MCOE Bus Driver Handbook Revised 08-01-2014 1 School Bus Driver Handbook I have received the School Bus Driver Handbook on __________________. Date I understand that: 1) This handbook supersedes all previous handbooks. 2) This handbook, however, is not a substitute for common sense. When in doubt call the Transportation Department for interpretation and guidance. 3) Violation of these policies and procedures is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. ____________________________ Signature ____________________ Date This note will be placed in your personnel file as proof that you received the new Driver Handbook Revised 08-01-14 2 INTRODUCTION Your position as MCOE school bus driver for exceptional children requires great responsibility. The educational needs of these children are dependent on your smooth and efficient transportation, common sense and adherence to safety practices. The purpose of this handbook is to assist you in following the rules and regulations pertaining to school bus operation as prescribed by the California State Department of Motor Vehicles Code, California Highway Patrol, and the Monterey County Office of Education. Violation of these policies and procedures is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. This handbook, however, is not a substitute for common sense. When in doubt call the Transportation Department for interpretation and guidance. This handbook supersedes all previous handbooks. Revised 08-01-14 3 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS AND CODE WORD California Highway Patrol 796-2100 Bus accident-5:00 AM-5:00 PM 755-6428 Bus breakdown Before 5:00 AM 5:00 AM-5:00 PM 596-1224 755-6428 Hijacking “ED 99” Code word If you are in a hostage situation or have an unauthorized entry, and you have the opportunity to key up your microphone, say “ED 99”. Life threatening emergency “Code Red” Code word Radio or call MCOE and say “Code Red” and give the following information: Exact location Need for police, ambulance or both Details about the emergency if requested Student emergency-5:00 AM-5:00 PM 755-6428 Transportation Department Personnel Eleanor Arroyo Supervisor From Monterey Brandy Acevedo Asst. Supervisor Ruben Parra Fleet Maintenance Technician Luis Castillo Fleet Maintenance Technician Blanca Lomeli-Volz Dispatcher FAX 755-6428 ext. 428 373-2955 755-6429 ext. 429 755-6427 ext. 427 755-0344 ext. 344 755-6426 784-4166 4 MCOE SCHOOL BUS ACCIDENT PROCEDURES 1. Law requires that you STOP at the scene and report the accident to the Transportation Department. 2. First priority – Are the students and you okay? What just happened? What is your exact location; Name of street, Name of cross-street 3. If you must move the bus to a safe location, first mark the ground where ALL the tires are on the roadway with the chalk in the Emergency Packet to identify the location and position of the bus at the time of the accident. 4. Radio the Transportation Department with the prepared following information – transmit slowly and clearly; a) Are there any students aboard and how many? b) Your exact location and direction of travel. c) Summarize the nature of injuries if any. d) Number of other vehicles or property involved and a description of each. e) Extent of damage to the bus. f) Any other important related information. g) Inform the office if you are shutting-down or going to be away from the radio! Transmit direct information quickly – Respond with direct answers such as YES and NO. The proper authorities will be contacted and office staff will arrive at your location ASAP Continue to manage your situation till help arrives; Protect the scene; activate the Hazard Flashers and set out the Reflectors. Not required if 10 feet or more off of the traveled portion of the roadway OR parked where legal parking is allowed. Calm the students in the bus. Do not allow any student to leave or be taken off of the bus by anyone. Evaluate all injuries and begin the proper first aid procedures. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, write down the license plate numbers and descriptions of the other vehicles involved, the other drivers names and Drivers License Numbers, the date, time and location of the accident. Don’t trust the other driver – they might leave the scene of the accident. Prepare the Seating Chart from the emergency packet with the students names, their home address and date-of-birth, use the Emergency/Medical Cards for this information! Think about the truthful facts of the accident and how you will report it to the Officer. Keep your information accurate and consistent when speaking to the Officer. Do Not Discuss the accident with ANYONE but the Officer. Do Not sign anything, admit any amount of guilt or blame anyone else. If you are on a trip in another area and are unable to contact the Transportation Office, you must contact the authorities. If a camera is available – take pictures of the scene, your bus and other involved vehicles. Write down the name of the police agency that responded and note the Case or Report Number from the Officer. 