Department of Engineering Science and Physics ENS 136 Assignment 3: Alternating voltage and current, frequency, time period, two-phase voltage supply, and the behavior of capacitors and inductors under AC signals. Electric power is supplied as a 60-Hz AC voltage, which is a sinusoidal signal (sine or cosine waveform). Fig. 1 shows AC voltage waveform for 110 volts line voltage. Since AC voltage is constantly changing with time, it is normally expressed with its effective value (technically, root-mean-square or RMS value). RMS value is obtained by dividing maximum voltage of the sinusoidal waveform by square root of 2. Figure 1. Fall 2010 1 Syed A. Rizvi Department of Engineering Science and Physics ENS 136 Time period, T measured in seconds, of a periodic signal is the time needed to complete on cycle of the signal. In the case of the sine waveform shown in Fig. 1 the time period is the time needed to go from 0 to positive maximum to 0 to negative maximum and to 0 again. This set of transitions forms one period of the sine wave. The frequency of the signal is the number of periods in one second. Mathematically, Frequency, f = 1/T The frequency is expressed in terms of cycles per second or Hertz. Sometimes frequency of the signal is also expressed in terms radians per second. This form of frequency is called angular frequency and is represented by the symbol . Frequency f and the angular frequency are related by expression f = 2 Build the circuit shown in Fig. 2. Figure 2. Note V1 is a signal source (not the power source). Furthermore, XSC is an oscilloscope, which is a measuring device that can display the waveform of a signal. Change the setting of the multi-meter (XMM) to AC for measuring AC voltage. In this mode it will measure the RMS value of the AC signal. From the oscilloscope display measure the time period T T = _____________ Fall 2010 2 Syed A. Rizvi Department of Engineering Science and Physics ENS 136 Now calculate the frequency f = 1/T = ______________ Is it the same as frequency of the AC source voltage? Now measure the peak voltage from the oscilloscope display (any positive peak) Vpeak = _____________ Calculate the RMS voltage as Vrms = Vpeak / srt(2) Is the calculated Vrms the same as the one measure by the multimeter? Now build the circuit shown in Fig. 3. This circuit represents two-phase 110 volts power supply. Note that in the circuit shown in Fig. 3 V1 and V2 are power sources (not the signal sources). Also, V2 has a phase difference of 180 o with respect to V1. Fall 2010 3 Syed A. Rizvi Department of Engineering Science and Physics ENS 136 Figure 3. Now measure the voltage between the +tive terminal of V1 and the ground (call it V1), the voltage between the +tive terminal of V2 and the ground (call it V2), and the voltage between the +tive terminal of V1 and the +tive terminal of V2 (call it V12). Record your measurement below: V1 = ___________ V2 = ___________ V12 = ___________ Now from the oscilloscope measure the peak voltages for sources V1 and V2 (call them V1peak and V2peak, respectively) as well as the maximum difference between V1 and V2 (call it V12peak). V1peak = ____________ V2peak = ____________ V12peak = ____________ Now compute RMS voltages as follows: V1rms = V1peak / srt(2) = ____________ V2rms = V2peak / srt(2) = ____________ V12rms = V12peak / srt(2) = ____________ Are these values the same as the measured values? Now change the phase of the AC source V2 to “0.” How does it impact the values of V1, V2, and V12? Please explain. Fall 2010 4 Syed A. Rizvi Department of Engineering Science and Physics ENS 136 Build the circuit in Fig. 4 (XFG is a function generator). Select sinusoidal signal from the signal generator with 10 volts peak-to-peak amplitude. Measure the peak-to-peak output voltage (across the capacitor) and the current for each of the input frequencies shown in table 1. Figure 4. Plot the data in Table 1 in terms of frequency vs VCPP as well as IC. Explain the behavior of the capacitor with the change in frequency. Fall 2010 5 Syed A. Rizvi Department of Engineering Science and Physics ENS 136 Table 1 Frequency VCPP IC 0.001 Hz 20 Hz 50 Hz 100 Hz 200 Hz 300 Hz 400 Hz 500 Hz 600 Hz 700 Hz 800 Hz 900 Hz 1 KHz 2 KHz 4 KHz 6 KHz 8 KHz 10 KHz 15 KHz 20 KHz Fall 2010 6 Syed A. Rizvi Department of Engineering Science and Physics ENS 136 Build the circuit in Fig. 5. Select sinusoidal signal from the signal generator with 10 volts peak-to-peak amplitude. Measure the peak-to-peak output voltage (across the inductor) and the current for each of the input frequencies shown in table 2. Figure 5. Plot the data in Table 2 in terms of frequency vs VLPP as well as IL. Explain the behavior of the inductor with the change in frequency. Fall 2010 7 Syed A. Rizvi Department of Engineering Science and Physics ENS 136 Table 2 Frequency VLPP IL 0.001 Hz 20 Hz 50 Hz 100 Hz 200 Hz 300 Hz 400 Hz 500 Hz 600 Hz 700 Hz 800 Hz 900 Hz 1 KHz 2 KHz 4 KHz 6 KHz 8 KHz 10 KHz 15 KHz 20 KHz Fall 2010 8 Syed A. Rizvi