African horse sickness

OIE Collaborating Centre Reports
Activities in 2010
Title of Collaborating Centre:
Address of Collaborating Centre:
Diagnosis of Animal Diseases and Vaccine
Evaluation in the Americas
Institute for International Collaboration in Animal Biologics,
2160 College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011
Tel.: (+1-515) 294.84.59
Fax: (+1-515) 294.82.59
e-mail address:
Name of Head of Centre
(Responsible Official):
James A. Roth, DVM, PhD
Name of OIE Contact Point:
James A. Roth, DVM, PhD
Name of writer of this report
(if different from above)
Jane Galyon, MS
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Diagnosis of Animal Diseases and Vaccine Evaluation in the Americas
Part I: Summary of activities specifically related to the mandate of
OIE Collaborating Centres
Activities as a centre of research, expertise, standardisation and dissemination of techniques
within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE
The Institute for International Cooperation in Animal Biologics (IICAB) and the Center for Food Security
and Public Health (CFSPH) have developed and currently maintain a comprehensive website with
information on animal and zoonotic diseases The website received 7.7 million hits in
2010, and 40-50% of the visitors are from countries other than the United States. The website includes 153
technical fact sheets, 112 one-page fact sheets for general audiences, 413 annotated diagnostic images and 57
PowerPoints with speaker notes (all in English). The IICAB has a dedicated staff that continuously updates
the disease fact sheets. This site is the number one search result on Google using the keywords “animal
disease information.” These materials are available at
In 2010, the IICAB developed a Spanish language version of the website (
As of December 2010, the site contains 58 technical fact sheets, annotated diagnostic images, as well as
information for the general public. All of the English fact sheets will be translated into Spanish during the
next year.
The IICAB and CFSPH have continued and expanded online training opportunities from the website Training includes the Emerging and Exotic
Diseases of Animals web-based course for U.S. veterinary students (and for students seeking to become
accredited veterinarians), online training website for the U.S. National Animal Health Emergency Response
Corps, and a new online course entitled Basic Veterinary Immunology and Principals of Vaccination.
The IICAB continued to maintain the Compendium of Vaccines for Transboundary Animal Diseases. The
Directory currently contains 524 vaccine entries for 138 different manufacturers covering 70 countries and 39
transboundary diseases. In 2010 there were approximately 80,000 page views. The Vaccine Compendium
remains the number one search result on Google using the keywords “vaccine directory.”
Also in 2010, the CFSPH added information to the website to help rural residents and communities prepare
for agriculture threats. The site covers natural disasters (floods, tornados, hurricanes, blizzards), biological
threats, manmade disasters, and general preparedness for emergencies
Proposal or development of any procedure that will facilitate harmonisation of international
regulations applicable to the surveillance and control of animal diseases, food safety or animal
The IICAB has two primary projects to facilitate harmonization of international regulations. The goal is to provide
transparency on the U.S. process for USDA accreditation, inspection, import and export of animals and animal
products and vaccine and diagnostic test kit evaluation.
Translation of the Emerging and Exotic Diseases of Animals textbook into Spanish (Fall 2010) and
translation of the online course, to be offered in 2011. Translation of educational materials for the US
National Veterinary Accreditation Program is coming in 2011.
The IICAB Veterinary Biologics Training Program, offered each year in May.
Placement of expert consultants at the disposal of the OIE
Dr. Roth is co-authoring a chapter for the 2011 OIE Manual of Standards on Henipaviruses.
In 2010 the IICAB had requests for information or assistance from almost 80 individuals from 35 different
countries. While the IICAB could not accommodate all requests for assistance, information or additional
potential sources of assistance was provided to those who asked. The IICAB continually receives requests for
permission to use fact sheets and images from the image database.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Diagnosis of Animal Diseases and Vaccine Evaluation in the Americas
Part II: Other activities related to the mandate
of OIE Collaborating Centres
Provision of scientific and technical training, within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE, to
personnel from OIE Members
Organisation of scientific meetings on behalf of the OIE
IICAB Veterinary Biologics Training Program, May 11-21, 2010, Ames, Iowa USA, 139 participants from
17 different countries.
Organization of: “Practical Alternatives to Reduce Animal Testing in Quality Control of Veterinary
Biologicals in the Americas,” February 18-19, 2010 at Laboratorio Nacional de Sanidad Animal del
SENASA, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Organized with PROSAIA, IABS, OIE, and SENASA.
Coordination of scientific and technical studies in collaboration with other laboratories,
organisations or collaborating centres
IICAB Veterinary Biologics Training Program – A total of 139 individuals participated in the 2010 Program,
held May 11-21, including 44 international representatives from the following countries: Argentina,
Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Germany, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, Palestine,
Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and The Netherlands. This is the 15th consecutive year the Program has
been offered. The annual program has become known throughout the veterinary biologics field as a
successful way to train scientific and technical staff. Participants received detailed lecture notes. Information
about the 2011 program is available at:
Basic Veterinary Immunology and Principles of Vaccination – this information has been delivered for the
past 15 years as part of the Veterinary Biologics Training Program. It is now available through the CFSPH
website at Individuals receive 120-day access to 34 online video lectures in
segments totalling 17 hours. Course notes and Power Points of lecture slides are delivered to participants in
print versions as well as made available online. Individuals and groups can register for the course at this
address, with group rates available for ten or more participants.
The IICAB is working with PROSAIA, a foundation in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on the initiative to provide
Spanish language resources to the countries in the Americas.
The IICAB is working with the Norwegian Veterinary Institute and OIE Collaborating Center for
Epidemiology and Risk Assessment for Aquatic Animal Diseases (Prince Edward Island, Canada) to
organize the second International Aquatic Biosecurity Conference in Norway in 2011.
