Background Statement for SEMI DRAFT Document 4624A (rev. 15) NEW STANDARD: SPECIFICATION FOR DEVELOPMENTAL 450 mm DIAMETER POLISHED SINGLE CRYSTAL SILICON WAFERS Note: This background statement is not part of the balloted item. It is provided solely to assist the recipient in reaching an informed decision based on the rationale of the activity that preceded the creation of this document. Note: Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patented technology or copyrighted items of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation. In this context, “patented technology” is defined as technology for which a patent has issued or has been applied for. In the latter case, only publicly available information on the contents of the patent application is to be provided. Attached document specifies 450 mm diameter polished single crystal wafers intended for use in research and development of process and metrology equipment and fabrication processes required to manufacture high-density integrated circuits on 450 mm diameter single crystal silicon wafers. It can also be used to establish the techniques and metrology necessary to support a dimensional specification for 450 mm diameter circuit-quality (prime) wafers. This document should be superseded by dimensional specification and technology-specific guidelines for circuit-quality wafers. The detailed specifications for 450 mm wafers are organized in three categories to assist manufacturers in choosing the most cost effective wafers for a given application: Particle monitors, intended for use in evaluating the particle contamination added by a process tool. Lithography monitors, for development of lithographic and patterning equipment and processes. Other monitors, suitable for use in process and inspection equipment development (other than particle counting or lithography development). The developmental wafers dimensional requirement are identical to the 450 mm mechanical handling wafers, published in SEMI M74, except wafer diameter tolerance, tightened to +/- 0.1 mm, to better reflect wafer handling and some process equipment needs. When specifying the wafer edge profile the customers must select one of two options, a parameter based profile or a template based edge profile. The results of this document will be reviewed at the Int’l 450 mm Wafer TF and will be adjudicated by the Japan Silicon Wafer committee during their meetings at SEMICON Japan in December 2-4, 2009 in Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan. Please check for the latest meeting schedule. DRAFT Document Number: 4624A Date: 2/13/2016 SEMI DRAFT Document 4624A NEW STANDARD: SPECIFICATION FOR DEVELOPMENTAL 450 mm DIAMETER POLISHED SINGLE CRYSTAL SILICON WAFERS 1 Purpose 1.1 The developmental wafers covered by this specification are intended for use in research and development of process and metrology equipment and fabrication processes required for manufacturing high-density integrated circuits on 450 mm diameter single crystal silicon wafers. They can also be used to establish the techniques and metrology necessary to support a dimensional specification for 450 mm diameter circuit-quality (prime) wafers. 2 Scope 2.1 This specification covers dimensional and crystallographic orientation requirements for 450 mm diameter, polished single crystal silicon wafers needed in development. This document should be superseded by dimensional specification and technology-specific guidelines for circuit-quality wafers. 2.2 A complete purchase specification requires that additional physical properties be specified along with test methods for determining their magnitude. If a test instrument is not available, the acceptance criteria should be agreed upon between supplier and customer. 2.3 This specification also contains guidance to assist equipment manufacturers and others to specify wafers for use in developing selected process equipment and unit processes. 2.4 The specification for 450 mm diameter mechanical handling wafers used in development of 450 mm semiconductor equipment such as 450 mm wafers carriers, load ports, Automated Materials Handling System (AMHS), and robotics has already been published as SEMI M74. 2.5 This specification is not intended to be a product wafer specification. 