5 MCOE SCHOOL BUS EVACUATION POLICY AND PROCEDURES Evacuate the school bus ONLY when there is an immediate danger of injury or death to remaining aboard the bus. Examples: If Smoke is detected or Fire is visible. If Leaking Fuel is discovered. If disabled or stalled upon a Dangerous Location of the highway. In the event of an actual emergency, the decision to evacuate the bus is the first step and one of the most critical decisions the driver will have to make. A too hasty decision to evacuate could worsen an already bad situation. Only the driver can give the order to evacuate the bus. 1. Basic Procedure: Evacuate the students from the bus ONLY when there is an immediate danger of injury or death to remaining aboard the bus. Back-packs and any other large or bulky items must remain in the bus. Never tell the students to “jump” from the bus! 2. Identify The Problem: Accident, breakdown or stalled at a dangerous location of the highway, leaking fuel, fire or smoke. 3. Prepare Plans For A Variety Of Evacuations: Rear door, Front door or Roof hatch, whichever is furthest away from the danger. Evacuate those students who are closest to the danger FIRST! 4. Execution: Remain calm. Retrieve the emergency equipment including the Emergency/Medical Cards. Allow the “helpers” to exit first so they can assist the others out of the bus at the emergency exit. Keep all the students together. Locate a safe area at least 100 feet away for everyone to go to. If the bus is on fire, consider the windage and stay upwind and out of the smoke. If leaking fuel is flowing down hill, go to an up hill location. Have the students sit down, facing away from the bus. 5. The Decision To Evacuate: Only when deemed necessary by the driver and after an evaluation of the situation and a plan has been decided upon, announce the evacuation. 6. Regular And Special Education Students: Have the students sit on the floor at the exit door, facing the exit and “scoot-out” feet first. 7. Preschool And Headstart Students: Have the students lay on the floor face down with their feet towards the exit door and “scoot-out” feet first. 8. Wheelchair And Car Seat Students: Be familiar with the equipment and features of each wheelchair and car seat, how to disconnect and remove them. Know the physical abilities and limitations of these students. Remember to use proper lifting and handling skills when working with these students – avoid injury to yourself! REMEMBER: NEVER TELL THE STUDENTS TO “JUMP”FROM THE BUS! 6 MCOE TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT POLICIES The following policies are specific to the Transportation Department. MCOE personnel policies may apply. Violation of these policies and procedures is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. General Policies 1. Never deviate from your route without getting prior permission from the office or, in the event of an emergency, notifying the office of the need to re-route. 2. Never leave students on the bus unattended or attended by anyone other than an MCOE employee. 3. Smoking is not permitted at any time on the bus or at any MCOE sites. 4. Staff is not allowed to eat or drink on the bus while students are on board. Do not place drink cups and cans, notebooks, papers etc. on the dashboard. 5. Staff shall not use cell phones or any other wireless devices while driving. Additionally, these wireless devices when taken into a school bus shall be turned-off or silenced and shall be removed beyond the drivers’ immediate possession and reach. 6. Staff may not use buses for personal use or to conduct personal business. Members of a driver’s family may not ride the bus. Only MCOE students, staff and representatives may ride the bus. 7. Immediately report ALL incidents of collisions regardless of how slight including when empty and / or on private property. Paperwork and Organization Policies 1. Submit your signed and dated timesheet to the Transportation Office by 12:00 (noon) on or before the 10th of the month. If the 10th falls on a weekend, the timesheet is due the previous Friday. Do not forget to write the last four (4) digits of your social security number in the space provided. 2. Complete the dailies at the end of the pre-trip and before you begin driving your route. 3. Number your route cards in pencil in case they become separated. Separate the am, voc. ed., and pm cards and clearly label them. “Pencil in” pick up/drop off cards so that they can be changed if necessary. 4. Maintain current route cards and emergency cards together on your board and on the bus at all times. 