The IICAB has communicated with OIE Sub-Regional Representative for the Southern African Development
Community (SADC) on the development of a proposal to enhance biosecurity in aquatic operations.
The IICAB met with the other U.S. based OIE Collaborating Centers to learn what each Center is working on
and to collaborate on some projects. The IICAB is currently collaborating with the OIE Collaborating
Centers at CEAH (Epidemiology) and the University of Minnesota (Professional Veterinary Services).
The IICAB provided copies of the Enfermedades Emergentes y Exóticas de los Animales textbook to the
representatives at the OIE Region of the Americas meeting, held in Uruguay in November 2010.
The IICAB provided 400 copies of Emerging and Exotic Diseases of Animals and 80 copies of Enfermedades
Emergentes y Exóticas de los Animales textbooks to the OIE Central Office in December 2010.
Dr. James Roth participated in the meeting of OIE Collaborating Centers and Reference Laboratories held in
Paris, France in June 2010.
Publication and dissemination of any information within the remit of the mandate given by the
OIE that may be useful to Members of the OIE
Books, DVDs, Web Publishing
Emerging and Exotic Diseases of Animals, 4th Edition, Second Printing, 2010. A. R. Spickler, J. A. Roth, J.
Lofstedt, J. Galyon, 383 pages, ISBN#978-0-9745525-8-3.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Diagnosis of Animal Diseases and Vaccine Evaluation in the Americas
Enfermedades Emergentes y Exóticas de los Animales, Primera Edición, 2010. A. R. Spickler, J. A. Roth, J.
Galyon, . Lofstedt, M. V. Lenardón, 336 pages, ISBN#978-0-9846270-0-4.
IICAB 2010 Veterinary Biologics Training Program, Block 1, Block 2, Block 3 lecture notes and reference
materials. Available through the IICAB office.
Emerging and Exotic Diseases of Animals, 2010, a web based course for veterinary students and veterinarians.
IICAB website (, contains fact sheets, diagnostic images, PowerPoints,
infection control information and other animal health resources.
All-Hazard website and booklet, developed as a resource for citizens of rural agricultural communities –
individuals, farmers and producers, businesses – to raise awareness of the natural and man-made threats to these
communities and their commodities.
Weingartl, H. and J.A. Roth. 2010. Veterinary vaccines for Henipaviruses. OIE Manual of Standards. Accepted for
Roth J.A., and A.R. Spickler. 2010. Duration of immunity to companion animal vaccines. Animal Health Research
Reviews 11(2):165-190.
Ackermann, M., R. Derscheid, and J. A. Roth. 2010. Innate Immunology of Bovine Respiratory Disease. Vet Clin
Food Anim 26: 215-228.
Rovid Spickler, A. and J.A. Roth. 2010. Zoonoses, In: The Merck Veterinary Manual, 10th Edition. Pages 2747 –
Institute on US National Security Policymaking, “Bioterrorism, Agroterrorism and Securing Our Food Supply”.
University of Delaware, Newark, DE. February 2, 2010.
Symposium on Practical Alternatives to Reduce Animal Testing in Quality Control of Veterinary Biologicals in
the Americas, “Characterization of the Protective Immune Response to Develop Valid in Vitro Correlates of
Protection”. Buenos Aires, Argentina. February 18, 2010.
Panel Moderator: “Advancing Food and Agriculture Safety and Security," 2010 Biosecurity Conference. Chicago,
IL. May 5, 2010.
IICAB Veterinary Biologics Training Program, “Block 1: Immunology and Principles of Vaccination” (20 hours)
Ames, IA, May 11-14, 2010
American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, Equine Post-Graduate Session, “Advances in
Understanding Native Defense Mechanisms”, “Advances in Understanding Cell Mediated Immunity”, “Principles
of Vaccinology: The Utilization of the Immune System to Make a Vaccine Effective”, “Principles of Vaccinology:
Adverse Reactions & Why They Sometimes Fail”, Anaheim, CA, June 10, 2010.
American Association of Swine Veterinarians Annual Meeting, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Symposium,
“Principles of immunology and vaccination”, Vancouver, Canada, June 19, 2010.
DHS Science and Technology Chemical Biological Division Program Summit, “Procurement of Vaccines and
Diagnostics for the National Veterinary Stockpile”, Washington, DC. August 18, 2010.
International Workshop on Alternative Methods to Reduce, Refine, and Replace the Use of Animals in Vaccine
Potency and Safety Testing: State of the Science and Future Directions, “History and Overview of Veterinary
Vaccines and their Importance to Animal Health and Public Health”, Bethesda, MD, September 14, 2010.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010
Diagnosis of Animal Diseases and Vaccine Evaluation in the Americas
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. Swine Academy, “Basic Immunology and Principles of Vaccination” (7
hours), Ames, IA, September 17, 2010.
Tuskegee University College of Veterinary Medicine, “Induction of T cell-mediated immunity by bovine
respiratory viral vaccines”. Tuskegee, Alabama, September 23, 2010.
Symposium on One Medicine, One Health, “Development of a Marker Vaccine and Companion Diagnostic Test
for Nipah Virus”, Tuskegee, Alabama, September 23, 2010.
Science of Veterinary Medicine Research Day Symposium, Keynote Presentation, “Induction of T cell-mediated
immunity by bovine respiratory viral vaccines”, Athens, GA. October 14, 2010.
United Nations Day Celebration: Engaging Americans in the Millennium Development Goals, Panelist, Ames, IA
October 24, 2010.
US Animal Health Association, Foreign and Emerging Diseases Committee, “National Academies' Report on
National Bio and Agrodefense Facility Site Specific Risk Assessment”, co-presenter, November 16, 2010.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010