2.6 For referee purposes, SI (System International, commonly called metric) units shall be used. NOTICE: This standard does not purport to address safety issues, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the users of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory or other limitations prior to use. 3 Referenced Standards and Documents 3.1 SEMI Standards SEMI E45 — Test Method for the Determination of Inorganic Contamination from Mini Environments Using Vapor Phase Decomposition-Total Reflection X-ray Spectroscopy (VPD/TXRF), VPD-Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (VPD/AAS), or Inductively Couples Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy (VPD/ICP-MS) SEMI M1 — Specifications for Polished Single Crystal Silicon Wafers SEMI M12 — Specification for Serial Alphanumeric Marking of the Front Surface of Wafers SEMI M13 — Specification for Alphanumeric Marking of Silicon Wafers SEMI M20 — Practice for establishing a wafer coordinate system SEMI M33 — Test Method for the Determination of Residual Surface Contamination on Silicon Wafers by Means of Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (TXRF) SEMI M43 — Guide for Reporting Wafer Nanotopography. SEMI M49 — Guide for Specifying Geometry Systems Equipment forSilicon Wafers for the 130 nm to 22 nm Technology Generations. SEMI M52 — Guide for Specifying Scanning Surface Inspection Systems for Silicon Wafers for the 130 nm, 90 nm, 65 nm, and 45 nm Technology Generations This is a draft document of the SEMI International Standards program. No material on this page is to be construed as an official or adopted standard. Permission is granted to reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other reproduction and/or distribution without the prior written consent of SEMI is prohibited. Page 1 Doc. 4624A SEMI LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International 3081 Zanker Road San Jose, CA 95134-2127 Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 DRAFT Document Number: 4624A Date: 2/13/2016 SEMI M53 — Practice for Calibrating Scanning Surface Inspection Systems Using Certified Depositions of Monodisperse Reference Spheres on Unpatterned Semiconductor Wafer Surfaces SEMI M58 — Test Method for Evaluating DMA-Based Particle Deposition Systems and Processes SEMI M59 — Terminology for Silicon Technology. SEMI M67 — Practice for Determining Wafer Near-Edge Geometry from a Measured Thickness Data Array Using the ESFQR, ESFQD and ESBIR Metrics SEMI M68 — Practice for Determining Wafer Near-Edge Geometry from a Measured Height Data Array Using a Curvature Metric, ZDD SEMI M70 — Practice for Determining Wafer-Near-Edge Geometry Using Partial Wafer Site Flatness SEMI M73 — Test method for Extracting Relevant Characteristics from Measured Wafers Edge Profiles SEMI M74 — Specifications for 450 mm Diameter Mechanical Handling Polished Wafers SEMI MF26 — Test Methods for Determining the Orientation of a Semiconductive Single Crystal SEMI MF42 — Test Methods for Conductivity Type of Extrinsic Semiconducting Materials SEMI MF81 — Test Method for Measuring Radial Resistivity Variation on Silicon Wafers SEMI MF523 — Practice for Unaided Visual Inspection of Polished Silicon Wafer Surfaces SEMI MF533 — Test Method for Thickness and Thickness Variation of Silicon Wafers SEMI MF534 — Test Method for Bow of Silicon Wafers SEMI MF657 — Test Method for Measuring Warp and Total Thickness Variation on Silicon Wafers by Noncontact Scanning SEMI MF673 — Test Methods for Measuring Resistivity of Semiconductor Wafers or Sheet Resistance of Semiconductor Films with a Noncontact Eddy-Current Gage SEMI MF951 — Test Method for Determination of Radial Interstitial Oxygen Variation in Silicon Wafers SEMI MF1049 — Practice for Shallow Pit Detection on Silicon Wafers SEMI MF1152 — Test Method for Dimensions of Notches on Silicon Wafers SEMI MF1188 — Test Method for Interstitial Atomic Oxygen Content of Silicon by Infrared AbsorptionWith Short Baseline. SEMI MF1366 — Test Method for Measuring Oxygen Concentration in Heavily Doped Silicon Substrates by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry SEMI MF1389 — Test Method for Photoluminescence Analysis of Single Crystal Silicon for III-V Impurities. SEMI MF1390 — Test Method for Measuring Warp on Silicon Wafers by Automated Noncontact Scanning SEMI MF1451 — Test Method for Measuring Sori on Silicon Wafers by Automated Noncontact Scanning SEMI MF1530 — Test Method for Measuring Flatness, Thickness, and Thickness