5. Submit new route sheets and mileage to the Transportation Department within one (1) week of route change. 6. Write up any behavior problem or a student incident and submit it to the Transportation Department immediately. 7 Driving Policies (empty or loaded) 1. The maximum speed limit is 55 miles per hour. 2. Headlights must be on at all times while the bus is operable/in motion. 3. Do not use John Street railroad crossing. 4. Avoid backing situations while in route. If any questionable route situations arise, request help from the Transportation Department. 5. Remove the keys and keep them in your possession whenever you leave the driving compartment regardless of length of time you are absent. 6. Inspect the bus daily, prior to operation. Fifteen (15) minutes is allotted for this requirement. 7. When fueling do not allow passengers on the bus. 8. 2-way Radio A. If you are delayed after you start your route, call the Transportation Department who will notify parents. B. Do not allow others to use the radio. If teachers or parents have a problem or a question regarding the student’s transportation, direct them to call the Transportation Department via a telephone or cell phone. C. Before using the radio plan your conversation and keep your message short and to the point. D. Exercise discretion when giving student information over the radio as student information generally is confidential. E. Do not release telephone numbers over the radio unless requested to do so. F. Report any abnormalities or problems to the Transportation Department as soon as practicable. G. If you have questions about work-related mail or communiqués, call the Transportation Department by telephone or cell phone. H. Radio Functionality 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Maintain a sufficient level of volume. Ensure a clear radio frequency before transmitting. Press the microphone key and wait a moment before transmitting. Speak clearly and directly into the microphone. Use radio for only important, necessary information and/or emergencies. Do not use radio while the bus is in motion if at all possible. Do not use radio while fueling. Monitor your radio at all times. 8 I. Radio Failure to Operate 1. Stop a passing motorist and request that he/she notify the Transportation Department of your distress. 2. Complete the Assist Card (located in the emergency packet) and give to motorists in two (2) separate vehicles. Using the Assist Card, instruct these motorists to call COLLECT to the Transportation Department. 9. Red Lights A. Use the red lights when stopped for the purposes of loading and unloading students at their home. If the parent needs to talk to you, try to be brief, because the red lights must stay on until you are ready to depart the stop. B. Turn on the red lights upon arrival to a student stop. C. Do not use the radio when using your red lights; complete the red light procedure before using the radio. 10. Reduced Visibility Plan-34501.6 VC In the event that atmospheric conditions reduce visibility on the roadway to 200 feet or less during regular home-to-school transportation service, the Monterey County Office of Education has adopted the following procedures: A. If prior to operation of the route, visibility is reduced to 200 feet or less due to atmospheric conditions, the route departure time will be delayed—only after consultation with the Transportation Department. B. If the route is in progress and the driver experiences reduced visibility on the roadway to 200 feet or less, the driver will call on the two-way radio to the Transportation Department, notify office staff of the situation and look for a safe location to stop the bus and wait for visibility to clear. C. The same procedure will be followed while traveling on a school activity trip. 11. Wheelchair Procedures A. Driver Responsibilities 1. Lower and raise ramp. 2. Ensure that the wheelchair brakes are in good working condition by pushing back and forth in a normal fashion. If brakes are defective or any tires are flat, do not transport. 3. Ensure that the standard automotive seat belt is fastened once the student has entered the bus. 4. Place all wheelchairs in a forward facing position. 5. Secure a minimum of 4 tie-downs to each wheelchair. 6. Test tie-downs to ensure immobility by moving chair backwards, forwards and sideways. 7. Re-test and re-tighten the tie-downs of all wheelchairs as necessary. 8. Fasten the additional shoulder and lap belts if the bus has a 7-point restraint system. 9. Attach walkers to the wall of the bus with stretch cords or buckle into a seat. 9 10. Do not allow others to assist in securing students. This is the responsibility of the driver. 11. Once the child is unloaded, remove all tie-downs from the floor of the bus to avoid hazards for people walking through the bus. 12. Roll up all tie-downs and place inside the wall pouch or inside the box if no wall pouch is installed. NO TIEDOWN CAN BE LEFT IN FLOOR IF NOT IN USE! 13. Use ramp covers while bus is in motion. 