NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT French Society, Learning, Employability and Culture Learner’s Notes [NATIONAL 5] This advice and guidance has been produced to support the profession with the delivery of courses which are either new or which have aspects of significant change within the new national qualifications (NQ) framework. The advice and guidance provides suggestions on approaches to learning and teaching. Practitioners are encouraged to draw on the materials for their own part of their continuing professional development in introducing new national qualifications in ways that match the needs of learners. Practitioners should also refer to the course and unit specifications and support notes which have been issued by the Scottish Qualifications Authority. This document includes web links (ie urls) to specific YouTube clips. Please note the following: 1. 2. When you click on these web links you are moving away from the Education Scotland website. Education Scotland is not responsible for content on external websites. As YouTube provides an open forum for users to post comments it is recommended that practitioners check the clips, and any appended comments, in advance so as to assess suitability before directing learners to them. Acknowledgement The publisher gratefully acknowledges permission to use the following source: images © Microsoft clipart. © Crown copyright 2012. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit or e-mail: Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should be sent to us at This document is also available from our website at 2 SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 Contents Introduction 4 Reading 5 Listening 16 Talking and listening 25 Writing 36 SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 3 INTRODUCTION Introduction Contexts: Society, learning, employability and culture Skills: Reading, listening, talking and writing Learning intentions for this resource To develop and improve skills in reading, writing, talking and listening in French. To improve understanding of the themes of society, learning, employability and culture, by integrating the skills of reading, listening, listening and talking and writing To develop knowledge of language, in particular confidence using the present, future and conditional tenses in writing and talking activities. 4 SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 READING Reading Learning intentions To read a French text and use a variety of skills and techniques to work out its meaning. To recognise a variety of tenses in the text . Success criteria I can reflect on and use the skills I need to read a French text and work out the meaning. I can identify familiar words, cognates and key words to understand the text and use a bilingual dictionary to help me look up unfamiliar vocabulary. I can work alone or with others to identify and understand specific information contained in the text about employability, education, citizenship and culture. I can recognise and understand the variety of French tenses that are used in the text. I can recognise a variety of tenses in French and understand their contribution to the sense of the text. SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 5 READING Activity 1: Think, pair, share Brainstorm the techniques you will use when reading an unfamiliar French text and complete the spider diagram. Then decide on the key learning skills you will use while reading the text of Céline’s blog and completing the activities. 6 SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 READING Reading: Céline’s blog Céline has posted the following on her online blog about her gap year in the Democratic Republic of Niger. She is spending her gap year working for an international aid agency teaching children in a primary sch ool. Activity 2: Skim for gist Use three different coloured pencils/highlighters to do the following for the blog text: (a) (b) (c) Highlight any familiar language you recognise. Highlight any cognates you recognise. Highlight any unfamiliar language that you thi nk could be a key word. Use a dictionary to look up any new vocabulary that you consider important and note it down. SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 7 READING Je viens de partir de Niamey, la capitale de la République du Niger et je suis arrivée en France lundi. C’est dommage que mon année sabbatique soit finie parce que c’était vraiment génial. Ceci dit, avant de partir, j’admets que je me suis sentie très nerveuse. J’ai travaillé pendant douze mois comme institutrice dans une école primaire. J’habitais dans une petite maison et le logement était assez confortable. De plus, la vue qu’on avait était superbe parce que la maison se situait près du Grand Marché et j’aimais regarder les gens faire leurs courses. Nous étions deux institutrices dans l’école, une femme plus âgée et avec plus d’expérience ; et moi. Je m’entendais plutôt bien avec elle. Je travaillais du lundi au vendredi de sept heures trente à seize heures trente. C’était fatigant mais j’ai aimé le travail. Pendant mon stage, j’ai appris aux enfants à parler anglais. Je leur ai aussi appris des chansons et des poèmes. Nous avons lu des histoires et nous avons joué des jeux. Les enfants