Variation on Silicon Wafers by Automated Noncontact Scanning SEMI MF1617 — Test Method for Measuring Surface Sodium, Aluminum, and Potassium on Silicon and Epi Substrates by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry SEMI MF1619 — Test Method for Measurement of Interstitial Oxygen Content of Silicon Wafers by Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy with p-Polarized Radiation Incident at the Brewster Angle SEMI MF1621 — Practice for Determining Positional Accuracy Capabilities of a Scanning Surface Inspection System SEMI MF1727 — Practice for Detection of Oxidation Induced Defects in Polished Silicon Wafers This is a draft document of the SEMI International Standards program. No material on this page is to be construed as an official or adopted standard. Permission is granted to reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other reproduction and/or distribution without the prior written consent of SEMI is prohibited. Page 2 Doc. 4624A SEMI LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International 3081 Zanker Road San Jose, CA 95134-2127 Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International 3081 Zanker Road San Jose, CA 95134-2127 Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 DRAFT Document Number: 4624A Date: 2/13/2016 SEMI MF1810 — Test Method for Counting Preferentially Etched or Decorated Surface Defects in Silicon Wafers. SEMI MF2074 — Guide for Measuring Diameter of Silicon and Other Semiconductor Wafers SEMI T3 — Specifications for Wafer Box Labels SEMI T7 — Specification for Back Surface Marking of Double-Side Polished Wafers with a Two-Dimensional Matrix Code Symbol 3.2 ANSI Standard1 ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 — Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes 3.3 ASTM Standard2 ASTM E122 — Standard Practice for Choice of Sample Size to Estimate the Average Quality of a Lot or Process 3.4 ISO Standard3 ISO 17331 — Surface Chemical Analysis — Chemical methods for collection of elements from the surface of silicon-wafer working reference materials and their determination by total-reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) spectroscopy 4 Terminology 4.1 Terms and acronyms associated with silicon wafers and silicon technology are listed and defined in SEMI M59. 5 Wafer Ordering Information 5.1 Purchase orders for silicon wafers furnished to this specification shall include the following items. Values for these items are given in Tables 1 and 2. 5.1.1 Developmental wafer monitor category 5.1.2 Crystal Growth Method (see ¶ 6.4). 5.1.3 Conductivity Type and Dopant. 5.1.4 Resistivity or Resistivity Range. 5.1.5 Wafer edge profile type requested (see ¶ 6.5.7). 5.1.6 Lot Acceptance Procedures (see § 7). 5.1.7 Test methods for specified attributes (see § 8). 5.1.8 Certification (if required) (see § 9). 5.1.9 Packing and Package Labeling (see § 10). 5.2 Optional Criteria — The following items may also be specified in addition to those listed above if they are considered to be necessary for the application for which the wafers are to be employed (see Table 1). 5.2.1 Wafer identification mark symbol or symbols. 5.2.2 Wafer dimensional characteristics requirements — As specified in Appendix 1 of SEMI M1. 5.2.3 Particulate contamination (localized light scatterer) requirements (see ¶ 6.6.2). 1 American National Standards Institute, Headquarters: 1819 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA. Telephone: 202.293.8020; Fax: 202.293.9287. New York Office: 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036, USA. Telephone: 212.642.4900; Fax: 212.398.0023; 2 American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428-2959, USA. Telephone: 610.832.9585; Fax: 610.832.9555; 3 International Organization for Standardization, ISO Central Secretariat, 1 rue de Varembé, Case postale 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland. Telephone: 41.22.749.01.11; Fax: 41.22.733.34.30; This is a draft document of the SEMI International Standards program. No material on this page is to be construed as an official or adopted standard. Permission is granted to reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other reproduction and/or distribution without the prior written consent of SEMI is prohibited. Page 3 Doc. 4624A SEMI LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT SEMI MF1809 — Guide for Selection and Use for Etching Solutions to Delineate Structural Defects in Silicon Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International 3081 Zanker Road San Jose, CA 95134-2127 Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 DRAFT Document Number: 4624A Date: 2/13/2016 5.3 Additional Criteria — Any additional criteria considered to be necessary for the application for which the wafers are to be employed may also be specified, as agreed between supplier and customer (see Table 1). 