14. Test the ramp daily (with engine off) before starting your run to ensure that it is in proper working order. 15. Test the manual use of the ramp monthly. 16. Evacuation a. Remove the student from the chair. b. Break down wheelchair parts (trays, voice box, etc) in order to remove student. 17. Notify the Transportation Department of any wheelchair changes as all equipment must be pre-approved. B. Parent Responsibilities 1. To maintain the wheelchair and ensure that it is properly equipped with brakes and retraining belt. 2. To open doors of ramp door and secure to the side of the bus. 3. To ensure that the wheelchair is equipped with brakes and a restraining belt. 12. AM/FM Radio Stations The radio station that you listen to in the school bus is your choice. However you are NEVER allowed to listen to radio stations with obscene or vulgar programming or DJ’s, or listen to radio stations that feature religious music, messages, discussions or political programming. Bus “Housekeeping” and Maintenance Policies 1. Wash and clean the bus twice per month. 2. Sweep the bus daily at the end of the day. 3. Maintain clean windows, mirrors and lens covers at all times for safety reasons. 4. Close windows and lock all doors at the end of the day. 5. Do not allow trash under the driver’s seat, around the engine cover and inside the clean-up box. 6. Before starting a diesel bus let the “glow plug” light go out. Check “Cold Start Procedures” inside the bus. 7. Fuel the bus daily. Maintain a full tank of fuel. 10 Student-related Policies 1. We need to have a HANDS OFF policy when dealing with the students. You have no right to touch a student unless you are assisting them for ‘safety’ reasons. If they are in a “life threatening situation” and you need to help them off the bus or out of danger, then you may need to assist them. 2. Designated Contacts Only those who are listed on the Emergency Card may remove children from the bus. 3. Contact with Parents A. Give parents your phone number and encourage them to call you when their child is not riding or when their child is returning from absence. B. Explain to parents the procedure that you will not go back to their house if the child does not ride the bus until you hear from the parent. C. Do not allow parents onto the bus for the purpose of scolding or confronting other students. D. Inform parents that you will handle student behavioral problems and that the parent may call the Transportation Department for additional assistance. E. If you expect to arrive early notify the parents in advance. F. If you are delayed while you are at your park out, call the parents and inform them of this fact. G. Be on time to pick up and drop off students at their homes as families get confused when times change. 4. Loading and Unloading at Schools A. The driver is responsible for unloading students: taking students to the door of the bus. Loading students: receiving students at the door of the bus; and, seating students on the bus and securing the appropriate passenger restraint for each student. B. When pulling into a school zone to load or unload students, pull up as close as possible to the bus ahead. Wait for the bus ahead to load or unload and never back up. C. When loading and unloading wheelchair students, do not double park. D. The driver is always held responsible for the safety of all passengers aboard the bus. 5. Returning Students to their Homes A. If there is no one to receive the child at/after the designated drop time: 1. Notify the Transportation Department via radio. The Transportation Department will notify the parent or alternate emergency contacts about the emergency address where outside they may receive the child. 2. Proceed to the emergency address. 3. If no contact is made, deliver all other students to their homes. 4. Return to the student’s house. 5. If no contact is made, deliver the student to the MCOE Transportation Department 11 B. Parent Responsibilities 1. Parents are required to come to the bus door every time students are delivered home. 2. If the student does not have “On/off permission”, do not release the student until the parent is at the bus to assist the student in getting off the bus. 5. Different AM and PM Drivers A. PM driver will notify AM driver when student is sent home early. B. AM driver will notify PM driver when student returns after an absence. 6. Child Abuse Immediately report known or suspected child abuse to the Transportation Department. 7. Carry-on Items A. With passenger safety in mind, do not permit on board any large, unwieldy, hazardous items even if such items are related to field trips and school-sanctioned events. B. Keep isles and foot space clear. C. Use good judgment in identifying and removing items that are unsafe for transport. 