étaient vraiment amusants et pleins de vie. Ils se sont bien amusés, et ont surtout apprécié les jeux! J’ai beaucoup aimé le contact avec les gens et travailler avec les enfants. C’est vrai qu’au début, je trouvais l’accent difficile à comprendre mais après avoir travaillé pendant deux semaines, je comprenais presque tout ce qu’on me disait. Ce que j’ai aimé le plus c’est que j’ai appris beauco up de choses au sujet de la culture et des traditions du pays, comme la musique et l’architecture, en parlant avec l’autre institutrice et les enfants. De temps en temps, je suis allée manger dans des restaurants traditionnels pour déguster les spécialités locales. Mon plat préféré s’appelle Tukasu ; c’est un plat préparé avec du mouton, des tomates, des oignons, de l’ail, des dattes et plusieurs épices différentes. C’est délicieux ! A mon avis, mon stage était une bonne expérience parce que le travail é tait à la fois varié et intéressant. Malgré mon manque d’expérience, tout s’est très bien passé. En effet plus tard, j’aimerais travailler comme institutrice, donc ce stage m’a aidé à acquérir de l’expérience dans ce domaine. Grâce à ce travail, j’ai pu me faire plein d’amis et gagner un peu d’argent pour voyager à la République du Niger. J’ai passé une semaine à visiter différents lieux ; ce qui était super. 8 SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 READING J’ai beaucoup aimé la grande ville qui s’appelle Zinder et je recommanderais à ceux qui y vont de visiter le Palais du Sultan parce qu’il est magnifique. Quant à mes projets pour l’avenir, j’espère trouver un emploi ici en France pour gagner ma vie. En effet, je vais retourner à Niamey l’année prochaine et j’irai rendre visite à mes amis et mes anciens élèves à l’école primaire. Ma meilleure amie va m’accompagner, ce sera super! Pour conclure, c’était une expérience que je n’oublierai jamais! SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 9 READING Activity 3: Scan for information Make notes in English on what you think the passage is about using the grid below. Consider where Céline was, what she did, the cultural references, the advantages of her experience and her future plans. Use a dictionary if you need to look up new words, and think about the approaches to understanding a reading passage in French that you discussed before looking at the text. Where? What? Who? Accommodation? Work activities? Positive points? Difficulties? Visited? Future plans? 10 SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 READING Activity 4: Peer quiz In pairs, make up a list of six questions that you think highlight the key points in Céline’s blog. Your questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Now swap these with another pair and try to answer their questions. Your answers to their questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 11 READING Activity 5: Quiz Your teacher/lecturer may wish to check your comprehension of the text. Activity 6: Odd man out Either on your own or in pairs, decide which phrase is the odd one out and give the reason for your decision. Reason Elle va Tu feras Nous mangeons Ils sortent Je suis allé Ils ont mangé Elle va arriver Elles sont parties Magnifique Délicieux Amusants Difficiles Ce sera Elle était Je suis Il a La capitale L’école La maison Le marché Vous joueriez Elle devrait Je recommanderai On pourrait Regarder Travailler Partir Aimer Le mouton La tomate L’oignon L’ail Now make up three sets of your own ‘odd men out’ and swap them with your partner. You can then swap this with another pair and work out which phrases are correct in each section. Give a reason for your choice in each case. Reason 12 SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 READING Activity 7: Knowledge about language: Give one, get one In this activity you can focus on finding different aspects of language in Céline’s blog and translate them into English. Rules In pairs, take it in turns to find the different parts of language as specified in the box below. Person A gives an answer eg a time phrase or an adjective and if correct, gets a point. Swap over so person B can give an answer, if they get it right, they win a point. If you get stuck or run out of answers, pass to the other person and they can win a bonus point if they answer correctly. The winner is the person with the most points at the end of the activity. (a) Four time phrases (b) Four adjectives (c) Four perfect tense phrases (d) Four imperfect tense phrases (e) Two conditional tense phrases (f) Two future tense phrases SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 13 READING Activity 8: Research and cultural awareness Using the internet and any other resources available to you, research the Republic of Niger or any other francophone country and present your information to the rest of the class. The information you might want to find out could include: the capital city population the longest river the highest mountain typical food and drink any traditions/customs that you find interesting any other languages that are spoken in the country. Deliver your presentation in French and be prepared to answer questions about it in French. Here are a couple of websites that might help you: 14 SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 