6 Requirements 6.1 Table 1 and Table 2 contain detailed specifications for 450 mm diameter wafers intended for use in development. The requirements are organize by wafer categories and wafer type. Table 1 details wafer required properties by category to assist manufacturers in choosing the most cost effective wafers for a given application. Table 2 specifies the different wafer types’ edge profile requirements. 6.2 Wafer Categories 6.2.1 Particle monitors — Wafers intended for use in evaluating the particulate contamination added by a process tool must have controlled front and back surface defect properties. Consequently, specifications are provided for front surface localized light scatterers (LLSs), edge chips, and scratches on both surfaces. If desired, a specification for back surface LLSs can be negotiated between supplier and purchaser. 6.2.2 Lithography monitors — For development of lithographic and patterning equipment and processes, both surface flatness and surface defects must be carefully controlled. 6.2.3 Other monitors — This column repeats the basic requirements for developmental wafers. Wafers in this category are not intended for use in particle counting or litography and patterning. These wafers are suitable for use in process and inspection equipment development. When used for furnace and thermal processes development wafer back side, edge surface finish and oxygen content are critical issues in connection with the introduction of slip during high temperature processing. Bulk iron, oxidation induced stacking faults, and bulk microdefects all can influence wafer performance in thermal processing and should be controlled for critical tests; appropriate specification levels should be negotiated between supplier and purchaser. 6.3 Wafer types. As defined in M1 customers may choose one of two different methods of wafer edge profile specification. 6.3.1 Method A: the edge profile is specified by a set of target parameters and their tolerances (see SEMI M73). 6.3.2 Method B: the edge profile is specified by a target template, drawn from similar profile parameters and a template width (see SEMI M1 Appendix 3). Table 1 General Specification for Developmental 450 mm Diameter Polished Single Crystal Silicon Wafers Wafer Category Item 2.1 General Characteristics 2.1.1 Growth Method 2.1.3 Crystal Orientation 2.1.4 Conductivity Type 2.1.5 Dopant 2.1.6 FQA radius #1 2.1.8 Wafer surface declination in respect to crystal orientation Particle Monitors Lithography Monitors Measurement Other Monitors Method Cz or MCz (100) p B MF26 (x-ray) p or n M1, MF42 B or P M1, MF1389 223 mm On-orientation 0.000 1.000 MF26 (x-ray) This is a draft document of the SEMI International Standards program. No material on this page is to be construed as an official or adopted standard. Permission is granted to reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other reproduction and/or distribution without the prior written consent of SEMI is prohibited. Page 4 Doc. 4624A SEMI LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT 5.2.4 Surface defect requirements, including surface metal contamination (see ¶ 6.6.3). Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International 3081 Zanker Road San Jose, CA 95134-2127 Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 Wafer Category Item Particle Monitors 2.2 Electrical Characteristics 2.2.1 Resistivity #2 p type wafers Lithography Monitors Measurement Other Monitors Method M1, MF673 0.5 - 100 Ω·cm 0.005 - 100 Ω·cm n type wafers 1-20 Ω·cm Not specified M1, MF673 2.2.2 Radial Resistivity Variation (RRG) - Center to 219 mm from center. 