which could be referred to the police. Where at all possible, pupils should not bring mobile phones to school and where this is necessary, they should remain on silent or switched off until the pupil has left the school grounds. Thank you for your co-operation on this matter. 5 Curriculum for Excellence Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) is now being introduced across Scotland for all 3-18 year olds - wherever they learn. It aims to raise standards, prepare our children for a future they do not yet know and equip them for the jobs of tomorrow in a fast changing world. Curriculum for Excellence enables professionals to teach subjects creatively, to work together across the school, and with other schools and agencies. Teachers and practitioners will share information to plan a child's "learning journey" from 3-18, ensuring children continue to work at a pace they can cope with and with challenge they can thrive on. Curriculum for Excellence balances the importance of knowledge and skills. Every child is entitled to a broad and deep general education where every single teacher and practitioner will be responsible for literacy and numeracy. There will be a new emphasis too on health and wellbeing - to ensure that the school is a place where children feel safer and secure. Curriculum for Excellence develops skills for learning, life and work to help young people go on to further study, secure work and navigate life. It brings real life into the classroom. It links knowledge in one subject area to another helping children understand the world and make connections. It develops skills so that children can think for themselves, make sound judgements, challenge, enquire and find solutions. There will be new ways of assessing progress and ensuring children achieve their potential. Ultimately, Curriculum for Excellence aims to improve our children's life chances, to nurture successful learners, confident individuals, effective cotributors, and responsible citizens, building on Scotland's reputation for great education. Language Listening and Talking Reading Writing Modern languages (at P6 and P7) School Co-ordinators Mrs Tremble Mrs MacDonald, Mrs Rose Mrs Rose Mrs Griffin Mathematics Number, money and measurement Problem - solving and enquiry Information handling Shape, position and movement Mrs Rose,Mrs MacDonald Social Studies People, Events and Societies People, Place and Environment People, Economy and Business Mrs MacDonald Sciences Mrs Griffin Technologies Mrs MacDonald, Mrs Griffin Expressive Arts Dance Art & Design Drama Music Mrs Griffin Mrs Rose Mrs Clynch Mrs Cochrane/Mrs Gilligan Religious and Moral Education Mrs Tremble 6 Health and Well Being Mental, emotional, social and physical well being Planning for choices and changes Physical Education, physical activity and sport Food and Health Substance misuse, Relationships, sexual health and parenthood. Mrs Rose, Mrs Griffin Mrs Tremble, Mrs MacDonald I.C.T. Enterprise Education Environmental Education Mrs MacDonald, Mrs Rose Mr Hughes, Mrs Clynch Mrs MacDonald International Education Mrs MacDonald Mrs Clynch Financial Education Mrs Rose Teacher Learning Communities Mrs Cochrane, Mrs Holmes Information and Communication Technology (I.C.T.), Enterprise in Education, Citizenship and Environmental Education are covered across all areas of the curriculum. Religious Observance Stanley Primary School is a non-denominational school which caters for a variety of pupils with different religious beliefs. It is the aim of the school to engender humanity, compassion and caring attitudes in our pupils. There is a legal duty to provide Religious Education in schools under the terms of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980. Parents however have the right under this act to withdraw their child from religious instruction and from religious observance. Should they wish to exercise this right, parents are asked to inform the Head Teacher of their wish. In the normal course of a school year, religious observance and education is achieved in a variety of ways, e.g. School and Departmental Assembly, and the use of appropriate teaching materials. A “Team Chaplaincy” operates in the school with a different chaplain appointed to specific classes - Primary 1 and Primary 2 - Rev. F Allam , Primary 3, Primary 4 and Primary 5 - Rev. J Smith, Primary 6 and Primary 7 Rev. V Jennings. Classes in Primary 1-7 sponsor 2 children from Kenya through Action-Aid. Collections are taken at assemblies and in classrooms for this worthwhile cause. Assessment The class teacher will be expected to assure the quality of their own assessment procedures. A National Assessment Resource (NAR) is available to share assessment materials. Curriculum for Excellence defines five levels of learning which are outlined below. Early Level First Level Second Level Third Level Fourth Level - The pre-school years and P1 or later for some P2, P3 and P4, but earlier or later for some P5, P6 and P7, but earlier or later for some S1,S2 and S3, but earlier for some The fourth level is unlikely to ever be addressed within the primary setting. Ongoing assessment by teachers will help them decide on the next steps and methodology appropriate to each child’s learning and to ensure that progress is being made. Parents are informed when a pupil achieves a specific level. Pupils who have recognised learning difficulties will receive the same level of support they would normally receive in their daily class work. 7 Reporting to Parents Parents are normally given a verbal report on the progress of their child in October and March and a written report in May. Parents are welcome to call at the school at other times during the session to discuss the progress of their child with the class teacher at a mutually convenient time. The school will be using a reporting format that has been agreed by all Ardrossan Academy cluster schools. Homework We believe that homework is a very valuable addition to the work that children do in school. There is clear evidence that doing homework is important in helping to raise the level of achievement of individual pupils. Homework Guidelines - "Parent Prompts" are issued at the start of the session for all pupils. Primary 1-Primary 7 parents are asked to sign a Stanley School Homework Agreement. This ensures we can work as a partnership to do what is best for the children. Pupils are provided with Homework Diaries from P4-P7. Homework tasks include the following: practice of skills, preparation, collecting information and/or materials, developing good study habits. P1-P3 tasks should last approximately 15-20 minutes per evening; P4-P5 tasks should last approximately 20--25 minutes; P6-P7 tasks should last approximately 30-35 minutes. Parents are encouraged * * * * * to provide a quiet place for homework to ensure that homework is completed on time to look over the work to check if it is well-presented to sign completed work and reading markers to contact the school if homework is causing problems. Homework and associated activities are co-ordinated by Mrs Rose, Depute Head Teacher. Inclusion The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 commended in November 2005, replaces previous law relating to Special Educational Needs. The school will continue to make arrangements to identify children and young people who require additional support, and will address and keep under review the provision made for them. Staged Intervention is the process for children's learning needs to be identified, supported and monitored in North Ayrshire schools. The provision of help for children with learning difficulties varies from session to session in relation to the staffing and budgetary provision by the authority. If no extra teaching help is available, class teachers endeavour to cater for the individual requirements of these pupils by using their own professional expertise, class organisation and the use of differentiated materials. All Depute Head Teachers act as advisers to the teachers in their department on matters relating to these children with additional support needs. 