READING Reading self-assessment Learning intentions To read a French text and use a variety of skills and techniques to work out its meaning. To recognise a variety of tenses in the text. Read the success criteria and tick the box beside each one that you thinks best indicates how well you have done. Success criteria Assez bien Bien Très bien I can reflect on and use the skills I need to read a French text and work out the meaning. I can identify familiar words, cognates and key words to understand the text and use a bilingual dictionary to help me look up unfamiliar vocabulary. I can work alone or with others to identify and understand specific information contained in the text about employability, education, citizenship and culture. I can recognise and understand a variety of French tenses that are used in the text. I can recognise a variety of tenses in French and understand their contribution to the sense of the text. Areas for improvement SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 15 LISTENING Listening Watch a video and listen to a conversation among three people about school subjects, part-time jobs and career aspirations. The video has been divided into three sections. Each time you watch the video, you will be given a new task with a different focus. Learning intentions To listen to a French text, using a variety of skills and techniques to make sense of it. To listen to and understand a range of familiar and unfamiliar vocabulary and tenses in the text. To listen to and recognise a range of tenses and be able to understand the differences between them. Success criteria I can reflect on and use the skills I need to be able to listen to a Fren ch text and make sense of it. I can work with others to successfully discuss and collate ideas . I can listen for and identify key words, familiar words and cognates that help me to understand the text. I can understand new, unfamiliar vocabulary and phrase s to do with the themes of learning, employability, citizenship and culture. I can recognise and understand the variety of tenses used in the French text. I can listen and take notes in English to help me remember and organise my ideas. 16 SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 LISTENING Activity 1: Think, pair, share Brainstorm the listening techniques you will use when listening to an unfamiliar French text and complete the spider diagram, deciding on the key learning skills you will need to complete the following listening activities. Listening skills My Listening Skills SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 17 LISTENING Activity 2: Catchword During this activity you must focus on listening and recognising familiar words and phrases, as this will help you to identify the correct card. Rules 18 You have 11 cards, each containing key words and phrases. Lay the cards out flat so you can see every card. Competing against your partner, watch the video and as soon as you hear the key vocabulary on the cards, try to pick up the appropriate card first. The person with the most cards at the end of the first hearing is the win ner. SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 LISTENING Activity 3: The sequence shuffle During this activity, focus on listening and recognising longer phrases and pieces of text as you hear them, as this will help you to identify the correct order of the cards. Rules You have 14 cards, each containing different parts of the transcript. Lay the cards out flat and skim read each one before the second hearing. Watch the video again and this time try to put the cards in the correct order as you hear them. Once you have put your cards into a sequence, compare the order of your cards to that of your partner. Your teacher/lecturer will then check if you have the right sequence. Activity 4: The three specialists Rules Work in groups of three. Specialist A must focus on what Marion says . Specialist B must focus on what Philippe says. Specialist C must focus on what Frédéric says. Each person must take notes in English and fill out the appropriate grid with the correct information as you all watch the video. The pauses will allow you to take meaningful notes. Once you have each completed your respective grid, share the information you have gathered and fill out the other parts of the grid. SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 19 LISTENING Information to find Philippe Profession Responsibilities Hours of work Where he works How he finds it 2 types of topics he writes about Languages he studied at school Other subjects he studied (any 5) Where he studied journalism How long he has been a journalist Advantages of knowing the language of the country 20 SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 LISTENING Information to find Frédéric What languages he studies Where he works Who he gives advice to What he gives advice about Why he likes it What he intends to learn SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 21 LISTENING Information to find Marion What she does at the moment What she wants to be What interests her most? Options of where to work in the future Who she wants to work for Where she could work Why it would be difficult How she describes the job 22 SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 