2.3 Chemical Characteristics 2.3.1 Oxygen Concentration Not specified Customer Specified M1, MF1188, MF1366 2.3.2 Radial Oxygen Variation - Center to 215 mm from center Not specified 10% MF951 2.4 Structural Characteristics 2.4.1 Dislocation Etch Pit Density 2.4.2 <10% M1, MF81 10/cm2 M1, MF1809 Slip None MF 1809 2.4.4 Twin Boundary None MF1809 2.4.5 Swirl None MF1809 2.5 Wafer Preparation Characteristics 2.5.1 Wafer ID Marking#3 SEMI T7 T7 2.5.7 Edge surface conditions Polished#4 2.5.8 Back surface condition Polished#4 2.6 Dimensional Characteristics 2.6.1 Diameter 2.6.2 Notch Depth Angle 450 0.1 mm M1, MF2074 dimensions#5 MF1152 1.00+0.25 -0.00 mm 900+50-10 2.6.3 Orientation of Notch axis <110> 10 2.6.6 Edge profile See Table 2 2.6.7 Thickness #2 2.6.8 GBIR, less than 2.6.9 Bow, max 2.6.10 Warp, max 2.6.13 M1, M73 925 25 μm 10 μm 3 μm MF533 10 μm MF1530 Customer Specified MF534 100 μm 50 μm 100 μm MF1390 Flatness/SFQR (26x8mm2 site size) Not specified 42 nm Not specified MF1530 2.6.14 Nanotopography Not specified Customer specified Not specified M43 2.6.15 Near Edge Geometry Not specified Customer specified Not specified M67, M68, M70 2.7 Front Surface Chemistry Surface Metal Contamination 2.7.1 This is a draft document of the SEMI International Standards program. No material on this page is to be construed as an official or adopted standard. Permission is granted to reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other reproduction and/or distribution without the prior written consent of SEMI is prohibited. Page 5 Doc. 4624A SEMI LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT DRAFT Document Number: 4624A Date: 2/13/2016 Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International 3081 Zanker Road San Jose, CA 95134-2127 Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 Wafer Category Item Particle Monitors Lithography Monitors Measurement Other Monitors Method Sodium 1 1010 per cm2 MF1617 E45 ISO 17331 Aluminum 1 1010 per cm2 MF1617 E45 ISO 17331 Potassium 1 1010 per cm2 M33 MF1617 E45 ISO 17331 Chromium 1 1010 per cm2 M33 MF1617 E45 ISO 17331 Iron 1 1010 per cm2 M33 MF1617 E45 ISO 17331 Nickel 1 1010 per cm2 M33 MF1617 E45 ISO 17331 Copper 1 1010 per cm2 M33 MF1617 E45 ISO 17331 Zinc 1 1010 per cm2 M33 MF1617 E45 ISO 17331 Calcium 1 1010 per cm2 M33 MF1617 E45 ISO 17331 2.8 Front Surface Inspection Characteristics 2.8.1 Scratches None M1, MF523 2.8.3 Pits (COP) Customer Specified Not specified M1, MF523 2.8.4 Haze Customer Specified Not specified M1, MF523 2.8.5 Localized Light Scatterers 0.045 μm 0.16 per cm2 0.32 per cm2 250 per wafer 500 per wafer M1 (SSIS) 2.8.6 Edge Chips 2.9 Back Surface Inspection Characteristics#6 2.9.1 Edge Chips None M1, MF523 None M1, MF523 This is a draft document of the SEMI International Standards program. No material on this page is to be construed as an official or adopted standard. Permission is granted to reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other reproduction and/or distribution without the prior written consent of SEMI is prohibited. Page 6 Doc. 4624A SEMI LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT DRAFT Document Number: 4624A Date: 2/13/2016 Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International 3081 Zanker Road San Jose, CA 95134-2127 Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 Wafer Category Item Particle Monitors Lithography Monitors Measurement Other Monitors Method 2.9.9 Scratches - Macro None M1, MF523 2.9.10 Scratches - Micro Customer Specified M1, MF523 Localized Light Customer Specified M1, MF523 Scatterers #1 This FQA radius results in a nominal edge exclusion of 2 mm; the radius of the wafer is to be center referenced. #2 Measured at Center Point. #3 See Related Information 1 for optional alphanumeric marking. #4 Implies a surface condition and not a particular processing technique. #5 See Related Information 2 for discussion of inscribed fiducial mark wafer (“notch-free”). #6 Back surface inspection characteristics are impacted by the type of wafer handling. So far no decision about back surface or edge handling in the bare wafer manufacturing has been made. 2.9.11 Table 2 Edge Profile Specification for Developmental 450 mm Diameter Polished Single Crystal Silicon Wafers Edge Wafer Edge Type Specification Item Front edge width Front bevel angle Method A Method B 350 50 μm 350 μm 22.50 22.50 30 Front shoulder radius 202.5 42.5 μm 202.5 μm Back shoulder radius 202.5 42.5 μm 202.5 μm Back bevel angle Back edge width 22.50 22.50 30 350 50 μm 350 μm 30 μm Template Width 925 25 μm Thickness#1 Measurement Method SEMI M73 SEMI M1 Appendix 3 #1 Thickness is not an edge specification but it is listed here for convenience. 