8 The Pupil Support Service Teacher may extract pupils to work with or work in a co-operative teaching situation in the classroom. Pupil Support Service Teacher are responsible for individual and group testing and for helping pupils to follow learning programmes. Individual Education Plans are produced for pupils by the Pupil Support Service, Class Teachers and the Pupil Support Co-ordinator. The Pupil Support Service Teacher also works with a number of pupils identified as having particular needs. Parents are actively encouraged to liaise with the Pupil Support Co-ordinator Mr Hughes Head Teacher, to keep themselves aware of what work is being done with their child and to see how they can assist at home with the learning process and progression of their child. Parents are provided with a copy of the I.E.P. for their child and are always invited to review meetings. North Ayrshire Council Education and Skills A child or young person has additional support needs if, for any reason, they are not able to benefit fully from the educational opportunities provided for them . What does North Ayrshire Council have to do to meet its duties under the Additional Support for Learning legislation? We have to: • identify when a child or young person is not making good progress in their education • understand what is not working for the child or young person (by gathering information to make the problems as clear as possible) • once extra support is in place, ensure that support is making a positive difference • if the support is not working well enough, gather more information and try a different approach Whenever we start this process for any child or young person, we will always explain to them and to their parents/carers what our concerns are and what we will do to help. All of our schools and nurseries will track closely the progress made by children or young people who are registered as being ‘Looked After’. Where these children or young people are making appropriate progress we will determine that they do not have additional support needs. We have to make sure it is easy for people to get helpful information and advice. Where a child or young person is identified as having additional support needs, we will make sure the right people get a copy of the right information leaflet so they will understand what is likely to happen. This little summary is also to let you know that much more information is available to help you understand additional support needs and what will be done to help your child. You can ask for information at any time. For a few children and young people their needs are so complex that professionals from two or more agencies need to work together to provide the right support. Where this is needed, the child or young person will have a plan to co-ordinate the various actions of these professionals: for this reason it is called a Co-ordinate Support Plan. You may feel that support is not being co-ordinated or delivered properly to support your child. If you feel like this then the Council has a range of ways to work with you to get things sorted. You can ask at any time for a copy of the booklet called “Resolving Disagreements”. This booklet will give you ways to make sure your concerns are listened to and addressed. Where a child or young person has additional support needs, planning needs to take place every time there is a move to a new class, new school or college. For some children and young people affected by a disability, transition planning will happen two years before the planned date of the move. This is needed to make sure everything is in place. For most children and young people, transition planning takes place one year before the date of the planned move. Information will be shared with everyone involved in supporting the child or young person so everyone understands what needs to be done to provide support. 9 What rights do children, young people and their parents have? If you are concerned about your child’s progress or about how settled they are in school, you can ask the head teacher to begin a process of gathering information to find out if your child has additional support needs. The school will also give you advice and information about your child’s needs what the school is doing to meet those needs and whether progress is now being made. Even when it has already been agreed that your child has additional support needs, you can make a reasonable request at any time that more information is gathered and that a clearer understanding of the needs is established. You may perhaps feel unhappy about what the school is doing to meet your child’s needs. You may have tried to sort this out with the school but feel you are not being taken seriously. In this case you can ask for outside help to get your concerns across. The ‘Resolving Disagreement’ booklet will help you to ask for these services. In a very few cases you may feel that your child’s current school is not able to meet the needs. Where this happens, you have the right to make a placing request for a school that may meet the needs more effectively. You now have the same rights as parents of children who do not have additional support needs. You may feel that educational provision on its own is not able to meet your child’s needs and that another agency could help. In such a case you can ask that the authority gathers information to see if your child needs a plan to bring together help from other agencies. The Additional Support Needs Tribunal has been established to deal with cases that have not been sorted out by earlier attempts to resolve the disagreements. You can apply for a referral to the Tribunal: the ‘Resolving Disagreements’ booklet will help you to do this. You can have a supporter or advocate with you at any meeting to discuss your child’s additional support needs: this is not just about support at a Tribunal. For advice on additional support for learning from North Ayrshire Council Education and Skills, please contact the Quality Improvement Officer (QIQ) for Additional Support for Learning on 01294-324451 For impartial advice, please contact Enquire. Enquire - the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning. Operated by children in Scotland, Enquire offers independent confidential advice and information on additional support for learning through: • • • • A telephone helpline - 0845 123 2303 An e-mail enquiry service - info@enquire.org.uk An online enquiry service Two websites - www.enquire.org.uk (for parents/carers and practitioners and www.enquire.org.uk/yp (for children and young people) Enquire also provide a range of clear and easy to read guides and factsheets explaining everything from ‘additional support in the early years’ to ‘what planning should take place for moving on from school’. Equalities In line with North Ayrshire Council policy, educational provision is open to all pupils, regardless of sex, age, religion, race, disability or any other potential barrier and all reasonable measures will be taken to ensure that the curriculum is available to every child. Schools also have a duty to promote equality and to eliminate racist and other discriminatory behaviours. The Gender Equality Duty came into force in April 2007 (in addition to the Race Equality Duty and the Disability Equality Duty). Schools have an obligation to implement these duties and to report annually on progress being made in this regard. It should be noted that under the gender Equality Duty, schools have an obligation to encourage both parents to play an active role in their children's education. If parents have concerns about this duty in relation to their child, they should contact the school to discuss the matter. 