LISTENING Activity 5: Quiz Your teacher/lecturer may wish to check that you have understood the video by asking you to complete some questions. SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 23 LISTENING Listening self-assessment Learning intention To listen to a French text, using a variety of skills and techniques to make sense of it. To listen to and understand a range of familiar and unfamiliar vocabulary and tenses in the text. To listen to and recognise a range of tenses and be able to understand the differences between them. Read the success criteria and tick the box beside each one that you thinks best indicates how well you have done. Success criteria Assez bien Bien I can reflect on and use the skills I need to be able to listen to a French text and make sense of it. I can work with others to successfully discuss and collate ideas. I can listen for and identify key words, familiar words and cognates that help me to understand the text. I can understand new, unfamiliar vocabulary and phrases to do with the themes of learning, employability, citizenship and culture. I can recognise and understand the variety of tenses used in the French text. I can listen and take notes in English to help me remember and organise my ideas. Areas for improvement 24 SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 Très bien TALKING AND LISTENING Talking and listening Learning intentions To ask someone questions about their future plans in French . To answer questions about your future plans in French . Success criteria I can reflect on and use the skills and knowledge I need to be able to hold a conversation in French about future plans. I can use a variety of vocabulary and structures as well as the fu ture and conditional tenses accurately. I can respond to questions, giving my opinions and reasons in French and going beyond minimal responses. I can listen to specific questions and answer them appropriately using correct tenses and appropriate vocabulary. SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 25 TALKING AND LISTENING Activity 1: Think, pair, share Brainstorm what skills and knowledge you will need in order to talk about your future plans in French and complete the spider diagram. 26 SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 TALKING AND LISTENING Activity 2: Match points Your teacher/lecturer will issue you with ‘match point cards’. The aim of this game is to familiarise yourself with the language on the cards and work out the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary. In pairs, match the questions on the cards with the correct answers. Compete against another pair to see who can finish first. Then check your answers with them to ensure you have all matched the right cards. SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 27 TALKING AND LISTENING Activity 3: Time for tenses The focus of this activity is for you to identify various phrases in the future and conditional tenses. In the table below, write down every future tense phrase and conditional tense phrase you can spot on the cards and translate them into English. Future phrases French 28 English SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 TALKING AND LISTENING Conditional phrases French English SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 29 TALKING AND LISTENING Activity 4: Give one, get one Rules Person A gives an answer by naming a future or conditional phrase that they have identified in the text and noted down in activity 3. If they are correct, they get a point. Swap over so person B can give an answer. If they get it right, they win a point. If you get stuck or run out of answers, you must pass to the other person , who can win a bonus point if they answer correctly. The winner is the person with the most points at the end of the activity. Activity 5: Fish in the pond The focus of this game is for you to practise pronouncing the questions and answers on the cards. Rules 30 In pairs, use one set of match point cards, both questions and answers, and place them all face down. Take it in turns to turn over two at a time, trying to find a matching pair of cards, ie a question and its answer. Once you find a match, read out the question , answer in French and explain what they mean in order to win the point. If you cannot say what they mean, put them back in the pond. If you get the meaning correct, keep those cards and at the end of the game, the person with the most matching cards wins. SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 TALKING AND LISTENING Activity 6: Dominoes The aim of the game is to listen to the questio ns carefully and match them to the correct answers. Rules In groups of four, deal out the dominos so everyone has two or three cards. Whoever has the word ‘DÉBUT’ written on their card begins by reading out that question. Listen carefully to the question and if you think you have the correct answer, read your card aloud. Then read out the question, the person with the corresponding domino has to answer. Continue until all the dominos are matched. Try to get to the last card, with the word ‘FIN’, before the other groups in the class. You may use support materials to help you. Activity 7: Pass the parcel The focus of this activity