
Coaching Philosophy eWorkbook
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Your coaching philosophy is a statement about your personal belief system and how you will implement
those beliefs in the way you coach. In this sense, a philosophy is “a system of principles for guidance in
practical affairs.” (
This eWorkbook will help you develop and/or form a deeper understanding of your belief system and
coaching philosophy.
As you can imagine, your belief system affects how you coach, who you coach, and why you coach. It
influences the objectives you have for your clients, what you believe about the process of change, how
you hold people accountable, how you make decisions, and every other aspect of the coaching
experience, including, your confidence as a coach. Indeed, it affects how you live your life.
There are no “right” answers to the questions posed in this eWorkbook. The answers must be “right” for
you, and only for you.
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Part 1 – Exploration of iPEC’s Foundation Principles
We begin by first exploring iPEC’s Foundation Principles. The Module I Coach Training Manual explains
that iPEC’s Foundation Principles are “philosophies to coach and live by” and can be a potential way of
life for you.
“In order to be most fully present, hold the other person’s true agenda, be objective, intuitive,
powerful, and most importantly, effective, you must have a strong personal foundation and
belief system, as well as a foundation from which to coach.
iPEC’s principles are a life philosophy, and a way of being. They are a way to “walk the talk,”
which happens when you truly incorporate the principles in your life and live them as reality. “
It’s important to understand that although these principles resonate at high levels of energy and can be
extremely powerful, they only do so if you believe in them and live them as Truth, and so, they are only
suggestions for your potential belief system.
Pick 10 Foundation Principles and answer the following questions for each one. You may eventually
decide to do this for all 33 principles.
Describe the meaning of this principle in your own words.
What aspects of this principle resonate with me?
With what aspects of this principle do I have difficulty?
If I truly walked the talk with this principle, what in my life would change?
What would change in how I coach?
What is one thing I could do this week to “test” living by this principle?
You may wish to have your peer coach hold you accountable for designing and carrying out your
10 Foundation Principle experiments.
Foundation Principles
You cannot make a mistake
Each moment describes who you are, and gives you the opportunity to decide if that’s who you want to be
Absolute passion is the highest form of consciousness
Our level of true awareness is directly related to our lack of judging
Each one of us is a perfect, unique energy force
The answers to all questions lie within
The only constant is change
Each of us is greater and wiser than we appear to be
All experiences are opportunities for growth
We each have a Higher Coach
Life offers neither problems nor challenges, only opportunities
Life is a perfect adventure; a game that cannot be won or lost, only played
The Universe makes sense
Each person we meet is our teacher and student
The world is a perceptual illusion.
We are each a product of our own belief system
Faith is more powerful than proof
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Self-Mastery occurs when the ego is transcended
We are not the spoke, nor a group of many spokes—we are the Wheel
Doing is work, Being is effortless
Anyone’s journey is as unique and valuable as anyone else’s journey
Spirituality is not limited in any way or to anything
A purpose can be found in everything that happens
We are each here for a special purpose
Now is all there ever is
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional
The best way to teach Love is to be Love
We either grow or die
Nothing exists in isolation of anything else
Truth exists regardless of belief or consensus
Truth is power
The greatest freedom is the freedom of choice
Energy attracts like energy
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1st Foundation Principle I’m exploring:
Describe the meaning of this principle in your own words.
What aspects of this principle resonate with me?
With what aspects of this principle do I have difficulty?
If I truly walked the talk with this principle, what in my life would change?
What would change in how I coach?
What is one thing I could do this week to “test” living by this principle?
What I’ll do
When I’ll do it
What was the result of your experiment?
2nd Foundation Principle I’m exploring:
Describe the meaning of this principle in your own words.
What aspects of this principle resonate with me?
With what aspects of this principle do I have difficulty?
If I truly walked the talk with this principle, what in my life would change?
What would change in how I coach?
What is one thing I could do this week to “test” living by this principle?
What I’ll do
When I’ll do it
What was the result of your experiment?
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3rd Foundation Principle I’m exploring:
Describe the meaning of this principle in your own words.
What aspects of this principle resonate with me?
With what aspects of this principle do I have difficulty?