10 Psychological Service The Educational Psychology Service in North Ayrshire contributes to the aims of the Educational Service by improving outcomes for children and young people. Educational psychologists work together with teachers, parents and other professionals to help children and young people make the most of their lives, particularly in educational settings. When does an educational psychologist become involved? Your child's school already has a system of staged intervention for identifying, assessing, monitoring and reviewing the ongoing progress of all children and young people. As part of this wider system of support, each school has a link educational psychologist who visits on a regular basis. The educational psychologist for Stanley Primary School is Mrs Morag Gallanagh When concerns arise about a particular pupil the school takes action to address these concerns. If the concerns continue, school staff may have an informal discussion with the educational psychologist. However, if the educational psychologist is to become more involved this will be discussed with you beforehand by school staff and a joint meeting arranged. Through this process the educational psychologist can contribute to the ongoing assessment and support for your child. Consultation and Meeting with Parents The Head Teacher, Depute Head Teachers and teachers are available for consultation with parents. Except in an emergency, parents are requested to give the Head Teacher some advance warning so that the Head Teacher, Depute Head Teacher or the teacher may have any appropriate information available and a mutually convenient meeting time arranged. During the course of a session, parents are formally invited to the school to discuss the progress of their child on at least two occasions. Parents of Primary 7 pupils are normally invited to this school or the secondary school to meet the Head Teacher of the local secondary school and to discuss transfer arrangements. Parents of new entrants (Primary 1 intake) are invited to the school prior to their child starting school for discussion regarding “readiness for school”. All new entrants receive a Stanley “pre-school package”. There is a very full transition programme from pre school in to P1. Class Structure Primary schools educate pupils at seven broad year stages, Primary 1 to Primary 7. A year stage is defined as a group of pupils entering primary education at a common date. Schools are staffed based on the total number of pupils. However, the numbers of pupils each year stage will vary. This means that headteachers are required to organise classes to make best use of available staff, resources and space to the benefit of all children in the school. Pupils may, therefore, be taught in a single stage class or a composite class where two or more year stages are grouped together. This may also change as pupils move from one year to the next. National guidelines on the curriculum indicate that pupils should progress through learning experiences tailored to their own needs and abilities. This means that pupils in all classes follow programmes designed to help them progress at their own level. This applies to all pupils regardless of whether or not they are in a composite or single year stage class. The national agreement on class sizes states that the maximum number of pupils in a class is 25 in P1 and 30 in P2 - P3 and 33 in P4-P7. In a composite class, the maximum number is 25. Further information may be obtained in "Composite Classes - A guide for Parents" available in school. 11 Attendance at School It is the responsibility of parents of children of school age to educate their child(ren). Most do this by ensuring that their child(ren) attend(s) school regularly. Attendance is recorded twice a day, morning and afternoon. Absence from school is recorded in the School register as authorised, unauthorised or temporarily excluded. Parents are asked to inform the school by letter or telephone, if their child is likely to be absent for some time, and to give the child a note on his or her return to school, confirming the reason for absence. If there is no explanation from a child's parents, the absence will be regarded as unauthorised. Every effort should be made to avoid family holidays during term time as this both disrupts the child’s education and reduces learning time. Parents should inform the school by letter, before going on holiday, of the dates. Such absence will be authorised only where certain and very specific family circumstances exist. The majority of family holidays taken during term time will be categorised as unauthorised absence. Parents may request that their children be permitted to be absent from school to make an extended visit to relatives. Only written requests detailing the destination, the duration and the provision that will be made for their continuing education will be granted. Such extended absences will be recorded separately from the normal attendance and absence information. Parents from ethnic minority religious communities may request that their children be permitted to be absent from school in order to celebrate recognised religious events. Only written requests detailing the proposed arrangements will be granted on up to three occasions in any one school session and the pupil noted as an authorised absentee in the register. The Pupil Welfare Officer investigates unexplained absence, and the authority has the power to write to, interview or prosecute parents, or refer pupils to the Reporter to the Children's Panel, if necessary. Attendance/Absence data Absence rates are calculated as a percentage of the total number of possible attendances for all pupils of the school in the stage shown, each morning and afternoon of each school day being a separate possible attendance. QuickTime™ and a GIF decompressor are needed t o see this picture. Inclement Weather During inclement weather, where possible, pupils should not arrive at school until a few minutes prior to the start of the school day. This would ease what is a very difficult supervision problem within the school. Children leaving School Premises at Breaks Schools have a duty to look after the welfare of their pupils. This means that the staff should take the same care of pupils as a sensible parent would take, and includes taking reasonable care of pupils’ safety during intervals and lunch-times. It is the policy of North Ayrshire Council that pupils should not leave school grounds at intervals. Primary pupils should only leave school grounds at lunch times when they are going home for lunch with their parents’ agreement. Parents should encourage their children to follow these rules in the interests of safety. The Council meets the terms of the legal requirement that pupils be supervised in the playground by at least one adult during the interval or lunchtime if there are fifty or more pupils at the school. Our school policy is that each session, parents will be required to state if their child will be going home regularly for lunch. In exceptional circumstances, parents will be asked for a letter of permission for the child to go home. These letters will be retained by the teacher. 