is to ask a question, making sure you are pronouncing the words correctly, and answer them as best as you can. You may have some good ideas of sample answers from the previous activity but you should also try to answer with your own ideas. Rules Your teacher will give you a bag containing question cards. In groups or as a whole class, pass around the bag while listening to music. When the music stops, read the question on the card aloud and answer it as best you can. If you answer correctly, you can keep the card. When the music restarts, pass the bag around again. The person with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner. SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 31 TALKING AND LISTENING Activity 8: The Grand Old Duke of York/inside outside circle Rules Choose to be either person A or person B. If you are person A, get into a circle with all the other As. If you are person B, stand behind a person A and form a bigger circle w ith all the other Bs. Begin by using the same question cards from ‘Pass the Parcel’. These cards should be shared out amongst the As. When told to start, person A asks person B the question on their card. Person B listens carefully to the question and responds by giving as much relevant information in French as they can. You may use appropriate resources to help you. Person B then asks person A the same question and person A responds as best they can. On your teacher’s/lecturer’s instructions, move clockwis e so you are facing the next person. Follow the same process as before, but this time you will need to answer a new question. When you have returned to your original place, you may have answered all the questions. You can now start again but without support materials. 32 SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 TALKING AND LISTENING Activity 9: Fill the gap The focus of this activity is to apply the language you have learned in previous activities to ask questions, listen to and understand your partner’s answers, and answer questions about your own future plans. Working in pairs, fill out the table about your partner. Ask the correct questions (remember what you have learned in the previous activities) and listen very carefully to your partner ’s answers. Complete the table in English. Try not to use support mater ials. Once you have filled in the gaps about your partner, swap over so your partner can ask you questions Gap fill grid Information prompts Your partner’s answers L’année prochaine? Après le Lycée L’Universtié Le travail Les voyages SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 33 TALKING AND LISTENING Activity 10: Report back Working with another pair, take turns to report what your partner’s future plans are in French to the other pair. Make sure you listen carefully to what each person says so you can fill out two more tables. Your teacher/lecturer might ex pect you to report on the future plans of any of the other people in your group. 34 SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 TALKING AND LISTENING Talking and listening self-assessment Learning intentions To ask someone questions about their future plans in French . To answer questions about your future plans in French. Read the success criteria and tick the box beside each one that you thinks best indicates how well you have done. Success criteria Assez bien Bien Très bien I can reflect on and use the skills and knowledge I need to be able to hold a conversation in French about future plans. I can use a variety of vocabulary and structures as well as the future and conditional tenses accurately. I can respond to questions, giving my opinions and reasons in French and going beyond minimal responses. I can listen to specific questions and answer them appropriately using correct tenses and appropriate vocabulary. Areas for improvement SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 35 WRITING Writing Learning intentions To write your CV in French in order to apply for a job. To write a blog to describe your future plans using the future and conditional tenses accurately. Success criteria I can complete a CV in French about my own experience to date using appropriate and accurate language. I can work with others to discuss what makes a good piece of writing and the skills I will use to produce it. I can produce a piece of writing in French using a range of vocabulary, structures and tenses accurately to describe my future plans using appropriate support materials. I can express opinions in French and give reasons using opinion phrases and conjunctions. I can work alone and with others to check the accuracy of a piece of writing, focusing on spelling, accents, verb endings and tenses. 