6.4 Material and Manufacture — The material shall consist of wafers cut from ingots grown by either the normal Czochralski or the magnetic Czochralski method, at the supplier’s option. 6.5 Dimensions and Permissible Variations — Wafers shall conform to the dimensions and dimensional tolerances as specified for the attributes listed in Table 1. 6.5.1 Shape — Although the warp value specified in Table 1 is expected to be adequate for many developmental purposes, it is now recognized that warp, even with correction for gravitational sag, is not a suitable metric for specifying wafer shape for all applications. Processing may induce additional warp. 6.5.2 Sori is an attribute that may be specified as agreed between the supplier and the purchaser in lieu of warp. (see SEMI MF1451) 6.5.3 Bow values will be specified by the customer, depending on his application requirements. 6.5.4 Flatness — GBIR and SFQR are specified in Table 1. NT and ERO values shall meet customer requirements as specified in the purchase order. NOTE 1: This is a wafer specification. Equipment specifications may have tighter requirements. This is a draft document of the SEMI International Standards program. No material on this page is to be construed as an official or adopted standard. Permission is granted to reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other reproduction and/or distribution without the prior written consent of SEMI is prohibited. Page 7 Doc. 4624A SEMI LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT DRAFT Document Number: 4624A Date: 2/13/2016 Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International 3081 Zanker Road San Jose, CA 95134-2127 Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 DRAFT Document Number: 4624A Date: 2/13/2016 NOTE 2: Customer preferring wafers without a notch, will have the option to use a fiducial mark inscribed on the wafer backside as discussed in Related Information 2. 6.5.6 Back Surface Finish — The back surface shall be polished. 6.5.7 Edge Profile — Must be selected as specified in the purchase order. The edge profile shall confirm to one of two sets of requirements listed in Table 2 at all points on the wafer periphery except the notch region. Edge Surface Finish — The edge surface finish is specified to be “polished,” which is meant to imply a surface condition and not a particular processing technique. 6.5.8 Fixed Quality Area — The central region of the wafer with a radius of 223 mm is designated as the fixed quality area (FQA). NOTE 3: In SEMI M1, the FQA is referenced to the edge of a wafer of nominal diameter by the nominal edge exclusion (see M1, Fig.1c). For 450 mm wafers, the FQA is being center referenced. The equivalent nominal edge exclusion for the specified FQA radius is 2 mm. Measurement results acquired with with edge-referenced coordinates must be handled appropriately when traslating to SEMI M20 coordinate space used in this specification. NOTE 4: It should also be noted that a larger FQA radius (smaller value of nominal edge exclusion) may be required for circuitquality 450 mm diameter wafers. 6.6 Other requirements The wafers shall conform to the surface orientation and fiducial axis orientation requirements as specified in Table 1. NOTE 5: The angular surface orientation tolerance specified in Table 1 is sufficient for wafers intended for general use where channeling is to be avoided in ion implantation. For applications where maximum channeling along the [100] direction perpendicular to the (100) wafer surface plane is desired, the surface orientation tolerance must be tightened as discussed in § 7.1 of SEMI M1. 6.6.1 All 450 mm wafers shall be marked with a two-dimensional matrix code symbol on the back surface outside the fixed quality area as soon after slicing as practical in the manner specified in SEMI T7 in order to provide both identification of these wafers and traceability of each wafer, going back to the ingot from which it was cut. The back surface is identified as the wafer surface with the two-dimensional matrix code symbol. Optionally the user may specify an additional alpha-numeric back-surface mark as described in Related Information 1. 6.6.2 Particulate Contamination (Localized Light Scatterer or LLS) Requirements — Particulate contamination requirements are specified in Table 1. Particle monitors wafers have tighter requirements than other monitor wafers. 