CS/SE 6362 Term Project Phase 2 Evaluation Fall 2010 Student name: __________________________________ Submission: On time ________ General /5 Project /20 Late penalty ___ Score: /25 General (5 points) Presentation, submission (5) - Overall organization, general technical writing quality o Overall structure of the report is in place (title page, TOC, LOF, LOT, …) o Writing style is appropriate for formal, technical writing Verb tense consistent, written in third person Spell check done Grammar check done Each figure and table has a caption; caption is referred to in the text o References are in IEEE or ACM format - majority of references included are for workshop, conference, journal articles (not websites, whitepapers, etc.). - submitted to e-learning system Consistency with proposal Explain, justify why modifications were needed, made (notation, tool, verification technique, style selected) For engineering projects (20 points) Example system type and domain are clearly specified. Requirements are “good”; verification techniques are clearly specified, with references (modified as needed from phase 1 without penalty). Architecture model Static and dynamic views are presented Notation selected is used correctly Model is easy to read when printed out One level of decomposition per figure, Font size of labels 10 pt-12 pt., Shading or color does not make the model difficult to read Paradigm specific architectural styles/patterns selected with references; justify selection (why is it a good choice?) Architectural style or pattern included as an Appendix Instantiation of the architectural style or pattern is clear in figures Layout of the architecture model for the example is similar to the architectural style or pattern Naming convention of the architecture model for the example indicates the mapping from the architectural style or pattern Modifications to the architectural style or patterns are described, justified Mapping of the architectural style or pattern to the example architecture is explained in text Components and their interactions are clearly and completely described Verification Verification with respect to the requirements - technique is clearly presented, explained Each requirement is verified Any additional verification checks are described Notations, tools, verification techniques are compatible. For survey paper projects (20 points) Topic is on recent paradigm, related to architecture and/or design. Comparison criteria are clearly and precisely described, with references. Summary table is in the Conclusion section, to be refined in phase 3. Outline of paper has been substantially refined - clearly indicates what will be covered, what will be compared, and that work is available to support a survey paper ~45 references. Approximately half of the main body of the paper has been written. For each approach included in the survey so far, the comparison criteria are clearly and consistently applied. Figures from published material have been redrawn, original source of figure cited Technical writing Header/sub-header - content of header/sub-headers matches title of header or sub-header topic sentence - content of paragraphs matches topic sentence Citations, references are clearly assigned to support the outline topics, comparison criteria; approx. 20 references are cited so far. Comments: see report.