Beef Breed Presentation


Beef Breed Presentation

For this presentation you will be selling a particular breed of cattle to a prospective buyer.

Each person in Class will need to have a different breed.

Information you will need to include in your presentation:

1. Who are you selling to?

You get to determine where your buyer lives (remember geographic area is important in what kind of cattle you are raising) and how many cows they now have.

It will be assumed that they are looking for cattle to make their herd better suited for their needs.

Example- are they looking to make their cattle larger or smaller? Easier cavers or better mothers? They may need cattle that are more disease resistant (Describe this in a short paragraph in your brochure)

2. What type of cattle are you selling include:


Country of origin, when imported to the U.S. If Breed that was developed through cross breeding what breeds where used?


Frame size

Carcass characteristics

Maternal instincts

General disposition

Breed association web site address

Other information as you see fit as a breed representative

3. Comparison to two other breeds that you do not want the buyer to purchase

Pick breeds that have characteristics different from the breed you want to sell.

4. You will be required to complete an oral presentation of the sale to the class the week of Oct 30 th

thru November 2 nd

. We will pick names out of a hat for the order

5. You will be required to have a sales brochure (Microsoft Publisher is easiest)

6. You may also use a PowerPoint presentation to help you with the sales presentation

7. You can find a lot of information at

8. In addition the breed association web site has good info.