6.6.3 Surface Defect Requirements including surface metal contamination levels, are specified in Table 1. 6.6.4 The wafers shall conform to such other physical characteristics listed in SEMI M1 as may be specified in the purchase order or contract. 7 Sampling 7.1 Unless other wise specified, ASTM Practice E 122 shall be used to define the sampling plan. When so specified, appropriate sample sizes shall be selected from each lot in accordance with ANSI/ASQC Z1.4. Each quality characteristic shall be assigned an acceptable quality level (AQL) or lot tolerance percent defective (LTPD) value in accordance with ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 definitions for critical, major, and minor classifications. If desired and so specified in the contract or order, each of these classifications may alternatively be assigned cumulative AQL or LTPD values. Inspection levels shall be agreed upon between the supplier and the purchaser. 8 Test Methods 8.1 Table 1 of SEMI M1 contains a listing of SEMI, ASTM, DIN, and JEIDA/JIS and ISO test methods that may apply to the testing of specified attributes of developmental 450 mm diameter silicon wafers. This is a draft document of the SEMI International Standards program. No material on this page is to be construed as an official or adopted standard. Permission is granted to reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other reproduction and/or distribution without the prior written consent of SEMI is prohibited. Page 8 Doc. 4624A SEMI LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT 6.5.5 Fiducial Mark — A notch in conformance with the dimensions and tolerances as described in M1 ¶ 6.6.1. Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International 3081 Zanker Road San Jose, CA 95134-2127 Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 DRAFT Document Number: 4624A Date: 2/13/2016 9.1 Upon request of the purchaser in the contract or order, manufacturer’s or supplier’s certification that the material was manufactured and tested in accordance with this specification, together with a report of the test results, shall be furnished at the time of shipment. 9.2 In the interest of controlling inspection costs, the supplier and the purchaser may agree that the material shall be certified as “capable of meeting” certain requirements. In this context, “capable of meeting” shall signify that the supplier is not required to perform the appropriate tests as included in the purchase order or contract (see § 8). However, if the purchaser performs the test and the material fails to meet the requirement, the material may be subject to rejection. 10 Packing and Package Labeling 10.1 Special packing requirements shall be subject to agreement between the supplier and the purchaser. Otherwise all wafers shall be handled, inspected, and packed in such a manner as to avoid chipping, scratches, and contamination and in accordance with the best industry practices to provide ample protection against damage during shipment. 10.2 Wafers supplied under this specification shall be identified by appropriately labeling the outside of each box or other container and each subdivision thereof in which it may reasonably expected that the wafers will be stored prior to further processing. Wafer box labels shall include as a minimum the following information in accordance with SEMI T3: Customer Assigned Product Identification Number, Lot Number, Vendor Identification Code, Labeling Date, and Quantity. 10.3 The lot number shall provide access to information concerning the nominal diameter, conductivity type, dopant, orientation, resistivity range, and fabrication history of the particular wafers in that lot. Such information shall be retained on file at the manufacturer’s facility for at least one month after that particular lot has been accepted by the purchaser, or for a longer time if so specified in the purchase order or contract. This is a draft document of the SEMI International Standards program. No material on this page is to be construed as an official or adopted standard. Permission is granted to reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other reproduction and/or distribution without the prior written consent of SEMI is prohibited. Page 9 Doc. 4624A SEMI LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT 9 