12 Promoting Positive Behaviour The discipline system within the school is firm but fair and is intended to provide the pupils with a feeling and atmosphere of security and one in which learning can take place. All pupils are expected to conform to the school rules which have been formulated for their own safety and well-being. Copies of rules are posted in classrooms. Parents can view school rules at various locations throughout the building It is vitally important that there is a productive home/school relationship and that your child sees their parent(s) working with and supporting the school on both behaviour and educational issues. There are various and numerous incentive schemes used within the school house system to encourage good behaviour by pupils. Staff try, whenever possible to accentuate the ‘positive’ rather than reinforce the ‘negative’. The vast majority of our pupils have an excellent reputation for behaviour and manners. School Dress It is the policy of North Ayrshire Council to support the introduction of a reasonable and flexible dress code in each school in its area. The council encourages each school to adopt its own code, after discussions with parents, pupils and the Parent Council. North Ayrshire Council believes that establishing a school dress code has many benefits. These include, improvements in safety, security, discipline, and community spirit and a decrease in bullying and expense for parents. The Council will support schools in encouraging and helping pupils to conform to the chosen dress code and will support schools taking disciplinary procedures against pupils in serious or persistent cases. Some types of clothing will not be allowed at school in any circumstances including:- Clothes which are a health or safety risk Clothes which may damage the school building Clothes which may provoke other pupils Clothes which are offensive or indecent Clothes which encourage the use of alcohol or tobacco At Stanley Primary School, we like our children to be smart and to take a pride in their appearance and our school, so wearing of uniform is encouraged. By far the majority of pupils in the school wear school uniform and the school enjoys parental support on this issue. Stanley Primary School uniform can be the more practical option of; P1-P6 Navy Stanley Primary School crew neck sweatshirt, white polo shirt and grey trousers or skirt. Alternatively it can be the more traditional white shirt, Stanley Primary School tie, Navy Stanley Primary School V - neck cardigan or jumper and grey trousers or skirt. In P7 the uniform changes to a red sweatshirt with a seniors badge, white polo shirt and black trousers or skirt again these are on sale in school. Should parents decide on the more traditional option school badges will be available in school to be worn with a navy blazer. Navy sweatshirts, jumpers, cardigans, hats, fleeces, reversible jackets, white polo shirts and school ties are available for sale in school with parents receiving order forms twice annually. It is appreciated that parents and pupils are distressed over the occasional loss of pupils’ clothing and/or personal belongings. Parents are asked to assist in this area by ensuring that valuable items of clothing or personal belongings are not brought to school. Parents should note that the authority does not carry insurance to cover the loss of such items. 13 Parents receiving job seeker’s allowance or income support, family credit, housing benefit, or council tax rebate will normally be entitled to grants for footwear and clothing for their children. Information and application forms may be obtained from schools or from the Educational Services, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE. Children must be dressed sensibly for PE activities and should wear a white t-shirt or polo shirt and plain navy or black shorts - no football colours. It is recommended for health and safety reasons that jewellery is kept to a minimum especially on gym days when all jewellery must be removed. Each child will be supplied with a gym bag that will be kept in school. We ask parents to provide black/blue shorts - no football colours and gym shoes to be kept in the bag. This will allow us to provide the children with physical activities at short notice. The shorts will be sent home fortnightly for washing. If a child has had their ears pierced recently, plain studs only should be worn and in order to comply with health and safety regulations, must be covered with a plaster during all PE activities. * Please note that the school will be unable to take any responsibility for any jewellery that is lost. School Security & Playground Supervision North Ayrshire Council has introduced procedures to ensure the safety and security of children and staff when attending or working in a school. A number of security measures are used including the use of a visitors books, badges and escorts while visitors are within the school buildings. Normally, anyone calling at a school for any reason will be asked to report to the school office. The school staff will then make any necessary arrangements in connection with the visit to the school. The school procedures in relation to anyone visiting the school are that all parents and visitors, on admission at the main door, should report to the School Office immediately, where, if necessary, they will be issued with security pass or escorted within the school. The main areas of the school precincts are covered by CCTV cameras. An adult presence is provided in playgrounds at break times in terms of the Schools (Safety and Supervision of Pupils) (Scotland) Regulations 1990. These regulations state that pupils be supervised in the playground by at least one adult during the interval or lunchtime if there are fifty or more pupils at the school. Stanley Primary School provides a high adult presence in the playground. This is to ensure that pupils are supervised closely and to avoid incidents wherever possible. Our policy is that NO CHILDREN are allowed out of the school grounds at lunchtime without the WRITTEN permission of their parents. At home time we prefer infants to be collected by an adult. We expect that all Primary 1 pupils will have an adult collect them at the end of the day. Money and Valuables Children should avoid bringing large amounts of money and/or anything of value to school. If money has to be brought, it should not be left in jackets or coats in the cloakrooms. All clothing should have the owner’s name clearly marked on it. Care of Books, Jotters and Equipment Supplied by the School Pupils may be held responsible for damage caused to books, jotters and equipment through carelessness, negligence, etc., and may be required to pay the cost of replacing any item which is lost or damaged. All pupils should endeavour to take care of books and jotters and to carry them in a suitable bag. 14 School Meals The school operates a "Healthy Eating" system for meals. There are various types of meals and snacks available at a cost of £1.80. A "Cashless Catering System" is in place within the school. Should a child require a special diet the parent should inform the Head Teacher. Children of parents receiving job seeker’s allowance or income support are entitled to a free midday meal. Information and application forms for free school meals may be obtained from the school, and from Educational Services, Cunninghame House, Irvine.KA12 8EE. Parents must continue to pay for lunches until they receive written confirmation that free meals have been granted. Children who bring packed lunches are provided with facilities in the Dinner Hall or another suitable area of the school. Provision of Transport North Ayrshire Council has a policy of providing free transport to all primary pupils who live more than two miles from their catchment area school by the recognised shortest safe walking route. Parents who consider they are