If I truly walked the talk with this principle, what in my life would change?
What would change in how I coach?
What is one thing I could do this week to “test” living by this principle?
What I’ll do
When I’ll do it
What was the result of your experiment?
4th Foundation Principle I’m exploring:
Describe the meaning of this principle in your own words.
What aspects of this principle resonate with me?
With what aspects of this principle do I have difficulty?
If I truly walked the talk with this principle, what in my life would change?
What would change in how I coach?
What is one thing I could do this week to “test” living by this principle?
What I’ll do
When I’ll do it
What was the result of your experiment?
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5th Foundation Principle I’m exploring:
Describe the meaning of this principle in your own words.
What aspects of this principle resonate with me?
With what aspects of this principle do I have difficulty?
If I truly walked the talk with this principle, what in my life would change?
What would change in how I coach?
What is one thing I could do this week to “test” living by this principle?
What I’ll do
When I’ll do it
What was the result of your experiment?
6th Foundation Principle I’m exploring:
Describe the meaning of this principle in your own words.
What aspects of this principle resonate with me?
With what aspects of this principle do I have difficulty?
If I truly walked the talk with this principle, what in my life would change?
What would change in how I coach?
What is one thing I could do this week to “test” living by this principle?
What I’ll do
When I’ll do it
What was the result of your experiment?
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7th Foundation Principle I’m exploring:
Describe the meaning of this principle in your own words.
What aspects of this principle resonate with me?
With what aspects of this principle do I have difficulty?
If I truly walked the talk with this principle, what in my life would change?
What would change in how I coach?
What is one thing I could do this week to “test” living by this principle?
What I’ll do
When I’ll do it
What was the result of your experiment?
8th Foundation Principle I’m exploring:
Describe the meaning of this principle in your own words.
What aspects of this principle resonate with me?
With what aspects of this principle do I have difficulty?
If I truly walked the talk with this principle, what in my life would change?
What would change in how I coach?
What is one thing I could do this week to “test” living by this principle?
What I’ll do
When I’ll do it
What was the result of your experiment?
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9th Foundation Principle I’m exploring:
Describe the meaning of this principle in your own words.
What aspects of this principle resonate with me?
With what aspects of this principle do I have difficulty?
If I truly walked the talk with this principle, what in my life would change?
What would change in how I coach?
What is one thing I could do this week to “test” living by this principle?
What I’ll do
When I’ll do it
What was the result of your experiment?
10th Foundation Principle I’m exploring:
Describe the meaning of this principle in your own words.
What aspects of this principle resonate with me?
With what aspects of this principle do I have difficulty?
If I truly walked the talk with this principle, what in my life would change?
What would change in how I coach?
What is one thing I could do this week to “test” living by this principle?
What I’ll do
When I’ll do it
What was the result of your experiment?
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Part 2 – Questions to Consider
Here are some further important questions to consider as you think about your belief system and
coaching philosophy. Remember, there are no “right” or “wrong” answers. (Answer as many as you
What do you believe is the basic nature of people?
What is your perspective on fate vs. free will?
How and why do people change?
Can everyone change?
What is my role as a coach in facilitating change?
What is my client’s role?
Why do I want to be a coach?
What difference do I want to make by coaching?
How do I want to show up as a coach?
What goals do I have for my clients?
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How will I handle a client who has a different belief system than I do?
How will I coach according to my philosophy?
How will I live according to my philosophy?
Your own questions:
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Part 3 – Your Statement
Now that you’ve explored iPEC’s principles and answered the questions, it’s time to create your
Coaching Philosophy statement. Explain your personal belief system, and how you plan to put your
beliefs into action as a coach. Since this statement is unique to you, create it in any way you wish. It can
be as brief or as lengthy as you desire.
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Next Steps
Realize that your belief system, like your coaching philosophy, is ever changing and evolving. We suggest
that you revisit your statement and the other questions in this eWorkbook from time to time. You may
want to form a mastermind group with your fellow coaches in which you discuss and further refine your
coaching philosophy. You may also find iPEC’s Law of Being program very helpful in helping you get
more to the core of who you are (you’ll learn about it at Module III).
Congratulations on completing this eWorkbook!
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