36 SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 WRITING Activity 1: Think, pair, share Brainstorm the techniques you will use to produce a good piece of writing in French and complete the spider diagram. Then decide on the key learning skills you will use when writing your CV and blog in French SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 37 WRITING Activity 2: CV You are applying for a job with an internatio nal aid agency for your gap year in the Republic of Niger. Complete the CV below in French with your personal information. Prénom : Formation: Nom de famille: Collège: Dates: Matières: Situation personnelle et état civil Nationalité: Examens: Âge: Date de naissance: Expérience professionnelle: Situation de famille: Nom de l’entreprise: Adresse: Dates: Position: Responsabilités: Adresse email: Langues: Nom de l’entreprise: Informatique: Dates: Position: Intérêts: 38 Responsabilités: SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 WRITING Activity 3: The error detective In pairs or working alone, read the following two texts about two male students’ future plans. There are six mistakes in each text. Can you spot them? Note them in the table and correct the word or phrase. Then compare your answers with a partner or another pair. Text A Après le lycée, j’ai l’intention de continuer mes études à la fac. Je voudras étudier les sciences. Mon prof dit que je suis fort en sciences et en plus, je les adore. Ce qui m’intéresse le plus, c’est que cela me donne l’occasion de découvrir beaucoup de nouvelles choses qui peuvent améliorer notre monde. En ce qui concerne mon métier, je travaillai comme scientifique et je fairai de la recherche. En particulier, j’aimeras travailler dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique pour l'aide au Tiers Monde. Je pense que ce sea un travail utile et important. A mon avis, ce qui sera génial , sera de pouvoir voyager et peut-être visiter les pays et les gens qui vant profiter de ma recherche. Error in text Correction SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 39 WRITING Text B Dans le futur, je voulais être avocat. En ce moment, j’étudie le français, l’anglais, l’espagnol et les sciences politiques au lycée. Si possible, j’ira à la fac l’année prochaine pour étudier le droit. C’est vrai que je devai étudier pendant cinq ans et après, je trouvera un emploi dans une grande ville. Je travailleri pour une grande entreprise parce que je voudrais gagner beaucoup d’argent. Pourtant, je sais qu’il faura travailler des heures longues et dures mais je suis motivé et travailleur. En plus, mon oncle est avocat et il adore son métier. Il dit qu’on peut travailler en équipe, aider les gen s qui ont besoin du conseil et on peut protéger les gens vulnérables. Ce serait mon rêve! En effet mon oncle m’a beaucoup conseillé et par conséquent j’ai décidé de ce que je ferai après le lycée. Error in text 40 Correction SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 WRITING Activity 4: Teacher talk Reread the two pieces of writing from activity 3. What makes these pieces of writing good? You can note down any phrases you consider good in the following table and add your own ideas. Share your ideas with a partner From the text Your own ideas Time phrases Conjunctions Opinion phrases Any other good phrases SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 41 WRITING Activity 5: Blogger Now it is your turn to write a blog about your future plans. Rules Write 120–150 words about your future plans. Use future and conditional tenses accurately. Structure your piece of writing coherently. Use a range of vocabulary, structures and conjunctions. Give your opinion and reasons for your opinions using good essay phrases. Include details of: what you are studying at the moment what you are interested in or good at what training/studies you will have to undertake why you want to follow this career path where you would like to work. You may use a dictionary and any other appropriate resources. Activity 6: Self- and peer assessment Check your blog for accuracy of spelling, accents, tenses, verb endings, punctuation and to ensure your writing makes sense! Now swap with a partner. Using a coloured pencil or highlighter, underline any errors that you can spot in your partner’s work. Use the correction code below to help you, and complete the self- and peer- assessment sheet. Write a piece of helpful feedback on your partner’s work to help him/her improve it. Swap back and make the appropriate corrections to your own work. Sp Acc T Spelling Accent Tense S P VE Sense Punctuation Verb ending Once you have corrected your work, you could submit it to your teacher/lecturer to be checked. 42 SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 WRITING Writing self-assessment Learning intentions To write your CV in French in order to apply for a job. To write a blog to describe your future plans using the future and conditional tenses accurately. Read the success criteria and tick the box beside each one that you thinks best indicates how well you have done. Success criteria Assez bien Bien Très bien I can complete a CV in French about my own experience to date using appropriate and accurate language. I can work with others to discuss what makes a good piece of writing and the skills I will use to produce it. I can produce a piece of writing in French using a range of vocabulary, structures and tenses accurately to describe my future plans using appropriate support materials. I can express opinions in French and give reasons using opinion phrases and conjunctions. I can work alone and with others to check the accuracy of a piece of writing, focusing on spelling, accents, verb endings and tenses. Areas for improvement SOCIETY, LEARNING, EMPLOYABILITY AND CULTURE (NATIONAL 5, FRENCH) © Crown copyright 2012 43