eligible should obtain an application form from the school or Educational Services, Cunninghame House, IRVINE, KA12 8EE. These forms should be completed and returned before the end of February for those pupils beginning school in August to enable the appropriate arrangements to be made. Applications may be submitted at other times throughout the year but may be subject to delay while arrangements are made. The appropriate officer has discretion in special circumstances to grant permission for pupils to travel in transport provided by the authority, where spare places are available and no additional costs are incurred. Pick-Up Points Where free transport is provided it may be necessary for pupils to walk a certain distance to the vehicle pickup point. Walking distance in total, including the distance from home to the pick-up point and from the dropoff point to the school in any one direction will not exceed the Council’s limits (see above section). It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their child arrives at the pick-up point on time. It is also the parents responsibility to ensure that the child behaves in a safe and acceptable manner while boarding, travelling in and leaving the vehicle. Misbehaviour can result in your child losing the right to free transport. Placing Requests North Ayrshire Council does not provide transport for those pupils in receipt of a placing request other than in exceptional circumstances. Medical and Health Care Medical examinations are carried out at various times during a child's primary school years. Parents are given notice of these and encouraged at attend. Vision and hearing tests and dental examinations, which parents need not attend, are also carried out and parents informed of any recommended action or treatment. All examinations are carried out by Ayrshire and Arran Health Board staff. Parents should notify the school of any medical requirements or allergies that their child may have. If medication is required it is better if this can be provided outwith the school day but, in cases where it is necessary during the child's time in school, parents should contact the school to make appropriate arrangements for this. Staff are not obliged to administer medicine. Minor accidents will be dealt with by the school's qualified First Aider. 15 If a pupil takes ill or has an accident at school which requires that the child is sent home or for treatment, First Aid will be provided and parents or carers contacted. Where it is considered necessary, a doctor will be consulted. For this reason, it is important that the school has contact details for parents/carers and an additional contact person in case parents/carers cannot be reached. This information should be updated as required. Information in Emergencies We make every effort to maintain a full educational service, but on some occasions exceptional circumstances arise which lead to disruption. Schools may be affected by, for example, severe weather, temporary interruption of transport, power failures or difficulties of fuel supply. In such cases, we shall do all we can to let you know about details of closure or re-opening. We shall keep you informed by using letters, notices in local shops and community centres, announcements in local churches, in the press and on radio West FM. Liaison with other Education Establishments The school works closely with the other primary schools associated with Ardrossan Academy and which form a ‘cluster group’ of schools. Pupils and staff from Stanley Primary School are actively involved in various types of work with pupils from the James McFarlane School, Dykesmains Primary School, Winton Primary School, West Kilbride Primary School and Ardrossan Academy. These activities are of mutual benefit to the pupils involved. Parent Forum and Parent Council The Scottish Schools (Parental Inolvement) Act 2006 aims to encourage and support more parents to become involved in their child's education. The main aims of the Act are to: • • • Help parents become more involved with their child's education and learning. Welcome parents as active participants in the life of the school. Provide easier ways for parents to express their views and wishes. To help achieve these aims, all parents are automatically members of the Parent Forum at their child's school and are entitled to have a say in selecting the Parent Council (the representative body) to work on behalf of all parents at the school. The objectives of the Parent Council are: • To work in partnership with staff to create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all parents. • To promote partnership between the school, its pupils and all its parents. • To develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the pupils. • To identify and represent the views of parents on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of pupils. • To be involved in the recruitment process for appointing the Head Teacher and Depute Head Teacher of the school. 16 Stanley Primary School has a Parent Council: Chairperson Vice Chairperson Treasurer Mrs D Watson, 18 Moffat Wynd, Saltcoats KA21 6GA Mrs E Stewart, 8 Crinan Place, Ardrossan KA22 7PT Mrs S Stevenson, 97 Greenacres, Ardrossan KA22 7PR Any parent or carer of a child at the school can volunteer to be a member of the Parent Council. The Head Teacher is the professional adviser to the Parent Council and has a right to attend and speak at Parent Council or Parent Forum meetings. For more information on the Parental Involvement Act or to find out about parents as partners in their children's learning, please contact the school or North Ayrshire Council Educational Services or visit the Parentzone website on www.parentzone.gov.uk School Activities We are very fortunate in that we have MANY extra curricular clubs within the school. These include:- football, netball, athletics, Scottish Country dancing, P1-P3 activity club, cheer leading, scripture union, enterprise, recorder, gymnastics, choir, cross country running and hockey. K A Leisure also run Football and Gymnastics development centres within the school. Soundstart Band All P7's receive a block of tuition and become part of a Soundstart Band. All children learn to play a musical instrument and get to choose from brass, woodwind or percussion. Charities Every session the pupils are involved in many forms of fund-raising for charity groups. In the past these have included Marie Curie, Poppy appeal, CHAS, Ayrshire Hospice, Marys Meals, Rainforest Concern and Comic Relief. They always receive a most generous response from parents and friends of the school. At present the school supports two pupils from Kenya through Action Aid and pupils are asked to bring a small donation each week to assembly. Book Clubs/Book Fair Children at various stages in the school have the opportunity to participate in commercial Book Clubs organised by various teachers. There will be a book fair each November to assist with the promotion of literacy within the school. All proceeds from this will be re invested to improve our stock of library books. Visits During the course of the session various outings may be arranged by the school for particular classes. These trips normally relate to work being undertaken in the classroom or as part of the school curriculum. Parents are encouraged to assist wherever possible. Community Use and Involvement The School is very much part of the local community and is actively involved in it in a whole variety of ways. It is heavily used by outside organisations during and outwith school hours. Groups wishing the use of the school should contact North Ayrshire Leisure for information re letting procedures. The Whitlees Community Centre is located beside