8. Seatbelts A. Ensure that all students are seated and have their seatbelts securely fastened. B. Do not tie a knot in the seatbelt to shorten the belt but rather, use a vest. C. Do not allow the seatbelt to be removed until the student has reached his/her destination and the bus has stopped. 9. Inspections A. Walk the isle of the bus to the rear after the last student has unloaded according to the following schedule: 1. AM 2. Noon 3. PM B. Look under seats for students who may have fallen asleep or otherwise, did Not properly disembark. Look for other items such as; back-packs, jackets, cell phones, keys, etc. 12 C. Via the radio contact the Transportation Department to report that you have “walked-the-bus” and record the time given to you on the Daily. 10. Post-trip Inspection On a daily basis: A. Complete #9 A, B, & C above. B. Check the conditions of the seats, paying attention to cuts, tears and marks. C. “Buckle Back” each pair of seat belts. D. Remove all litter. E. Sweep flooring. F. Maintain a full tank of fuel. One-half (1/2) tank is considered empty. G. Lock up the bus. 1. Close windows 2. Secure emergency exit(s) and lock door(s). 3. If the keys are left in the bus, place them on the driver’s sun visor unless otherwise instructed. For a wheelchair bus leave the keys inside the ramp door. 11. Minimum Days A. Minimum Day drivers are responsible for notifying parents of all drop-off times prior to the actual minimum day. B. Do not exchange minimum day times via the radio. School Bus Daily Student Check Sheet - Procedure 1. Use of the School Bus Daily Student Check Sheet A. See the sample sheet on the following page. Fill in the names of all of your students from your AM, NOON, and PM routes. (You may make photocopies of your “filled-in” sheet with all the student names to be ready for use daily). B. At the end of each route, make a “check” mark in the appropriate column AM, NOON, PM, as you observe each student exit the bus; AM - at the school; NOON - at the students home; PM - at the students home. C. If the student is absent, write-in “abs”. Do not “line-out” the student name unless that student has been “dropped” from your route. D. Use a new, dated sheet, each day you transport students. 13 SCHOOL BUS DAILY STUDENT CHECK SHEET Driver Name:__________________ Bus #:__________ Date:___________________ Student AM NOON PM drop off drop off drop off 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Log time of final bus check at the end of each run. Check your bus after each drop off. Then place a check mark after each student name to verify that this student exited your bus. If the student was absent, write “abs” in the space provided. At the end of each route, log the time of your final bus check in the space provided. Submit this form with your Daily Inspection Report. 14 PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES The following procedures are based on MCOE personnel policies. For more information on these policies, contact the human resources department. Violation of these policies and procedures is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Absenteeism, Driver Unscheduled absenteeism creates stress for the department and your co-workers. When you are absent someone else must assume your responsibilities. While emergencies arise on the spur of the moment, you are requested to keep these incidents to a minimum. 1. Illness or other emergencies after office hours 540-5872 (c) A minimum of two (2) hours advanced notification is required in order to arrange for a substitute; therefore: A. Call before 9:00 PM the night before the absence OR B. Call between 4:00 and 5:00 AM the morning of the absence 2. Personal Necessity/doctor appointments Submit request at least three (3) workdays in advance. 3. Return from Absence Call 755-6428 by 2:30 p.m. the day before you report back to work in order to enable the substitute driver to deliver your bus and route cards to your home. If you do not call, the substitute driver will continue to cover your route. Dress Code The dress code applies to all employees of the Transportation Department. The dress code exists so that employees present a neat, clean and professional image to students, parents, the public, and at school sites in accordance with standards established by the public school transportation industry. Student and staff safety, public satisfaction and cleanliness are of highest importance. The responsibility for maintaining the dress code standards rests with each employee and his/her supervisor. While dress is a personal matter, the Transportation Department reserves the right to determine what is appropriate within the established guidelines of the dress code policy. 