Certification Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International 3081 Zanker Road San Jose, CA 95134-2127 Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943 RELATED INFORMATION 1 ALPHANUMERIC IDENTIFICATION MARK FOR 450 mm DEVELOPMENTAL WAFER NOTICE: This related information is not an official part of SEMI Mxx and was derived from the International 450 mm Wafer Task Force. This related information was approved for publication by ballot on [tbd]. R1-1.1 As specified in Table 1 all 450 mm wafers have to be marked with a two-dimensional matrix code symbol on the back surface as defined by SEMI T7. R1-1.1.1 However, some customer may require an additional mark, especially during the process development stages. R1-1.1.2 This mark contains alphanumeric characters with: The same message characters as the SEMI T7 mark and appropriate checksum characters as defined by SEMI M12 and M13 and Character string as specified in SEMI M12 and M13. R1-1.1.3 The wafer identification marking positions and dimensions are described in Fig. R1-1 Fiducial Axis A/N MARK Edge Profile Region R 223 5 R 225 ction A/N read dire 1.62 0.03 Edge Exclusion Area All dimensions in millimeters unless otherwise indicated 1.40 0.05 Outer Periphery of FQA T7 MARK from data 223.95 0.15 system de co matrix t to wafer in reference po center 5.0 0.1 from Fiducial Axis Wafer Back Surface Wafer Periphery Notch 8.22 0.05 16.43 0.07 Reference point of SEMI T7 Mark Figure R1-1 T7 and Alphanumeric Identification Marking Positions and Dimensions This is a draft document of the SEMI International Standards program. No material on this page is to be construed as an official or adopted standard. Permission is granted to reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other reproduction and/or distribution without the prior written consent of SEMI is prohibited. Page 10 Doc. 4624A SEMI LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT DRAFT Document Number: 4624A Date: 2/13/2016 DRAFT Document Number: 4624A Date: 2/13/2016 RELATED INFORMATION 2 DISCUSSION ON INSCRIBED FIDUCIAL MARK FOR 450 mm DEVELOPMENTAL WAFER NOTICE: This related information is not an official part of SEMI Mxx and was derived from the International 450 mm Wafer Task Force. This related information was approved for publication by ballot on [tbd]. NOTICE: This fiducial mark specification option is intended for the customers who choose to use a “notch free” wafer. R2-1.1 The wafer notch is used for wafer alignment however it impacts the wafer symmetry and creates a stress area. Eliminating the notch will improve the wafer symmetry and eliminate the notch related stress but will require a different alignment method. R2-1.2 A fiducial mark, inscribed on the back of the wafer has been proposed as an alternative alignment method. A good mark needs to provide a clear signature, with good angular resolution, provide a robust signature for wafer theta alignment and be readable through all the process steps. R2-1.3 The exact dimensions, position and pattern of the fiducial mark have not been defined yet and will have to be addressed in future working group meetings. NOTICE: SEMI makes no warranties or representations as to the suitability of the standard(s) set forth herein for any particular application. The determination of the suitability of the standard(s) is solely the responsibility of the user. Users are cautioned to refer to manufacturer’s instructions, product labels, product data sheets, and other relevant literature respecting any materials or equipment mentioned herein. These standards are subject to change without notice. By publication of this standard, Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights or copyrights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of any such patent rights or copyrights, and the risk of infringement of such rights are entirely their own responsibility. This is a draft document of the SEMI International Standards program. No material on this page is to be construed as an official or adopted standard. Permission is granted to reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other reproduction and/or distribution without the prior written consent of SEMI is prohibited. Page 11 Doc. 4624A SEMI LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International 3081 Zanker Road San Jose, CA 95134-2127 Phone:408.943.6900 Fax: 408.943.7943