the school building, whilst pupils are encouraged to use the facilities outwith school hours they are expected to show care and consideration to other users and to keep away from these premises during the school day. 17 Out of School Care Children's Services operate on "Out of School Care" service within the school premises. Listening and Learning It is the policy of North Ayrshire Council to try to encourage feedback on the education service from parents and pupils. This is part of our overall commitment to giving the best possible service and to working in partnership. We are, therefore, interested in feedback of all kinds, whether it be compliments, suggestions or complaints. If you wish to register a comment of any type about the school you can do this by writing, telephoning or making and appointment to see someone. All feedback is welcome and keeps us in touch. There is also a suggestion box at the main entrance. If, in particular, you have a complaint about the school, please let us know. It is better that these things are shared openly and resolved fairly, rather than being allowed to damage the home/school relationship. There will be no negative consequences arising from making a complaint and we will deal with the issue as confidentially as possible. If we have made a mistake we will apologise quickly and clearly and try to put things right. There are some things which you should take note of in relation to making a complaint:• It is helpful if complaints are made initially to the Head of Establishment. This makes sure that the school knows what is going on and has an opportunity to respond and resolve the issue. • early We will try to respond as quickly as possible, but often issues are complex and need time to investigate. It is therefore helpful if you can give some details of the issue and ask for an appointment to discuss it. • If you are not happy with our response, then you will have the right to take up the matter further with the Corporate Director of Educational Services at Cunninghame House, IRVINE, KA12 8EE (01294 324400). • You should also note that you have the right to raise unresolved concerns with your local councillor or MSP/MP. • Parent Council have an important role in developing links between the school and the wider parent body and can often be helpful in helping to deal with issues of general concern. However, parents are advised that individual, or personal complaints are not appropriate for raising via parent councils due to the need for appropriate confidentiality. School Lets Application for use of school facilities can be made to the Community Facilities and Resources Team , the address of which is at the back of this handbook. School Lets Application for use of school facilities can be made to the Community Facilities and Resources Team, the address of which is at the back of this handbook. 18 NURSERY SECTION There is an educational nursery class within the school. It is non-denominational. At present the class has places for 45 children at the morning session and 45 children at the afternoon session. Our aims The aim of the nursery class in this school is to provide ante pre school and pre-school children with a caring and stimulating environment where they may learn and develop alongside a staff whose professional expertise will try to ensure that individual needs and expectations are met. Opening Hours Morning session 8.45 am-11.15 am. Afternoon session 12.30 pm-3.00 pm The nursery class operates during the normal school session. Collection of children Parents may collect children from or bring children to the nursery class during these hours as there is a measure of flexibility in the arrival and departure times of nursery children. It is of vital importance that children are collected by or brought to the nursery class by the parent or a designated adult i.e. someone aged 16 or over. Staff have been instructed not to allow any other person to collect your child. To prevent confusion and having the best interests of your child at heart, the child will be retained in the nursery and we will contact you for further instructions. Please note that no person under the age of 16 is eligible to collect your child. In order to avoid any problem, if a parent is unable to collect his/her child he/she should provide a ‘designated’ adult collector with written authorisation. Staff The nursery class is staffed by a teacher and 4 nursery nurses. The Head Teacher, Depute Head Teacher (early stages) and the teacher are responsible for the efficient organisation and running of the nursery class. The emphasis is very much on a “team” approach by members of the staff. Enrolment and Admission There is a Registration Week for children approaching their Pre school year. Children in their ante pre-school year may give their names for future placing. Children can only be admitted after the age of 3 years and are admitted in accordance with the council guidelines, policies and priorities. "Three Towns" Partnership Forum A partnership forum made up of representatives from educational establishments and other agencies within the "Three Towns" considers and allocates placements for children deemed to be "high priority" Other children are allocated places in the nursery class using the council guidelines. 19 How we promote learning We carefully plan our learning environment to encourage all aspects of child development i.e. intellectual, social, emotional, aesthetic and physical. The playroom is organised with various areas, each is planned carefully to develop specific skills and concepts. The provision in each area changes regularly to meet the needs and interests of the children or individual child. What we do The nursery curriculum is primarily delivered through play. When planning staff make use of "A Curriculum for Excellence" which promotes children's development as successfu learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors to society. Experiences and Outcomes for children are considered within the following curricular areas:Health & Wellbeing to follow towards others. - developing self awareness, caring and sharing, learning rules and developing a positive attitude develop and understanding of the positive aspects on healthy living enjoyment of energetic physical activities and development of skills and control in a range of movements and games. Language developing writing and early reading skills. building vocabulary, listening and responding, using and an interest in books, developing early Mathematics including information handling and - developing an understanding of mathematical processes sorting, matching, counting, shape, pattern, problem solving. Expressive Arts drama, - enjoyment of experiences within art, music, dance and developing skills in art, music, dance and drama. Sciences environment. - developing an understanding and curiosity of their Social Studies people and circumstances. Religious & Moral Education traditions of - develop an understanding of the world by learning about their values in different times, places and - explore and learn about the beliefs, values, practices and Christianity and other world religions. Technology technology - development of skills in computing and information development of an understanding of the role of technology. Assessment Children are assessed all the time. This is done by involving the children in everyday nursery activities in ways that have meaning for them. The results of staff observations during these activities are recorded in an individual pupil profile folder. Parents are formally invited twice a year to discuss the assessment programme, but are of course welcome to discuss their child’s at any time. progress with staff Supporting children Throughout the year your child will be observed by Nursery Staff so with difficulties that appropriate stimulation can be given. Very rarely are there any problems regarding a child’s development but if there are the staff will discuss these fully with you and if necessary call on the help of other professionals. (including and Health Visitors. Working together to support learning drawn up necessary. These professionals may include Psychological Services Home Visiting Teacher) Speech Therapists As a result of meetings between staff, parents and other professionals, individual programmes may be to support children where These programmes are reviewed regularly throughout the session. 