15 1. Dress wear A. Do not wear short-shorts, short skirts, low-cut tops, or tops that reveal the midriff. B. Do not wear clothing that advertises tobacco or alcohol, supports illegal activities or political ideology. C. Do not wear clothing with obscene or inappropriate wording or pictures. 2. Foot wear – Any Time You Operate a School Bus, including when empty or on a school break! A. Wear closed-toe and closed-heel, non-slip, shoes or boots that fit securely around your foot. Tennis-type shoes are ideal. B. Do not wear sandals, flip-flops or thongs, high-heeled shoes/boots or house slippers while driving the bus. 4. Eyewear The “temple-width” of your glasses (regular or sunglasses) shall not exceed ½ inch. THIS IS A LAW! 3. Accessories Do not wear jewelry and accessories that can be grabbed by students or caught in equipment including but not limited to wheelchairs and bus apparatus. Training and In-servicing The Transportation Department believes in the value of on-going inservicing and training regardless of length of service. All training and inservicing is important and planned with employee needs in mind according to changing laws, policies and procedures. When you are absent you are unable to take advantage of learning that occurs in group settings with your coworkers. Training record time (T-01 time) is based on actual attendance time. Make sure to be in class on time and stay for the whole class to receive the full T-01 time. 1. Inservices A. Plan to attend inservices usually scheduled one Thursday per month from 9:45-11:15 AM. Be in training room on time. B. If you leave the class early, sign your “out” time for accurate records. B. Avoid scheduling personal business during these periods. 2. Substitute Driver Training A. Instruct substitute drivers using the “Substitute Driver Training” checklist and observe their performance on the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Operating the wheelchair lift Securing all the tie-downs to the floor and wheelchairs Operating the “child safety restraint system” Customized loading and unloading procedures Behavior and medical issues unique to each student Dangers or hazards unique to the route Other concerns 16 B. Use the “return demonstration” technique by: 1. Allowing the substitute driver to perform the skill while you observe. 2. Not performing the skill for the substitute driver, even though to do so may be a quicker but less technique. 3. Remembering what it was like when you were a substitute driver and what was important to learn. C. Submit the “Substitute Driver Training” checklist to the Transportation Department. Substitute Driving 1. Assignments and Scheduling A. Monday through Friday assignments are made after 2:00 PM in person, or via radio or phone. B. Sunday or following a holiday break assignments are made after 5:00 PM. C. If you have not heard about an assignment by 8:00 PM, call: 755-6428; or 540-5872 (Before 9:00 PM and after 4:00 AM) D. If you decline an assignment without a valid reason as determined by the Transportation Department, you will not be assigned another route for the day. E. After an assignment is made, it is subject to change as additional absences or emergencies arise. You will be notified as soon as practicable. F. As practicable, you will be provided route sheets, map, student information and other pertinent information in advance. 2. Responsibilities The substitute driver is responsible for following all rules and requirements as specified in this handbook. 17 INDEX Subject Page Absenteeism, driver Abuse, child Accident Procedures AM/FM Radio Stations Backing Behavioral problems, student Breakdown contact phone numbers California Highway Patrol, phone number Cell phone use Child abuse Code word Dailies Diesel engine starting Doors, lock Dress code Emergency cards Emergency telephone numbers Evacuation Policy and Procedures Eyewear Fueling Hands Off Policy Headlights Hijacking code word Housekeeping and maintenance policies Illness, driver Inspection of the bus In-service and Training Keys Lens covers Lights, red Maintenance policies Minimum days Mirrors Parent responsibilities Personal necessity Personnel policies and procedures Personnel in the Transportation Department Phone, cell use Policies, driving Policies, housekeeping and maintenance Policies, personnel Policies, student-related 14 13 11 9 7 6 3 3 6 11 3 6 9 9 14 6 3 5 15 7, 9 10 7 3 9 13 7 14 7 9 8 9 12 9 9, 11 13 14 3 6 6 9 13 10 18 Radio, 2-way Railroad crossing, John Street Red lights Route cards Route change School Bus Daily Student Check Sheet School Bus Daily Student Check Sheet – SAMPLE SHEET Seatbelts, passengers Smoking Speed limit, maximum Substitute driver training Substitute driving Sweeping the bus Timesheet Training and In-servicing Transportation Department Personnel Visibility Plan, 34501.6 VC Wheelchair procedures Windows, closed 7, 8 7 7 6 6 12 13 11 6 7 14 16 9 6 15 3 8 8 9 19