20 Recording and Reporting Progress Children are assessed all the time. This is done by involving the children in everyday nursery activities in ways that have meaning for them and are appropriate to their individual needs. The results of staff observations during these activities are recorded in individual pupil profile folders. Parents are invited twice a year to discuss their child's progress and to look at their folders and examples of their work. At the end of the year with your permission, samples of your child's work will be made available to the primary staff and will then be sent home for you to keep. Home/School Links The nursery class is an integral part of Stanley Primary School and parents are always welcome on formal or informal visits. Parents are encouraged to bring their child to the nursery class and to take an interest in the many activities, this allows informal and formal contact with the staff and provides the opportunity to discuss any problems relating to the child. The nursery class holds a number of parents’ afternoons during the session to which parents are cordially invited. These events are held to discuss the progress of children, to view work done by children or may be social events. Attendance It is the responsibility of parents to educate their child(ren); most do this by ensuring that their child(ren) attends (attend) school regularly. Where possible children should attend the nursery class on a regular basis. If a child is going to be absent parents are requested to inform the school as soon as possible. Thank you for your support in this matter. Regular attendance is important because the nursery curriculum is planned to ensure continuity and progression for your child and the establishment of a regular attendance pattern will be important throughout your child's education. Should a parent decide to permanently withdraw a child from nursery class they should inform the Head Teacher immediately in order that the vacancy can be quickly filled. Activities As far as possible the nursery class is involved in the activities of the whole school. During the course of the session various outings may be arranged specifically for the nursery class. Parents are encouraged to co-operate and become involved wherever possible. Transition to Primary School The majority of children move in to Primary 1 at this school. Numerous opportunities are made available to these children to be involved with Primary 1 staff and pupils in the transition process particularly from January onwards and makes movement from Nursery to Primary as easy for the children, parents and staff as possible. Behaviour Children in the nursery class are expected to display a tolerable standard of behaviour. Should a child be displaying an unacceptable standard of behaviour the matter will be discussed with the parent as soon as possible and appropriate action taken. The relationship between pupil and staff is similar to that between the child and his or her own parents, requiring mutual consideration. 21 Clothing Parents should try to provide children with sandshoes or similar footwear for comfort. Aprons are provided for “messy” activities, children should wear clothing in which they are comfortable and which allows them to participate in all nursery class activities. It is appreciated that parents and pupils are distressed over the occasional loss of children's clothing and /or personal belongings. Parents are asked to assist in this area by ensuring that all items of clothing have the child's name on them and that valuable items of clothing or personal belongings are not brought to school/nursery. Parents should note that the authority does not carry insurance to cover the loss of such items. The majority of children in Stanley Nursery Classes wear the navy nursery class crew-neck sweatshirt. This is a very practical option given the range of activities that the children are involved in. These are available to buy in school. Please support us by purchasing a sweatshirt as it builds a very early identity with the school and looks very smart. Transport Transport is not normally provided by the authority for children attending nursery schools or classes. Supporting children with Additional Support Needs (ASN) When identified as having Additional Support Needs (ASN), our children will receive additional support from nursery staff. The help and support from other agencies will be sought when required. Eg. Speech Therapist, Educational Psychologist, Physiotherapist, Health Visitors etc. Medical and Health Care Children may be examined on occasion by the school nurse if and when necessary. When a child takes ill at school or has an accident then parents are contacted as quickly as possible or, if they cannot be contacted, the school contacts the designated “emergency contact”. It is vital that parents let the staff know where they can be contacted, it is also the responsibility of the parents to notify the staff immediately of any change in this. Should a serious accident occur the child will be taken to the local hospital and the school will continue to contact the parents. Should a child have specific medical requirements parents should inform the Head Teacher and the nursery class staff. School staff are unable to administer medication to children. Snacks The children in the nursery will have a healthy snack each day. We collect £1.50 on a Monday to cover the cost of this and to help towards treats such as Christmas parties and trips etc. Information in Emergencies We make every effort to maintain a full educational service, but on some occasions circumstances arise which lead to disruption. Schools may be affected by for example, severe weather, temporary interruption of transport, power failures or difficulties of fuel supply. In such cases we shall do all we can to let you know about the details of closure or re-opening. We shall keep you in touch by using letters, notices in local shops and community centres, announcements in local churches and announcements in the press and on West FM Radio. 22 Data Protection Act 1984 The Scottish Government and its partners collect and use information about pupils to help to improve education across Scotland. This note explains why we need this information, how we use it and what we do to protect the infomation supplied to us. Why do we need your data? In order to make the best decisions about how to improve our education service, Scottish government, education authorities and other partners such as the SQA and Careers Scotland need accurate, up-to-date data about our pupils. We are keen to help all our pupils do well in all aspects of school life and achieve better examination results. Accurate and up-to-date data alows us to: • plan and delivery better policies for the benefit of all pupils, • plan and deliver better policies for the benefit of specific groups of pupils, • better understand some of the factors which influence pupil attainment and achievement, • share good practice, • target resources better. Data policy Information about pupils' education is collected in partnership between the Scottish Government and Local Authorities through the ScotXed programme which aims to help schools and Local Authorities by supporting efficient collection, processing and dissemination of statistical information. The Scottish Government then provides analysis of the data to support research, planning, management and monitoring of education services as well as to produce National Statistics publications. Education data within Scottish Government is managed effectively by secure systems and is exploited as a valuable corporate resource, subject to confidentiality restraints. As part of its data policy, Scottish Government will not publish or make publicly available any information that allows individual pupils to be identified, nor will data be used by Scottish Government to take any actions in respect of individuals. Data is held securely and no information on individual pupils can or would be made publicly available to Scottish Government. The individual data collected by Scottish Government is used for statistical and research purposes only. Your data protection rights The collection, transfer, processing and sharing of ScotXed data is done in acccordance with the Data Protection Act (1998). We also comply with the National Statistics Code of Practice requirements and other legislation related to safeguarding the confidentiality of data. The Data Protection Act gives you the right to know how we will use your data. This note can give only a brief description of how we use data. Fuller details of each individual ScotXed survey, including the purpose of each and the published data, can be found on the ScotXed website (www.scotxed.net). Scottish Government works with a range of partners including HM Inspectorate of Education, Careers Scotland and the SQA. On occasion, we will make individual data available to partners and also academic institutions and organisations to carry out research and statistical analysis. In addition we will provide our partners with information they need in order to fulfil their official responsibilities. Any sharing of data will be done under the strict control of Scottish Government, which will ensure that no individual level data will be made public as a result of the data sharing and that these data will not be used to take any actions in respect of an individual. Decisions on the sharing of data will be taken in consultation with relevant colleagues and individuals with and outwith Scottish government. 23 Concerns If you have any concerns about the ScotXed data collections you can email the Senior Statistician, Peter Whitehouse, at Peter.Whitehouse@scotland.gsi.gov.uk or write to The ScotXed Support Office, Area 1B, Victoria Quay, Leith, EH6 6QQ. Alternative versions of this page are available, on request from the ScotXed Support Office, in other language, audio tape, Braille and large print Important Addresses Corporate Director (Educational Services) North Ayrshire Council, Education Department, Cunninghame House, Friar’s Croft, Irvine, KA12 8EE. Tel: 01294 324411 North Ayrshire Leisure,1/1 Galt House, 31 Bank Street, Irvine KA12 OAJ Tel: 01294 313772 Area Office, 45 Ardrossan Road, Saltcoats Care Commission, Suite 3, Sovereign House, Academy Road, Irvine, KA12 8RL Tel: 01294 463312 Tel: 01294 323920 Councillors Mrs M Currie, Cunninghame House, Irvine Tel: 01294 324191 Mr A Gurney, Cunninghame House, Irvine Tel: 01294 324166 Mr J Hunter, Cunninghame House, Irvine Tel: 01294 324191 Mr P McNamara, Cunninghame House, Irvine Tel: 01294 324190 Associated Schools Ardrossan Academy, Sorbie Road, Ardrossan Tel: 01294-461931 Dykesmains Primary School, Simpson Drive, Saltcoats James McFarlane School, Dalry Road, Ardrossan Tel: 01294-461354 Tel: 01294 461370 Winton Primary School, Anderson Terrace, Ardrossan Tel: 01294-464443 West Kilbride Primary School, Portencross Road, West Kilbride Tel: 01294-822353 ................................. Although this information is correct at time of printing, there could be changes affecting any of the matters dealt with in the document: (a) before the commencement or during the course of the school year in question. (b) in relation to subsequent school years. 24 Our Overall Aim To work in a sustainable way with our partners to build a better North Ayrshire in which all citizens can participate, learn and contribute to the community. Our Values • Excellence • Openness • Respect • Inclusion • Equality Our Priorities • Increasing Educational attainment and achievement. • Developing confident individuals, responsible citizens, effective contributors and successful learners. • Increasing the number of young people moving to positive post-school destinations. • Promoting better health and more physical activity. • Reducing disadvantage and promoting equality. • Empowering community through participation in cultural and lifelong learning. • Supporting the professional development of staff. • Providing high quality facilities making best use of resources. The Staff Head Teacher Depute Head Teacher (P4,P5,P6,P7) Depute Head Teacher (Nursery, P1,P2,P3) - Mr Hughes Mrs MacDonald Mrs Rose Present Class Structure N.C. Miss Lee P1/HA Mrs Harris P 2/R Mrs Richardson P 1/HO Mrs Holmes P5/C Mrs Cochrane P4/T Mrs Tremble (Principal Teacher) P2/F Mrs Fox P6/G Mrs Gilligan/Goodall P5/6B Mrs Bryson P2/3R Mrs Reid P3/C Mrs Crawford P7G Mrs Griffin (Principal Teacher) P6/7W Mrs Weir P3/4W Miss Montgomerie P4/5H Mrs Clynch (Principal Teacher) Staff = 17.9 Pupil Support Service - Full Time Equivalent Teaching Miss McCormack (1.0) Mrs Banks/Mrs Tumilty and Mrs Clynch (Principal Teacher) all provide cover for various classes throughout the school to give teachers their non class contact time. The school has the service of visiting instructors for brass instrument , wind instrument, voilin tuition, recorder and percussion. Non-teaching Staff Senior Secretary Mrs Watkins Senior Nursery Nurse Nursery Nurses Miss MacMillan Mrs Glen/Mrs Borland Mrs Reid Mrs Crawford Clerical Assistants Mrs Clarke (0.6) Mrs Murray Early Intervention Nursery Nurses Classroom Assistants Mrs Dunn Mrs McCorgray (0.3) Mrs Peter Ms Cance Classroom Assistant ASN Mrs Clarke (0.4) Mrs McDonald Mrs Gibson(0.5) Mrs Morrison (0.8) Mrs Welsh (0.7) Senior Janitor - Mr McGookin Assistant Janitor-Mr Donnelly Mrs Hodgson (0.8) 3 CONTENTS TITLE PAGE Welcome to Stanley 1 Introduction Our Aims 2 The Staff Present Class Structure Non-Teaching Staff 3 Normal School Hours Session 2011/2012 Local Holiday Dates In-Service Dates 4 Registration and Enrolment Transfer from Primary School to Secondary School Child Protection Mobile Phones 5 Curriculum for Excellence 6 Religious Observance Assessment 7 Reporting to Parents Homework Inclusion 8 North Ayrshire Council Education & Skills - Additional Support Needs 9 Equalities 10 Psychological Service Consultation and Meeting with Parents Class Structure 11 Attendance at School Inclement Weather 12 Children Leaving School Premises at Breaks Promoting Positive Behaviour School Dress School Security & Playground Supervision 13 14 Money & Valuables Care of Books, Jotters & Equipment supplied by the School School Meals Provision of Transport 15 Placing Requests Medical & Health Care Liaison with other Education Establishments Parent Forum and Parent Council 16 Contents Title Page School Activities Brass/Wind Band Charities BookClubs/Art Clubs Visits Community Use and Involvement 17 Out of School Care Listening and Learning School Lets 18 Nursery Section Information in Emergencies 19- 22 Data Protection 23 Important Addresses Associated Schools Running costs/Attendance and Absence/School Roll Minimising Overall Absence 24